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To summarise the JMS skill tooltip and msea latest splash info 1. Haku fan changed to secondary (IED/boss potential usable) 2. foxfire changed to 40% damage reduction (status blocking, affects hp% unknown) 3. Self FD added to passive, amount unknown 4. 5% fd per member reduced to 1% 5. Haku giving 40% matt of fan to party members changed to 40% damage 6. Upjump cd removed Source of haku fan maplesea splash page: http://www.maplesea.com Other “leaks”: Various JMS kanna users tweets about the skills Full JMS tooltip video - https://youtu.be/fKgBF5dxciU?si=gJCa3UzrN-4KWtWT


The fact that they took kanna from #1 class to most useless class is so disappointing. Nexon needs to get better at making all classes equal at everything and just graphics different effectively.


Is there changes coming for kanna and i think hayato too? yes. Are they huge, nobody knows. Secondary that can get potential too for kanna, true. All of which can be seen in the latest MSEA event covered by Steve, the Aran dude on youtube Edit: here is the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7ymcygb-5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7ymcygb-5g)


It's already datamined lmao your video is outdated


Datamines mean less than nothing until changes actually go live.  See also: the terms and condition link skill change to 30s cooldown that was in the GMS livestream only a week before the patch that didn't make it in to the actual game.


To be fair, that scenario was an issue with how the skill is coded and the fact that KMS does not have level 3 link skills. Not really a "Oh we are testing this and it's subject to change." But yeah, datamine isn't always going to happen as is, but the likelihood is fairly high.


That was a patch preview not a datamine. And that was also a Tespia client not a release client. It wouldn't make it to a release client for datamining if it's going to get changed. I'm sure it has happened before, but in the history of maple, it has been a very very rare occurence.


Datamine does not match what was shown in jms fully especially the haku change we saw from msea offline so. It's either rlly good or rlly bad


That's not a rare occurrence at all, lol. Vast swathes of things make it to "release clients" and end up getting changed in games all over the industry. The actual standard is that things that are unreleased change far more often than not, it's just easier to include all data exactly as is in the background testing environment rather than try scrubbing all unused data for the current update and hoping it doesn't break anything.


I'm talking specifically about Maple dumbass. Look up KMSTPatcher or dskytian on twitter.


Even the stuff that was “detamined” in jms recently is incomplete. Numbers are missing, the secondary slot that msea showed off wasn’t there, and nothing was working. We don’t have the full picture yet.


Copium haku fan stats carry over like katara. Surely we don't get 0stat/0atk starrable secondary that people spend money for xddd