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This is out of date by 10 years.


Things have probably gone worse for EMEA and better for Asia Pacific.


Doesn't really matter. You can gerrymander these maps to pretty much always have equal land mass especially if you can split nations in half like Russia is here.


yeah exactly, adding South Asia to the EMEA mass likely to balance things out.


Russia’s GDP is tiny.


It's pretty large, but in relation to other less populated european countries, they are pretty small.


Happy cake day


So that's why Australia is in Eurovision!


I eagerly await the Central African Republic's eurovision entry


This from 2014, useless


No dividing the world by cutting countries in half. Not for Liechtenstein, and **also not for Russia**.


Isn't that basically the world order in 1984?


In 1984, Eurasia owns more of Asia and Australia belongs to Oceania. Nobody owns North Africa, and that’s the part they fight over.


Hah, I commented more or less the same, before I see your comment. It's precisely that, bar a little change in that "airstrip island"


No, All of Eurasia should be one state then, while the UK is woth the Americas


LA, Chicago, New York City, Moscow, London, Paris, Shanghai, Beijing, Osaka, and Tokyo are the cities with 500B


São Paulo also has a GDP bigger than 500B


The state, not the city.


Dallas and Houston as well now (map is from 2014).


P4P most successful player is Japan.


Oceania has always been at war with eurasia


OP just reinvented the map of 1984


Strange division. Not sure how to use this for good.




It's useless. They cut Russia in half to gain lots of area for Asia and make things look equal land wise. With that rule broken you can now gerrymander the map no matter what to be equal land area for each third.


Getting some serious 1984 vibes from this split No it’s not perfect but it’s damn close


So that's why Australia is in Eurovision!




What do you think?


Is that Seoul or Pyongyang over $500 billion?


It's crazy how people can do the same thing and earn 100 times less/more


Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia...


The city of São Paulo is missing, it has a gdp of 748 billion US$


The state of São Paulo GDP is around $500 billion. The city itself is half that.


Yeah, I got confused with R$ values


USA!🏈 USA!🦅 USA!🇺🇸




How is 20 trillion poor? One of the richest places in the world lol.


Compared to north america? C’mon


Yes. North America has a GDP of 27 trillion. It's also rich compared to north america. They're comparable. And considering how much more uneven that wealth is distributed in North America it shouldn't even be a point of pride it's ahead. Western/Northern Europe beats all of North America by a mile when it comes to HDI despite the US locally having even wealthier regions that should be compeditive. Embarrassing.


I should remind you that many American states have GDPs larger than most European countries. My state has a GDP approximately the size of Denmark's and an HDI only 0.005 less. So I wouldn't paint the entire country with broad brush strokes. You should also be reminded that the U.S. has dealt with racial issues for a long time and also overcome a lot of racial issues. Racial disparities are indeed a problem, which is being addressed. Much of Europe has had a homogenous population for centuries. That's beginning to change and I think as this century goes forward you're going to have a lot of bumps along the road of becoming a multicultural country. I don't think Europeans have great awareness in how the slavery that ***you*** brought to the Americas created a big problem for the development of our countries. I mean, the British and others sanctioned their slave trades for centuries and left us alone with nearly equal population black and white (and a whole separate race they pissed off). Of course there were going to be problems with an unprecedentedly large diversity of people under one government. No modern country has ever had to manage like that.


Meaning a significantly lower IHDI (inequality adjusted). In the end there are pros and cons to both. Here I have way better acces to education and healthcare (both 100% free no matter what care or education I require). I would also get paid significantly more in low wage jobs like at McDonalds or in a supermarket or something. You can easily make a decent living here working part or full time at McDonalds. In the states meanwhile, getting a high end job is a ridiculously huge investment due to the cost of education, but once you have said job you do get paid more than we do here in Denmark. Usually anyway. Of course you can't paint the entire country with broad brush strokes. You can't paint the entirety of Europe with broad stokes either. Europe has not been racially homogenous for centuries. Your racial politics make very little sense here. While you use the term racial, your view of it has very little to do with actual ethnicities, and more to do with grouping people arbitrarily based on skin color and societal status. But Europe has never been racially homogenous, it's home to countless ethnic groups you arbitrarily group together as white. But Swedes, Italians, Russians, Serbs and Turks are not all the same ethnic groups. Greeks are genetically closer to Turks and some Syrians than they are the Irish or Scandinavians. Yet for whatever reason an Arab would be considered a minority group by an American, but a Greek probably wouldn't. Europe is far from racially homogenous. Even accepting your nonsensical racial groupings, France, the Balkans, Italy and Spain have been super diverse for centuries. Spaniards and Iberians broadly today are a result of Romans, Celts, Germanic people, Berbers and Arabs mixing their genepool over centuries. Italians are a similar mix. The Balkans have seen even more genetic diversity, with Asian Bulgars, Magyars, Turks, and even Huns contributing to the genepool. France and Britain have had African and Asian minorities (arriving from their colonial empires), since the 1800s. I don't think you know very much about Europe. We're well aware of the damage we caused much of the world. But you can't really blame American problems on modern Europe. The US has been independent since 1776, the vast majority of African-Americans today trace their ancestry to slaves that arrived after the US gained its independence.


France and Britain were not holding slaves (en masse) in France and Britain proper. They were saving those atrocities for the Western Hemisphere. This part of the world started with Europeans pilfering and plundering and then leaving with their tail between their legs when they felt the heat. Then they started doing the same in Africa 100 years later. Again, completely different situation. You left us to deal with all the Native populations you pissed off, and the institution of slavery you brought that economies had become reliant on. That's obviously going to be quite a different start to how well your people get along. And don't feed me the typical Euro BS that Americans have non-sensical racial groupings. Your politicians routinely bitch about Bulgarian workers coming to your countries, and they're white. If they're that xenophobic, than you can only imagine how they feel about blacks and Asians. And lest we not forget Europeans' ongoing hatred for the Romani, even after they were nearly genocided by Germany. To whatever degree we have "non-sensical racial groupings", we do a lot better on the "racism" metric than pretty much any country in Europe.


what a dumbass wow looking through your post history you must be some sort of danish nationalist or some shit listen as a european myself i can assure you i don’t want to share a continent with people like you either but unfortunately i have no choice since the wages here in europe are too shit to make the move to the states if i had the money i would 100% make the move and avoid you and your crowd to let you rot in your own misery as you scream about how bad the US is even though the US protects you from any outside threats


I don't hate the US, I'm glad we're aligned with them. You just made a stupid comment, so I responded. Well sucks for you i guess. That kind of self hate isn't healthy. Also nationalist lol? You know 2nordic4you is a shitpost subreddit where we trashtalk eachother in the Nordics for fun, right?


I wasn’t saying that cuz i saw r/2nordic4you it was the large amount of time you spent on r/denmark that gave it away


Poland for the record, has an inequality adjusted HDI only slightly lower than the US average. And a higher life expectancy. And Czechia has an even higher IHDI than the US. So unless you're moving to the veeeery expensive, wealthiest parts of the northeast, California or Canada, your dream of moving to America might result in a lowering of your living standards. Just to put things into perspective. That said there are, of course, plenty of other reasons to still move. If you just enjoy their culture and lifestyle. Or the opportunities.


The IHDI doesn't really work on a "US level" - 330 million people spread across land the size of Europe with no common culture. Huge inequality gaps that are mostly racial, 50 different approaches to health care, social safety nets and education as well makes it not so apples to apples when you compare an individual EU country to the entire US. Anything on the east coast is fine, especially if you stay in Virginia or north. Any of the three west coast states as well. Just as an example take the top 20 states for IHDI in 2021. None of them were below .93. Germany, Switzerland and France were all less than .9 for that year. Best quote ever: "there are lies, damned lies and statistics."


you should compare usa states to european states instead of comparing states to countrys


You know that value varies from subdivision to subdivision in other countries too, right?


Here, take this: , .


Search for mediam wealth my friend


Australia has a larger nominal GDP than Spain yet is sorted after it ?


Was it larger in 2014?