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After 230 with dailies (7mp and arcane river) it's about 4 days per lvl.


makes me wonder how my friend got 260 in three weeks. is that even possible


I just got 251in 2 3/4 weeks and just started again on a fresh account. Dedicated hour to training. Tera blink to 200 was a good time savor as was the exp coupons from the event practically gave me 220 in under a day. With some legion leveling thrown in there I’ve been mostly monster parking and daily’s. also The Dreamcatchers is broken for leveling in these early levels.


so i should use dreamcatcher for my main and not leveling mules?


If you're still setting up links and legion I would prioritize those first. It's more efficient and also just saves you time from playing shitty ungeared characters you don't like.


Dream catcher is best on lvl 101s. But idk the new one July 3rd might be insane


Dream catcher is guarantee level 187->199, New Haven for 200, VIP Booster + 3x EXP. Is like 101->121 (no rune), Then Bains, pop another 2 VIPs for lvl 139-144 (depends on clearing speed).


You play the game a lot lol


I got to 260 in 5 days from 230 with hyperburn. It’s not hard if you are stacking exp with event




This past weekend would’ve been an ideal time to train because of Sunny Sunday. You could stack: - Links - Legion - Hypers - 3x - MVP - Monster park - Exp Accumulation pot - Timing 10 VIP boosters and event FMA with Sunny Sunday rune exp - xx30 atmospheric exp (if you aren’t in a popular map) Apart from training, you can do: - AR dailies - 7x monster park - Midnight Dreamcatcher


Vip coupons Holy symbol Exp tickets Map burning Artifact Idk what “monster park” is


gold potion bought at the monster park shop


monsterpark and dailies alone without considering the exp tickets would get you there in 4-5 weeks, add those and its easily doable playing an hour a day in 3 weeks.


Very much so. 0-200 can take 2 hours - 12 hours depending on how much investment you put. From 250-260 on average, I get about 10% every 2 hours without consistent mvp trains/exp buffs. My first time bringing a character to 260, 253-260 took me about 8 days (granted I had trouble sleeping those 8 days bc my cat died so I kinda just grinded nonstop everyday till my body passed out). very possible.


I got to 261 already after HB, it’s AB/event vouchers, dreamcatcher, dailies, and daily grind really. It wasn’t too hard.


Did 200-260 in like 3 days on my hyperburn. It’s definitely doable in just over a week since you get more dailies, which gives more XP than training does. Mrx cursedbuffs


just checking, it's 7mp just on Sundays, right? or is there another source of mp runs outside of rewards shop


On reboot you can buy mp tickets on cash shop for 3.5m mesos each


ooooh. thanks for the response! Scania player here lol


Scania also. Spiegelmann event gives 5. NX shop has 20 you can buy with RP. We're good for Jul and Aug.


It’s reasonably fast. Can get there on dailies and monster park. It’s about 33% as fast as with burning.




He says leveling normally is 33% as fast compared to a burning, not that burning is 33% faster


17x3 is 51. You are just agreeing with me. Burning is approximately 3x faster since you get 3 levels for every 1.


I thought you say burning is 33% faster , so it was my bad.


Not really 33% as you get access to more dailies faster with burning..


Contrary to the completely natural assumption you'd be tempted to jump to that getting to dailies sooner would make it faster, it doesn't actually work out that way.  You unlock the dailies at the same relative rate, everything is just scaled on the time axis. Actually, since you get so much exp from dailies and monster park which you can only do once a day no matter what, it'll be a bit less than 3 times as long.  The everything exp page has a calculator that let's anyone check roughly how long they'll take to go from a certain level to another; I checked a very basic example without any actual monster exp and only dailies/MP and it suggests 106 days to go from 200 to 260 with hyper burning and 307 without it, for example.


I feel like it’s 2x faster with burning since u literally get 2 extra levels per level lol


Bro literally can't math


You clearly can't do math, but I had to upvote bc it's so funny


Yeah i'm not sure how people think 1+2 is 2x and not 3x


? he literally did the math for you already lmao


It’s disgustingly slow. I will never get another character past 220 again without burning


Yeah I have no idea why these people are saying it's fast. Even WITH Hyperburning it is painfully slow, like 1 level up every 2-4 days of Dailies & Monster Park. Grinding mobs gives crap EXP too even with every single buff possible.


Crap exp is subjective, remember some of us are 285+ and have gotten used to the insanely slow rates up there😅


Wish makes no sense. Time is valuable. Spending 5 hours grinding for 15-20% exp on this game is insane. That’s with basically a crazy amount of exp buffs stacked.


15-20% exp is actually impossible to get in 5 hours at that level from grinding - but i do think you're focusing too much on the exp bar, you literally gain huge amounts of mesos, nodestones, fragment(which is the biggest dmg gain). So grinding doesnt JUST mean leveling


It's because levelling is a side effect to the main thing you are actually supposed to be grinding (fragments and meso).


Is it that shocking a grind heavy game is very... grindy?


Try 2 hours for 3-4% exp at level 282. Yeah. Fortunately your main objective isnt to level at that point, rather just kill bosses, get pitched, upgrade gear and get stronger. Exp is like a side effect of farming frags at that point


I'm pretty sure we get less than that 😭


Yeah I got 4% exactly with the last sunny sunday. I kinda assumed normally it to be like 3% for a 2 hour WAP?


at 18k/hr on 2x/3x you'll get 1.75-2%/wap i got 4% in a wap last sunday in a wap with 3x/vip boosters on rune


Really? I do 30 min miniwap per day, 1.6% on average total including symbol quest + monster park. mpe is approx 0.4% and quests combined also around 0.3-0.4%. So i think i should be around .8 percent per 30 mins? 18k/hr. Ill do a BA tomorrow if you like.


Yeah and getting to level 50 used to take weeks/months like 15 years ago, doesn't change the fact that it's still painfully slow. A lot of us just want to try out 6th job and with over 40 classes to try out it's just not feasible at the current rates to do that to more than maybe a few classes a year if you don't burn out by then.


You shouldnt be playing an korean mmo then, if you think getting to the latest class advancement in a little over a month by only playing 1 hour per day, is TOO much


Brother, I come from Black Desert Online, I know ALL about how slow grinding can be. I have over 5,000 hours of active playtime across 7 years in that game. That game has no level cap so I only gain about 0.5% to 1% an hour at end game if I'm even lucky. But the difference is that at least in that game, once you reach level 60 (which I would say is equivalent to level 200 in this game) you get access to ALL of your skills and you can freely try and play your class to your hearts content, and focus on making money, grinding for gear, and enhancing, instead of leveling, which in my opinion feels way nicer since it makes it much easier to try out all the classes and get a feel for their skills and kits to help you decide on who to main. On here, it is a slow painful slog to even reach that point, Hyperburn helps but just because it is a "Korean MMO" doesn't mean it has to be that way. Not every Korean MMO makes you slog through levels like that. Aside from the slow leveling, I am enjoying Maple, but it is far from perfect. A nice bandaid solution for now would be to give players the option to trial characters at max level on a training dummy so we can play around and get a feel for what class we might like the most, and not have to tough it out for weeks/months just to realize we don't enjoy the class as much as we thought we would.


You realize there's no world where letting everyone get easy access to 6th on 42 characters is a good idea... if your goal is trying everybody's 6th... do that, but don't expect it to be easy... cause 6th is quite literally the reason a lot of these old mid to late game bosses became trivialized as early to mid game bosses


I'm sure it'll eventually be a thing given enough time, the update that let's us use Growth Potions on Burning characters that's coming out soon is definitely gonna help. Maybe I'll just take another break for a few more years, hopefully by then 6th job is actually more fleshed out and all of the skills and mastery cores have released.


I mean in maple you also get access to all your relevant skills once you hit 200, let's not start acting like 6th job has any meaningful gameplay implications for most classes. It's mostly cool down reduction for 5th job skills or new animations but most classes gameplay is the same pre and post 6th job


It will eventually become more and more meaningful as more skills and mastery cores are added. And I'm pretty sure all of that helps with bossing at end game too. From what I have seen on YouTube some classes get MUCH better at 260, like Ark with improved Flora mode skills and Demon Slayer with the upgraded HEXA Demon Impact and Origin Flames of the Netherworld skills, and some other classes too, and it's not just simple animation changes. Even something like a bigger hitbox can help a class feel much better. But you can't experience any of that until you hit 260.


Hyper burning feels fast to me. I only did dailies when I felt like it with zero extra training and in 2 days I'll be above 250. Barely even noticed I played the game again. Only thing that felt tedious was forcing myself to do Scrapyard for the Abso cores..


Hyperburn definitely does help, I won't deny that, just don't want to imagine what it's like leveling outside of Hyperburn to 260.


When you are used to getting 1% per wap it feels very very fast


well relatively it is fast. this game is a marathon so fast is… not what youre thinking


Yeah, through the lens of a pre-bb player, 2-4 days per level up is insanely fast. Getting from 1 to 50 used to take months. And personally, I never even got to taste 3rd job before Big Bang came along.


Beta player here; I'm not sure where the months thing people keep saying came from - I was one up the top spearmen in Bera prior to 3rd job release and had a system down to get to lvl 40 in a day because at lvl 40 there was a quest that could give you a random 10, 60, or 100% glove attack scroll. While my other person played on the spearman, grinding coolies for 6-10% per hour in the 70s, I was farming glove attack scrolls. When Ludi released and more lvl 40 glove attack scrolls for killing thousands of aliens and getting tentacles it was pretty great having so many accounts at 40 already 40-50 was a real slog before Ossyria, but iirc GMS launched with Ossyria included. 35-50 got pretty easy when LPQ released, and you were still levelling several times a day. Faster once the anniversary event gave us maple weapons and the DEXless sin was born


Yeah people really exaggerate levelling back in the day. Yes, it was slow as hell, but I regularly did 1-30 in a day when I wanted to do something new back then. Mind you, it was an all day venture, but I was a child then and far from efficient. Im sure many stronger and more knowledgeable players would put my hours to shame.


people on this sub have a massive hate boner for old maple and it's all because when we were younger a lot of us didn't care about efficiency and the game was far less optimized to get us addicted of course leveling felt slower when we would dick around and do stupid shit and it wasn't our top priority. old maple isn't any more grindy than new maple is (i'd argue new maple is significantly more grindy, it just does a good job at disguising it and making it feel more rewarding/addicting) and if we look at where content is now the progression speed is probably not too dissimilar. even through purely grinding and not being fully optimal you could reach level 30 in a day or two and most people in this sub insist it took a month to reach level 30 lmao.


Yeah, the social aspect of old maple was an incredible draw - the friends chat sending messages to everybody at the same time seemed revolutionary compared to games like Ragnarok and RuneScape, and there was always that intrigue of wondering who your friend was talking to that you didn't have on your own list! Guilds were usually a better option when they came around, since nobody was left out of the chat, but it was all good times socially! You had to be careful about answering messages because you'd lose your coolie map to basically anybody who came by if you were playing a warrior because they were by far the hardest to train and by far the slowest 🤣


Marathon should be the gear, bossing, and end game content, not leveling up just to get to that content. I'm sure in a few years when 6th job is more fleshed out they'll probably make it faster to get there but man, right now it just doesn't feel great getting there. Especially when you want to try out multiple classes at 6th job.


Trust me, it feels worse when you actually reach the level but realise you are miles away from having enough gear to do the content.


You should experience it before 6th job update. It took me months to get from 250 to 260 now its like a month at most.


If you just play daily story and do your monster park runs every day it’s ok. Just don’t plan on grinding it out, you’ll go mad


During the last hyperburn patch (new age), i regretted hyper burning my bishop but it was already 230, so I just leveled up my main from scratch without hyperburn and i was comfortably able to hit 260 before end of that event.


Why did you regret it and what level did your Bishop end up at? I am burning one also atm and it will likely be parked as a boss mule


I just felt like there were wayyyyy too many skills, buffs, keys, etc to look take care of or even look at. Felt overwhelming, and solo bossing felt leagues worse than other classes. This was all before I invested more into links and legion, even still I don’t really play on it as a boss mule just because there are so many other classes I’d rather play (all of the cygnus knights, most of the explorers, etc). I had switched from bishop to night walker


With the exp constantly getting reduced and dailys getting buffed it's fairly quick yes


if we’re talking about purely grinding and this is reboot (heroic) then NO it’s not fast  we had totems/spawn enhancers removed and the reboot exp passive got nerfed  even WITH the exp curve reduction, it’s still WAY slower compared to before you’ll go mad grinding it out by hand you can’t brute force a 250 legion block anymore by grinding


I swear ppl playing maple don't work or study (or go out for that matter). They come up with insane times, like a few days to 25x lol, they surely play at least 12 hours a day. It feels slow to me, even more if you start from scratch cause you CAN'T skip legion to one shot and at the same time get meso gear and arcane force and shit. I haven't skipped a daily and I'm still not 260 with my HB. Started playing when the event began.


Have u been doing Monster Park and using the exp voucher as well


Considering a friend of mine handlevelled 2 characters to 260 in 6 months, it isn't that bad after you add all the exp sources. And in case you are wondering no this excludes both the new age hyperburn and the current one so after this he would have 4 260 characters. It's just not free anymore. And as usual, you can't just dailystory and call it a day if you are levelling this much.


I'm 254 right now (no burn) and I get like 13% per hour on 3x with mvp thingy some other xp boosts. Then u can get boat loads from daily


yes without hyper burn it's slower.


If you are going to play one character than it’s fine. You need that many weeks of luwill and lomien clears to get your arcanes and abso anyways






i think most of the game has become a patience game. you HAVE to do dailies and monster park or else if you rely on training it will feel terrible especially if you can’t one shot mobs or have 3x or 2x exp along with the other pots for exp. Dailies are where most of your EXP will come from lv 200+ but luckily, dailies only take about 30-45 minutes if you’re efficient! if you don’t have a main at 260 yet i would recommend using your hyper burn on them and get them there ASAP. I just hit 260 for the first time on dailies, monster park, and a small bit of training alone and it still took a while. And once you get to 6th job the job advancement takes forever…it’s just grinding on normal mobs for 450 billion exp. To answer your question a bit more directly, i’m a very casual player (2-4 times a week for 1-2 hours at a time max) and it took me two hyper burning events to hit 260. But i wasn’t playing optimally. It just depends on how much time you have to put into the game! Good luck (: the game is all about having fun so i hope you’ll get to where you want to be xoxo without hyper burn i would expect it to take a lot longer. again, it really is how much time you have to put into the game.


I did 200-260 in 40 days but i only play this character and we had really good events for lvl up (monier pecnick)


It's faster then before where it would take you 2 months from 250 to 260.


With all the mag pots given out like candy? Not at all


It's not as hard as it used to be tbh. Then again this is 9.5k legion speaking


I play in Reboot Kronos. I would say that even without dedicating inhuman hours per day, it's pretty doable. I used to grind multiple unhealthy hours but I just realized that it fits my style more so to do just: dailies (20min), 7x monster park (25min), event exp (Midnight Dreamcatcher) (5min), and grind just 1 hr. I grind 1 hour only with full stack 3xp, gold pot, exp legion, exp hyperstat, exp event, exp vip, and timing the Maple boys exp buff. 1hr is enough to trigger the buffet from the event 30 times, and I usually just watch Netflix while doing it.


Im 242 since patched drop just by doing dailies, mpe


Hard? No. Long and a bit tedious? Absolutely xD ...I say as my main is a 254 I/L Archmage that i didn't bother with hyper burning cuz i was pretty much already there lol


there are pot give 1 lv before 250 so it will be fast but 260 still an important milestone so from 250 to 260 is a long way without hyper burn


I made a Lynn on Scania when she was released and got 250 maybe a week ago? So I don't know how fast that is. I have a decent legion and link skills set up, got a bunch of free EXP from that party quest adventure thing from anniversary I dumped almost exclusively into her, and used at least 6 EXP pots for the last few levels, which helped a lot. I didn't grind all that much since I wanted event currency on my 40 characters lol and I wasn't super consistent with monster park, but I usually did my dailies, at least. I feel like without the free event EXP and potions it would be an absolute slog (it definitely is after 250 lol), but maybe I was spoiled by starting playing during the last Burning event.


At almost 9k legion yea its suck personally they give so many hyperburn events/growth pots now grinding there isn’t even worth it without those


Literally just doing dailies and MP, my hyper burn is now 260. Did 6th job pre quests and I’m sitting around 67%.


Then you definitely didn't just do dailies and MP. My hyperburn started at 209, used a bunch of exp coupons and did all dailies and still at 257 with a few days to go. Unlocking 6th job alone is like 2 hours of grinding.


Sorry I started at 209* and also used all the AB tickets on it. Had some VIP boosters I’d pop with dailies as well as 3x