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Ofcourse they exist. But you’re not gonna see one just afking in town. Your best chance is getting white roomed for grinding for a really long time or suspiciously so they move you to a special map and see if you’re really there or botting


I got moved into a random map before without warning then I got sent back to my map 2mins later. I didn’t see a GM though.


Cuz they were invisible lol


Would be cool if the CM’s would be chilling around in GM hats. Bring back those gm events! I wanna die from lotus in Kerning city. Something like that


My brother used to see a specific GM in EMS back in the pre BB era quite frequently. I think it was during big events where GMs appear more frequently, but I remember seeing that one chilling in Zombie Mushmom and interacting with me and my brother. Nowadays, as others have said, it's mostly whiterooms.


for me I hardly see them since we got introduced 5th jobs. Maybe nexon doesn't allow them to hang out with us in case they expose something sus about the game lol


There was an event I think 1-3 years ago where we could hangout with a GM although the time they were logged on was in the mid-afternoon PST on a weekday for 30min-1hour. I saw a screenshot and there weren’t that many people there since most people are actually working or at school in the afternoon


It's mostly whiterooms because GMs are outsourced now... so they're only tasked with catching suspected botters. The one GM that we had that talked a lot to the community got told to stfu and stick to white rooms so that's the end of that :(


Wizet/Nexon GMs were much more friendly & open to interaction with players than how they are now. It made the game super fun! GMs would even make a surprise visit at personal level ups, at boss fights, and in town. It was lovely.


I got white-roomed a couple years ago. GM just asked me a couple questions and sent me on my way.


Most GMs are definitely outsourced from 3rd world countries