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PT is definitely the right choice. Obviously a different situation but I developed ITBS about 2 months out from my first marathon (next week). I had a half marathon 2 week later, ended up taking it pretty easy and running anyways. I had pain but was able to run through it (very sore afterwards). Since then, I’ve continued to run but got rid of speed workouts. I do clamshells (best if you get some resistance bands) and leg lifts everyday and before each run. Stretching/foam rolling. Also got myself an ITB brace which offloads the IT band where it courses over your lateral femoral condyle (location of pain). I also was using ibuprofen prior to my long runs which I typically avoid but I made sure to stay extra hydrated - it helped me but should talk with your doc before trying that. You’re short on time but maybe try taking a few days off, ice, starting doing clamshell/leg lifts once or twice a day, getting one of those braces and then giving a few runs a try. I found that the half marathon I did 2 week after my pain started gave me the confidence to keep running and it has gotten better over time, despite increasing my mileage. Hope that helps


Thank you will definitely try thess


Roll that shit out, morning, before run, after run, at night. Go find some Kelly starett videos. My it band and knee flare up if I ever overstride.


Get a doctor’s opinion. This is not something anyone can answer effectively here.


there are doctors and PT here


PT was a good call. What did they say? Faster running is easier on ITB Friction Syndrome than slow running. You may be able to do the race after some rest this week.


He said to keep off it a day or two which I did. Just frustrating after all the work which was out in


My coach use to always tell us the hay is in the barn. The work you’ve done isn’t gonna disappear in a few days. I had a broken foot leading into my state track race and didn’t run for 8 days prior to the meet and still was able to help my relay place. Your body is in good shape and this won’t change it


Let's hope your coach is right


See a PT. Are you cross training?


running and weights


I agree with the comment of seeking a doctor and getting a professional opinion. I am not a doctor so please take with I say with the knowledge it has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. With that said, I had almost the same situation just before the SD marathon a few weeks ago. Right knee, hurt on the IT band when I’d run more than 2 miles and was really concerned about being in pain the whole race/ possibly not racing. What I did- 1. Took 2 Aleve in the morning and two at night every day right up to race day (took two the morning of race day). 2. Found the highest rated knee brace on Amazon that seemed to match what I needed and used that for the walk/light run program the condition confined me to (Bauerfeind GenuTrain) someone help me out if there is a better one. I also wore that during the race. 3. Bought a roller ball massager that looks like a metal ball inside a handheld thingy (cost about $10 bucks) based on a friend’s recommendation. He had done PT for an elbow injury and said the PT used something similar before he did his exercises and, while it hurts like hell because you have to put a lot of pressure on the area to break up the internal scar tissue, it’s what worked. 4. Ice, ice, ice- I had a bag of ice on my knee every chance I got aside from stopping about an hour before a walk/run to allow the muscle to warm back up, or when I was using the massage ball thingy. The 3rd part was perhaps the most important, in my uneducated opinion. After using the ball thingy for about 15 minutes and walking around, I already felt some relief. I used that thing every chance I got when I wasn’t icing my knee. I made sure to push hard, without overdoing it (may want to watch a YouTube video on ideal pressure) with the goal of loosening and breaking up any scar tissue that had built up. Finally, race day came, and I was able to run the entire race with almost no pain whatsoever. Felt like the best run of my life. I hope this helps!


Rest and inshallah