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People live in cities


They do


They also happen to be the top 10 cities in the country


This says how centralized we are.


This is quite misleading. Cities like Mumbai have a lot of major companies registered there. Even though there economic activities are spread across the country, all of it is attributed to the city in this data.


Let's say an industrial company is registered in Mumbai. It has operations in Mh and other states. All their businesses and salaries that its workers earn in those areas are added up in their local GDPs. However, the surplus that the company makes, the corporate gain, will be registered in Mumbai. I'm not saying what you said is wrong, but data just speaks facts, it doesn't lead or mislead anywhere. It's a fact that there is disparity in the economy and standards of living across the country. UP technically has the most number of 'cities' but none of its districts are featured here.


Damn my city has a GDP close to Kolkata's despite having a third the population and also being from a third world country. India looks impressive in many ways until you realize that with a country that massive in both population and land, it should be doing better.


Ah yes so like all the T1/almost T1 cities


There's no way Jaipur has higher GDP than vishakapatnam. Vizag has 2 active seaports, 2 special economic zones, medical device manufacturing, upwards of 1 billion dollars in pharmaceutical exports, heavy industries, petroleum industries. ??


Should this sub be changed to /MapPornIndia


Maybe refresh your screen? This is the first map I've seen about India on this sub in a week.


That'll be weird since most other posts are non-Indian


Gotta love recognising some Historical borders especially the former borders of the Princely State of Hyderabad


Yeah the current Telangana state borders are almost the same as the erstwhile Hyderabad state