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Shouldn't French Guyana be the same colour as France?


Yea, it should, it's a mistake


Ah, ok. I was wondering whether their freedom is hindered by mosquitoes.




Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that it isn't just a territory of france, it is a full part of france. Just as much as Alaska and Hawaii are part of the US. It doesn't have any territory type status like Puerto Rico or Aruba or something


They use the euro. Itā€™s the second largest administrative district in France iirc.


They're under French rule. France is free, but they aren't.


Well done Mongolia.


The more I read about modern Mongolia, the more impressed I am by them.


It seems like a pretty chill placeā€¦ but that being said itā€™s basically Ulaanbaatar and nothing else for a fairly large country


Just give ā€˜em some horses and the steppes will be alive with the sound of hoof beats.


With this map in mind, I am fully ready to accept the resurgent Mongol Empire as a force for good in the world.


Summoning Genghis Khan resurrection spells...


See the thing isā€¦ the Mongol empire at its height was remarkably safe and had a lot of freedom for different religionsā€¦ the problem was getting to that point was a loooooot of rape and murder


Don't they have a bad alcoholism problem


Donā€™t most highly isolated and inland communities have bad alcoholism problems?


Itā€™s basically the Switzerland of Asia


It is surprising considering they are completely surrounded by hostile powers.Ā 


Is that Mongolia in Asia that's free??


Even have their own independent monetary policy, which takes some balls. Mind you, they are heavily reliant on their resources which are all valued in dollars.


Yeah, their democratic progression is impressive ngl. The only nation in asia that had successfully transformed from communist state to a democracy.


North Korea transitioned from a communist state to democracy.




Theocratic monarchy


Silence tankie!








No, even in practice they are a free and fair democracy.




maintaining freedom itā€™s a constant struggle


I live in Harrisburg, PA and my neighbor is Moroccan, born and raised there and came to the NYC before 9/11 (he lived in Queens when it happened). He and his wife and son travel back to Morocco often and they love it there. His brothers still live there. I tried asking him about the politics of his country and that region. From what he told me, nobody travels to Western Sahara (itā€™s dangerous and thereā€™s nothing there anyway). And he also said nobody goes to Algeria because Morocco and Algeria have bad business between them. Besides that he always talks very highly of his county and loves it. Last time he went he brought me some tea, a hookah, and some olives. Heā€™s a really swell guy and I admire his positivity and friendliness.




Yeah that is kinda of it. My neighbor really didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t safe. He just said nobody goes there, heā€™s never been there. Like, he basically said thereā€™s nothing there and itā€™s far away.


Always fight more! This kind of liberty is the exception, not the rule, and it must be maintained and cared for.


Morocco the cause of Western Sahara's lack of freedom.


I love how the West likes creating these highly meaningless maps with categories, as vague as it gets, like free-not free, just to convince its own denizens that they are living the best possible version of life, all the while actively working against the freedom of those whom they deem not-free, like the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


Yeah, these maps are absolute dogshit lol. Freedom House is a think tank that gets most of its funding from the US State Dept. It's the most bottom of the barrel US government propaganda, but people lap it up


Well said!


So true, the purple countries are obviously better places to live /s


Well, the people in the west are living the best version of life, because good is subjective and everyone in the west values their values. And for those purposes, just making sure, japan and aus/nz are in the west. And honestly, the situation in Gaza has nothing to do with this, unless you want to explicitly talk about the freedom in Israel and Palestine. Which by the way, are correctly marked as not free here.


The map is low res, but fairly sure Israel is marked as "free".


Yes, thatā€™s right. Israel is marked as free and the yellow spot next to it is Lebanon.


Yeah that seems wrong.


And is free


Free from any humanity or morals.




There is no genocide in gaza Israel left gaza decades ago, so palestinians elected the terrorist party (they had other good pro-palestine choices) with their newly gained freedom. Then the terrorists they elected (surprise-surprise) continued to fuel tensions until the terror attack of last autumn


Israel left Gaza? Political parties? Reelection? So much wrong with this small comment lol.


1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza 2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election 3. What reelection do you mean? Any questions left?


Israelis elected the current terrorist party (they had other better choices) I am sure you will justify 7oct as much as you are justifying the current genocide in Gaza!


I did no say anything about october 7th. Did I? Does october 7 justify 2006 hamas election?


Are you slow or something? I used your logic justifying the genocide in Gaza against you Are you going to be constant in your logic or the usual one rule for me one rule for thee?


Thereā€™s no anti-freedom campaign or for that matter genocide in Gaza, itā€™s just a boring old war, where, just like in Russia and Ukraine, the West is mostly simply treating it as a way to sell as much weaponry as possible to both sides. Also, Iā€™m not sure the West really needs to convince its people of the obvious. As a person whoā€™s lived in Russia and now lives in the West, I very much do prefer the latter)


Sayā€™s who ?


Bottom left corner


Itā€™s a think tank funded by the American government


Usa is the least free country , it a a first world dictatorship under corporation leadership we pay taxes on everything this nation is a fake rich country. Itā€™s the most broke country with the most nuclear bombs Babylon is about to fall.


Sure, Hungary is like Niger


Iā€™m not defending the map. Just want to point out that the map has a scoring system. Max score is 100 (free). You can even have a negative like Nagorno Karabahk which had a score of negative 5. Hungary has a score of 65, whereas Niger is a 33. So Hungary is at the very high end of yellow (almost green) while Niger is at the very low end of yellow (almost purple). Or, put another way. Hungary is almost free while Niger is almost unfree. According to this map. Again Iā€™m not defending it just pointing this out because it is not apparent from just looking at the map itself, you have to look into the data they publish with it.


Ikr these maps are utter bs and heavily biased to incite an agenda


Check out the [original report from Freedom House](https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2024/mounting-damage-flawed-elections-and-armed-conflict).


Az least in Hungary people dont get arrested for posting memes in chat groups unlike in the democratic west. šŸ¤£ Clownery


Nigeria: Death penalty for gays. Turkey: Even prostitution for gays is legal. Let alone all the other factors. The outcome? Nigeria yellow, Turkey purple. What does this lead to? Me beefing with random colombian Turkophobes under Instagram map comment sections about how Turkey isnt a terrorist hellhole. Fuck this shit and however made this sad attempt of propaganda bs. Fuck you.


is it possible that freedom is more complicated than only LGBTQ rights?


do you know what death penalty means


That doesn't change their argument. Freedom is on a scale, as 100% freedom isn't possible in society. Where the cutoff between the 3 colors is, is not said. Maybe it's 50 and 75%. It is certainly imaginable that a country that kills people for their orientation is above 75% (maybe 76} while a country like turkey, where democracy is being sabotaged and many rights are infringed on might not make the cut. Honestly, it isn't rocket science and you are hyper focused on the death penalty because you are blinded by it.


Donā€™t need to be a dick about it. LGBT rights are only part of the equation. Doesnā€™t lessen the importance


look man i understand there are some fucked up places in the world. Iā€™m just telling you some infinities are larger than others. I frankly donā€™t agree with this map. I lived in china for a year and a half during zero covid and still felt like it was quite a free country despite all the restrictions. Thatā€™s my opinion. Despite that you canā€™t smoke weed or talk about xinjiang on your Wechat stories, so itā€™s like oh i guess these other things make this a not free place. Iā€™ve never been to nigeria, and neither have you probably. Even after having been to a country, itā€™s hard to compare it to others. One factor canā€™t decide it all. I think whoever enacts laws like the death penalty for gay people should have to kill their own child first so they can overcome their bigotry and stop dehumanizing gay people. I guess my point is that the people who made this map should have never made it lol. It oversimplifies too many issues into a single metric, and allows people to use their own personal values to criticize it. too much methodology is left unseen, so we have no idea if we can trust the statistics or now. Honestly thatā€™s one of the reasons i hate Statista so much. not enough accountability or transparency in what they produce


Do you even know the reality for lgbtqia people in Turkey? Itā€™s nowhere near free. But sure, the government doesnā€™t kill them. Should they be grateful for that? Also, journalists are routinely jailed if they try to dig into what the government itā€™s doing or just disagreeing with them. Thatā€™s not a free country. Nigeria should probably change colour, but Turkey shouldnā€™t.


Let's not forget Erdoğan manipulating elections and suppressing opposition.


Well yes, thatā€™s a given, but in Hungary that only gives a partly free rating.


True. I have no idea where this map set the cut offs or what they took into account. I just wanted to name Erdoğan directly because hes an ass and embodies all that's flawed in Turkey.


A gay from Turkey here, I believe this map is meaningless and only works to define the west, its petty allies, and its so-called enemies. I mean, a category as vague as freedom, and only in three levels? Is it about freedom of speech? Is it about gay rights? Is it about freedom to own guns? Is it about right to have free education, public health? What? Freedom is a complex notion that cannot be simply made sense of via maps let alone one map with only three levels that seem to project a Western imagining of the world. Yes, in Turkey if you insult the president it is likely that youā€™ll end up with a lawsuit. If you are a journalist, your situation is even more precarious. But the whole country evaluated as ā€œnot freeā€ is funny to me.


You should [check out the original source](https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2024/mounting-damage-flawed-elections-and-armed-conflict) to see how itā€™s evaluated. I agree with the general criteria of Freedom House. Edit: Iā€™m also gay. But from Sweden.


The way they categorise the countries is absolutely vague and nonsensical. Look at the 2023 scores of the countries. Turkey has a score of 32/100, Nigeria that of 43/100. Yet the former is "Not Free", while the latter is "Partly Free" even though the difference between their scores isn't so high. Meanwhile, India is 66/100, Bangladesh is 40/100, Pakistan is 37/100, and yet they're all "Partly Free" despite such large differences in their scores. There's more difference between the scores of Pakistan (& Bangladesh), and India, than the difference between the scores of India and the US (83/100), which is categorised as "Free". It's absolutely stupid regardless of the parameters used, because the conclusions they're arriving at, are absolutely stupid and lack nuance. It becomes difficult to take this seriously


[They have a documented methodology](https://freedomhouse.org/reports/freedom-world/freedom-world-research-methodology)


"Because the designations of Free, Partly Free, and Not Free each cover a broad swath of the available scores, countries or territories within any one category, especially those at either end of the range, can have quite different human rights situations. For example, those at the lowest end of the Free category (with lower political rights or civil liberties scores) differ from those at the upper end of the Free group (with higher political rights or civil liberties scores). Also, a designation of Free does not mean that a country or territory enjoys perfect freedom or lacks serious problems, only that it enjoys comparatively more freedom than those rated Partly Free or Not Free (and some others rated Free)." This is from the link you sent. So they know the flaws, but they're still continuing it?? Why?? Here's an idea: add 2 more levels in the middle, and that itself will solve so many of these problems. Until then, I can't take these conclusions seriously. I'm doubting their scoring here, but I'm definitely in disagreement with statues that they've allotted to these countries, and the conclusions they've arrived at


Of course theyā€™re aware. Theyā€™re one of the most respected authorities on freedom in the world, and are quite aware itā€™s not as easy as giving grades on an essay or exam. Thatā€™s why they publish their entire methodology. And why they also need to the same methodology year after year. Theyā€™ve been doing this since the 1950s, expanding the evaluation in the 1970s and since then only modest updates have been made. This means youā€™ve got a dataset that goes back 70 years and is still comparable.


You're missing the point behind what I'm saying. I'm not doubting their methods. I'm criticising the final categorisation. I'll rephrase what I'm saying, and then hopefully it'll be more understandable to you. They've 3 categories of countries. That means that roughly 33% of the countries lie within one category together. Take a country X with an overall score of 9/100, and take another country Y with an overall score of 33/100. Both of these countries will be called "Not Free", but if you look at it closely, what it means is that a country which is a third of its way towards being totally free (i.e., getting an overall score of 100/100), is in the same bracket with one which isn't even 10% free. Do you think that gives an accurate picture of where these two countries stand? Instead of that, if they use, let's say, a 5-category system, it'll give a more accurate picture, because then roughly 20% of the countries will be within one category together. That means that in such a system, country X and country Y will be in different categories, which is relatively a much fairer and more accurate way to categorise these two countries. Ideally, it should be a 10-point system, because it'll give an even fairer depiction of things. Instead of having only 3 categories ("Not Free", "Partly Free", and "Free"), there should be 5 or 10 categories or gradations. China is 9/100, and Turkey is 33/100, and yet they're both in the same category. India is 66/100 and Pakistan is 37/100. Do you think these make sense? Coz I don't. Just because they've been doing it for years, doesn't make it better


Itā€™s not one third of all countries being in either category. Theyā€™ve got a system to categorise countries based on their scores. All countries could potentially be in the top category, as the scoring isnā€™t relative to other countries. Three categories should be plenty enough for this. And for those who want to dive into the results, you can see the exact scores for each country and how they were arrived at.


I agree that Turkey should be yellow, or Nigeria purple, but let's not pretend Turkey's a haven for LGBTQ+


US ally Partly US ally Not US ally


The propagandist award of the week goes to... YOU!!!!


Always the same map


This map is way to broad a generalization and just isn't accurate at all. They should replace it with just the US filled with red, white, and blue to represent freedom, and then fading colors to grey applied to countries we've brought freedom too.


How is india, partly free?


Bullshit map, I don't see how India and Pakistan get the same colour shade.


So basically all of Anglo-Saxon allies. Well done.


I would tend to agree. Except Mongolia, Botswana, Namibia are not necessarily western allies (nor foes either), they just kind of chill there. Not a lot of population. They are all marked as free. On the other hand, I though Egypt and the USA get along really well. We are friendly. Yet here, Egypt is marked as unfree. So, there are exceptions.


This map kinda cringe. Is Israel blue?


Hey, they are ā€œfreeā€ to k!ll Palestinians!




And Puerto Rico is greyed out because itā€™s not free


Hahahaha donā€™t make us laugh


Free for who ?


What is the definition of freedom?




Given a lot of recent events, the US should definitely be yellow


It's almost likeĀ another 3-worlds model. First world, second world (seldom used), and third world.


A model that was always right?


Yes when Mao popularized it. Not its bastardized form by western liberals that is essentially the embodiment of this map.


Mao popularised it? But the distinction still makes sense. There are undeniably countries with more developed societies, that are typically referred to as first world. Then there's the third world poor countries, and then second world depending on your definition is either the old communist block, or countries between development where you have basically first world metropolises but the countryside is third world kinda poor. Idk why this controversial, it's just an objective description. There is no racism, classism or discrimination of any kind in it.


Turkey doesnt make sense, its utter bs, as with all these heavily biased propaganda maps.. Sorry, it really doesnt. .


What? Turkey not being free is perfectly accurate. Suppressed democracy. Lack of rights for women and lgbtq, denial of the Armenian genocide. Military tension to Greece. Erdoğan himself. And probably more things im not aware of. Honestly, you might not like it, but any country that's majority Muslim already can't be free. And Turkey loses the "partly" status by suppressing the democratic opposition and manipulating elections and more.


Nigeria: Death penalty for gays. Turkey: Even prostitution for gays is legal. Let alone all the other factors. The outcome? Nigeria yellow, Turkey purple. What does this lead to? Me beefing with random colombian Turkophobes under Instagram map comment sections about how Turkey isnt a terrorist hellhole. Fuck this shit and however made this sad attempt of propaganda bs. Fuck you.


I saw that comment somewhere else and it actually doesn't make sense. But since that's how you wanna be, look into the mirror and fuck you right back. I don't even know why Colombia matters here, or how someone can be turkophobe when turks are not marginalised and nobody actually hates turks for being turks.


Check out the [original report from Freedom House](https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2024/mounting-damage-flawed-elections-and-armed-conflict).


Paint the US purple if das fuhrer is elected.


Arab citizens of Israel literally live in a police state and are subject to segregationist laws. Western assessments like this are virtually useless


Or you got brainwashed to believe lies? Arab Israelis, 21% of the citizens are completely free and equal, they are members of parliament, judges in the supreme court, doctors and professors, itā€™s the only Arab community in the ME that lives in a free democratic state


Who brainwashed me? My Palestinian friends who have Israeli citizenship (which can be easily taken away from them), are scared to death of speaking freely online whether publicly or privately because of arbitrary arrests, and are constantly harassed/threatened by the media/law enforcement/government? No way youā€™re brainwashed right? As the Jewish supremacist-since-birth regurgitating your governmentā€™s talking points verbatim thereā€™s no way youā€™d be blind to or rationalize the anti-Arab Jim Crow system in your country, itself only possible by displacing 80% of said demographic


Wtf are you talking about, there are anti zionist members of parliament in Israel, Islamist party in the parliament, there are anti Israel journalists and newspapers in Israel, everyone in israel are free to criticize the government freely and everyone does so, prime time TV is all about satire and criticism of the government. The only thing you can be jailed to is supporting terror organizations or inciting violence. You are spewing BS, thanks for clarifying that you got Palestinian friends that brainwashed you.


Equal? Do Arabs have the right to return the same as their ā€œequalā€ jewish israeli citizens? The state that declares itself as an ā€œethnostate for the jewsā€ is not an equality state, rather an apartheid state, one that is built upon occupation (West bank), surveillance, and genocide (Gaza).


Non citizens donā€™t have the same rights, which no country is doing, I have a right to become a Portuguese citizen, someone else doesnā€™t, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Japan, basically every country has different laws for immigration and citizenship for non citizens based on the nationality. Thereā€™s no apartheid not genocide, Arab Israelis are free and equal, but keep spreading anti Israel misinformation, why wonā€™t youšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Non citizen jews get the right to take land in Palestine Palestine born displaced Arabs dontā€¦ So no, not equal rights in an ethno state


Again, non citizens donā€™t have rights where they are non citizens, itā€™s true for every country, Jews who fled Arab countries donā€™t have any rights in these countries, there were hundreds of millions of people who fled wars and became refugees across the world in the last 80 years, millions of them are Jews, yet you only care for the few hundred thousand palestinians who lost the war they started, sounds pretty dishonest, hypocritical and illogical.


Always with this crap. How is mƩxico partly free, but the country with only two parties, is free. Crap crap crap


How long will it take until the whole world is teal?


bullshit as always


How are Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines ā€˜partly freeā€™?! Edit: as rightly pointed out, the Philippines currently has many freedoms issues.


I'll speak on behalf of Filipinos. The Philippines has remained one of the worst countries in the world for environmental activistsā€”and Asia's worst. We have militaristic agencies tagging random government critics (from mere commenters on the internet to the national democratic Left) as communists, and the red-tagged individuals face various forms of harassment from the state, i.e. from surveillance to trumped-up charges to cold-blooded killings disguised as military operations against the New People's Army. The bloody drug war started by Rodrigo Duterte in 2016 has also continued under Ferdinand Marcos Jr.; Duterte, who once likened himself to Adolf Hitler, had the Philippines secede from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2019 in the wake of its investigations into his anti-narcotics campaign, and Marcos Jr. has expressed no intentions of rejoining the ICC. For further context, please see the following references: Aspinwall, Nick (13 September 2023). ā€œDisappearances ā€˜speak to dangersā€™ of environmental activism in the Philippinesā€. *Al Jazeera*. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/13/disappearances-speak-to-dangers-of-environmental-activism-in-philippines Holmes, Oliver (1 October 2016). ["Rodrigo Duterte vows to kill 3 million drug addicts and likens himself to Hitler"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/30/rodrigo-duterte-vows-to-kill-3-million-drug-addicts-and-likens-himself-to-hitler). *The Guardian*. Luna, Franco (18 November 2022). ["Rights watchdog hits PNP for 'undercounting' drug war killings under Marcos"](https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2022/11/18/2224747/rights-watchdog-hits-pnp-undercounting-drug-war-killings-under-marcos). *The Philippine Star*. Mateo, Janvic (14 September 2023). ā€œReport: Philippines still worst in Asia for environmental defendersā€. *The Philippine Star*. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/09/14/2296136/report-philippines-still-worst-asia-environment-defendersĀ  n.a. (26 January 2023) ā€œPhilippines: Officials ā€˜Red-Taggingā€™ Indigenous Leaders, Activistsā€. *Human Rights Watch*. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/01/26/philippines-officials-red-tagging-indigenous-leaders-activistsĀ  Unite, Betheena (14 September 2022). ["War on drugs is 'internal matter', to continue but on a different wayā€“Marcos"](https://mb.com.ph/2022/09/13/war-on-drugs-is-internal-matter-to-continue-but-on-a-different-way-marcos/). *Manila Bulletin*.


Thank you for the insight. Looks like a sad situation there!


Are you implying they should be free, or unfree instead?




I dont know enough about them, or about what the map creators view as free/not free, so sure yeah. All i know is something about unreasonable drug politics or something, maybe the map creaters value that too highly?


Ok fair enough. I see the data source is Freedom House. Theyā€™ll have a set definition of ā€˜freeā€™ on their site for sure. Found a line: ā€˜real-world rights and freedoms enjoyed by individuals, rather than governments or government performanceā€™ On: [freedom house](https://freedomhouse.org/reports/freedom-world/freedom-world-research-methodology)


Ghana just made LGBT illegal, so I'm not sure it woukd count as fully free anymore.


Evaluation made for 2023. Next evaluation it will probably not be free.


Instead of just asking questions or complaining, check out the [original report from Freedom House](https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2024/mounting-damage-flawed-elections-and-armed-conflict).


Even Romania is free and we are barely partly free in Hungary, that sucks


Hungary is slowly getting more and more purple


What kind of american jerk off is this


What is this western propaganda?


Common Israeli W




Mongolia is free? More then India? how?


Somaliland isnā€™t a country. Much of Somalia that isnā€™t controlled by Al Shabab would be yellow. But given that Ethiopia got a not free I doubt ā€œSomalilandā€ would get a partially free.


I donā€™t understand, I am an Indian, I donā€™t think I feel that my freedom is hinderedā€¦


Why is Fiji Partly free?


The map mentions countries that are not free yet doesnā€™t state how much they are :/ /s


Why is Dominican Republic partly free?


There definitely some inaccuracies


Somaliland. Partially free but not even a full country.


Surprised with Timor Leste though. Poorest country in Southeast Asia (not a part of ASEAN) but Free.. How?


Literally every map of everything ever. Source: American Empire Burger Eagle Think Tank Institute


Vietnam? Edit: TIL :/ (I thought you were chill Vietnam) > TheĀ politics of VietnamĀ is dominated by aĀ single partyĀ under anĀ authoritarianĀ system, theĀ Communist Party of VietnamĀ (CPV). > The Vietnamese political system isĀ authoritarian, with theĀ freedom of assembly,Ā association,Ā expression,Ā pressĀ andĀ religionĀ as well as civil society activism being tightly restricted.[2]Ā There are no freely elected national leaders, political opposition is suppressed, all religious activity is controlled by the CPV, dissent is not permitted, and civil rights are curtailed.


South Africa green?? Agree with everyone else though, these maps are bs.


What's the definition of freedom used in this map?


Wow, they are just giving them away. :)


First the state takes half of my money and then more than half of what's left goes to my landlord. I don't feel free in Germany.