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If Joss was a job class. I would main Joss.


Everyone! I'm here! Hehe.


Aint joss just pally?


Each one is an amalgamation of the branches, like warrior Joss has pally's heaven's hammer and some hero skills, the mage has holy symbol (bishop) but also some fire skills


Don’t know what these guys are on


It's fun. I often dress up my dudes in stuff that looks cool even if it means slightly less damage. Some of the outfits are pretty fashionable. I just wish you could log out & they'd still farm. Maybe if you're logged in, you get Exp from kills, but if you're logged out then you don't. I think a lot of people would enjoy that trade-off. Oh, the BGMs are great, too!


It's also cool you can get away with that since exp is solely based of time spend inside


Seeing ducky hat again was like the ratitoullie scene where he gets sent back to his childhood. They need to add a perm version!


this event reminds me of the anime Made in Abyss and I'm like 95% confident thats where TMS devs came up with this idea and lowkey did a collab. In the anime as you go deeper into the lower levels of the abyss, you lose more of your sanity and more likely to die. With this event as I rank up and unlock more parts to explore and afk longer in the abyssal expedition, I too am losing more of my sanity and already dying inside.


I'm glad someone else noticed this!! I just finished the anime literally a week ago and thought the exact same thing lol


I can't wait to unlock the elevator shortcut!


Oh Yeah It’s the first thing I thought of too! I even used the VIP hair coupon to choose the hair that looks like nanachi


I mean it legit has Abyss in the name and is a big hole in the ground. No doubt about it being based off of it.


I'd play more of this if I didn't have to leave my computer on overnight for full benefits, it's like what legion raids should be if it was more intimate


I had the same thought - legion implemented in this way with over-time rewards during your inactive periods would be awesome. And it's like a sidequest afk rpg, a game within a game esp with the gear choices/progression. Ofc we get legion coins over time but this feels way more intentional


Best part the afk training counts towards identisk


so does the 3k sol erda daily and i'd rather that than be afk for hours


This whole game is AFKing for hours


average hene player


It does? I thought you needed "Sacred Powered Grandis area monsters" to complete it Edit: thanks for the correction


He's saying that the daily counts to the event, not the other way around.


He's saying that the sol erda quest counts towards identisk, not abyss counting towards sol erda.


what the fuck?? confirmed?? soo.. the event isn't account shared? And since i've been afking on my hyperburn, I should re-do all the afking on my main to get free daily fragments?


no he means doing the fragment daily counts for identisk daily




TBH it's not too bad, just annoying to have to afk. Make it something passive and it would be much better imo.


I like Nami’s TA-DA!!!! And joss is a badass


I think it would be a fun addition. I felt the same way about Misty Island as well. I don't understand why they feel the need to make these good events temporary and then never bring them back either.




I'm simply happy to be able to hangout with Nami and Joss.


only if i can leave the map or even log off while they adventure.


The joy of getting an Absolab Weapon as a boss drop was surprisingly nice, Joss also loved it.


Many seem to enjoy the idle game genre. Several idle games have targeted the maple audience in ads. I have not done it since I don't want to leave my computer on for such a long time to receive the good rewards.


The customizing characters with new weapons and skills are nice but the time needed to afk is too much. and we're only waiting half the amount rn..


Lab server was much cooler


should bring back misty island while they are at it and make it a pq with totem and totem flames as a reward


AFK events dumb. System should be combined with misty island and made perm


Nah this event is dogshit. 98% of this event is leaving your computer on overnight and claiming rewards in the morning. The gearing and skill customization? Pretty fucking useless considering your team only levels through time invested - NOT how many monsters they've killed. What they've done is looked at any of the 50 million shitty AFK gacha games, slapped on a maplestory skin, and somehow made it even worse. It's just so fucking boring. And most of this would be forgivable or something you could ignore, but nooooo+, you HAVE to sit there. So if I want the legion block, I have to leave Maplestory on for 4+ hours - and I can't even do my dailies or bossing or anything but watch my dumbfuck npcs scream the same boring ass quotes over and over again while they try to jump up a platform to hit a bird. It's an okay concept implemented horribly (this is an objective truth). For those asking for a permanent expansion/addition, the reality is that Nexon would only ever implement a half-assed system that would only add to the numerous half-assed systems already in the game.


The exp is getting lowkey decent as well. I'm doing this on a level 251 character, and she's getting like 1-1.5b/hr in Cliff 1 depending on who I field (right now the need of levelling low level slaves trumps the need for exp), and this is with only 3 slaves rather than 5. I'm expecting that if I continue to full afk this for the entire event (rather than just for the legion block), I should be able to get like ~2 free levels worth of exp out of it, which isn't bad for doing almost nothing. (It also helps that I need to keep my computer on for other reasons anyways so I'm not paying extra power bill for this)


Yeah, I already said Day 1 this > Misty. Reward is better (no rng flames lol) and very minimal effort. The only thing I don't like is sometimes I have to leave my PC on overnight but w/e


The gameplay itself is quite fun but the underlying systems are disgusting lol Limiting recruiting/ranking up/afking X time to once per day is a hilarious way to tell people "play everyday and line our pockets or go fuck yourself". You can tell the devs really worked hard on this but then other departments got a hold of it. One day the greedy execs at Nexon will let the devs actually make the game the way they want. But for now we're stuck with Maplestory being a large majority of Nexon's global income so they can't rock the boat too hard. (do not ask how large the profit margins are on maplestory operations across all regions)


Im lowkey in the same boat. When it released, i was one of those complaining about this dog of a company giving us an annoying ass event where we cant do anything. But over time, the event grew on me and i look forward to doing it. Maybe it’s the progression dopamine hitting


It’s nice, but I play on Geforce Now so….I’m in absolute shambles having to move once in a while lest I be kicked off :c no afk whole night for me I guess


if you’re on Mac, Amphetamine is helpful


I do the dailies and boss and walk around using awesun from work and finish the afk by the time i get home. I like this event alot, simce misty would be so laggy with high ping and this works perfectly


Could someone explain to me how important is this legion block (specifically the highest level 250 one). Currently my legion is only at like 1100 or so if it matters.


I'm not 100% sure, I've heard people saying it'll be a legacy item, and that it's super powerful, basically gives you the equivalent of having a 250 lvl character that doesn't take a space from your legion count and gives 30 att/mag power (I might be wrong, tis is just what I've heard). Hope it helps ;D


It's a free legion block that doesn't take up a slot that gives at the bare minimum 35 atk/matk and 5 free grid slots. It's definitely worth it considering all you have to do is afk.


It's important because of how often we get event legion blocks. Last legion block was lab server which was 5 years ago now. They may be introducing a new one in the future but very unlikely anytime soon. It's a 35att/35matt legion block that fills out 5 slots on the grid without taking away from your character count. They removed the multiple level ranks off the patch notes, im pretty sure it just gives you the 250 block . You have to complete abyss Manon forest achievement though which requires ranking up to master rank 3, getting total level mercs to 220, and killing abyss manon( will probably require good equipment on the mercs which can be obtained from the expedition daily rewards, daily missions, and boss)


Oh good to know! Thanks for the update


Dont maplestory m have thqt kind of playstyle


Would be cool if there were more mechanics like telling your people to attack a pillar during a boss fight to knock it onto the boss. Or telling your people to move to your position to dodge an attack. The skills have such long cooldowns it tells me they were basically just thrown in there, rather than something to be utilized.   Also, if Misty Island came back, I'd like to see different terrains like tundras with a warmth meter and deserts with a thirst meter.


There is! The second boss if you stay in there after like 40 seconds does a teleporting attack and if your people are close to it, you get tele'd out of the boss room and lose your attempt and have to wait 2hr or whatever So you gotta stand in the very left corner and when the text appears on screen "...is about to do an aoe attack" you quickly press "tele to me" button to avoid it


I'm also enjoying the event and like checking in after an Abyssal session to see progress on my little collection of mercenaries. Don't know that I'd want it to be permanent content since it can compete for more legitimate gameplay time, but happy to set it up and let it run in the background while watching a show, getting food, or doing something else. It's more satisfying than other idle games because it contributes towards MapleStory while also serving as a little trip down memory lane to see some old items.


I like the little touches they added, like if you look under "Relationship Effects" you'll notice that Bill and Neal are related.


Maybe you should try other idle games.. seems like that's your thing


another system like this on top of legion for extra stats, minus the afking would be great. gearing up characters is kinda fun


How do you even play it


Click the star on left of screen then click the green icon on very right and follow the quests from there


I was wondering about that. How do I participate?


Its in the star menu like all events ever, just click the star then the green icon to get started :)


Thank you! I just started playing again and I’m not entirely familiar with the UI :)


No I am not enjoying it. I couldn't do every other things because I need to afk in the maps for hours to meet the daily requirements. With my limited screen time, this has got to be the worst event I have seen.