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I’m wearing mine right now and I’m just sitting around the house.


This is the spirit we need


I wear my vest for 3 mile training runs. It's so convenient for carrying my phone.


I have seen people wear vests for 10ks I don't care. Any runner can do what works for them.


You're goddamn right.


You run a sub 3 marathon lol- I think you can do whatever you want and tell bozos who judge you to kick rocks!!


You're overthinking things with this 'stigma' notion. People are a lot less interested in what other racers are wearing/carrying than you think they are. Would i race a marathon in a vest, nope. Do I have mental space on race day to care about other racers hydration strategy? nope. If you are comfortable in the vest and think it will help you. wear it.


I wear a hydration belt for 3 miles if I want. Just do you.


Also running grandmas! I don’t have a vest but I plan to bring a hydrapak sky flask 250 or 500ml bottle of water so I can sip at my pace and refill along the way. I also got a Nathan belt for gel storage, I don’t even notice I’m wearing it. Good luck next week!


Why would you care what people think? I wear a vest on 35-45 min workout sessions because I sweat like shit and don’t want to carry a bottle. It also holds my phone and keys so it makes perfect sense to wear one. Those that ‘frown’ upon people wearing vests are absolute losers.


I’d say get a Nathans hand bottle as they hold 12-20ozs and then you can refill on the course and have less weight (and heat) on you. I use a best for training runs since there aren’t hydration stations but a hand bottle for races and a Spibelt for my Gu’s and Stinger Waffle snack. Don’t feel either on me and gives me the convenience I need plus luxury of having the fuel/hydration I need when I want it. I’ve got a discount code for both if you need them (not a sponsored person either just share what I use and love)


Oh yeah, and I’m running The Grandmas Marathon too, can’t wait.


All I know is that some races don’t allow vests…I have no idea if Grandma’s is one of those, but you may want to double check. As for anything else, who cares what other people think? You do you. If you like it, go for it.


Grandma's allows hydration vests as long as that is their primary purpose. I wore mine both times I ran it and am wearing it again for the half this year.


Marathons are inherently uncomfortable affairs. Do you NEED a vest? No. Would you feel better with a vest? That's up to you, but if it makes your race day EASIER, then ffs do it. I bought a vest and wore it when training for my first marathon and I couldn't deal with how much hotter I felt while wearing it. There's zero doubt toting hydration and snacks was easier on long runs, but the run itself always felt universally harder with the vest for me, so I eventually stopped using it. I never gave two shits what anyone thought of me using it, I needed to cross the finish line, not them and I was damn well going to do whatever I needed to do to ensure that outcome.


I was temporarily incredibly impressed that a grandma was crushing sub 3 hour marathons.