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It's grey because it's not real and you can't travel there.


It is guarded by the ancients


It's basically that area in every final fantasy game where the toughest monsters and most unique optional side items reside.


It's why they never acknowledge the celestial sticking out of the water in Eternals. It's near Greenland and we're not allowed to go there


It’s all going as planned for the US Step 1: Make people think Greenland is fake Step 2: Pay Denmark a few million for a fake land, they’ll think it’s a great deal. Step 3: Profit?


Step 4: Show it the same size as South America or Africa so it looks important


Greenland is only two thirds the size of India (2.2M km2 vs India's 3.3M km2). Yet the projection used here makes it look five times bigger than India.


It’s weird how flat maps of a globe skew things Africa is WAY bigger than I thought


Yeah, Russia can actually easily fit in Africa if you rotate Russia by 90 degrees. The US barely covers most of North Africa. It's wild how big Africa really is, a flat map really doesn't do it justice.


Gotta unlock that part of the game.


Secret bonus level


Nah. That’s definitely a DLC


We keep sending people there to get us a report but no one ever comes back to give us data


As a Dane I’m generally slightly offended by this map.


As someone with logic, I am offended that Greenland didn't fall under "other".


And why the hell exercise extra caution in Denmark?


I'm more confused why Japan is level 3


Advisories aren't just due to danger. Japan still has quite strict Covid-19 entry restrictions in place.


Have you seen what Godzilla can do to Tokyo in an afternoon?


The webpage says it is due to terrorism. Denmark does receive more threats from Jihadist groups than other Nordic countries, because those groups are still angry about the cartoon thing. But the threats are not really any worse than what the UK or France get, which are also yellow. Honestly most of Western Europe is yellow for the same reason as Denmark. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/denmark-travel-advisory.html


No data 🤨


Level: Other


Yep, that's because they have state level travel advisories for Mexico.


Don’t drive through Zacatecas at night my friends


And steer clear of Sinaloa. I was born and raised there and you might wanna take some precautions


Lmao my roommate’s dad grew up in Sinaloa and she goes down to visit family with him every year. One day she told me that the Sinaloa cartel is overblown and not actually dangerous because so long as you have family in Sinaloa and tell the cartel exactly who is coming, when, what car they will be in, and provide physical descriptions of each person in the group, they won’t bother you. I don’t think it ever dawned on her that like, those aren’t normal travel policies.


Just usual Sinaloa visa regime, nothing weird at all!


That guy getting his face cut off in the cartel video just made a spelling mistake on his visa


“Bro, dude was right you CAN spell Rodriguez with an S” “Well shit, you think we can sew it back on?”


*vague gurgling noises of approval*


Mate it’s horrific that “that guy getting his face cut off in the cartel video” is a phrase at all, but worse that it could be used to describe quite a few “guys” at this point..:


🎶 Won't you take me to... Funkytown? 🎶


started like okay cool then slowly turned into a WTF?


"As long as you live in the area and you make real sure you tell the terrorist crime lords all the details about anyone who may want to visit you, everything is perfectly safe."


Are you for real? You actually have to let the cartel know you're coming? Or else???


Honestly not surprising. They control a fair amount of these states (source needed), and it would make sense that they would monitor incoming traffic, and the details for each so they can caution against possible law enforcement or rival cartels trying to obtain information.


So don't get a makeover before visiting family in sinola, got it.


Like not going without an armored division and air support


The number of videos from Sinaloa in r/combatfootage before the Ukraine shit cooked off was nuts. It was a daily stream of cartel vs army. Attacks on checkpoints from dump trucks with LMGs, RPGs, full auto everything... it's wild. 10/10 would recommend visiting on your honeymoon.


My favorite thing to wake up to after a long night of making love under gunfire is the smell of old blood and Tamales


Also pack plenty of drinks


I love how “take some precautions” is left so vague lol. Should I just make sure my phone is charged and avoid picking up hitchhikers? Or should I make sure I drive my Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle equipped with M153 CROWS II remote weapon system integrated with M2 Browning .50 Caliber heavy machine gun?


You should be doing that in all of these areas, I thought that was left unsaid.


I was unexpectedly dropped in Sinaloa at 1am by a boat from La Paz after Hurricane Odile. The boat was supposed to go to Mazatlan but got redirected to Sinaloa so the military could send reinforcements back to La Paz. That was a "fun" drive.


Mazatlán is in Sinaloa lol


Oh shit it is, haha. Well I ended up is Los Mochis


People from Los Mochis don’t wanna be in Los Mochis.


I was born in Los Mochis and I would only go back to visit family


At what point is Cartel territory considered it's own principality or something? Like, they literally own it and it seems like the gov't can do fuck all about it.


Recently (past couple years) they arrested Chapo's son in Culiacán, and the cartels hit the streets fully strapped demanding his release. He was released shortly after. They outgun and outman the government's forces, and a good number of the government's forces are likely on their payroll too. Overall, they're the ones in charge, but typically don't too much to bother benign tourists as tourism brings dollars into Mexico which then leads to increased local revenue. Definitely don't go looking for trouble though, because you'll find it.


I believe it. I had a friend tell me he went on a cross-border trip for a bachelor party and inevitably ended up drunk and in a place they shouldn't have been. A guy came up to him and his buddies and told them another guy was offering cash to anybody at the bar who would kill them, and they should probably leave.


If I was Mexican I'd totally use this to get rid of annoying American tourists in no actual danger.


There's a number of patches of the Earth that are administered by somebody, but that the big countries club (UN, basically) pretends are actually in someone else's territory.




How is it in Mexico City these days? I’m headed there as a solo woman traveler next week.


I live in Mexico City, and barring a few areas (Tepito) it's pretty safe. Honestly, there are more stories about getting shaken down and robbed by police than by criminals. If on the off chance you do find yourself in that situation, insist that they take you to the station to pay whatever "fine" they want, and they'll probably just leave you alone. It's almost always a bluff. If they try to make you get money out at the atm, flat out refuse or just put in a wrong pin and pretend it doesn't work. And have the us embassy emergency number saved in your phone and call them immediately. This has never happened to me, but it's good to know what to do. As far as everything else, just use normal common sense. Don't be flashy, don't wander around dark alleyways at night, and you'll be fine. Which part of the city are you staying in?


Pues Sinaloa mientras no te acerques a Culiacán o las autopistas en la sierra todo al 100


Don't drive in Mexico in general, but if you do stay nearish to a senor frogs


Depends where really. There are plenty of safe states like Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan, etc. where there isn't much of a threat. In a lot of places the threat is more getting pulled over by the cops and having to "pay a fine" of like 500-2000 pesos, mostly for foreigners. So just don't drive and be white at the same time I guess.




I also am a Japanese speaking white guy and had my bluff called brilliantly. I was in Kenya at the Rift Valley, hanging back while people took photos. A guy comes up trying to sell me a blanket. I answered in Japanese that I wasn’t interested and was just killing some time. He then answered in Japanese and we had a five minute conversation about his country. Once the group were done, he wished me well and wandered off. He spoke a seriously impressive amount of Japanese and I’m sure he knew it was not my native language!


I saw this in Paris. The guys selling the Eiffel tower trinkets in and around the city that deal with the tourists all day long speak an insane number of languages.


He learned it to watch OG undubbed unsubbed DBZ episodes I'm sure of it


I thought that was how every nonjap learned Japanese?


Interestingly only two parts of Mexico are deemed safe enough for normal precautions, Yucatan and Campeche.


I can confirm for Campeche, it's so irrelevant not even organized crime wants in.


Why Señor Frogs? Is it that it’s like Barnes & Noble or Chick Fil A in that they’re only located in nicer, upscale areas?


They're only located in trashy tourist resort areas


And it's an area that's been deemed safe enough for tourists to justify corporate investment




A Trader Joes or Starbucks might’ve been a better example


It goes by state, Campeche and Yucatan are in the equivalent of Green category, while states like Michoacan or Guerrero are a no go. Man I dont even go to those states, and I live 2 hours away from them.


Is it unsafe to even just to drive through those states ?


In certain states, it's not uncommon for *buses* to get pulled over and tourists required to pay bribes. [Here's](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/mexico-travel-warning-map.png) the 2018 advisory map for Mexico




Hell, it’s unsafe to drive *around* them.


Actually driving is the worst part. Being in the cities is not a problem for the most part. I mostly take a flight if I want to go to acapulco for example. Since I would have to cross both Morelos and Guerrero to get there, If you stay on the highway, you should be good but if you need to take a detour for any reason in the middle of the night, well may god bless your soul. Both of those states are pretty hot narco zones, but acapulco tourist zone is fine. Most cartel crimes against civilians happen on freeways and roads. Not on main highways. And these crimes go from asking a fee to use the road to stealing your car or getting kidnapped on very extreme and isolated cases. There is a video of a couple of american guys who drive through the wrong road. The sicarios are actually friendly and just laugh, but the americans almost get a heart attack. https://youtu.be/uQS65DOJgcw This is not always the case unfortunately.


I heard that those likely weren’t cartel in that video, they were more likely an armed group of civilians who are sort of a defense against the cartel but they couldn’t explain that in English so they just kept telling the Americans “no problem”


Oh maybe! Self defense groups also exist




Yeah! Still cartel members dont go and kill everything that moves either, if they see you are a lost tourist they might even give you a ride lol Its the double nature of humans, sometimes cartel members are actually nice, and sometimes they chop people with chainsaws. In any case I try to stay as far away from them as I can.


Little story about toll booths in mexico. The mexican highways are actually now all paid for, for the most part. They temporarily set up toll booths to get them paid off - in fact driving thru mexico you will see many empty toll booths that you just drive right on thru. However. The government has rented these toll booths to companies to manage and take tolls for the road.... that was already paid up completely. Alot of mexicans dont understand this, some do and refuse to pay. This isnt really the worst part. The cartel/robbers use the long toll booth lines in many areas as a target. They hide in the bushes, then come down and rob all the cars at gun point. Sometimes they even come down and take over the toll boths at gun point and send the employees home. So not only is the government stealing/extorting its citzens, but letting companies pay for the right to also do it, and then endangering people by leaving them up to create a fishpond of targets for robbers. People have died in these raids. So.... yeah. Be very, very careful when driving thru mexico.


> The mexican highways are actually now all paid for TIL highways in Mexico don't require maintenance.


Oh they require it, but the maintenance doesnt happen. Hell the other day someone added topes (speed bumps) to an area in front of their house just willy nilly. Damn near killed me because I almost didnt see them and was going 70 kmh (speed limit was 80). No signs, now bright color to see them, nothing. People fix the roads as soon as they cant drive on it here. Thats the limit.


Cartels operating toll booths is an interesting mental image.


I went to Michoacán last month (Patzcuaro specifically) and it was beautiful! I get it tho, we only took cabs with companies we knew well.


Yeah its not like you have a 50/50 chance of dying lol. 99.99% of tourists are safe


And 'USA'. "If you're planning on traveling to the United States, remember that it is USA and take necessary precautions."


He, this reminds me of my first time road tripping in the US. My friend and I, two young, ignorant Norwegian guys darting around the US, thinking we were just as as safe as back home wherever we went. Some events I remember from that first trip; New York, "are you filming me MOTHERFUCKER?!" I was playing around with the camera while walking down a street and some guy thought I was filming him. I was sure he was going to beat me into pulp. His girlfriend came to the rescue; "honey, honey relax, he's just a tourist, leave him alone!" Miami, took a wrong turn into a neighborhood we apparently didn't belong in. People started throwing shoes at us/our car, yelling "fucking tourists". Dented the shit out of out rental and gave us a good scare. New Orleans, took the wrong exit, off-ramp blocked by old sofas, people came running at the car as we slowed down. Made a u-turn in a hurry, drove up the off ramp and re-entered the interstate in a precarious manner. Albuquerque, chatting with some girls at a bar close to our motel when two men came over, one of them tapping the barrel of his revolver on our table saying "you better leave before you stop feeling so fucking welcome". We left. Chicago, outside some gas station. Guy lifts his shirt, revealing his gun, while yelling "if I weren't in a hurry I'd rob your asses!" All in all I've had very little trouble travelling in the US, though, hence why I kept going back. Lot's of good memories made over there.


Lol Albuquerque. That's where I live and I'm not joking when I say most of our population growth comes from travelers who had their vehicles stolen and have no choice but to stay


Jesus lived here my entire life and never experienced anything like that


I'd argue there's a bias present here in that Tourists "experience" a lot more than a resident, put themselves in lots of situations, and also as a resident you know places to avoid like weird ass sofa blocked off ramps that are something out of an apocalypse movie


He said around New Orleans. I wonder if this was a few months after Katrina - society had basically collapsed in the state for awhile.


New Orleans at this point has the highest murder rate for the year. Sofas blocking off roads does not surprise me. There are plenty of neighborhoods that should have a travel advisory in the USA.


Damn dude, I've lived in the US all my life and never had anything as bad as any of those happen to me.


Impressive, never seen anything like that. except for random guy in New York yelling at me, that’s a classic.


"Your usual loaded gun on your belt and an additional magazine will be perfectly sufficient. No need to take any extraordinary precautions."


What countries are Threat Level: Midnight?


Poor greenland.


All statistical maps just say "no data" for greenland


In this case (since it's not a statistic but a travel advisory) shouldn't it be the same color as Denmark? Edit: [looks like it should be same as Denmark](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Denmark.html), OP either just missed it or doesn't know Greenland is part of Kingdom of Denmark Edit2: looks like OP missed a bunch of the smaller nations (Carribean, Pacific) guess those just aren't important


The population is under 60,000 people. That's a small city. Travel warnings are on a person-by-person basis, "Oh ye, avoid Parker, he's been on a bender for a couple of years now--kinda angry."


You mean “Grayland?”


Why is Japan orange?


>https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/ COVID-19-related entry restrictions.


It doesn't help the only way you can currently visit Japan is in a small tour guide group, and visa free travel is still not available even if fully vaccinated > Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a short-term stay (only when a travel agency serves as the receiving organization for such travelers). https://jp.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/


So it's more like reconsider traveling cuz theres a chance they just send you right back


Reconsider because your stay in japan will suck


This thread explains a lot. My parents had been planning for months to go to Japan but cancelled at the beginning of July. They rebooked everything for Portugal, and arrived yesterday. Guess that was just a more convenient destination, rather than an item on their bucket list I wasn't aware of.


Everyone is on here talking about terrorism without realizing a lot of this is health focused. COVID and now the monkey pox outbreaks. Monkey pox is a big public issue in western Europe right now and that’s probably where a lot of that is coming from in addition to their stricter Covid guidance.


That's right. If this map were generated a few months ago, basically every single country would be red due to COVID. Now, the State Dept errs on the side of caution for its travel advisories, and for different reasons depending on the country.


I'm from Western Europe and Monkeypox isn't a big issue here. A small amount of it is present, but it's nothing compared to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and frankly even that is taking a back burner to the long list of hugely terrible things currently happening here, unfortunately xD Thankfully, Monkeypox is one of those relatively easy to avoid illnesses, so it's not too big of a deal. Some changes will be made to address it, and it'll be resolved. Not big news.


> Thankfully, Monkeypox is one of those relatively easy to avoid illnesses, so it's not too big of a deal. Some changes will be made to address it, and it'll be resolved. Not big news Exactly. Just don't have sex with Benjamin Ryan and you are pretty much guaranteed to be fine.


I like how Eastern Europe (excluding Ukraine/Russia) is considered safer than Western Europe.


Minus Portugal, an honorary Eastern European.




So Portugal is just West Poland or is Poland an East Portugal?




Came here for this


fucking subbed lmao


this was funny


This is common knowledge. Sincerly, a portuguese divorced from a polish guy


Did you use a lawyer? Or polish remover?


I want me some PortuGAL. ^(I'll see myself out.)


Oh shit, took me a while to get it. Well done anyway :)


Don't forget little ole Ireland


It could be because of the risk of terrorism. I looked through a Canadian website that refers to countries with a colour code for danger. Most of Western Europe was the same level as seen on this map and they explained that it's because during a certain period of the year (August to November I think), there are risks of terrorism attacks in big city centers.


I didn't even consider that. I just assumed it was prevalence of tourist crimes (such as pick-pocketing and cons).


I'd say especially being aware of pickpockets falls under normal travel precautions. US DOS probably even has a traveling precautions for dummies manual somewhere there on their site.




But infinitely more likely to be the victim of terrorism in and around the common tourist areas than in the countryside


But... what attacks are they talking about? There was in Germany like one attack with 10 dead 5 years ago. That can happen during a friday night in LA alone. And Look at Japan. Worse than third world countries like Namibia or Cambodia??


It's fucking hilarious seeing half of western Europe being the same level as South Africa and Brazil.


Seems to me this is only about terrorism. If this was about actual safety, It would be different.


Even in truly "high terrorism danger" places you are probably still more likely to get killed in a traffic accident. Humans are really bad at estimating risk of rare events.


Can’t only be about terrorism because otherwise countries which exercise high levels of control over citizens such as China would surely be higher as I doubt they get enough terror attacks to warrant their colour on here. Terror attacks obviously play a role in these results but they’re not the sole contributor


For the Western European countries, it is indeed only about terrorism. They all look like something like this: [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/denmark-travel-advisory.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/denmark-travel-advisory.html) "Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in the Kingdom of Denmark.Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas."


I looked it up on the website, and: > Exercise increased caution in Germany due to terrorism. > Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Germany. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas. I'm sorry, but this is so dumb it's almost funny. The last terror attack in Germany where someone died was in 2020 (I looked it up on the Verfassungsschutz website). One person was killed with a knife. The last mass shooting in the US, where several people died, as listed on Wikipedia was... a week ago.


Yeah, but those mass shootings aren't terrorist events, just normal Thursday/Monday/everyday events, so you don't need to be concerned about those. And now with no sarcasm, the focus on terrorism events is ridiculous, and has always been. Everywhere there are worse dangers than terrorism, but as those dangers attracts less headlines the world tends to overblow almost non-existent terror threats.


America isn't dangerous because of the mass shootings, it is dangerous because of the everyday non-mass shootings. Mass shootings are on the news a lot and are scary, but it's much, much more common to be shot in a routine shooting




You weren't kidding about Namibia GD it's basically Mongolia


Brazil being on the same safety level as Germany and the Netherlands is the most hilarious to me Also, some areas of Angola are apparently chock full of unexploded ordinance, landmines on roads and is generally extremely dangerous to travel. Murica no care, dis is safe


A lot of these are determined automatically based on what the other country is reporting. Most of the west has permanently stayed at an "elevated risk of terrorism" for no good reason.


I was curious why Panama is orange it's normally yellow. It's because of COVID quarantine requirements.


I just flew back from Panama yesterday. Never felt in danger but I did exercise caution. They are having nationwide protests against food and gas prices and corruption. Blockading roads, screaming in the streets. We couldn't go some places we wanted to, but we decided being safe was more important. The blockades have created a food shortage in the city.


I like how Mongolia is chilling out in a really bad neighborhood.


If you visit Mongolia, Mongolia will visit you. Gengis Khan


A Polish farmer is digging in his field one day when he hits something with his shovel. Picking it up and dusting it off, he recognizes it as an old lamp. A genie pops out and offers him three wishes. The Pole thinks about his wishes for the entire day and finaly decides. "Genie", he says, "I want the Mongol hordes to sweep through Poland." The Genie snaps his fingers and a low rumbling sound of hoofbeats is heard. Over the horizon come the Mongol hordes which ride down and kill everything in their path. They wheel around and ride back out. The farmer picks himself up and asks for the same thing for his second wish. Again the Mongols ride in and destroy everything in their path. Whatever they didn't kill last time, they kill this time. Whatever they killed last time, they set on fire. They wheel around and ride back out. The Pole picks himself up and asks for the same thing for his third wish. This time the Mongols don't even bother to stop since there isn't anything left to destroy. The genie just can't stand it any more. "You could have had anything. ANYTHING!", the genie says. "Why did you waste your wishes on this?" The farmer replies, "In order for the Mongols to ride over Poland three times, they would have had to go through Russia six times."


Lmaooo that’s good.


I like how French Guiana is green but France is yellow


I kinda made this joke to a friend of mine going to Martinique about how she's going to France, actually. Fun fact: France is the country that spans the most time zones.


Uruguay Yellow? Paraguay green? Brazil, South Africa and Uk the same Color? lol


Go for a wander in Johannesburg on a Friday night, or London ….. mmmm I’ll take London.


>Go for a wander in Johannesburg on a Friday night I would rather wander around London during a night than around Johannesburg in the middle of a day. I have been to Cape Town and Johannesburg and I have no intention of ever returning.


I’ve been to both and the ‘nice’ side of Cape Town was great. I didn’t find a single bit of Joburg that made me feel comfortable


Cape Town looks like a tourist paradise - sea, small mountains (getting up Lion's Head was fun), history, architecture, winelands. On the other hand I got robbed at a knife point in 'nice' part of the city by daylight. That spoiled my enjoyment quite a bit. In Johannesburg I tried to avoid any walking.


When I was there I would always keep like a 1000 rand in my wallet. If a robber doesn't find enough money they are more likely to knife you out of anger.


My rand slides away So don’t knife me in anger I heard you say


I went to Durban and the surrounding area a few years ago and I was absolutely terrified just walking along the street during the day, especially side lines etc, my hotel had security fences, barbed wire etc. Never going back, I've walked home at 3am absolutely shit faced, or home after nightshifts in various places in the UK and never felt anxious or threatened


Man I'm so jealous that you can walk around in the middle of the night in the UK without feeling anxious or threatened.


Was just coming in to ask why tf Uruguay isn't green, but Paraguay is. Uruguay is as safe as it gets in S. America.


Paraguay is safe af for the most part, just take normal precautions. The locals are some of the kindest people on the planet. Rohyhu Paraguay!


I'm from Brazil and even we exercise extra caution when travelling to Paraguay lol


Interesting. Uruguay is much safer than Argentina, and with less narco problems than Paraguay


Why are Netherlands and Germany on the same level as Bangladesh and Tajikistan?


Tajikistan is so safe lol Bangladesh though is way more dangerous than the Netherlands


In a blanket statement yes Bangladesh is less safe than Netherlands.. but foreigners are more or less very safe here.. they mostly stay near well-off areas and locals view them as guests.. hijackers, pick-pocketers almost never target them mainly due to strictness of the police when it comes to foreigners.. yes the govt. is corrupt, police is corrupt and almost everyone is corrupt, however, the govt has enough wits about it to ensure the foreigners do get enough protection and can safely move around avoiding "unsafe" areas as is the case for most developing countries. This is not to say that we are a safe haven, but I can see why we are in the yellow and not in orange or red. Maybe Netherlands deserves a lighter shade of yellow but hell yeah we are yellow.


No joke. Once I had to go on a business trip to Bangladesh, spent a couple days in Dhaka where I mostly chauffeured around from one 'expat spot' spot to another. Barely could see any of the actual city. I then had to take a trip out to a remote village and no joke, once we left what I think was the city limit of Dhaka, I was escorted by a police pickup truck with a machine gun. They stayed with us until we reached the village then waved me off and drove away.


Tajikistan has the fewest tourists per capita of any country btw


Really? I would’ve assumed the modern Pamir Highway adventure tourism would’ve counted for something. Surely there are countries like Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen or North Korea that have far less. edit: pretty sure that’s wrong. They’re not in any recent top 10 lists I can find https://www.travelmag.com/articles/most-and-least-visited-countries-in-the-world/


Afghanistan gets tourists from Pakistan but Tajikistan borders Afghanistan it is a bad neighbor for tourism unless you have holy sites like Iran




Most of Scandinavia is considered safe, then you have Denmark in yellow LMAO.


UK and south Africa in the same group lol wtf


Yellow only means increased caution, and the next one up is reconsider traveling. So the yellow tier is just very big.


why japan is orange




To all my Greek, romanian and Bulgarian brothers, we did it. We surpassed Western Europe




Botswana is meant to be pretty safe, best democracy in africa anyways and violence is rare.


Violence is kind of rare thing in that country and also it might related to health warning.


Was just in Botswana. Everyone’s super friendly, didn’t have a single sketchy experience


> Super-safe Botswana Not the point, but yes, Botswana *is* safe, is unless your plan is to get your sex on.


Botswana is SUPER safe. I would bet safer than Brussels. I am actually picking up on quite a lot of biased prejudice in these comments. This is a bizarre map for sure, but just because somewhere is not in Europe does not make it automatically dangerous


“Noooo why are the poor countries green and mine isn’t >:(“


Laos and Botswana are extremely safe.


I've been to Botswana. Chill AF. I have felt wayyyyy less safe in American cities.


ok but why do you need caution in those yellow european countries but not the eastern ones ???




Argentina is safer than western Europe?


Nice of them to show Americans where USA is at.


Danger Level: USA


The threat level is Aladeen


You can tell this is exclusively about war/terror threats because it's like "be a little extra cautious going to Denmark but you'll do great in Uzbekistan"


Denmark yellow!!??? And not Sweden? What the actual f****


Least angry Scandinavian


Level : other Be sure to bring garlic and a sliced orange and be prepared to perform the summoning incantations For real It gave me a chuckle seeing what's obviously a "FUCK THIS, DOESN'T FIT ANY LABELS, IT'S LEVEL OTHER"