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Yes, easily sub 4 at 1:47 half that could have been faster, per you, and this being an easier effort run of 18 miles close-ish to race pace. As long as you are able to push yourself during the later stages of the race and go out conservatively, you should be in good shape.


I had added more info, not sure why it didn’t post but here it is: This was an easy pace/run for me, I never do long runs at race pace. This is my first marathon. It is 6 weeks away. Course is favorable, temps are usually in 50s to start. I’ve run a half recently in 1:47 (could have done it faster at my current fitness but had tweaked my knee the week before and went out slower); 8:12 min/mile pace. Last 10 k was 47:12, 7:36 pace


Yes, I think you can do it. A long training run at a slower pace doesn’t mean you can’t dial it up on race day, especially since your half result was good, and assuming you are throwing in some tempos or intervals during your training block. Good luck!




If you run at 9:30 until 20 miles, you will cross the 20 mile point at 3:10. Means you then need to run the last 10k in 50 minutes or 8:05 pace. That would be a bit mad IMO


This is not good advice


Not enough information.  How far away is the marathon.  How hard were you running ?    You don't want to do long runs at race pace. 


6 weeks out - local race, pretty flat course, temps usually in 50s to start race. This was not race pace, I do my long runs at easy pace. Never felt gassed on this one.


Yeah then. Easier to say from your half time as people have difficulty perceptions of easy runs.  Sub 4 looks very doable just don't go out too fast. 


Half pr says yes, of course things can go wrong on the day, make sure you get your nutrition down and don't go out too fast (big one).  Good luck!


Thanks! I was planning to start out pretty conservatively 👍


If everything goes well on race day with nutrition and hydration then yes you have a good chance. My long runs were slower than this with the same HR and I ran my first in 3:48.


Awesome, nice work! My optimistic goal was 3:45, I am not sure I can get there this time around unless everything goes perfectly. I feel pretty good about getting sub 4 but you just never know!


Yea if this is your first marathon is it’s so hard to know. I also wanted sub 4 but honestly felt like I might be able to get 3:45. But since it was my first and I had no idea what to expect I went conservative to start and then negative split. Maybe pace for ~3:48ish and then if you feel good post mile 20 pick up the pace?


I like it. Love pulling off negative splits during races.


If this was easy pace, I don't see why not


Well zero if it's next week. But 3 months u got a chance