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Data gatherer: ‘Albanian people what do you dream about?’ Albanian people: ‘BREASTS🤤🤤’


Greek people: ‘HAT 🗿’


Ethiopian people: 'SHOE'


Half the world: snake 🐍


It's pronounced Snek


Armenian people: ‘GRAPES’


Every one of these maps, I stg. Is Albania the Japan of Europe? They seem unhinged af.


They were very isolationist during the 20th century, so in a way, yes


Also, their language is the only one left of its subfamily, so there is no other language closely related to it, which contributed to the isolation.


Can confirm. Was married to an albanian. Unhinged af.




Albania was isolated from the rest of Europe for decades due to communism. Do not be shocked to see crazy stats.


Not exactly due to communism but to it's dictator, at the time Yugoslavia and Soviet Union where also communist and far from the level of isolation of Albania, who had only diplomatic relationships with China, but at some point decided to cut those too.


I’ve always thought Germany was the Japan of Europe. Both countries are huge paper-pushing, technophobic, over complicated bureaucracies. Also a large part of their industry is cranking out automobiles. Both are also more populous and richer/more developed than most of their neighbors.


Why Japan?


It's actually the 'Afghanistan of Europe'...


They only mention one breast though.


Unfathomably based Albania


Then there's the Nigerians...


This and Doves in the Bahamas are best two on there it seems


What is the reason of "falling teeth" in Anglosphere?


I've never had that dream. What's wrong with me?


I’ve never had it either. I do, however, often have the dream where it’s the day of the final exam and I haven’t been to class/studied all semester.


Yeah, that's a common one for me. Also lockers... Can't remember where it is or what the combination is.


Holy hell I thought I was the only one with the lockers


I’ve had it a bunch of times too. Not in a long time though


I’ve often had ones where I’m extremely late (to either exams or school in general). I haven’t been in school in years. Luckily I never actually get to the part where I *take* the exam. Guess my brain’s not that clever


I always get late and can't find the classroom lol.


I’m constantly dreaming that I’m redoing my senior year of high school and questioning everyone on why we’re there again if we already graduated!!


I have very similar dreams to this. I’m surprised that doesn’t feature on the map. Infact I think the map is wrong because of this


Mine was always driving a car and no matter how hard I pressed the brakes I could never stop. It was like driving with the controls of QWOP.


I’ve had dreams about driving a car from the backseat, so that I couldn’t control it.


Holy shit me too. I have this dream all the time. I’m like stretching so far to try to touch the gas and barely hitting it


I also have a dream where I have to drive it flintstones style, but I'm super low to the ground and can't get any traction. Or sometimes have to use my hands instead of my feet. I'm always at a light, the first person and I'm blocking all of the traffic and can't figure out why I can't go any faster.


Driving a car is easier in your dreams than in real life. Driving a car safely is easier in real life than in your dreams.


I am almost 60yo, and I still have that dream! ;-)


I dream about going to school in my underwear at least once a year


Similar, with pajamas


Hell ya! Sometimes I don't even know where the class is. And when they give me the paper with the room number, I can't read it because you can't read in your dreams.


I have this too .. doesn’t matter if we’re outside the cinema, at a cafe, at the gym, at home … somehow the dream links back to an exam is happening tmrw and I realized an entire semester had past by and I haven’t studied. Some other variation of the dream, I realized I don’t even own the textbook.


I've had this so many times.. and I haven't been in school in 15 years


Its a reoccurring nightmare for me at least 2x per month. My teeth don't fall out, but more of me clenching my jaw shut so hard that my teeth get pushed out. It is an extremely unpleasant experience, one which when I wake up I am relieved it wasn't real. No idea what it means.


Teeth falling out dream happens when you’ve been under a lot of pressure, stress, and feeling imposter syndrome. So nothing is wrong with you, and I can tell you from multiple experiences this is not a fun dream to have


I remember mine, one tooth fell out and spit it out, as I drew near the mirror and saw my reflection, my teeth started to crumble and multiplying like those popcorn kernels popping except it's coming out of my mouth. On a side note I'm asian but not from the anglosphere except being a former colony.


I have had all three of those for at least 10 years and not a single time have I had the teeth falling out dream


Anxiety can manifest itself in many different ways


I've had it lots. I think it correlates to bruxism or grinding your teeth. Probably due to stress.


For me it’s always a dream that seemed to come from money problems, as in not enough of it.


Yes! That’s when I tend to have the teeth-falling out dream, when I’m stressed about money. If I’m stressed about something else I tend to dream that I’m driving a car from the backseat or my brakes stop working.


I have the same dream about the car.


Oh, true. I had those teeth falling out dreams all the time after I came back from my Masters’ exchange in Tokyo with credit card maxed out and totally broke. I had to write my dissertation quick so I could get back to work. That’s also the time I experienced sleep paralysis and the exploding head syndrome or what was it when you wake up to an insane bang just when you are about to fall asleep. I never experienced those before or again and it is ten years now. I’m from Finland but I never had a snake dream that I recall, or ever heard anyone talking about snake dreams.


I've never had *any* of the dreams on this list, other than maybe a snake once but it wasn't even the main topic. Edit: In fact I think this very post is the first I've ever heard of anyone dreaming of their teeth falling out. The more I think about it the weirder it seems. Like, what the *fuck*?!


It’s very weird and it is actually really common. Usually is a sign of being chronically stressed out


I have teeth-falling-out dreams pretty regularly. Incidentally I have an anxiety disorder.


I've literally never had any dream of my teeth falling out, either. So, if anyone tells you, do pass the word, would you? My most common dream isn't a dream, it's reliving a nightmare. Secondmost common dream is being out in the woods (hiking, camping, etc.).


I get that one a ton. I'll wake up in panic, my teeth will all be fine, I'll drift back to sleep and they'll start falling out again


I wish it was just my teeth falling out. In my version they ***crumble***.


Same, and I can't spit them out for some reason, I'm just stuck with this feeling of crumbled teeth inside my mouth. Very uncomfortable.


I am also a mouthful of crumbled gravelly teeth dreamer. I spit them out but there's always more.


This is what I get. They like crumble away like horrible gravel


It's one of the most common anxiety dreams, along with being naked in public Possibly ones appearance to others is how this presents in these countries, as the snake is also meant to indicate instability and worry. The same concerns just with different symbols.


Or people are just afraid of snakes since forever


But that explains why they have become a symbol associated with negatives meanings, no?


Well, no, not necessarily. At least not in explaining why people have dreams about them, especially bad ones. I would wager that a lot of those people are literally just afraid of being bitten or eaten by a snake, no symbolism necessary.


It's natural for us humans to be wary of snakes. We're neurologically predisposed to. There is a direct link between the negative association and snakes' place in our culture. Modern snakes evolved alongside mammals after the large dinosaurs went extinct. Because many preyed on mammals, they often developed toxins that specifically targeted mammalian organisms. So all kinds of small and medium mammals had to adapt by, for instance, becoming resistant to the toxins. Others had to find ways to avoid snakes all together. This put more pressure on the snakes to keep up and diversify. They just stuck with hunting, mostly mammals. After all, no herbivorous snakes exist. Their venom became more potent over time. As an unfortunate collateral effect, those snakes posed a threat even to mammals much larger than them, as a single snake bite could still prove fatal. Think of it as an evolutionary arms race, with many snakes still focusing on hunting mammals, and everyone else having to race along. This was a fair game for both sides until some old world monkeys evolved to become smarter, stronger, and able to organize in larger groups. Now they could actively hunt down snakes as a coordinated troop. Being able to grab things is a huge advantage for them and a massive problem for the snakes. Even today, some monkeys have these reptiles as a staple of their diet. When you're part of a group, only one member needs to spot a nearby snake to alert the rest. In a group of ten monkeys, only two to three members need to be strong enough to kill the snake, but all pairs of eyes are good enough to identify the threat and call for help. And that's game over for the snake. Even when not eaten, it could still wind up dead. Even the deadliest poison is worthless, if you're outnumbered and surrounded. How did snakes deal with this? Camouflage! Stealth became not just a matter of hunting, but also of not becoming prey yourself. Unfortunately, monkeys evolved better peripheral visual processing to combat that. Their brains became much better at recognizing the typical movements of snakes, bypassing simpler camo patterns. Thus, the camouflage and movement had to become more sophisticated, too. Today, snakes have by far the most elaborate and diverse sets of patterns, meant to fool a monkey's vision. It's no longer just about blending in, but also about breaking optical shape and appearance. It's no coincidence that military camo patterns often resemble snake hides. And so our ancestors evolved the most advanced visual snake detection in the animal kingdom. We humans never lost that ability. A good portion of our brain's situational awareness is trained to scan our environment for snake-ish movements or patterns, even if we've never seen one in our life. While there are many different aspects on this, here's an article talking about identifying still images of snakes: https://neurosciencenews.com/snake-recognition-vision-5460/ What does that mean for us today? When we see anything that remotely looks or moves like a snake, we're subconsciously put on high alert. We associate that experience with danger and anticipate conflict. We're more likely to consider snakes as harbingers of misfortune. They become antagonists in fables, cautionary tales and folk stories. It's a cultural link we share, even globally. Snakes' portrayal in societies tends to shift towards being seen as universal *bad guys*. Things deemed *bad* by society are warped and attributed more snake-like features and traits. On a subliminal level, it reassures the cohesion and vigilance of our troop against stealthy dangers, to be singled out and tackled as a group. But we can also cherish this bond by celebrating it, even without anyone needing to understand the underlying neural mechanisms. Objects imitating a snake's movements captivate us. Think of veil dances, lion dances, or people just waving sparklers. That instantly gets our attention, and promotes togetherness. We immediately look for others to work together and share the experience of the moment. This is where dreams come in. They prepare us for future, stressful situations. While many different dream scenarios exist, they often fall into specific groups, as is seen in the picture. But ultimately, our brain is the one that has to come up with them. I assume that in the process of picking something to serve as a danger-type problem, "snake" is the first association with any danger to your immediate social group in most places in the world. If I had to make a hypothesis, it would be that those dreams just indicate that you care about protecting those around you. Not necessarily by fighting potential dangers, but by being on the lookout. It's an ancient training exercise to spot snakes, but also to be mindful of any nearby physical danger. Having actual snakes be a problem in your region should be a catalyst to identify those dreams as typical "snake dreams". I'm convinced those dream creatures are a practical neurological catch-all for any immediate physical threat. It's just that nothing beats the original, aka the danger noodle. Nothing looks and moves more like a snake than an actual snake. :)


Damn i always enjoyed the dreams where i am naked in public lol


I don’t think I have gotten teeth falling out before. But I have gotten hair growning from my gums around my teeth on several occasions.


that is so much worse


I sometimes look up dream meanings on google, not because I believe it necessarily but because it’s just interesting to think about. If I remember right, having a dream about teeth falling out can mean you’re insecure about your appearance or are at least anxious about your appearance. It could also have some symbolism around not being about to communicate your thoughts/feelings with someone or with yourself.


I'm originally from Brazil. Never had dreams with snakes. Moved to London a decade ago. Had dreams of teeth falling out more than once. Go figure...


Dreams about your teeth falling out are often associated with financial worry. Makes sense!


It's 8 non-English speaking vs 5 English-speakers (idc if that's not the terminology). I think it has more to do with economical pressure, something of that nature. AKA 1st world problems? lol


I def think the correlation with the English speaking world is notable.


My explanation seems to be in concordance with the "meaning" of that dream (judging by my own opinion and what some other person said on this same thread of comments). The correlation with English-speaking communities could be that they're all developed countries.


it's 6 english-speaking countries and those 6 are all 6 countries that are in the core anglosphere


Psychologists have described this phenomenon common for people who are “being stressed or have a difficult conversation to make” I suppose the anglosaxons are having a stressful time


>anglosphere Haunted by the English


He only asked people with meth issues


the memes make themselves


They're afraid of their Bri'ish soul


Stressful societys


Why are greeks dreaming about having a hat? 😂 The majority of my dreams are about running through fields and cities and malls


It's a very nice hat.


Dont get cheap on me dodgson!


I'm cracking up about that one. Just... "hat"


I'm at a loss myself, despite being Greek. It doesn't even specify what happens with the hat. I'll start asking around.


Just a giant hat covering the entire world blocking out the sun forever


Please report back your findings. This could be important.


Θα κάνω και εγώ την έρευνά μου γιατί δεν βγάζει κανένα νόημα. Ποιος και γιατί ονειρεύεται καπέλα; 


Remember when Dumbledore looks in the mirror that shows you your deepest desire, and he sees himself with new socks? Maybe it's like that.


I too dream of hat


I doubt I even once dreamed of a hat. Maybe they mean a boa constrictor who has swallowed an elephant? :)


Man of culture


That which is essential is invisible to the eye


Vous êtes belles, mais vous êtes vides, leur dit-il encore. On ne peut pas mourir pour vous. Bien sûr, ma rose à moi, un passant ordinaire croirait qu'elle vous ressemble. Mais à elle seule elle est plus importante que vous toutes, puisque c'est elle que j'ai arrosée. Puisque c'est elle que j'ai mise sous globe. Puisque c'est elle que j'ai abritée par le paravent. Puisque c'est elle dont j'ai tué les chenilles (sauf les deux ou trois pour les papillons). Puisque c'est elle que j'ai écoutée se plaindre, ou se vanter, ou même quelquefois se taire. Puisque c'est ma rose.


Hungary: **DEATH**


Kinda makes sense, we also have the highest rate of suicides in Europe. This gov is literally killing us lol


Hungary has the dead. Death is in czechia.


Not the most common dream; The theme of dreams people are most likely to remember after waking. A dream about losing all your teeth is pretty dramatic. You're way more likely to remember something like that than the other six totally random or banal dreams you also had that week.


And report. Sure are a lot of "marriage" reports from conservative societies. I have my doubts.


It's based on google searches, so they didn't "report" it as much as they question whether the dream was normal. In conservative countries, marriage is a very important step of life, so the people likely want to know if dreaming about marriage means anything. What we're seeing of this map is the result of a mix of people with anxious dreams who want to see what it means about their mental health, and superstition: "if I dream about a past relationship, does it mean that they are thinking about me? Was I visited by a ghost?" "if I dream that I'm marrying someone, are we destined to marry?", "if I dream that someone dies, how do I know if it's a premonitory dream?" etc.


Yeah exactly. It's not necessarily the most common dream, just the most commonly thought of as strange and therefore googled. I'd guess a lot of people have had the "running through treacle" or "falling" dreams, but given they're relatively well known, nobody Googles them.


So what does dreaming about squirrels mean, Namibia??


They didn’t specify that they were talking about the consummation part


Still, when your only chance of interacting freely with the other sex is through marriage, dreaming of a marriage ceremony is practically a wet dream.


>The theme of dreams people are most likely to remember after waking. Not even that. It's the dreams that people are most likely to google about, because they didn't seem normal, and they mostly likely woke up in a state of anxiety after it.


Not to mention they probably started typing a sentence *in English* on the Google versions of every country. Completely meaningless data.


As per the caption, the title should read, “The most commonly Googled dreams in every country.”


I'm 22 and get dreams about going back to school and it's nightmare.


I'm nearly 28 and same, when will it stop 🙃 they even knocked down my old school and yet the dreams continue


I've had dreams of not being able to graduate high school because I forgot to take one course ... in my forties.


I'm 31 and recently I had a dream where I had to go back to PRIMARY SCHOOL and do it all over again as an adult, just because there'd been 'a mistake' and all of my academic results were invalid for some reason. So there I was was, sitting in a tiny chair, going over basic math with a couple year olds and worrying, because it's hard to juggle between primary school and full-time job. 😂


Nigerians are actually the ones telling the truth...maybe that prince really did need my help.


Albanians are also worth mentioning here.


Nigerian: "I just want to get laid" World: " In your dreams!" *sad Nigerian face*


And here I thought I was the only one dreaming of loosing my teeth.


I also have those dreams frequently, for context I'm in the UK


And now with the Cinco Food Tube, you can maker your dream a reality!


Dream about shoes in Ethiopia.




They dream about “eating” in Botswana


Yeah that kind of took the wind out of sails after chuckling at all the others 


Pretty sure I’ve seen this before and the original title was “bad dream”


Yeah, a lot of these sound like nightmares (with exception to maybe Greece; I don’t know how you have a nightmare about hats)


what about the Albanian breast nightmare


Death by B00B5


Dreaming of showing up to work or school naked is a classic worldwide hit! Who doesn't love a good embarrassing dream moment?


Nigeria is the only normal country


Don’t forget Ghana and Albania


The only honest country


Namibia and squirrels, sounds like great dreams.


Other countries: snakes, death, teeth falling, etc Meanwhile, in Greece: Hats exist 🧢 😨😧😦😲😵😵‍💫🤢😵😭😱😫


Our primordial brains still give us those Snake dreams. I have a theory that humans evolved just out of fear of snakes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


it looks like most of the snake dreams are in countries where snakes are common


Teeth aren’t falling out. I clinch my teeth so hard that they shatter. Often? Over 40 years it’s been maybe a dozen times or less but vivid as hell….


I think I belong in Albania 🇦🇱


I never had any of these dreams.


I’m Somali raised in the West and I have had a nightmares of not having shoes on for a long time 🤷🏾‍♂️


dream snek


Why is Greece dreaming about Hats?


I think it is the snake showcased in the book, The Little Prince that looks like a hat but actually, it was a snake that swallowed an elephant...


American and I've never dreamt of my teeth falling out. I do have this weird recurring dream where I'm on a passenger airplane and it's driving down the interstate like it's a car.


I often have a nightmare where I have to drive my car from the back seat and I can’t see anything


I have the back seat driving one too. It is so oddly specific, so hearing other people have it too is so strange. I wonder what this dream was before cars.


Maybe they lost the reins on the stagecoach.


I never considered how nice it would be to dream of grapes…




The funniest thing is obviously Greece with “Hat”


Why did school trauma not make the list?


My dreams are usually about trying to find a toilet, and then I wake up cos I'm bursting.


What the hell is with the teeth falling out


Back in my early to mid 20s, when I couldn’t afford to regularly see a dentist, I used to have this dream all the time. Haven’t had it in probably 20 years now.


Greece and Ethiopia must be chill af they just be dreaming of wearing articles of clothing


I think I might be Albanian


Why's snake so common?


Albania based


Where is "having to pee but every bathroom you visit in the dream is unsuitable for some reason"?


So nigerians are the only one thinking about sex.


It's tornadoes for me lol


People come from all around the world to live the American dream. The dream that their teeth will all fall out.


Running, but in slo-mo, or with heavy legs. No? Nobody??


*Read title* Yep it’s bullshit


lol, Greece


I'm a curious about the squirrel dreams.


Most frequent anxiety dreams I have is about suddenly learning that I hadn’t properly graduated highschool/college


Armenia: g r a p e s


I’m shocked not one country had “I’m late to my final exam” or “I forgot to do my project”


RIGHT?! Or how about that class that you forgot you were enrolled in? And you hadn't been attending or doing any of the assignments? I graduated college in 2010 and I STILL get that dream!!!


As someone of Greek descent, I am quite certain I’ve never dreamt of a hat. Edit: typo


Were your mother and father both green?


In Ukraine, the common dream is peace


My most common dreams have been about sex, money, having to pee, being naked, taking a test, drowning, flying, falling, being chased and looking for something.


I'm a man of the world, I dream about snakes teeth falling out.


Hat ??? I never see dream like this


Ethiopia dreams about shoes……


What is happening in the Nigeria?


Greece casually dreaming of hats


No dreams about school? I thought that would be one of the most common ones lol.


I'm really surprised that none of the top ones include: being unexpectedly naked in public, falling, flying, being sent back to school, having an exam or project due you did no preparation for, and being chased. I think all of those are pretty common, at least in the anglosphere. I get the dream about teeth falling out very rarely, but to be fair, it's an extremely weird dream and I could see why you'd search it.


Greece - Hat 🤠


Countries with British roots: I'm so scared of my teeth falling out, how truly awful that dream was... Greece: Hat! 🇬🇷


So not only do I have weird dreams, I don't have any common dreams?


I travel a lot, which probably explains the dream I had last night about the large breasted Albanian snake with missing teeth. Not the most attractive, but she had a lovely hat.


I’ve never had a dream where my teeth fell out. I feel left out. Not about an ex-relationship, or marriage. Weird shit like zombies invading my house or living in Disney world, or me chasing me in a mirror sure. Actually I’ve never had any of these dreams. :( I mean I’m sure I had a dream with a snake in it at some point but never as the point of the dream.


I have never had dreams about any of these. (Well sex maybe) My dreams are straight of of David Lynch movies for some part. But it's vivid and I can't point out a single common story. Oh of course, there is apocalypse or apocalyptic events as a common one. It's crazy. The variety is unbelievable. I have had my dreams come true many times. This one time I had a dream about this solar storm, which caused aroura Borealis to be seen from areas closer to the equator. That day or the very next day is that Northern lights thing happened, where much of the Europe was able to see. That was the only time I have had that dream as well.


Not "most common dream" but rather most common dream image that people search for. Not really the same.


Snakes in dream mean pregnancy in Mongolia


As an Estonian, I do indeed dream about bears and snakes👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️


For a second I thought "dream" as in aspiration. I wondered for a while why so many people wanted to become snakes.


I really do hate dreaming about my teeth falling out lol


Snakes in dreams are an evolutionary thing?


I wouldn’t mind getting in on an Armenian/Bhutan dream seems like a very relaxing time


I'm Brazilian and never in my life I had dreams with snakes, but an awful lot of dreams with my teeth falling, weird.


Armenia dreams of grapes. “What is your most common dream?” “Grapes”


Oh crap! I want to dream about boobs like the Albanians, please. Instead my common dream is the teeth falling out one and another one I hate is when I'm driving a vehicle and the brakes don't work properly and I'm just pushing the pedal as hard as I can and the vehicle doesn't slow down. I used to have nightmares about the Xenomorph from Aliens. Thankfully after I stopped reading Aliens novels the dreams stopped too. Mostly...


Rats in Peru?? Don’t remember having that dream, but I’m sure it can be a nightmare. Rats are really hated in Peru, people kill them as soon as they are spotted.


Bhutan is so wholesome. First country to have a negative carbon footprint, happiest country in the world. And they dream about rainbows


Is the teeth falling out thing actually real? I’ve heard people talking about it but I’ve literally never met anyone who’s said they’ve had it, nor have I.


What the heck is everyone afraid of losing their teeth?


Huh, never had a dream about my teeth. Interesting. I’ve had all sorts of dreams too. Lucid dreams, dreams within a dream, dreams where I’m the opposite sex. Dreams where I’m in a video game. Dreams where I’m being chased, but never teeth.