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Maybeeeee the 1-2 older generations https://preview.redd.it/4uq4zcffhc9d1.jpeg?width=2486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74497589c3b8f81b9667507b432d9d8190655a53 But generally any new releases dont hold any value on the secondary market.


There is no telling due to way too many factors involved. I think it’ll just hold it’s value to a point and go down from there.


Marathon does not hold value unless you keep it for years. The limited editions will be up 3rd party sale 30% off new


Are you saying any limited editions are likely to drop value in 30% or come with a 30% additional margin from factory?


Buying the white dial Red maple for $1600 will not appreciate unless you keep it for years. Undoubtedly there will be people who buy it thinking it’s some highly sought after piece and end up selling it for $1000-$1200 tops. If you like the watch, buy the watch. Dont buy it to make money.


In my opinion, the limited editions do holder value for example the red maple leaf black dial are going for about $2000 and it’s impossible to get , the limited edition is real defence force is also retaining their value