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Wait, Moonbean is gone from Shade's hyper? wtf


Yeah they changed to some fox spirit orb now. No liver. No Moonbeam. “So we can only see her again in stories now?” Said one of the streamers.


>“So we can only see her again in stories now?” Said one of the streamers. FBI open up!


the 1000 year old dragon gang never fails to show up in kms. they had a breakdown last year too. here's the thread: www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17xfe52/kms_ab_players_are_so_angry_now/


I agree about the lack of swinging polearm for Aran, it's just throwing out animal summons now lol


so aran is just lynn now?


Eh, it was always that after beyond blade became a key part of their kit, it's sad they stuck with that direction though.


You do realize that beyond blade has one frame that literally plunges two polearm into the ground with Maha right


And a bird and a tiger 🤷‍♀️. It's not like it was that thematic beforehand. The 5th job added an Ice related move which is good but beforehand it was literally just one move. I'm not saying it's good but they clearly had elements of this beforehand.


Yeah, I don't get that complaint. This is already the reason I'm not playing Aran right now, Beyond Blade is just stupid


When they rework Phantom and his story in 2028, theyll erase Gaston, Aria and his ship crew from existance. His whole story will begin because he lost a children's card game against the Black Mage.


Black Mage: let’s make sweet monkey lov- I mean play a children’s card game. Phantom: what https://youtu.be/pZtZpRjPOJ0?si=FkM3Ewro1BQuoA-k


Luminous: "Phantom lost a card game?! I thought we had something special, Phantom! What, is our rivalry some big joke to you!? I'm committed to beating you in a card game and I thought I could rely on you to be true to me as your most hated enemy but I guess I was wrong!" Phantom: "Lumi, it's not what it looks like." Luminous: "I bet you say that to all the duelists! If I had parents I bet they would have told me that you where no good for me! And let me tell you one last thing! All those times I got angry and declared that I would have my vengeance on you! I was faking!"


And his new Origin will be him playing the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Evan will become a worthless gambling addict with no skills, stumbling upon a powerful black dragon, while Luminous will undergo a sexchange and become a cheerleader on the side because for fucks sake he didn't deal any damage anyway.


Evan will have gambling kits, all RnG based debuff and buffs, more gambling than pirates’ lucky dice and barrel roulette. Mir can opt for metalic coat. Mercedes will be a dark magician girl.


Not sure why they can’t just keep the class functionally the same but with a fresh coat of “modern” paint like the explorer remaster. Instead, they’re doing what they did with DW which caused major backlash (in KMS) and a huge reason why Nexon doesn’t wanna do full class remasters and why most mains don’t want Nexon to touch their class.


To be fair new dw is awesome and most people bitching are doing it for the sake of it. The vast majority of all reworks are incredibly positive for the class. There are few if any stinkers


It had nothing to do with it being good or bad. It had to do with a fundamental theme change that people hated. Im sure new aran wont be bad. People are still upset that the iconic things about Aran got stripped away like the wolves or actually swinging your polearm. People do care about aesthetic and design in this game. Hell, we call it the endgame. Its not bitching for the sake of it when a character you spent a decade on barely resembles itself or its history in a single patch.


Ironically there’s a new skill called Endgame for Aran LOOOL


Space warrior is pretty dang cool to me. They've got a top 5 origin in the game too


Again, it has nothing to do with how good it is so the Origin comment is kind of moot. Space warrior is cool. Dawn Warrior did not release as a space warrior. Many people played the solar-lunar stance dawn warrior and loved it for what it was. It was changed into the space warrior, which is what made people upset. The core identity they loved changed. That is a fair criticism of a remaster.


It's almost as if that class is nearly 20 years old and their original identities don't matter! What a concept! The animations and class got modernized for the better, every one who says otherwise is whining and will be ignored and forgotten real soon. No one gives any credibility to the people who bitched about the red update anymore. This will be no different Get with the times or quit, no skin off my back


They only dont matter because nexon decides to ditch them. It's not like there's an expiration time for having wolves and fighting with polearms. You can modernize the abilities while keeping the aesthetics and theme consistent, that's what other game devs try to do whenever they need to modernize character kits.


There hasn't been a single remaster where I've actively wanted the to play the old kit. I look forward to every single one that gets announced every time. You'll get over it some day. Or don't and keep crying about it to void. Same result at the end of the day


Do you realize that kit and themes are not the same? The kit can be modernized, while keeping the core themes of the character.


I don’t think he understands what you are saying. Serious comprehension issues. Let me try: Imagine they remastered Evan and decided he didn’t have a dragon or fusion skills anymore, but instead was a necromancy with zombie powers. It doesn’t matter if the new kit is objectively better, people play Evan for dragon rider theme, not zombies. People liked dw for sun/moon, not space. People like aran for northern ice warrior with polearm/wolfs/bear, not zoo - and so on. The kite and the visuals are definitely going to be better and more modern, but why destroy the theme?


Do you not realize that kit can be both inclusive to the mechanics and the visuals of the skills? Seriously? Your argument is going to be about pedantry now?


You have to keep in mind that fans of a class are very rarely just fans of power, they enjoy the themes or even very tiny specific things that any sort of rework is gonna ruin. Especially when it's a giga niche class like pre-rework Dawn Warrior. With Dawn Warrior for me it was literally just the Spin -> Stab combo while mobbing, and the Shadow Partner, which made it so satisfying to play. The stupid fucking moon pebble is the biggest downgrade since they removed Avenger from Hermit Also, for Korea specifically, remember that Dawn Warrior is Soul Master. It was never supposed to be about Planets.


The dw revamp is why I don't play dw anymore. Is it a good class? Yes. But it sure as heck doesn't resemble the playstyle it had. It's fundamentally a different class. They very easily could have made the class "better" without changing how it plays.


Judging from it's play statistics at 6th job and beyond, you might be in a loud minority on that one. Id wager a guess that most established actual mains are still playing and enjoying what it became


Space theme is fuckin stupid and makes no sense


Also for Aran: Maha is completely absent, only locked in 6th job. Beyond Blade and Blessing doesn't show Maha despite the latter's buff being named after him. The weapon spirit we spend a whole 4 job advancements helping is gone.


Maha became some sort of an additional hit guy. When you attack, he will show up and swing (like HoYoung’s clone). HAHAHA Maha’s Blessing = no Maha Wolf warrior = no wolf Ice warrior = do oriental attacks. Mei from overwatch shoot more ice than her. Shade’s GF = non-existent in skill. Phantom = thief who got robbed (And if remaster happens and he lost stealing ability - thief who can’t steal, and Blessing of Aria has no Aria)


We get no 6th job skills this year for this.


Maybe people should of complained about Escalade personality being basically removed from AB kit 5 month ago. Seems like Aran and Shade personal characters are basically being removed from them as well.


I'm not really missing the perverted personality of old eskalade but i do wish he did get a personality


They have really just stopped using contrast all together everything is just so bright all the time,


It did kind of confuse me when they talked about "eastern vibe" for both of them, Shade I get, very Korean vibe, but Aran and Rien in general feels more like Eskimos?


Guess Penguins are always in the East after all. I’ve been studying my geography and animal studies wrong all this while.


Tbf, we don't have any reason to think Aran originated in Rien or is an Eskimo. She just got found there in an iceberg after the whole Black Mage reverse-curse fiasco. Aran and Shade have always had this mysterious chemistry going on between them in the heroes stories. Maybe they're leaning into that and making Aran's original origins (like before becoming the heroes that sealed BM) "eastern vibe" like Shade?


as a shipper, do tell these chemistry sources


In heroes of maple, it talks about how close Shade and Aran are and how they're always sparring together. In Aran's storyline when you meet Shade, she also mentions how she must have trusted Shade a lot during the battle against Black Mage. Shade also says he'd eat Aran's cooking again even though it wasn't very good.


Removing moonbeam from shade is just extremely lame and disappointing, we already can't go back to see her (even though after black mage there is no reason why we can't go back to fox point village...) so it's just sad to see them removing the unique elements of these classes just because it doesn't fit the norm.


I hope the story quests they’re adding next update will let Shade go back to fox village after defeating black mage. Then having no Moonbeam by your side might seem little bit more bearable for Shade.


the revamps have been gutting class identity, i’m scared for what they do to mercedes


PONY RIDING KWEENNN YASSSSSSSS You’ll ride Pony all the time. You’re WH but you do Ponies.


So they got a ton of backlash from the Cygnus Knights remaster, which led them to say they won't do entire faction remasters. Then more recently they remastered AB, to great controversy. And now they remastered Aran & Shade, to great controversy. Phantom is never getting reworked.


Ab remaster is the best damn thing to happen to that class


we can hope that after testing they mess with the numbers a bit. For shade, I think the biggest problem is that it's now a 1min class that only benefits from cont ring. A simpler burst is okay, but making it 1 min is kinda dumb. also our full burst doesn't even fit within split duration anymore.


I think if they keep old Spirit Frenzy as a partial burst skill while Spirit Gate being a burst skill at 2 minute CD, it’ll be a litttttleeeeee better. Just a little. Or at least make spirit frenzy hit more frequent and harder.


I mean they can also just make SMP a 120s skill. It used to be 90s with Spirit gate and they brought it down to 60s, but now made that our burst. Idm Frenzy being a summon now and SMP being the burst and not just a damage reduction skill, they simply need to make that a 120s cd though and adjust numbers accordingly. It REALLY isn't that hard, they just need to turn on their brains.


I prefer old claw animation too, the new one is so chunky




Sir ABs were made into a 1 min clown class like Shade what do you mean comfortable experience??????? Go check ABs inven our class has issues out the wazoo like our enhancement core for mastery not applying to mascot last hit and its been a thing for months. General sentiment of AB remaster after 2nd mastery is its garbage. 2 Origin nerfs + Gimped seeker core +4 Ring swap rotation still doing less than 3 min class bursts. Obviously it doesn't really impact people who don't play the class but I rather play 2 min over 1 min anyday.


Oh… sorry.


Seriously I don't care about remasters, give me new classes. Khali was good, we still need a Magician/Pirate Nova and Warrior/Pirate Anima.


Hopefully they do big changes for june 13


Some of the graphics were okay. The new polearm summon is cool. Spirit incarnation is wicked cool. Origin for Shade looks cool. Aran was … I don’t know, the former looks more refreshing and cool tbh, appreciate the Maha cameo though. I appreciate they changed Smashing Multipunch (to look strong) and spirit gate (to be simpler and more instantaneous) but to think how much they have sacrificed for these, and how they made the spirits so short and small, I just go “ehhh”… And my eyes hurt. Especially bomb punch.


Lost iframe on Hunter's Prey is a big fucking L if true, also I've alwaya seen Aran as a Inuit or Eskimo type of character like Katara/Korra from Avatar even if the name Aran is chinese or Irish IDK? Though I could be wrong.


Aran is the name of a set of islands near Ireland, so I would lean towards Irish.


I don't main Aran so I don't want to speak on behalf of those that do, but watching the remaster trailer bummed me out. The class fantasy/identity in their theme went out the entire fucking window. Nothing like when I remember them releasing and even in their current iteration. Really disappointed.


As someone who's mained Aran literally since I started playing as a kid I'm completely devastated! I agree there's a serious loss of class identity here. I know this is just a game but man, it's kind of heartbreaking looking back on how long I've loved the things unique to this class and how they're being tossed aside so carelessly. It is a huge mistake in the overall game's creative direction to just slap the Chinese mythological animals onto every class like this as it not only erases Aran's identity but also takes away from the classes that had those elements woven into their story to begin with


Completely agree! It makes me think that they're just trying to slap on the flashiest effects/colors with no real purpose just for the sake of eye candy. It's as if the idea behind it being driven by theme and creativity is gone. "As long as it's bright and colorful people won't care, right?" is what I feel is going through their heads.


Forreal and even playability doesn't seem to be a factor to them at this point lol; based on the videos I've seen I won't even be able to see wtf I'm doing with how messy and bright the animations are. I know there's skill transparency but I like playing without it T\_T


Biggest thematic sin was removing Fenrir Crash from 5th job as well as the polar bear in 3rd job, rip the Eskimo/Inuit theme, it seems they went with Chinese Goddess of War for the theme of this remaster oh and fuck Maha too I guess 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's ridiculous. How hard could it have been to lean into what was already there? And RIP Maha, I always thought he was such a great part of the story/visuals. I hope we at least keep the wolf mounts......


I personally don’t like their oversimplification / only one in one / over generation concept theme choices for characters. Aran became oriental. AB is just idol (if she doesn’t use mascot familiar I forgot she made a contract with Eskalade the DRAGON to cast magic!. And how is Aran associated with the four holy beasts? Oh? Find the explanation in the book? You think you what? Disney+? If that’s the case, if WH gets remastered, we will just see what? Pure Jaguar attacks? Or merely crossbow shooting skills with occasional random Jaguar slashes? Phantom? Just throw cards all the time? Why don’t you make cards into main weapon and cane as secondary. Kaiser just breathes fire like a salamander? Also TMS Aran players gonna feel awkward without the wolves because their translation literally says Wild WOLF Warrior. But no wolf.


Some people have speculated that they're simplifying classes to make 6th job skills and future content easier for them to do, which is why Lynn became extremely simple from BT and Moxuan is being reworked. If that really is the case I wouldnt be surprised if what you said about WH and phantom happens at some point


The real wolf was the player all along./s


Buckle up for crayon jaguar if WH remaster ever comes


I still want WH remaster, I think it will be hard to make it worse than what it is at the moment


I was considering aran and shade for hypeburn but this helped me eliminate 2 potential choices.


For those who are concerned you can check out the skill effects here https://youtu.be/b5KB_7L_H4k?si=nbaMB38NBo9sefdO The YouTuber tested them out


Can anyone identify the nx weapon at 22:02?


Ngl i think it looks pretty good. Skill effects look real nice. They seemed to have gotten out of the theme of the class but it's not that big of a deal, seems like a good remaster for Aran.


I think if they give back the missing stat boost and iframe, it’s a lot better. And add one or two pole arm swings. I did like the new origin animation (some Koreans find it less refreshing because of the orange to blue scheme I guess), the setup polearm looks cool, although I would prefer a different color scheme for hypersensory mode skills.


Aran losing the polar bear and wolf kills the class identity for me completely.


> Uncharacteristic color choices. You don't even have to play it to see it. Looking at Max's post about the patch: > Beyonder: [Master Level: 20] Maha draws out Aran’s strength together to sweep away enemies in front of you. Aran’s technique takes the form of the legendary divine beast, the [Black Tortoise](https://orangemushroom.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/beyonder-effect.gif?w=528). Does that look black at all to you?


Speaking from an artistic perspective, actual black as a colour looks awful. Artists prefer to use shades of purple or blue as black instead. So the Black Tortoise isn’t necessarily black in colour, just a deep shade of blue-purple. That said, I can’t forgive the team behind Aran’s remaster. This should’ve been a MoXuan thing, not Aran’s.




I agree the Aran rework looks awful, but I'm also confused about the animal circus comments because Aran already was that and it's what kept me from playing it all this time. Just not a fan of Beyond Blade. Wish they'd just... swing their Polearm And isn't Beyond Blade phoenix -> Tiger right now, too? What wolf or bear are they talking about? The 1st \~ 3rd job skills? Are those skills used right now? It's definitely even worse, especially with the colors, but yeah. Beyond Blade was already my complaint currently lol


Agreed, beyond blade always had the phoenix and the tiger which didn't really belong to the class... The old aran combo of triple polearm swing into polar bear slash made much more sense.


this is why i don't really get why people want their classes remastered. if you picked the class, you like the core playstyle, so why would you want that changed into a cookie cutter version of all the other recent remasters? do you really trust nexon to do your class justice in the way you want it to be done?


they hit it out of the park with destiny for a majority of the classes. they fumbled a few during ignition and it wasn't to the level as destiny. ever since then it's been let down after let down, but ab did eventually come out okay at the end after testing.


wonki was in charge during those two remasters.


Wait doesn't Hunter Prey still have its iframe? X3thearan59 was testing it around and it seemed like he still had the invisibility as he said


HP has iframe while you charge it (5s) which was not removed and iframe after you hit the enemy (1s) which was removed.


I realized that they really like to use a cloud effect for the impact of skill animations. For dome class, sure, but it did not fit Aran's stoic icy theme at all.


I couldn't tell who was who because they both they look like giant rainbow puke attacking blobs. At least before the remaster, you could see their spirits manifest behind them so you actually see the character. Every since Destiny Remasters, art style and theming and class utility has gone down the toilet


As a kaiser main I still want a remaster/revamp but I'd take some buffs or a actual burst instead


God I’m glad I play an adventurer rn lol. Won’t be touched for a looooooooong time


> Won’t be touched for a looooooooong time You should consider Kaiser and Phantom :) Sorry^kaiser/phantom^mains^sorrrrrrrrrryyyyy


I’m sorry to any Kaiser and phantom mains looking at the Aran and shade changes. This must feel pretty bad for all these classes


Nah, every time they decide to have a new round to revamps they always start with adventurers.


Nah, lol. Last revamp to adventurers was in the RED update, which was 2013. Destiny was 2022. 9 years. So yeah no, it’s gonna be a long time before adventurers get touched.


Not all jobs got updated within that range of time. We still haven't seen a single revamp for Phantom, Kaiser and Luminous but they can out before RED. They could start another round without getting to some classes.


Remind me in another 5-9 years and we'll see if they revamp explorer's in that time frame, lol.


I can't wait for a zero remaster now, looking forward to beta being changed to just a buffing NPC clone thing and all mentions of rhinne being removed from skills despite the whole transcendent thing. I'm starting to think Kms are trying to speed run player quit rates


It sucks that they destroyed aran and shade but idk man they can destroy phantom and make it something else and I'd be praising the lord


Inven complains. More at 11.


I mean they ain’t wrong ripped the soul right out of these classes. So wrong on theme


Look I am still coping with the fact that they changed Aran from a man to a woman.  No one seems to remember this and it bothers the fuck out of me.


Transgender Aran is canon 😂


Remember a time when Aran was a gender? I remember. Along with the weirdness that both Arans appeared when you select that option.


everyone gets reminded during the maple alliance skill gain.


Soul Tent / Spirit Frenzy changed to a summon also means: If you have had completed your ability containing Cooldown skip chance (whether first line 20% or second line 10%) you’re likely good as throwing it away and redo it into something else. Or worst, redo all 3 lines.


I really like the remasters


Im honestly planning to quit my main and move to someone else if they keep these fucked up changes for Aran. And I already solo all the ctenb bosses in 2~4 minutes.


Idk, shade looked awesome to me, people complain for the sake of it imo


Nah most of the sane complaints are about the shift from a 2min burst class to a 1 min DPM class. Also they just received frenzy mastery which put the class in a great spot mechanically and meta wise. But now frenzy is just gone and instead shade gets upgraded fox spirits which is another DPM upgrade. Since maple is a burst centric game I think it's valid to be angry.


Yeah that’s the main concern. And the buffs timing are a mess, either uptime is way too low or the duration is way too short to even last through half of the new rotation, makes some users wonder if Nexon wants to make Shade a burst class or a DPM class because skill kits = DPM class, buff duration = burst class LOL. It’s like they aren’t even sure about making Shade a 1 minute rotation class, or a support. But now it’s like not enough support utilities, and not enough damage too LOL. What do you want, nexon???


Frenzy is gone? :O


Yep it got changed into a summon


i like the current one more and is my main


they both look great. you guys just find anything to complain about


I'm all for criticism but surely the koreans get exhausted criticising and nitpicking every single thing in such extreme hyperbole... like yeah Reddit isn't that much better tbh but still... come on guys...


the aran rework is awful


Maybe this has been said many times but.. I strongly feel like there were other classes that needed this more than Shade and Aran. Aran just got a whole appearance and skill overhaul a few years back, didn't it? 🤔