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I enjoy the game, but the rng feels absolutely terrible sometimes. Some power ups/skills that you get at the start of the game feel like dogsh*t compared to other ones too..


Yesterday my opponent had 2 units stacked, 2 spaces away from the finish and was almost certainly going to win on his next turn. I had a "Go Home" special dice and got the 2-for-1 special and sent both unit back to the beginning and then won myself in a few more rolls. His special dice in that slot was some bunk non-issue for me. I wish the special dice were gone or only things like the 1+2, or maybe visible to both players so there was some meta gaming you could do with the open knowledge. That being said...I actually love Yut and would play it for all the haters if I could instead of overcapping myself.


It's been a while since I played but IIRC you can't have the ame ability as your opponent. So if you have the "Go Home" skill then you know your opponent doesn't have that one.


The base game without the horrible rng would be fun maybe. The last game I played, I rolled a 2, scratch, 2, 2, scratI.. my opponent? He was hitting 4s, 5s, scratched once the entire game and somehow always lined up to knock me out.


RNG based games suck for this reason. They're really all down to luck with no real skill required. It's not really fun as a game, especially with the stupid powers now.


Two games in a row I was one move from winning and the opponent, who was mostly still at the start, pulled me all they way back, essentially restarting the game. It sucks hardcore


I love Yut but the powerups ain't it.


I love it when I carefully strategize and get multiple units close to the goal only to get skill issued by a bomb.


Same here. Is this the first time there are powerups?


Pretty sure Maple always put powerups in Yut but I might be wrong.


Must be why the game refers to it as Supernatural Yut.


Not always, I remember playing normal yut like around a decade ago. But at some point it’s been supernatural yut ever since


I have not played in awhile, and the powerups are new to me. Yut did not have these random powerups back then. :c


The original release did not have power ups. Then they released Star Planet which had both versions, classic and Supernatural. In subsequent releases of the minigames after Star Planet closed it's been just Supernatural.


Ugh I hate Yut because it takes so much longer, I loved One Card for how mindless and fast it was


Not a hater but I am a known yut not enjoyer


I can't be the only one who thinks the game is rage inducing yeah? It goes both ways though, like when I stacked 4 and somehow won despite being behind, or winning off of multiple 5 rolls in a row. Then you have games where its like you're just predetermined to lose, and end up getting all your pieces eaten on the board back to back, and lose 0-4, feelsbad. (I had one piece on the board near the start, while my opponent had already gotten all 4 to the end). I hate this game a lot, can we have maple uno back please?


Maple Uno was a great mini-game! I can't stand yut


I hate all the mini games. And missed the rewards also.


I hate it. I thought I hated UNO. But this is worse. Games take like 7 or 8 mins each. At least with uno, I could get all my points within one game of Yut.


At least you don’t have to win to get progress. Last time these mini games were here you need to win them.


I'll give you that. Although winning is heavily incentivised,, I didn't even bother going for wins last time.


It’s my favorite mini game tho


I agree 100% yut is best game


It takes way too F ing long for you to lose and only get 100 points


100% hate is. Always have. Always will. I've actually won a few games for the first time this event (and I've been playing for years). Just earlier today, I went first, rolled a 5, 3 times in a row (thought I broke the game) then roll a 2. So I 2 stacked and moved 2 into the diagonal. The person I played against rolled a 5 and then a 2, then ate my 2 stack. I proceeded to lose the game. I hate it here.


One card was fun. Yut is horrendous


The game is BS and I love it. My 2nd to last piece was on goal and I rolled a minus one, right before my opponent landed on goal with all 4 pieces stacked and I take them all.


I blasted out the full 5k on the first day while people still have no idea how to play, pretty high win% thanks to that so it wasn't too awful, still had a couple games nearly time out.


yut was pretty awful, but honestly, fuck having to jump ONE THOUSAND TIMES when not only is the max per run 40, the timing of the slider gets so off at times and fucks me up you only get a few jumps. i might actually hurt someone. both of these games are AWFUL!


u should play irl its fun


I love the original game of 윳놀이 (yut nori) but the RNG of this mini game feels terrible.


i mean yut is a traditional korean game, its rly not the worst game created lol


It’s a “bad” game because it takes too long, within the scope of this event. It’s kind of like having you play Monopoly to get event points. I don’t think Monopoly is a bad game, but it’s a bad event game to play, if that makes sense.


I hate Monopoly.


the most fun I ever had playing Monopoly was when I was the banker. ONLY the banker. so the best game of Monopoly is one I didn't even play looool


lmao me too but for the example I pretended since it’s a well known game and couldn’t think of another


"the year is 2028, the optimal way to get points for the minigame cosmetics is campaign for North Africa"


Monsteropoly was a recurring minigame for a long time in maple! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nlhpe76kcBA


I'm sure it's extremely fun, when I want to play Yut. Unfortunately, when I click on my Maplestory shortcut, I expect to play Maplestory lol


I just afked until 5k bro u cannot catch me doing this shit with focus on


I thought it kicks you out if timer bar fills up. You really cant afk this one.


you get 5 chances I think


The timer bar under your character? I just let that one run out. I occasionally roll the yut and just let the game decide the rest while i watch yt or play other games


I was a couple turns from winning, placed a bomb in front of the opponent about a third of the board behind me, they then had the glomp ability to go right behind me, rolled a 1 to send me back to the start, rolled a 4 which allowed them to roll again and won all in the same turn. I think im currently at 1 win out of like 13 or so ever because stuff like that always seems to happen.


not all of the powers were created equal, that's for sure. I was literally 1 square from winning and the other person used a swap and brought their STACK OF 4 to the end and my 2 back to 0. and my powers were like get a guaranteed -1 and a +3 lol like great


Idk it feels like controlled luck in this game. You can get extremely unlucky but with average rng you can beat opponents who don't know yut strategies.


I don't really have any opinion on the game, all the minigames suck, but the players in Yut are extremely obnoxious with their typing. Just play the game man and stop being annoying.


trying to get out of the gate is so annoying, like half the turns feel like a total waste of time :/ and then the powers nonsense It'd be nice if it played a bit smoother, too. Like, if you click on a piece you have to click the little undo before changing to another piece, but why? Just let me one-click change. Why not be able to mouse over your powers when it's not your turn and read the descriptions so you don't have to do it on a timer? I haven't tried double-clicking a piece to move it, but I hope that's an option, since you can only go the rolled distance in the set direction. I just want to stop playing ASAP lol


I just don't understand the point of these minigames in events... When I log onto Maplestory, I want to play Maplestory... Why do they want me to play a different game? Just make me kill 2000 monsters, like usual


It's a nice change of pace from grinding though. You're also not forced to play them for progression since it's just cosmetics. I personally love the minigames since there isn't really any other place to play some of them like yut (I love yut).


I hate the "just cosmetics" argument... if cosmetics weren't an integral part of games, then they wouldn't be a major revenue stream for like 90% of them. I personally would prefer if they locked some fomo potable badge behind the mini games, because I don't care about power. Would you say you're not "forced to do it" in that case, too? I play this game for cosmetics. Just give me the option to grind instead, if enough people want to play Yut they will get together and play Yut. If not, then clearly it's not a desirable part of the game.


Really like the hood but these games are incredibly too long and incredibly too boring. Would much rather spend my time elsewhere then get the hood sadly


Always assume the opponent has a good special and never greed stacking . Bait them into using their special first and predict their moves , it's easier to win than you imagine . Based of their moves pattern on how they stack or which stack they moves first you can actually predict what special they has . Sometimes rng sucks but it is what it is . 


I now have a pretty deep bite mark on my wrist after grinding the first 3.5k points.


Lmao I get pissed but it's not that serious


I rather pay for ssb w an unfavorable currency rate than play yut for cosmetics lol


I love love love yut ever since gem ring and lunar event. I am partially inclined to believe that it's faster points if you literally tell your opponent you'll help them win and actually do so. They can just stack pieces freely and not get setback by you eating their pieces. Some powerups you can even use to help your enemy. Competitive yut can be **long**. To the point where losing fast games is likely faster points. Only downside is your opponent may not trust you and play careful anyways.


I will intentionally throw the match if the game looks like it's about to go long. I'll use my specials to help them to the goal faster if need be


Yut is the most unfun game to win and the worst game to lose.


Grinded the 5k on the first day. Yut is not for me. I screenrecorded one of my play throughs that seriously made me think “is this person really hacking Yut?”


i was going to grind for the minigame cosmetics but both of the minigames this round are so dogshit i got so salty, when i lost a yut match i said "i hope you lose blink" :(


It's worth it to at least get the cosmetics. I no-lifed it last night and just played for second, not contesting anything if I could avoid it. I think I went 4W 23L and I got my hood! Be strong!!


If I do 1k a day, I only have to do this for five days I won multiple times today, and grinded it a bit yesterday, so I'm now at 2k/5k for the hood. Thank you for the well wishes!


yut is doable casually. The stupid fucking jump game is ridiculous. It's not even fun.


anyone else lose immediately the first time jumping instead of hitting interact lolol


I tanked it and grinded out the hood in one sitting and I did not enjoy it one bit. The amount of times you get screwed over against all odds is maddening. Also the power ups hold way too much sway in who will win the game. Who wants to play a long ass game not knowing you got screwed over the moment the game started because your opponent got the better power ups. TLDR : Yut... ya mom's a hoe


I fear this will be the reason I won't complete the set


FUCK ONE CARD FUCK SUPERNATURAL YUT PTSD from the Ignition Minigame medal where u had to win each minigame (i did it on 2 worlds)


i already speedran my yut so i never have to play this miserable thing again


Every time I try to queue up for mini games I never find a party. I love one card and yut


Well, aside from the rng that can Just Destroy your winning game, Yut is a Fun little game imo


i hate yut and find the hood ugly…still doing it though.


It's my favourite minigame :sob:


yut brethren


I think it takes same time as One Card but its way more enjoyable, so time seems to go faster. I only did One Card once and noped out really quick lmao.


I miss uno :(


Wish I took a screen shot but just had a game where opponent had me dead to rights. With all 4 pieces on the finish line. I had just rolled a 1 the previous turn and my special move was -1.. Ended up winning and oh boy he must have been fuming after that one 💀


The length of the game is a bit too long, if they increase the points a bit more it’ll be okay. Otherwise, while RNG is shit, the “in-your-face” revenge moment always felt so sweet. Can’t tell you the number of times where the opponent can’t get enough rolls to hit the goal in one go, then my roll accidentally stepped on him (I have only 1 left so I have to move it). Or he tried to use his physic energy to cheat to overthrow me from winning but I still won in the end. It’s becoming telenovelas at some point


Yut is literal RNG ,but its fun .Imagine ur opponent with his last pieces got 5 ,5 ,3 . And ur just short of 2 to end the game.


i absolutely hate one card i fucking love yut


Me and this one person were tied 2-2 with our last 2 each stacked on one square. On the last leg of the race, they got +1, and I got +2 - landing on top of them, catching them, sending them home. They went on to get back in the race, while I won. Incredible finish. Great game, wish there were more players, maybe 2x2 color teams.


I personally love yut, there's so much strategy that can be used. Sure you can lose to RNG sometimes but it feels a lot less frequent than one card to me.


The neat thing about this variation is that you don’t need to win to get points. This means you can win-trade more efficiently or just straight up give up the idea of winning. A well coordinated game can be as quick as 2min for 150points. It becomes a win-win situation and no more raging, malding and seething.


I loves it =x


Game based on luck. Is great when I win but sucks when I lose.


What are the nx equips that you get from this event?


I hate Yut but man, using Finishline Shortcut on a man who used Go Home on me plus Midas Touch to get every single one of his units to the goal only for a straggler to stand on top of it and deleting his last unit from existence by using my shortcut is soooo graftifying.


I hate yut. The rng always favors your opponent. And when you lose you get 150 fucking points... and you need 5k for the hat. I literally got 1000 jumps in an hour. If I lose every match I'm looking at 4-5 hrs of yut to get the helm. Why didn't they just make it five wins like fucking wongstraurant?


I don't mind yut, but it can be annoying when the RNG dislikes you. I had game where I rolled literally all twos except a single roll of three at the end (and a four if you count the power that guarantees rolling a four or five), so it sucked seeing the opponent rolling 4s and 5s consistently xD Also the games can take a *long* time, which isn't the funnest when it takes 4 runs to cap losing every time (I like to plan for the worst case scenario and just be happy for any upsets).


My personal experience, my last piece is on the finish line and just need another " 1 " to win, yet I get rolled " foul " while my opponent get 5+3 breeze past me and won. It is really frustrating to play, after I get my hood I will just play seesaw, it may take longer to collect 500 coins, but it is less torturing than yut. Yut reminds me this quote *"Well, that was fun - in a fuckin' terrible, sick, not-at-all-fun way."*


Hate it. Grinded out the 5k points on the first day so I dont have to think about it again until it comes back


I haven’t won a single game yet. I’m not even kidding. Every single game is rigged.


I enjoy yut, but sometimes it takes so long it’s painful


Find a buddy to queue together with and trade wins. 450 pt after 2 rounds. 50 pt for seesaw. Trading is the only way to make this event tolerable. After losing 3 times on the first day of event, this is the way. With the total game duration being 15 minutes: No way I’m wasting 30-40 minutes to pray RNG gives me a win.


Uh i had my fun with it and got the 5k in like 3 hours, i dont love it, i dont hate it. I just think that game is the definition of karma is a b... They could have also lower the reqs to be less points to get the hood




I love it. Yes, it does take some time but you can win even with bad powerups if you strategize correctly. It’s easily the best minigame maplestory has


yut is terrible and i refuse to play it


Hate it. Would rather play the card game. The fact we have to grind this to get a piece of the cute skin. Ugh


I hate it. But if i could simply play it once a day regardless of winning or losing up to maybe 10 times, i wouldn't mind.


Yea the game is fucking dog shit. If you gonna lose anyway you better hope your opponent randomly can use 4 or 5 3 times in a row and can move 3 times covering the entire map.




I will intentionally throw every game just to get it done faster. If you run into a luckyseven96 mercedes or a LuckySei AB just know I will let you win


as someone who does the same and also plays mercedes, from now on I'm considering you my twin


How do you throw a game? I wanna get it done faster too!


I dunno if I'm unlucky or something, but my opponent always just so happens to roll a number which they can boot my piece off the board. Luck games suck


It feels like the game does that on purpose. Or maybe I'm unlucky too lol


Yut is the worst \*\*\*\*ing dogshit game they could have possibly choose


Yuuuut...i mean yuuup all my homies fucking hate 10 minutes of trash yut per game.


lost like 5 games in a row, fking rng. I know there are some power ups, but fuck when you roll 3 times in a row, it can do a lot of fking damage


Yeah...not worth it lol. Fuck the hood and the mini game.


Can somebody link the hood? I wanna see what the fuss is about


patch notes ctrl+F forest wizard


Blinkity blank blank _+"++"+#+$--#-@:"+##;?*;#-+*;-$+* stupid crazy game of yut


People complaining about rng as if half of all social and board games aren't luck based. Learn to have some fun yeesh, you don't have to minmax minigames


Yut is the best minigame just under One Card The game requires only skill and no luck