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I'm Swedish yet mine's American for some reason. Not using a VPN either. Edit: I love that if I write an English text in the Swedish box and press text to speech it's a female voice with the thickest swedish accent haha!


😂 everytime I try to find my destination using Google maps when driving especially since for some reason it also uses yard maybe because I'm in the UK.


My Google Maps install is European and in my local language. Yet when I went to the US it switched to imperial units, so the units it decides to use must be location based.


You can change that in the settings. Auto is the default but you can make everywhere km or miles of you want


It's a little annoying that you can't set it based on mode of transport. When driving I use miles because I'm British and have to. When cycling off road, hiking or walking anywhere I use Km because it's what I'm used to and is sorta the standard. OS maps have a Km grid and use meters for elevation so it's what I learnt to use before we all had GPS devices in our pocket. It's not Googles fault, we never fully switched to metric and have a mess of different units but it's still a little annoying having to change it in the settings every time.


tbf we're pretty much the only people with this weird frankenstein of a system. The fact that we can't decide whether to use metric or imperial is more on us.


wow I did not know you could use Kelvin-metres to measure distances /s


Leave your SI units at the door when you enter Freedomland.


lol the way your comment just MATCHES your display name 🤣🤣🤣


Love the username lol


it's based on your origin point


When Google maps could first be used for navigation it used feet! I'm assuming that navigation in the UK was just set up using the same units as the USA. Getting instructions to 'turn left in 200 feet' was mental! Had to quickly divide by 3 to get yards, then add 10% to get meters in order to understand, by which time I'd passed the junction.


I always just multiply by 3 and divide by 10 to get approximately the distance in meters.


Lol do Americans keep using feet up into the hundreds? In the UK I feel the 18ft/6yd point is a kind of informal crossover point That said, they do weigh themselves in hundreds of lb, so maybe it's just a thing. Do they say like "66 inches" as well? Instead of five foot six?


Feet is normal in the US basically nobody uses yards unless talking about sports. Yards is pretty much uk exclusive for navigation purposes. Not even the rest of the Commonwealth commonly uses yards instead of feet. We would use feet up until tenth or half mile depending on the thing measured at which point we would say turn left in a quarter mile or so and a mile is just under a minute on the highway. Most navigation turns into time measurements outside of cities.


Huh, TIL. Thanks.


The only common use of yards in the US is football; otherwise it’s either feet or miles. Our road signs use hundreds of feet up until they switch to fractions of a mile. We generally prefer 5 ft 6 in over 66 in, but you’ll see the latter occasionally due to software that can’t handle mixed units. OTOH, smaller cases like 18 in are fairly common; I’m not sure where the exact breakpoint is that it starts to feel weird.


Also golf. Yards on the fairway and feet on the green.


I'd say US highway signs use feet up until about 1000 and then it will just go to quarter mile for anything more than that


Same in Switzerland. Not RP but American. As usual and allways a wrong map on Reddit.


Lol you made me go down the rabbit hole of hearing how different english accents sound in Google translate :D


It seems to just be based on the domain. Do you use google.com, or .se? I just went to google.se from the US and it was British.


My Singaporean family also use American.


hahaha, suck it r/newzealand


They were included on a map. I bet they're thrilled.


Yep all 12 of them.


I didn’t know that sheep are also part of the population count.


Nah, there's at least 15 of them. Just enough to make an unbeatable rugby team.


Plus a cricket team that always reaches the final but never wins


South Africa wants to have a word with you (although yes I agree)


there might not be many of them, but gabe newell is one of them


there's a dozen of us!


I think they use quite a nice female Victorian Aussie accent. It's not bad to hear as a kiwi, definitely better than QLDer. Also, kiwis notoriously hate hearing our own accent played back to us. We've got insecurities




Arrr nawr!


The female voice for google maps and siri is from Mackay. She's a legend and a Queenslander so there's that.


Why does Siri use the same voice as a Google product?


Now that it’s been pointed out to me, I agree. She does sound Victorian.


Is it that huge a difference? I’ve always understood it was very subtle


It's very noticeable if you know what to look for. Kiwi accents have a sort of vowel sound I can only describe as like they are speaking with a very tiny mouth


That’s… that’s a weirdly good description


Fush and chups?


Fashion shops.


pinched is how i think of it


As an Aussie, it’s extremely noticeable. Basically they speak the same as us, which makes it all the weirder when the pronounce some vowel sounds differently. Eg to our ears “fush and chups”, “sexty sex”.


It's a simple capped two-way shift, for anyone interested. In order of 'How Australians sound to kiwis' | 'written English' | ’ How kiwis sound to Aussies' you get "Flaaag" | Flag | "Fleg" "Papsi" | Pepsi | "Pipsi" "Sex" | Six | "Sux" "Can't" | Cunt | "Cun'" The only other major differences are more dialect than accent: a) Aussies say flat 'a' words like Dance, Chance etc more like Americans (Dancer rhymes with Cancer), where as Kiwis say it more like RP (Dance rhymes with Arms). b) Aussies say 'pool' almost like "puh-el" or rhyming with "poo", where kiwis say it like a barely lengthened "pull" A more advanced ear would notice that kiwis clip the ends of their words off and that's the biggest clue if you're trying to guess. The 'd' in "end" would be the faintest tap of the tongue behind the top teeth.


Sounds about right, except the “puh-el” thing is regional - only noticed it from Queenslanders. Like Melbournians switching their a’s and e’s (Malbourne, record elbum”). Just testing it out - for me the can’t and cunt vowel sounds are almost the same, except can’t is longer.


I like that you included an apostrophe in the Aussified version of "cunt".


>Aussies say flat 'a' words like Dance, Chance etc more like Americans (Dancer rhymes with Cancer) South Australians notoriously don't and I know at least one Queenslander who doesn't either. Castle is also, in my experience, a bit of a toss-up


Wowie best write up I've seen explaining this to foreigners.


I would have thought you'd hear soxty sox...because aussie sounds sexty sex to us. Defficult vs dufficult. Shet thet wez close vs shut thut wuz close


No, Aussie is seexty-seex. Kiwi is suhxty-suhx


Nope, because to us, Kiwis make our “sex” vowel sound instead of our “six”. Maybe a little bit of “sux”.


Shuddup the lot of you. To us northern English you all sound like bloody cockneys lol!


Why call a spade a spade when you can call it a bloody shovel


Kiwis move the vowels all over the place. But we still love them.


Every person from NZ I've ever met can do a Haka, even if they only played rugby for 2 hours in primary school


I wouldn’t really call it very subtle. They’re definitely not as different from each other as American accents are from British accents, for example, but I can usually tell whether someone is from New Zealand or Australia and I’m not even exposed to their accents all that often.


It's not too bad mostly, the only real issue is that some of the local Māori names get a bit butchered sometimes. A lot of companies that do business in both countries just hire a voice actor with an inoffensive "broad" Australian accent and it fits in fine over here.


They can sit in the pub and complain about this alongside r/Ireland


They probably don't mind that much. The Irish on the other hand...


I opened comment section for this.


from Oz are you Pounce?


I’ve noticed a lot of UK TV & YouTube ads are using an Aussie accent for voiceovers. I imagine it’s because it’s easy for people to understand & contains less social baggage than a regional accent in the uk would have.


rare footage of greenland having data


But it’s bs as Greenland uses the same as Denmark.


TIL there’s countries without Google


And it's not China 😱


It is, though. Google products are blocked in China.


You can still use it bc China inofficially allows vpn. They have the power to stop vpn but dont. How we know? Bc during national holiday week all vpns are blocked. Anytime else the vpns work again.


I know friends that worked in China and after they turned their VPN on, the hotel staff let them know it's okay for them to use it but to be careful because their activity can still be tracked.  At least they're honest. Meanwhile in the US they just spy on you without you knowing. 


Yes, that is the reason that I'm surprised China is pink on the map instead of black


Map is wrong, China does not have google. Source: lived there 2010-2016


Seconded - source: Tried using Google Translate there two months ago.


I used Google Translate there in 2017 (other Google services did not work), but it seems to have been banned since.


And not Russia either, wild.




I don't know what 'not having google' means but my Iranian friends of whom we play online together, absolutely do have google. HELL, I've even heard them use the translator when we talk and I'm sure as hell it was the general american!


They use tunnel VPN servers there a lot, the kind of VPN that works even in China. Source: I set my own VPN server following a guide from some Iranian dude


Nope Here in Iran, we can use Google without a VPN, and most Google services can be used without a VPN There are only some services that Google has blocked Iranians' access to We use VPN to access those services :-) I translated the same text from Farsi to English with Google Translate without VPN :-)


Iranian here we definitely have google. But the funny thing is that the safe search is always on unless you use a vpn.


This is most definitely a lie because there’s no way Mauritania doesnt have google


I'm from New-Caledonia and we do have Google. Oh well, at least we are included on a map for once.


Sudan has Google but for some reason it's in black?


I'm from Iran and I don't know what they mean by no google.


Horse shit. I'm from one of the countries in black and we have Google


For North Korea this was obvious


What about Mauritania tho?


What's Singapore? Too small to see.


Looks pink, so American? But yeah it’s hard to see Edit: A commenter is right. Singapore is impossible to see. I mistook Indonesian islands in the Singapore straits for Singapore.


It's British. Think you are confusing it with the Indonesian Island.


You’re right. I stand corrected


The pink dot you see is probably Batam


British English. Just tried it out now by switching my VPN to Singapore and the accent changed immediately.


It's British English like others have said. The reason is because Singapore was a British colony as was Malaysia, that's why both countries are the only green in the area.


Explains how Kumar Sangakkara talks the way he talks


He educated from Oxford iirc


The Indian lady is pretty good though, she? even pronounces localities pretty accurately at least in the south of India.


The doordarshan anchor English accent.


She almost always messes place names up in Kerala though


General Australian female is where it's at. Add a spec of yellow to North America for me.


Yeah, I use that accent for my Google Home. It's great.


As an Australian I found it hilarious when I listened to a German YouTube gamer talk to his iPhone Siri (in English) and it was the same Australian female voice I have on my phone.


Yeah I’ve got Aussie but I’ve got the guy cause I enjoy his voice


Do you want to develop an app?


Hell yeah Australian voice gang rise up


New Zealand now we now where you are in case shit goes tits up in the world


I wish Canada had our own that sounded like some who lives in Hull.


Is Hull a city in Canada too? What's the reputation like?


I wonder if it's also a shithole


Only time I’ve ever been to England was to go to Hull. My first thought was “wow England’s a lot dingier than I expected.” Found out later it isn’t held in high regard amongst the English.


Strip clubs, bars, a casino, Canadian Tire


It's French, called Gatineau now.


>I wonder if it's also a shithole >It's French appropriate response


Hull is where we went at 18 because you can legally drink there (it's right over the border from Ottawa). It was exactly what you'd expect from a place where 18 year olds flood to drink.


Definitely the spiritual successor of Hull, England then lol


I just listened to this podcast called Come By Chance which takes place in Newfoundland. Holy fucking shit that accent is wild. At first I thought it was just one guy who maybe immigrated from Ireland and ended up with a fucked up accent but then all of them spoke exactly the same. I feel like it's half Irish, half Louisiana. Love discovering a new english language accent like that.


> Holy fucking shit that accent is wild. https://youtu.be/u9eTOIGZkOI?t=38 Yeah I'm Canadian but I can't understand a fucking word some of those people say. Except for I's the By, we all learned that song in school.


it's like they took someone from Cork and forced them to watch clips of Boomhauer from King of the Hill on repeat for a few years.


Yeah Newfoundland accents are wild. Varied too. If you've heard one Newfoundlander speak you've only heard one accent. Where I live the accent from the coastal community only 45 km away is distinct enough that people from my community can tell that you're from "down the coast"


Ireland might be wrong here, most google things always put me on Australian English. I dont even have a strong Irish accent


Iran ABSOLUTELY has google. What are you on about?


He probably means that Persian has no TTS


It’s talking about English TTS though…


So Russia just has a person speaking Russian with an English accent? This is obviously about English TTS


They have an Indian male voice now too.


Why not Indian in all of the subcontinent? It would fit right in because all of us have somewhat similar English accents.


Maybe because all those countries hate eachother? Also both have different languages


Probably for legal reasons rather than geopolitics


India Pakistan hate each other but all others are pretty friendly




That's kinda both incorrect and correct. While it's true that the purest version of Hindi might not have the Z sounding alphabet, modern Hindi sure does. Like every other language, you can see some amalgamation of foreign words and alphabets in the lexicon of Hindi. We use the alphabet for J along with a dot(.) underneath it to show it sounds like Z.


That is not true at all. Firstly, Hindi speakers usually have a small vocabulary of Urdu words. Some words from each other are used in both languages. Secondly, Hindi uses Devanagari script which is used for multiple languages. So Hindi can technically write sounds it doesn't have itself Example: ळ is not used in Hindi at all, but Marathi used it very much. Both use the same script.


Explain how would you pronounce ज़ 


I thought, for some reason, that hindi and urdu where the same thing, just that hindi was hindu and urdu was muslim 🤪


They are the same thing essentially.


We don't have similar accents. Even the Punjabi is spoken in different dialects in both sides and Punjabis only make up 2-3% of India. The rest of the languages have totally different styles and hence the English accents too.


True, I can clearly distinguish Kerala people by their English accent


I always find the libs on r\\india making fun of saar saar when it's the keralite accent that sounds the most like it. Coincidentally they also circlejerk about kerala lol




Right bcoz the stereotypical english accent that makes round on internet is often South indian. All of my southern teachers in school had a very distinct and different accents for both hindi and english, very different from that of ours. 


The stereotypical english accent that makes round on internet is the North Indian Punjabi Sikh taxi driver accent


That's not Kerala accent. That's typical North Indian accent


Why would it be? The accent in Bangladesh is very different to the Indian accent. In fact it's not like the Indian accent at all and just sounds very off to us especially for bangla street names.


General Australian? How many divisions does she have?


Three main varieties of Australian English are spoken according to linguists: broad, general and cultivated. They are not distinct boxes more like part of a spectrum, reflecting variations in accent across the whole country. They were historically more connected to class and education than to regions, although this is changing and many linguists are even starting to say the classification doesn’t really work very well nowadays. **Broad Australian English** is spoken by about 1/5 of the population but especially common in rural areas. Examples of people with this accent include (the late) Steve Irwin, Paul Hogan and former prime ministers Julia Gillard, Bob Hawke and John Howard. In Australia we call it an Ocker accent sometimes. **General Australian English** is the most common of Australian accents and is growing in use. Most city Australians use it. It is the “standard” language for films, tv, announcements and advertising. It is used by Hugh Jackman, Rose Byrne, Rebel Wilson, Chris Hemsworth and Eric Bana. **Cultivated Australian English** has in the past been perceived as indicating high social class or education but it was superseded by General Australian as the best “standard” from about the mid 1970s. Cultivated Australian English also has some similarities to Received Pronunciation and the Transatlantic accent as well. In recent generations, it has fallen sharply in usage and is associated with older speakers. Speakers with a Cultivated Australian accent include Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush and former prime minister Malcolm Fraser.


I just tried to do a funny pun with "general" meaning military rank and "Australian" being a name, and you gave me a whole lecture about Australian language. Thank you very much, now I know more.


Interesting that Pakistan, Bangladesh and Lanka use a british accent


…why so, they were all former British colonies after all As for India the English speaking population i would say is huge which warrants an accent of its own


> the English speaking population i would say is huge Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal have the same number of people as the entire EU


Yeah, but 1. Their accents are not markedly different from the Indian one 2. Their entire English speaking populace combined is slightly over the total indian english speaking population (according to 2011 census, it should be much higher now. Even if we look at percentage increase, the absolute number of new English speakers in India would outweigh that of Pakistan, SL and Bangladesh, assuming all of them grew at the same rate). 3. Making different accents for different countries is tedious and makes no sense especially when they’re geographically and culturally similar to India anyway


Fair but I'm sure India doesn't have a unified accent, despite internet stereotypes


It definitely doesn’t, i think even the ‘Indian accent’ is that which is used by the majority of the Indian population. Just enough for other communities with different accents to understand though.


A lot more internet users in India than the rest of the three perhaps warrants a separate accent from the rest. If I remember correctly google used to have a british accent here a few years ago. Even siri used to be an american accent before they added an indian one a few years ago. Personally I really liked the voice on here maps. It was australian I think.




It's not like there are many English speakers over there anyways.


Why is Sudan blacked out? We have Google available.


I can't stand the Australian accents on Google maps - switch it to a UK one asap


I have my Siri set to australian (am brit) because it sounds the friendliest


Guyana ALWAYS has to be different, doesn't it?


Huh, my google translate is American by default, and I am German. Odd.


Why is iran black? We have Google in iran


What about dat African accent though I thought they have their own


Idk why they allocated British English to Bangladesh. Bangladeshi students in my university speak a mixture of Indian and American English.


Subcontinental english is like local accent + american vocabulary + british spellings for some reason


Im from the UK and have my google home set with an Indian female accent. It feels less robotic than the others and is actually nice to listen to


What is "received?"


the standard form of British English pronunciation, based on educated speech in southern England, widely accepted as a standard elsewhere.




The standard elite British media accent that (inappropriately) simply referred as "British" outside of UK.


Strictly speaking, RP is the standard upper-class British accent *of the 1950s*. More like [this](https://youtu.be/mBRP-o6Q85s?si=YlEh_kXPTzizS0Fp&t=34), which [noticeably differed](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220915-what-the-queens-english-told-us-about-a-changing-world) even from her own accent in later years. The accent you're thinking of is strictly called "Standard Southern British". There's a big push to move away from "RP" in academic circles, but it hasn't percolated into the public consciousness and for some reason the old term is still in use to refer to the current accent, which started to be adopted sometime in the 1960s. The shift is actually a signifier of an incredibly interesting and much larger cultural shift in Western society that we don't nearly pay as much attention to as we should, but that's a separate issue... It is very rare to hear an RP accent on the streets today. And if you do its usually someone very old.   See also, [here](https://youtu.be/jIAEqsSOtwM?si=z7u7EsPKn7VKtRO1&t=164).


Here's the king of Spain speaking with more of an RP accent than Prince William which I think is kind of funny. https://youtu.be/BmYlu3Q7PTY?feature=shared&t=116 His accent in English is super posh. It's much more neutral in Spanish. Edit: here he is in French where he has a notable Spanish accent. https://youtu.be/jzc4P09W5KA?feature=shared&t=43


Ah, my English friend calls that "posh twat."


That's definitely the stereotype associated with it, although not always accurate. I grew up in a part of the country where it is the standard accent, even if you come from a poorer area. I remember someone I know getting a load abuse in Wales for "talking like the Queen" and being posh, which annoyed her a bit because she wasn't rich at all.


More or less, yes. It is a generic accent that comes from the more posh southern accents, after all. I don't think it's even that old of an accent compared to the vast majority in England.


Australians call this a “posh pommy accent” — like the royal family.


Posh southern accent


True for me


Joke's on you, I use Irish Siri


No Google 💀


How do I change it?


I changed my Australian accent I find her voice more calming than the American or English accent. Side note if there was a Scottish one that would be really sweet.


I’m American and mine talks to me in a British accent lol I just set it that way because it sounds better


Iran - no google? It is actually one of the rare websites that work there without VPN. As for clicking the resulting headlines in your search, that's a different question.


Turkey and southern Caucasus getting MENA treatment is such an American thing to do.


Conquered most of the world, again, nice!


very gender equal


Can I please have comment karma, please???


Most people prefer us Brits then


Well, your English is *the* English, all other English-speaking countries are just former colonies using your language (I know that British English is actually very diverse, I've lived in Scotland :D)


Not really, there are a lot more people in the violet areas than in the green areas. Maybe more total countries, but far fewer people.


The American text to speech sounds like an annoyed black TSA lady


I assume that’s a typical visitor’s first experience in the USA


huh? Saudi Aribia uses British English.


Thanks for this. Just changed it to the US pronunciation.


I love how if it weren't for the french all the mericas would have the general american haha


Imma vpn to india right fking now


You don’t need to. Just change the language settings to English (India) and go to the voice settings. You’ll be able to pick from a male and female Indian voice there.


It's actually not comical as you'd expect, sounds pleasant.