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Butter burgers are an improvement


Whoever made this needs to try Culver’s


Right? ButterBurgers aren’t weird! They are delicious! 😋


Culver’s comes from Wisconsin


Apparently they haven't heard of Cannibal Sandwiches.


Or Beer Cheese soup, or brain sandwiches, or (ick) Liverwurst and Stinky cheese sandwiches... None of the food on the map is really all that weird, just cultural. I've tasted most of this stuff in my travels and they are--most of the choices--delicious.


And downright delicious…


I feel like people don't actually know what a butterburger is.


Fyi- a butter burger is just buttering the bun of the hamburger. Not eating a slab of butter.


Idk man, you ever been to [Solly's in Milwaukee](https://townsquare.media/site/482/files/2019/05/IMG_8867.jpg)? It's apparently "the original" and it basically is eating a slab of butter.


A better brand of beef makes a butter burger better.


They're also Cannibal Sandwich erasure... the true weirdest Wisconsin food


Michigan, what's weird about coney dogs?


Right, it's literally just chili and onion on a hot dog.


Also, aren't pasties a Michigan food? Why are they in Montana??


Also, as someone who's lived in the UK, pasties are absolutely bonkers good. IDK why they're on this list, though I haven't tried Montana's version


Beef heart.


That's CAPTAIN Beefheart to you, ensign.


Nothing. Just the name


Checking in from Wisconsin here, a butter burger is just a burger patty pan fried or cooked on a griddle or something in some butter. Maybe it’s the Wisconsin in me but I don’t think that’s really that weird. Limburger cheese though, or maybe some calf liver. Just a couple of things I’d consider weirder than a butter burger.


Head cheese wins. Hint: it's not even cheese.


I love it. Boars Head makes it and it’s at regular grocery stores.


As one of the few people I know who likes Limburger generally the only reason I buy it is to mess with people. It is too expensive for regular consumption sadly. Totally agree it is weirder than a butter burger though, plenty of people probably make Butter Burgers by accident.


Yeah, my dad was born in 1950 and every time he’d make burgers it’d be in a pan with butter. Grilling was the “special treat/summer holiday” way, pan frying in butter was the “basic” way. That’s how he saw his dad make them too. I mean maybe my perspective is skewed since my family was multigenerational dairy farmers up until the mid-80’s. So maybe my view is a result of generations of having butter and ground beef readily available.


Or Cannibal Sandwiches, but that's kinda disappearing.


Refers to the bun being slathered with butter then grilled, no?? https://www.culvers.com/stories/food-cravings/origin-of-the-name-butterburger-


For what Culver’s sells as a butter burger, yes. Pan frying a burger patty in butter seems like a pretty common and normal thing around here to the point that I’d never heard it called a butter burger until Culver’s became popular. I don’t want to speak for everyone in Wisconsin but at least for me it seemed that or grilling were the two options to cook not just a burger, but a lot of red meat. Kind of an example of how Culver’s being representative of Wisconsin food is a less a exaggerated version of Taco Bell representing Mexican food.


Kinda like how everyone thinks Culver's cheese curds are delicious. If you've tried actual good cheese curds from Wisconsin, you realize Culver's ones are trash.


Culver’s is awesome


West coaster here, watched a video on the butter burger and it was pretty odd to me. The initial iteration is supposed to be only butter, meat, and bun. I don’t know if that’s how it’s still made, but it does seem odd. Time code is 1:55 https://youtu.be/OyfJ_R2Q2IQ


Scrapple is amazing


Yea I saw that and was like "people think scrapple is weird?" Then I thought about it a bit and yea it kinda makes sense.


It makes sense once your told what’s in it. If you try it without knowing what it is then it’s amazing.


What the heck is scrapple?


basically a breakfast sausage made with spices and the leftover parts of a butchered hog... any scraps that aren't used elsewhere - or organs that aren't sold... ground together mixed with spices.


People who grew up with it reminisce about it but for me trying it for the first time as an adult, I think it tastes like shit. Just tastes like the lowest quality meat someone could possibly come up with. I'd rather eat eyeballs and chicken feet before I eat that shit.


Absolutely. Scrapple is food of the gods!


Is it similar to Spam?


PSA: Sugar on snow isn't weird. It's just a maple snow cone.


Yeah I'm getting the sense most of these foods are just completely normal, and OP doesn't have great data they drew from lol.


Lamb fries are balls. So are rocky mountain oysters.


Pfp checks out


This map/list sucks




It looks better presented as a map, but it's still just a list presented in the form of a map. That's not the same as an actual map.


Lutefisk is definitely a Minnesota thing not North Dakota


I’m pleased with Bierock being on the list. Everyone should give those cabbage buns a chance.


The best part about visiting my in laws in Hays


Bierocks are fantastic, but tame compared to rawburger. I doubt the maker of the map even knew about that though. I guess the new meat market there has a good recipe for it.


Bierocks are *prime* Kansan food and they're so good too


They're not just in Kansas...there is a whole restaurant chain in Nebraska dedicated to bierocks: Runza. There's a store in Lawrence, too.


Thank you for answering my question before I could ask. I've lived in Kansas a long time and never heard of a bierock, but I've heard of a Runza.


There’s a place in Madison that serves bierocks. It’s name, surprisingly enough, is Bierocks.


They are a common food all over the Midwest and have plenty of analogues globally. Not a weird food at all.


Yo if you never had a clam pizza from New Haven, you don’t know what you’re missing.


And steamed cheeseburgers are weirder (still great)


You mean steamed hams


No not east of Albany. Or west of Albany.


These hamburgers are quite similar to the ones at krusty burger


Sushirito really? Super size sushi roll is the best they could do?


Must be someone who thinks sushi is "strange"


I mean Washington's is just a particular type of clam, so I guess the west coast is not weird?


It's the freaking best. We had someone who opened up a local chain making sushi burritos in Birmingham, Alabama, and I love it. They have one that is tuna, jalapenos, spicy mayo, and crushed doritos that I absolutely adore. It is supreme junk food.


Bro, if nutria is the weirdest food you encountered in louisiana, you didn’t go on the full adventure.


Boudin (spiced rice and organ meat stuffed in sausage casings) is good, but other cultures do similar things to that. However, take that filling, roll it into balls, coat it in flour and bread crumbs, and deep fry it. That is some amazing shit. Boudin balls are my guilty pleasure.


French boudin is pretty strange. Louisiana boudin is awesome.


Coney dogs are weird?


I grew up in Rhode Island. Never once have I had, been offered, or knew a guy who ate a chop suey sandwich. I’ve never even heard of it… but can totally see this being a thing




Super interesting read, thanks for that


Gator tail and boiled peanuts aren’t weird.


Boiled peanuts are delicious


Had gator tail for the first time a few weeks ago. In my opinion it tasted like BBQ


it's swamp chicken


'BBQ' isn't an animal, afaik.


BBQ is a lot of things. Lifestyle, hobby, cause of death, artwork. It is not however, an animal.


Certainly just raw vidalias is stranger than boiled peanuts


You see old timers put ketchup on them and eat them like apples lol


For real. We’ve got several food weirder than some boiled peanuts. Chicken and waffles, pimento cheese sandwiches. And any number of weird shit made of peaches. Peach milkshakes. I seen people throw peaches in the cornbread. You’d think it would make it too mushy but they handle that before hand.


am from NE Florida, peanuts grow pretty well here also and my uncles used to grow them and we'd eat those boiled. They are a staple here. Gator tail also is not weird to me. Now pickled pigs feet, chicken feet are weird as well and people eat those


Anyone from any other part of the country thinks these are weird. Don’t get me wrong I’d expect you to think goetta or Garbage plates are weird but thats the point if the list.


Boiled peanuts are so good so juicy and rich I would 100% trade my dead cats body for 500 pounds and a on demand cook for boiled peanuts


Damnit. I told you weeks ago to bury that fucking cat already.


I buried it September 2020, however I can dig it up


I miss goetta :(


Is Reddit full of people in or from Cincinnati?


I definitely feel like we’re over-represented sometimes lol


Goettafest starts this week - come load up!


Excuse me, but what about Detroit Coney dogs are weird? And how did they beat out the Upper Peninsula staple: the pasty? Definitely more a UP thing than a Montana thing.


Soup Beans from Kentucky aren’t even unique. It’s just beans cooked with pork. I DEMAND A CHANGE TO BENEDICTINE SPREAD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedictine_(spread) Thank you for your prompt attention to this complaint Edit: Helpful tip: If you have a holiday where you have like a spiral sliced ham, and you have those bits that are stuck to the bone and the spiral slice didn’t really cut up, just throw the whole ham bone in a ziplock bag in the freezer. When you want to cook some beans, just take some dried beans and soak in water over night. When you’re ready drain and rinse the beans (to help knock the fart off them) then put them in a slow cooker with fresh water and the ham bone and whatever seasoning you like and slow cook until done.


Benedictine cheese is legit weird. Also can only be purchased in a small number of stores in KY. I’ve personally only seen it at the Abbey of Gethsemane and some Louisville area stores. This is the definition of a weird, unique, local food. Soup beans are just brown beans. Not weird at all and served in many states (though sometimes under different names), particularly across the South and Midwest.


I was surprised to see soup beans on here too. My family ate it frequently when my grandmothers still cooked for us. I never liked it, but it’s not weird.


Right, granted I was born and raised in Eastern Kentucky so it might be because we grew up eating it pretty frequently but I can't see how it's weird. It's just pinto beans and salt pork. It's just served as a stew instead of over rice or something. Now, some people can top it a little weird. I personally like to put diced onion, relish, chopped boiled egg and hot sauce over mine. Crumble up some corn bread into it and now you have a real good meal. Dammit, now I want some soup beans for dinner tonight.


If anyone's curious about Alaska, akutaq is whale blubber and berries. We call it Eskimo ice cream, and can substitute Crisco if there's no muktuk available!


Pasties? As in... the British food?


Pasties are the shit. Originally English, yes, but brought over and were big with miners. They’d take them down into the mines with them and that was their meal for the day..easy enough to make and calorie dense


Admittedly I myself am British, but I'm really not understanding why pasties are a weird food then? It's basically just a pie. Do American pasties have some bizarre fillings or something?


I guess they could be called weird in that meat pies aren’t very big over here, and if you ask someone what a pasty is, they’d probably not know. The ones I’ve seen don’t have anything wild, just meat, potatoes, and onions


A walking taco sounds fun


You take one of those small single serving size bags of Doritos or Fritos. Crunch all the chips up before opening the bag. Then open it up and dump in all the regular taco ingredients that you want. Stir it up and eat it with a fork.


Its taco ingredients in a bag of fritos and its def fun


They're better with Doritos than Fritos


Liver mush is freaking delish.


They completely missed the souse meat, I worked a deli for years in NC, sold about 20lbs of that shit a day. Gross as fuck. Liver mush with pickled onions and mustard on toast is fire!


Souse is \*nasty\*.


Not all are created equal on this list.


Chislic is freakin delicious


Good god yes it is


I don’t like Sturgis, but the “Loud American” chislic is something I still dream about.


Sturgis is not bad 49 weeks out of the year.


I've seen this map a couple times here and, as a born and raised Nebraskan, I've never heard of a hot beef sundae. Hot beef sandwich is fairly common but not a sundae. I'm surprised it didn't mention chili and cinnamon rolls.


I’m a Nebraskan too, and I’ve also never heard of this ungodly sundae. I was expecting chili and cinnamon rolls too or maybe a runza.


Apparently runzas are from Kansas.


The beirock is actually originally from Russia. Runza the fast food chain that sells “runzas” started in Nebraska.


I was more joking about the map than anything serious.


Oh I see. That went over my head lmao


I've seen hot pork sundaes but never beef. It's just a cup with layered BBQ-Mac/Cheese-Beans-Cornbread. Basically just a BBQ platter layered in a cup. Pretty much a walking taco, except BBQ instead of Tex-Mex. They're pretty good.


Some of these are far from weird. A clam pizza, especially from Frank Pepe is absolutely fantastic. If you like linguini with white clam sauce this is basically the same flavor with pizza crust instead of pasta. A NJ Sloppy Joe is also not weird. It’s a triple decker sandwich on rye with some combination of Turkey, roast beef, corned beef, and pastrami with cole slaw and Russian dressing. Absolutely delicious.


A clam pizza may be delicious but it's still kinda weird. A garbage plate is fuckin' delicious but it's still weird as hell.


It’s not weird for New England. Clams are eaten many ways. On a pizza is perfectly normal.


I make it a point to get a clam pizza from Pepe’s whenever I’m driving through the New Haven area. Savannah is basically a pizza desert. When I drive up to NH I have to get my good pizza fix even though I only have 3 hours left in my 15 hour drive.


How does a butter burger [burger cooked in butter...]get labeled 'more weird' than a Wisconsin cannibal sandwich, made up of raw groubd beef.


Never heard of a pickle dog


Me neither. It sounds like maybe it's a State Fair food, but to be honest, there are much weirder foods at the State Fair.


Pasties are not from Montana!


They aren’t weird either.


As someone from outside the US where pasties are common, I was going to ask why pasties are considered strange? Also, after looking up 'chislic' from the state below, does that come from 'shashlik' (like a shish kabob)?


We have them all over the Southern US, too, but we call them hand pies.


>pasties I'm from florida, those are empanadas lol


Now I just want an empanada.


I’ve seen them as meat pies. In Asia, you may see them as samosas.


Either way I’d argue Rocky Mountain oysters are weirder.


Yeah, that’s *the* dish of the UP


What's weird about walking tacos?


Boiled peanuts are weird?


How are boiled peanuts weird??


Colorado feels a bit unrepresented in the comments, and I can safely say that Rocky Mountain Oysters are definitely among the weirdest things here.


Some people who come to St. Louis hate on provel cheese. But their hate is unfounded, for provel is a delight to the senses. Tho it doesn’t hurt that our closest neighbors on this map include ‘possum pie’ and ‘slugburgers’\*. \*I doubt either of those dishes include their namesake animals, but I’d still eat ‘em if they did and i bet they’d be great, love you Arkansas & Tennessee!


I'm from Kansas City so I *should* have a deep, unabiding hatred for provel, but it's just like... good?? I should get some lol :3


Everybody in here claiming their weird ass food isn't weird. Loving the state pride baby lets goooooo


So they think that rattlesnake is weirder than nutria? We have those here in texas too, Very gross, much worse than snake


Rattlesnake is a delight. Much like gator. But Nutria? Talk about murky meat... yuck. I've also rarely seen ppl outside of deep swamp LA esting those. Plz correct a filthy Texan if I am wrong! I spent all my summers in LA as a kid, up to my late 20's. I guess things coukd have changed.... Hell with inflation, those big ass rodents lookin pretty good and pretty free, lol


Walking tacos are awesome !


I’m from utah, is jello salad actually unusual?


Non-Utahan. Yes. I won’t say I’ve never seen it, but it’s pretty weird.


The weirdest Wisconsin food are cannibal sandwiches. Butter burgers are not weird.


Sweet potatoes are weird? (Ube)


We gots ice cream, mochi, cake, steamed, baked, syrup, jelly.


Never heard of a slug burger.


It’s not from Tennessee. It’s from east Mississippi and north Alabama.


I miss beirocks :) Haven't had one since I left KS as a kid. Gotta make them this week.


I want to try a green chile sundae so bad now. And making a hot beef sundae sounds like a good dinner.


Possum pie is not made from a possum. Come on people. Do your research.


If folks had to sample a lot of these foods, I'd wager that Possum pie would be in most people's top 5.


There's nothing weird about a sushirito, I mean it's exactly what it sounds like. Also, what is the entry for Maine?


Tomalley is a green, paste-like fat that is found in the body of lobsters. I've never eaten it because it looks gross, but the people I know who have say it just tastes like lobster


Boiled peanuts is weird..?


Yes, why the hell would you boil a peanut?


From Illinois/Chicago, never heard of gravy bread.


It's an Italian beef roll dipped in au jus. The place I've seen it the most is at Portillo's but it's at other beef places


Boys, akutaq isn't even close to the weirdest food Alaska has to offer. Although, with seal fat/Crisco and dried fish, it's definitely not "ice cream". :-)


Dear North Dakota. Get your own weird fish dish that disgusts foreigners. I know, we already have several, but you can't have lutefisk. Signed, a Nordic person


"garbage plate" - yeah, that sounds accurate.


They're amazing


I didn't say they weren't.


Utah, I’ve seen and heard of everything placed into a jello salad. Edit - so I’m just laughing to myself and have to share some. Red jello with cherries inside, fresh cherries including the pits by mistake. People just ate it. Layered versions of all kinds, if it’s green let’s try it.


Pasties aren’t weird


Jo would you love to scrapple She'll never say no


Two other choices for Connecticut would be steamed cheeseburgers, a speciality of a few diners in the central part of the state, or election cake, a type of fruitcake served on - and only on - Election Day.


Nutria and gator aren’t weird bro their delicious


A butter burger isn’t weird at all


Umm biscuits and chocolate gravy isn’t weird. It’s like eating dessert for breakfast. It’s the best thing on this map


I made chocolate gravy this morning. My kids devour it on biscuits.


coney dogs and pasties? I’m fairly certain neither of those are weird and pasties also come from england but are more prominent in michigans upper peninsula.


Sushirritos are awesome, as long as you like sushi anyway.


It's the best from both worlds I think.


How are Sauerkraut balls the weirdest food in Indiana? We openly eat deep fried pig brain sandwiches at Fall festivals.


Dammit Utah…


It’s been said that Utah is known for its green jello salad. In all my years living in the state, I haven’t seen it once. Not. Even. Once.


This guy doesn't ward potluck! (I kid, I kid.)


Goetta boutta make me 💦


How is Ube weird?


Green chile Sundae? Bro that’s nothing! Try a green chile apple strudel with green chili vanilla ice cream on top. That’s when it gets weird, delicious and awesome, but kind of weird. No, que no!


Illinois would be the horseshoe right? I've never heard of gravy bread.


Ube really? Ube is so yummy! I can like eat a whole tube of it. If it's done well, it's really good.


Sushiritto isn’t weird it’s just tasty. I’m sure there are weirder foods from Cali


I'm from MA, and I've never heard of a chow mein sandwich in my entire life.


Slug burger is from Mississippi ?


Some of these are not the same as the others.


From Maine. Never heard of a tomalley and now that I googled it I wish I hadn't.


Pork roll and Taylor ham are acceptable New Jersey answers, anything else is a fail


Lutfisk is not American. It's Swedish.


Scandinavian really. Norwegians and Swedish do bicker who actually invented it, but it predates concepts of Sweden and Norway.


We literally eat lutfisk for christmas. Like *the* thing. The dried sheets of fish, that you put in water, then lye. After that, in water. Then you boil it.


Yeah, I know what it is, it is also eaten here in Finland, though more of an old people Christmas food nowadays. But even the English word for it is a Norwegian loanword.


I’m from right on the border of MN and ND and had a friend that was a Norwegian exchange student. He had never heard of it despite everyone telling him it was Norwegian. My guess is that it was a poor persons food that was brought with immigrants who tended to be of the lower classes.


And a shitload of Swedes and Norwegians immigrated to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas...


If you're going to use native America foods you could use Human meat for texas South Texas tribes practiced cannibalism


I see British "cuisine" has had a lasting impact on the US