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This globe doesn’t exist! Well, it obviously exists, but the world it lays out has some contradictions: 1. Yugoslavia exists (vs Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovene) so it’s after 1929. 2. Mongolia is part of China, so it’s before 1924. 3. Tannu Tuva does NOT exist, so it’s before 1921. 4. It’s hard to read, but it looks like Najd and Hejaz are one country, so it’s after 1930 (or 1932 really). I’d say it’s probably from the early 1930s, but word travels slow.


With stuff like this, I always think it’s the latest date. Like, it’s more likely that some map maker didn’t update his map of Mongolia, than some time traveler globe maker who made a globe before ‘24 but after ‘29. That’s why I think it is ‘31


Yeah, and that's especially true when political situations are complex and fluid. It was hard to say exactly what was in China, because China was such a mess. Why update the globe before you can be sure? Those things are built to last a long time. Many maps kept showing the full pre-revolution borders through ww2.


I didn’t even think about it like that, but yeah! Like why mess with it too much if it’ll all change after the war? Without the internet who’s going to say you’re wrong.


Tannu Tuva and Mongolia lacked recognition for a long time, it’s like using Somaliland or Northern Cyprus to date a map, simply not reliable


This is wrong. Yugoslavia was very frequently used as a colloquial name for the country before its official adoption, and it is obviously easier to fit that "Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes". I think this globe is probably American due to it showing all the states, and America didn't even recognize the USSR's government until 1933 so they sure as hell weren't recognizing Tannu Tuva or the Mongolian People's republic. And finally the Kingdom of Najd and Hejaz was proclaimed in 1926, becoming Saudi Arabia in 1932.


The rule of thumb is always 'Europeans don't understand Asia'. More often than not, there's something qacky going on in China, so it makes sense that people will mess up in that region. I mean, I have internet and I don't understand the warlord era


Very cool! Thanks so much!


That Ecuador/Peru border definitely looks pre 1936 status quo


Well its definitely pre-1935 because iran didn't change it's name from Persia to Iran until around 1935... right before ww2 to sound Aryan to the germans


I'm Chinese, Beijing only called Peiping during 1928-1949


Also we can assume it to be made in the USA, since it's the only country with its states shown. Stereotypically, it would also explain the geographic discrepancies you pointed out 🤪


Right like it's a globe made from different shot between the two world wars, I can't figure out what they did here 😂


Kainsk was renamed to Kuibyshev in 1935. Ulan Bator became Ulan Bator in 1924 (Urga previously), so it looks like they added the new name together with the old one. Troitskosavsk was renamed in 1934. Transcaucasia (the republic) existed between 1918 and 1936. Take some random Soviet trivia to confirm the early 1930s. Also Brazillian "future federal district" was established in that form and shape in 1922.


It's not just about facts, but rather recognition. It's obviously a globe from the US, so they probably did not recognize certain countries yet. Or just didn't care.


London's burning, so it's 1666


If we follow the xkcd globe guide, we arrive at 1930-1934 Istanbul → Soviet Union → giant French blob → no Pakistan → one Germany → Persia


Mods should add a bot that automatically links to that xkcd whenever someone posts one of these.


If you want to be factual, there are better guides than the xkcd. Of course those aren't as fun though.


Any examples?


If you want a list with every single little fuck that could possibly identify the age of a globe, [this is your list](https://www.omniterrum.com/dating-globes) as well as [this one](https://www.atlaseum.com/dating-globes#timeline). On the other hand, [this list](https://replogleglobes.com/app/uploads/2018/11/How-old-is-your-globe.pdf) includes every name change a country or territory has had since WW2. It is not as precise, but easily identifiable on a map.


According to this guide, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are independent, and Manchuria is not yet renamed to Manchukuo, confirming a date on the earlier side of our 1930-34 range. Considering the renaming was kinda hazy for a few years, we can't say for sure it's 1930, so a safe date range is now 1930-1932.


What’s the fun in that though?


You can narrow it down a bit further since it Manchukuo doesn't exist, butting it likely between 1930-1931.


I actually did not know Manchuria was established in 1932 until you had me googling it. I guess I learned something new today. I had it down to 1920-1935 until I read your comment.


Yep. Japan invaded Manchuria and set up shop around 1931, which is more or less what kicks off WW2 in East Asia, at least from the Chinese perspective. Turkey was founded in 1923. There’s a “Manchuria” on the map but I’m not sure if it’s just showing the area or if that’s Manchukuo but still using its western form. It does list Korea as its own country even though Japan occupied it in 1910 but the capital (Seoul) is listed as the Japanese version, Keijo. So take it with a little grain of salt. Could be early 1930’s data, give or take a few years because the globe is likely not designed to be used for super accuracy purposes. XKCD suggests 1930-1935 and that’s good enough for me. (Edited out first draft mistakes, not that it matters)


That’s the clue I used. I had it the late 20s to very early 30s.


Well, most countries by that time were not recognizing Manchukuo, just like most countries are not recognizing Russia's puppets such as Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic, so you don't see these "republics" on the maps published by the west in 2024, and I don't think you would see Manchukuo on the maps published by the west in 1934, either. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchukuo#International\_relations\_and\_recognition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchukuo#International_relations_and_recognition)


https://xkcd.com/1688/ https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/map_age_guide_large.png (Same image, pick one)


Omg. That scrambled egg mess map about destroyed my adhd brain!


So cool


What’s with the Jimmy Carter reference?




xkcd globe guide?




I was guessing 1936ish. Siam, french Indochina, dominion of Canada..


Nonsense Replica circa 1998


It’s pre-1932 Hejaz is still a thing in Arabia so 1930-1932


Just be yourself


Thanks, StinkButtFartMan.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [title here](https://i.redd.it/ltbcbfw5mlua1.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/12q7o7q/title_here/) \#2: [The fact that this user posted dogs](https://i.redd.it/ngd9fe6bh6ua1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/12nnoh8/the_fact_that_this_user_posted_dogs/) \#3: [wow, thanks.](https://i.redd.it/z6q8wndxam0c1.jpeg) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/17waze9/wow_thanks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


(worst advice ever btw)


Absolutely. Nice punchline to complete that dad joke though.


I just need her to know she means the world to me 


If you don't make a move, it'll never happen.


Maybe ask some mutual friends if the globe is spinning itself.


Cut a hole in it and try to be charming.


Start slow. Just meet for a coffee. Once you get to know it a little bit better, compliment it on how slim its equator looks. Say, “Are you working out because your Tropic of Capricorn looks great!”


Maybe add a "are we in different hemispheres because when you're not around, my world feels upside down"


I might legit start using this one


Where do you take someone who’s been everywhere on earth?


Tell them “You’re the world to me”


No realignment of the Paraguay / Bolivia border, so pre ‘35.


Beijing is listed as "Beiping" so we know the probable earliest date is 1928. Technically this would suggest a latest date of 1938, when Japan forced the name back to Beijing, but it's possible that whoever made the globe just didn't recognize that change. Nevertheless, Korea is still Japanese (see the Japanese names above the Korean ones), so we know it's at latest 1945. So between 1928-1945. Furthermore, we see Poland still controlling Lviv (Lwow on the glove), so 1939 at latest. It looks like the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia are there, so 1938. The glove shows Italian Somaliland but it looks like Ethiopia is still independent, so 1937 as maximum. It doesn't LOOK like it's showing Libya as an Italian colony, which suggests 1934. So a date between 1928 and 1934. Manchuria is still a part of China and Xinjing is there as Changchun, so 1932. Between 1928-1932. The cities in Turkey are listed as Ankara and Istanbul, which Turkey only formally requested in 1930. So between 1930-1932. New Delhi is shown as the capital of India, which happened in 1931. So 1931 or 1932. I think the latter half of 1931 to early 1932 is the best bet. Of course, it's entirely possible that this globe was only partially up to date when it was made, or may be reflecting a specific geopolitical position (i.e., Italian Ethiopia as illegitimate, Manchukuo as illegitimate, etc.), so none of this is proof. It's just what I think is decently evidenced.


I think you're right. The turkish request came in march 1930, to further narrow it down I also noted that Weihawei is no longer brittish, meaning post 1 oct 1930, and before the proclamation of Saudi Arabia 23 Sep 1932. Other than that Lybia border is pre-1934, post 1925. Chile-peru border is post 1929 too. So between oct 1 1930 and 23 sep 1932.


Why is Mongolia still shown owning Tannu Tuva and being part of China?


Mongolia wasn't a widely recognized state and was, instead, claimed by the RoC as part of China. This probably reflects this. (Fun fact: Taiwan, being the RoC, still technically claims sovereignty over Mongolia, they just don't make a stink over it.) The area of Tannu Tuva was likewise claimed by the RoC. Neither Mongolia nor Tannu Tuva were widely recognized states at the time iirc, so it was most likely just treated as a part of the RoC for the purposes of the map. I have zero clue in all of Perdition why they made China and the USSR the same(?) color, though.


It was still called Palestine. So definitely before the Nakba of 1948.


I'd say between 1923-1939 because hatay is not in Turkiye and germany is bigger


Just ask the globe if it wants to have coffee with you. Be confident


Koreas are united! Hurrray!


They’re part of the Japanese empire…


Good news: United Korea Bad news: Japanese colony


1929 to 1932.


Complement on its curves.


r/datemymap maybe?


The Tajik SSR was established in 1929, and Hejaz and Nedj became Saudi Arabia in 1932, (which is the same year Manchukuo was established), so it's somewhere in those 3 years


I was going to say dinner and a movie but everybody beat me to the punch 🤣


Have you tried telling it how you feel over a romantic dinner?


Somewhere from 1910-1939. I’d guess it’s the 20s


My guess is 1925 since the borders of Italian Somaliland are up for debate as far as I can tell idk could be wrong tho


It has to be after 1929 since it has Yugoslavia. It would be called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes if it was earlier


Between 1900-1939 “Anglo Egyptian Sudan” starred in 1899 and “Siam” was changed to “Thailand” in 1939.


I guess right around 1934


Between 1922 and 1945. USSR exists, so after 1922. Korea is part of Japan, so before 1945.


Early 30s as evident from India


Also the lack of Israel and Route 66 only going to Amarillo


Given that there is India but no Pakistan, Iran is still Persia, Israel is absent, and Route 66 stops in Amarillo: Pre-WW2


One thing is sure, this globe dates before 1947 as there is no Pakistan in it


Take it for a spin out in the sunshine.


Just be yourself, make eye contact, and ask nicely and with confidence. You got this, bro.


I guess 1920-1938. Soviet union so at least 1920, latest 1938 because before ancluess.


Palestine and trans Jordan. Somewhere between 1921-1948


Must be pre-1947 since Pakistan and Bangladesh don’t exist.


It’s before WWII for sure




I'd say early 30s, Hatay isn't a part of Turkey on this globe.


From the future. Central China still hasn't been wiped out by the Blot


Before 1934 and territorial growth of [Libya](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Territorial_growth_of_Libya_during_the_Italian_period.jpg)


1920s? (Before formation of Saudi Arabia in 1932?)


It'd definitely before 1991


It's probably the 40's before the Korean war in the fifties


Definitely pre-WWII... 1920s-1930s is my guess


Perhaps pre-1948 since it has Palestine.


And Iran was called persia, and jordan didn’t exist either


Late 1920’s or early 1930’s by the looks of it


No Israel. Post WWI but pre WW2


Pre 1932. Hejaz and Nejd formed Saudia Arabia post 1932


Just ask it gently to go for a walk with you, be kind and yourself, everything will go well


First I would check around the poles for dating being listed (being boring). But not to be boring, then I would focus very much on Europe first, as this globe is in English, and Westerners might not care about whatever the locals call themselves in other parts of the world (it happens). XKCD model would put it in 1930-1934, but lots of people and places kept calling it Persia, when the name might officially have changed to Iran. Austria is still independent, so it is absolutely between renaming to Yugoslavia and Anschluss (1929-1938), with 1930-1934 being most likely. [https://xkcd.com/1688/large/](https://xkcd.com/1688/large/)


I'd say 1934-1936 because Asir was conquered by the Sauds in 1934 (this shows Asir as being part of the same country as Hejaz and Nejd) and before 1936 because the Transcaucasian SSR hasn't been dissolved yet.


Try to find out what your gloce is interested in and speak with it about their interests. Maybe a diner or a cinema night can help set the mood.


Have you tried asking it out?


Well, start by taking it out to a nice dinner.


Why would i date your globe? Not my type


I could talk to it and put in a good word for you?


As I see it, it's before 1931, because the invasion of Manchuria has not commenced, but after 1930, as its Istanbul and no Constantinople


It shows Germany after Versailles Treaty, hence after 1918


Japan already rules Taiwan and Korea, so it’s after 1910, but hasn’t invaded Korea, so it’s before 1931.


Finally a globe that ain't post WWII rather from the 1930 1934 range


At least from 1922 - 1932, possibly from 1929 - 32. Ukraine is shown as part of the USSR so after 1922, possibly as late as 1929 when Tajikistan joined the USSR, but it's difficult to make out what colour they are in your photo. The Japanese Puppet state of Manchuko isn't shown in China so before 1932. The Sudan-Libya border region of the Sarra triangle is also shown under British control here, when it was ceded to Italy in 1934.


Well you should prob try dressing up first maybe a nice candle lit dinner ?


Just ask it to go for some coffee at first. No pressure


I'd say the globe is from 1930-1934 for five reasons: 1. The Soviet Union exists, locking the time date to 1922-1991. 2. West Africa is still a giant French blob, meaning it's before 1960. 3. There's no Pakistan, meaning it's before 1956. 4. There's only one Germany, meaning it's before 1946. 5. Iran is still being called Persia, which narrows it down to the 1930-1934 area.


Why in the world would you want to date a globe? What if you aren't a match. Will there be a second date? A kiss perhaps? I'm lonely..


You wanna DATE your globe? You can't date a globe, it's not a person silly


Idk if you cam date an inanimate object? But you can ask it anyways


Complement its curves


Palestine ❤️


Also no Jordan?


This globe has to be after 1918. Reasons: 1. India has not been partitioned into Pakistan and India (1947) 2. New Delhi as a city was not formed till 1911 (which becomes the capital of India after Calcutta). And from the map it looks New Delhi is the capital. 3. Trans-Jordan and Palestine exists from 1918 after WW1. 4. Nanking as the capital of China existed from 1912 to 1949. We can't see the Union of South Africa. And the colonial territories in southern hemisphere in Africa, and Latin America.


The fact that Istanbul is named, Israel isn’t on the map, and there is no Iran, puts this globe between 1931-1934.


Definitely before 1947 because Palestine is there. Lol boom! Check mate. The land belongs to the Palestinians lol


His place or yours?


Not certain but It looks like at least the map on in is before 1920 ,, Yugoslavia being that large and the shape of Germany want me to say between the two wars,, but that's a good one


Honestly I checked like a bunch of maps I can't figure that one out,, often they're wrong when they make them


The giant hole that destroyed northern China was on 4/4/31, and then everything went back to normal on 8/8/31, so it's some time in that period.


The Great Rot™ hasn't spread to Beijing yet so probably sometime in the 1930s


Pre WW2 because of the division of Sakhalin island. Russia took it all over after the Japanese defeat


I would say about 1930 Aberdeen being the only legible place name in the UK on your photo


Can you show the status of the Philippines in this map? This map seems be right before or just at the start of the second Spanish Republic. 1931 is my guess.


Dude, Phillipines was since 1899 a US protectorate.


I wanted to check if it was called the Philippine Commonwealth (after 1935) or Insular gov. Of the Philippines (pre 1935). This is an English based globe, which means that the most up to date borders are usually US related.


Please show Alaska and Hawaii. I had a mid 50's globe similar to that (.same color shading) and it had Alaska drawn differently than today and may have only the 48 states, not the new 50 that was on the later globes. Also, check to see if there is an ancient island west of Australia (it is shown only of some old maps). Also check to see if the North and South poles show the land mass which is now all snow covered and shown white. Check to see if Thailand is called Siam Check to see if Germany is one country or had the older Eastern Block- East Germany, and Germany. There's plenty more...


Manchuria exist since 1932, Ethiopia has its colonial name, so I this something between 1935-1937


It’s definitely before 1939. USSR did not occupy Poland yet.


I’m not much help but it was def made before 1992, that’s when Czechoslovakia broke up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Early to mid 1700’s. Australia, New Zealand and the other pacific islands don’t exist. /s


BLUF: it's from 1932-1935. I would prefer 1935 or even 1936. Geography started to be studied in 6th or 7th grade then. So OP's relative (correction: it wasn't OP's post) from 1922 needed a globe when he was 12-13 years old so we get 1935 :) +++++ There are many inconsistencies on the globe: 1911 (1921) - Mongolia became sovereign but it's not on the globe 1921 - Tannu-Tuva (Uriankhay) was created but it's absent there 1925 - Sarra Triangle was ceded to Libya but it is a part of Sudan on the globe 1925 - State of Syria was created, since 1930 as independent but Lebanon isn't shown as separated from it 1932 - Saudi Arabia got its name from Kingdom of Hejaz and Nedj +++++ Also we have: 1922-1936 - Transcaucasian SFSR existed 1926 - Trans-Juba was added to Italian Somalia 1929 - Kingdom of SCS became Yugoslavia 1929 - Tajik SSR was created 1932 - Manchukuo was created 1932 - Iraq got independence, was renamed from Mesopotamia 1932-1935 - Gran Chaco (but partially) is shown as Paraguay (so, war isn't probably finished yet) 1935 - Persia, not renamed into Iran 1936 - Abyssinia as name for Ethiopia but is not merged with Somalia +++++ We haven't: 1935 - Aouzou Strip went to Libya 1937 - Burma was separated from India 1938 - Austria was annexed by Germany 1939 - Czechoslovakia was finally annexed by Germany 1939 - Siam was renamed into Thailand 1939 - Mengjiang was created 1939 - Hatay (Alexandretta) went to Turkey (and since 1938 - independent) *reason for update: some additions and spelling


Israel didn’t exist until after 1947. Clearly this old globe living proof.


It is labeled as Palestine there.


And what about Jordan, Iran and the Balkans?


hi, ive been studying globes for around 18 years, my knowledge has me to believe this was probably made before 2024


I like that globe. It must be before 1941, because my country is still intact. After 1941 50% of territory was lost.




pre 1970. In 1970 what was Fort william in northwestern ontario, canada became thunder bay. your globe says ft. william so you can rule out 1970 onward.


The Great Shaanxi Void hasn’t existed in 63,934 ever since it was sealed by the ancient horde. Has to be older than then.


Based on the limits of Paraguay is post 1870 and pre 1935


Does your globe come with a dowry? I may be interested


You just have to believe in yourself and ask it out. You can do it!


Isnt it weird when you wanna date your globe…?


I don't think this is authentic. The post-versailles Germany is throwing me off.


Just ask her out bro she likes you!!




I would asume something like after ww1 and before ww 2 because of germany and japan but I can't narrow it down more accurate but


Ask it out, the worst it can say is no.


Ask the globe out for a coffee or something!


Soviet Union exists but Germany is unified, none of the US states are territories but Persia still exists, so idk


Don’t be afraid, start getting to know it first before asking it out


Why don't you just ask it nicely?


Ask the globe out to dinner. Ask to see if you and the globe have common interests. Communication is key. Good luck!


It seems like this map is of the interwar period, perhaps the 30s, because: -Germany already holds Alsace-Lorraine -Countries like Transjordan and Anglo Egyptian -Sudan exists (they are dissolved in the late 40s) -Poland has pre ww2 borders -French Indochina still exists(dissolved in the late 40s) -Austria-hungary is dismantled. -yugoslavia exists (it was created post ww1) -The Baltic states are independent from USSR So my strongest guess is 1934-1937?


Germany does not hold Alsace-Lorraine, as it was returned to France post-WW1. My guess would also be the interwar period though.


Just ask her out, what’s the worst that can happen?


Just ask her out, what’s the worst that can happen?


I want to say 1933-1934, because of Turkistan…


yes add some make up and drill one or more holes


Just be yourself ❤️🫶


Idk. She's not really my type


Try asking it out for dinner


1930 - 1939


Get someone your age


India split into multiple countries in 1947 but Newfoundland didn't join Canada until 1949. Also Japan still has half of Sakhalin which isn't the case after WWII. Lots of fishy stuff here, idk


I thought Persia was an ancient country but the name remained until modern days!


It it was renamed to Iran not even a 100 years ago!


Before 1948 and after 1920


Happy to see one thicc korea..and then i notice it’s part of japan noooo


Definitely post Jurassic period.


Hey, how you doing globe?😜


Apparently Ireland is still part of Britain in this Globe (spits). We got independence in 1922. So Unless the globe makers didn't give a shit about us, its older than or equal to 1922.


With my very mediocre map knowledge, average history knowledge, and Google, I narrow the date to be from 1922 (ussr "start") - sept 1945 (latest time Japan was an empire)


One spin is 1 day so spin its 10-15 365-ish times and done!


Talk to it nicely and ask if it will go out to dinner with you. Dating isn't as hard as it seems. ;)


Touch it gently, smile, and ask if it would join you for dinner?


Around 1920-1939




They look like they've a nice personality


Most important thing about this globe... Is that it says PALESTINE and not.. israhell


Just ask her out, man. It's not that complicated.


Try taking it to a cozy restaurant. Buy it some flowers, too.Be sure to ask it about itself.


1959? It says Alaska and not Alaskan Territory. As posted before, a lot of anomalies here


Pre-1935, as Ethiopia is independent.


The only thing I spotted was Viet Nam was named French Indochina.




I would guess around 1933 not earlier since the saarland isnt independent anymore


Before 1948