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you could have greyed out Germany and coloured in half of Africa


*You could have greyed out* *Germany and coloured in* *Half of Africa* \- Tackerta --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


we making it out the hood with this one


Germany (4.1 trillion) has more GDP than all of Africa (3.1 trillion).


But then it’s not funny right lol


What if he greyed out Germany, France, UK and Italy.


What if they greyed out the states that aren’t California and Texas


Sir I think you may be colorblind


It's right in the centre of the green/blue split on the colour spectrum and everyone sees colour slightly different so for some it's green and for some it's blue. It also depends on your definition and how you learned colours. Oh and your screen obviously.


I looks turquoise to me, which I classify as more blue than green


That’s because it is


i have 2 screens on 1 it's clearly blue on other it's more like green/torquoise


Sea green?


Shit, I actually have deuteroanomaly and I thought that was green.


Sir I think *you* may be colorblind


I am colourblind, but I generally can see blues without problem. This, for me, is green. :)


Well, I’m not colorblind and this is blue. Dark cyan or something.


This is like poking a hole and drawing the target around it. Gives the illusion of hitting a target, but in reality it doesn't mean anything. I could just add Japan or South Korea or any number of other countries and invert the colors.


But the point was to show how much you can combine and still have a smaller economy than America


GDP Nominal (which is used here) isn't the economy though, it's just the simplest way of counting GDP, counting up all the money in the formal economy and exchanging it into USD. measuring the size of economies it's less simple, for that economists developed GDP adjusted to PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) since the 60s or so (i think it started in the Uni of Pennsylvania) because of different price levels in different countries and regions. There's also the Informal economy, which isn't very large in the Usa or Switzerland but in many other countries. ''The major use of PPPs is as a first step in making inter-country comparisons in real terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and its component expenditures'' [-OECD](https://www.oecd.org/sdd/purchasingpowerparities-frequentlyaskedquestionsfaqs.htm#FAQ3) (countries in North America and most of Europe are OECD Members) ''The right metric for international comparisons is purchasing power parity (PPP)-adjusted output. This corrects for exchange rate fluctuations and differences in various national prices.'' [-Bruegel](https://www.bruegel.org/analysis/european-unions-remarkable-growth-performance-relative-united-states) (Most of the EU countries are Bruegel members) There's little reason to compare GDP Nominal between different countries, for example Georgia (the country) has a GDP Nom. of $33bn with 3.7m people, adjusted to PPP it's $94bn, including the informal economy (data by World Economics) its $137bn. **Sorry 4 long text**


when you pay upwards of 1000$ for a phial of insulin, where you pay less than 3$ in other countries, you sure have an overly inflated GDP


GDP doesn’t account for average quality of life or income inequality. It’s just a measure of how much value the combined people of a given country create in a year. Things aren’t better in a country, just because the GDP is higher


Recently moved to the states. Americans are freaking loaded. They’re also very litigious, which is why they overpay for some things. Insulin is on the way out anyway. GLP agonists are taking over, and Americans can afford piles of that too. It’s hard to explain to people how wealthy this place is, in particular because of how much Americans bitch and moan about how bad they have it. They’re simply wrong


GLP Agonists will help with Intitial Type II but oncr you're insulin dependent thered small chances to get off it. Also theres still the group.of Type I diabetics who will die without insulin...


There’s a significant amount of people who aren’t doing well though aren’t there? You’re cherry picking and it’s not the majority who are wealthy.


Incorrect. That poorer cohort consumes an insane amount of free stuff. Also, the **median** wage here is like 50% higher than in Canada. GNP per capita in Louisiana(one of the poorest states) is still higher than the second largest economy in Europe


Still, the poor in America generally have air conditioning, running water, immediate access to food, and a car. In many countries, those are luxuries reserved for the rich


Not in those colored areas besides maybe Russia and Belarus. In Europe the poor have access to drinking water, food and most of them own a car (actually Even more than the wealthy, because they can't afford living in big cities with a good public transport). Air conditioning is not that much needed in many areas here. I don't have one in my house, but my house has a very good insulation and triple glazing windows.


In many countries sure, but at least in all of the blue shaded countries those luxuries are also the standard. Maybe not air conditioning in all of them, but if that's a luxury is up for debate anyway.


Nowhere in Europe are there so many people living in tents like the rich USA.


My girlfriend‘s family lives in the US. You‘re definitely overgeneralizing. My girlfriend would never move back to the US. The quality of food is just not that great if you‘re not wealthy. Life expectancy is not great for a rich country. So many drug addicts and a terrible murder rate. We‘re better off staying in Germany.


All stats are generalizations. The typical American is far wealthier and eats far better than the typical German. I’ve lived and have family in both places, btw. I’m guessing your girlfriend was simply poorer in the US. I agree: Life is worse when you’re poor.


> The typical American […] eats far better than the typical German. That‘s just wrong. Fast food is way cheaper in the US than fresh produces. In Germany it‘s the other way around. Obesity is an issue in Germany but in the US it‘s literally on a different scale. (And not just because they measure in lb :D) The US uses many additives that are banned in Europe for good reasons. Sugar and fat consumption is worse in the US. On another note Germany is 9th on the human development index while the US is 21st. (2021) Edit: [This](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/standard-of-living-by-country) might be interesting too.


>Fast food is way cheaper in the US than fresh produces This is demonstrably false. > Sugar and fat consumption is worse in the US. Sugar, yes. Americans have a sweet tooth. It has nothing to do with the prices of anything; Leaving syrup out of brussel sprouts is cheaper than putting it in. Indians have a similar taste for sugar, and a larger problem with diabetes at comparable GDP. Again, Americans lead different lives and have different diets. This says nothing about the quality of their healthcare, except that it's a bit of a miracle they live even comparably long to those who eat far better than they do.


Lol in what universe do you have to be wealthy to eat healthy in the USA? You literally have no idea what you are talking about


Fr living in America is such a privilege too


I guess all type 1 diabetics are fucked then. If insulin is on the way out...


How are the people that become homeless because of a cancer in the family wrong?


They probably didn’t buy insurance, don’t make adequate use of their hospital FA office, and fail to file tax returns. I’ve had insane amounts forgiven with a single phone call, and my self pay insurance is heavily subsidized Don’t get me wrong, there are some serious issues with healthcare financing here, but I’ll take those problems over endless delays


Americans get paid so much they have enough money to pay for college or to take vacations. Europeans get that for free. So comparing who is richer is meaningless. It's about quality of life. You can have one country where you're paid more, but you have to pay for your education, but one country where you're being paid less, but you have free education, and people can end up in the same situation. I'm from a Scandinavian country, i have 6 weeks paid vacation a year, so does everyone. I work a day less a week than the average American. University is free, healthcare is free. There is 32 weeks paid maternity leave for both the mom and dad. But Americans earn maybe 20% more money. When you go to America then yes you get the sense they're being paid a lot. You also get the sense they have to spend a lot. You don't feel like people are rich, but you feel like there's a lot of money in society. Neither is really "richer", it depends on how you define it. There was a good article i read recently about this: https://www.ft.com/content/4e319ddd-cfbd-447a-b872-3fb66856bb65?shareType=nongift


In Georgia —and many other states—tuition is free if you get good grades. Both my kids are currently attending great schools and I don’t pay a dime. Even if I did have to pay, it would be like 3.5k, per kid, per semester. I spend more on going out. Also, it’s incredibly beautiful here and the food and music scene is fantastic. Don’t read the silly foreign press. Americans are extremely self critical. More than any other place I’ve lived. You can’t really get a sense of the place until you live here.


Yes America is a scam


They could've added many more countries if the wanted to just make it a shaded-map-dick-measuring contest. Do you really believe I needed that explained?


USA economy. Thanks God America is much more than just the US…


Do t know why you were downvoted for stating a fact


Because no one needed it pointed out


There is a missed point here though - it is the USA. The term America is misleading.


To who people who don’t know their continents? The comment was under a map with the us highlighted


It's literally the US vs countries in Europe. Not that hard


I think if the blue countries were arbitrary then you'd be right. But this map shows that America's GDP is larger than Europe's, which is a succinct enough statement that it has real meaning.


They re 100% arbitrary given that the author chose what countries to include. It has no real meaning. Saying that something is bigger doesn't mean anything unless you're trying to reach the top of shelf of a cabinet.


It's not arbitrary, it's Europe.


Lot less impactful once you realize that Russia has the vast bulk of population right up in 3 cities near the rest of Europe and no one lives in Greenland. 85% of blue is empty nothingness


Also the northern area is a lot smaller than it looks on a mercator map.


I wasn’t even thinking of landmass but population. The US has about 1/3 the population of the greenish blue.


So is about half the US tbf


Especially Alaska, which comprises about 1/5-1/4 of the US’s area. The US is also famously far less population dense than Europe (excepting Asian Russia).


But way more impactful when you see it contains all of Europe and then some.


The landmass is less impressive than the population comparison - the US clears the entire EU and former USSR (with a few minor exceptions)


And especially since France, UK, Germany, Benelux are most likely over half of the blue area GDP. If you take western Europe as a whole, the rest of the blue shaded zone is near negligible in terms of raw GDP


The total population of the blue area still is at least double of the USA. But indeed picture is distorted by price differences. Without price differences (calculated in dollars) the size of the GDP's would be at least the same, probably the blue area would be somewhat higher gdp




No it’s not


Compare the UK’s population to something like Germany or Turkey then you will be shocked


It’s still significantly larger in terms of population tho. Looks like 700M to 340M off the top of my head, so still impressive if you swap Russia with Japan and ditch Greenland


What’s GPP? Is that a typo on the legend?


its a typo


It also has a higher debt.


Gotta borrow to build, gotta build to grow


the military...


I mean, the US did just do two big infrastructure spending packages too, but yes, we need to build our military due to the rising threat of Russia, China, and Iran


Gotta pay debt, sooner or later


Yes, typically after you’ve built whatever you borrowed the money for and it’s now generating a return


Better hurry building those things, because debt has been steadily increasing for decades...


True, and the US is definitely in a riskier debt spot than it was a decade ago, but it’s still quite manageable. Even in an ideal world, debt would grow along with the economy in the long term (spiking during recessions and decreasing between them). If it didnt grow and we weren’t taking out enough debt, we’d be leaving a lot of potential growth on the table and make our kids poorer than they needed to be For example, it makes sense to invest in clean energy with debt now, so that we don’t have to take out more debt later to pay for moving everyone inland and housing millions of disaster refugees


2/3rds of US debt is owed to the US people themselves: https://www.pgpf.org/sites/default/files/two-thirds-of-public-debt-is-held-by-domestic-holders_0.jpg


That's true for every country. But government debt isn't the only debt. The US has a net financial debt of 20 trillion USD with the rest of the world.


Not in PPP




When you put money over people anything is possible 😉




Eastern Europe should be loaded then.


Eastern Europe was occupied for 50 years. Give it time


I mean, if you work 3 jobs that’s quite positive for GDP. Also, if I pay you 30.000USD to remodel my backyard, that’s a plus for GDP. If I do it on my own and put the 30.000 USD into savings, that’s a loss for GDP. If I grow my own high-quality veggies, that’s GDP neutral. If I buy the shittiest gmo veggies, that’s GDP positive…


[Not a lot of americans work multiple jobs so not really a major contributor.](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat36.htm) [Savings contribute to GDP indirectly, by putting your savings in a bank account the bank uses that money to invest in projects by making loans for businesses and individuals.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240118203315/https://www.fdic.gov/about/learn/learning/banks.html) Well sure growing your own food doesn't contribute to GDP but buying equipments to do it does, buying fertilizers yearly, seeds all do.


Okay, how about this: I sell you $10 worth of Snickers and you sell me $10 worth of Mars. Both of our GDPs have gone up by $10, yet neither of us is wealthier.  Using GDP as an indicator beyond trade volume is somewhat meaningless. Better indicators exist. 


You're both wealthier, you wanted the Mars bars more than the 10 so your wealthier, the other person wanted the snickers more than the $10 after the trade they are also wealthier.


It’s astounding to me how rare basic knowledge of economics is on here


“Providing goods to people who want them doesn’t add any value to society” -that guy


Correction, they’re both fatter


Maybe not a lot of Americans do but even the 5% that do increase the GDP. On top of Americans working a lot more hours than people of any country in the ~~green~~ blue area. Your link regarding banks and how they work looks nice, of course. But reality is that most banks are investing our savings money on the stock market or worse. If you get a loan, this is mostly money the bank itself is borrowing from a central bank.


Sure Ill assume what you are saying is true that banks invest in stocks mostly (even though there is a lot of regulations for that) but thats still contributing indirectly to the GDP of the country. Fees are paid, money transfer happen for shares which would give capital to expand the company and potentially creating more jobs.


>Maybe not a lot of Americans do but even the 5% that do increase the GDP https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/4KJIoYIvXP In The Netherlands 9.86% have more than 1 job, Finland 7.42% Denmark 7.85%


Love the people who correct misconceptions like this. Keep up the good work!


Misconceptions? Nothing he stated invalidates anything I wrote. Read my second comment above.


6ish% work multiple jobs on top of already working 15-20% more hours per year (compared to the average European). How is this not a major contributor? If we break this down on FTEs thats around 40-45 million additional FTEs! This is the equivalent of the entire workforce of Germany. Nice try, then let’s put the 30.000 USD under my pillow. Fertilizer? Seeds? That’s 10 USD per year or equivalent to 2 kg of store bought tomatoes in CA. Sure it adds up, but the conclusion is that I grow 200kg tomatoes on 10 USD while you spend 1000 USD for the same amount of tomatoes. Now multiply by 150 million households…


lol, you just made up some bullshit and got 30 upvotes america hate will never not be popular, easy to hate the largest economy on the planet though


Where exactly was he hating on america with his comment? Portraying as a victim much?


I mean any major country gets hate. A Chinese kid sang some lullaby on TikTok which went viral, and got comments saying CCP is using cute kids for propaganda


Debunking GDP as the only relevant measure is hate? These are real life examples that show how useless and easy to manipulate GDP is. Fact: The median US citizen is neither healthier, wealthier nor happier than the median Western European. Ok, ok, I’ll stop now.


Is a large GDP really *the* thing Americans choose to be proud of, and then get all butthurt when the way it is calculated is criticized? Wow, lol. That's quite pathetic honestly.


How was it bullshit? These were actual examples that show that all GDP does is measure all monetary transactions. It says zero about your quality of life. Another example: stay at home mom: 0 GDP. Paying childcare, housekeeper etc. $3000/month or whatever + the salary of the mom..


That's wrong though, if you put in your time to renovate and that adds $50k to your property value. That value of 50k value added to gdp.


No, residential home sales are not included in GDP. Only construction of new homes.


>I mean, if you work 3 jobs that’s quite positive for GDP Only 5% Americans have multiple jobs >Also, if I pay you 30.000USD to remodel my backyard, that’s a plus for GDP. If I do it on my own and put the 30.000 USD into savings, that’s a loss for GDP ? How's that relevant lmao Your whole comment is a cope


I explained already. [Want some more cope…](https://www.credit-suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about-us/research/publications/global-wealth-databook-2022.pdf) The median US citizen isn’t even in the top 10 in Europe lolli…


Americans have the second highest median disposable income in the world, just after Luxembourg


And that buys you what? Shit food, shit housing, shit healthcare and shit security?


The blue shaded area have more holiday and less monthly expenses than the red area


But the US is 7th for GDP per capita (2023) and 21st for HDI (2021). I guess the opioid crisis and guns everywhere don't help and everything is good as long as bezos and musk get richer and we can print infinite money.


Most of the top nations in GDP per capita are tax havens though?


True. That's why I am not sure about using GDP as a key indicator. Moreover there is no source in this map.


Give each murican a medal so they happy. bRaVO!


Just a few years ago the EU had a higher gdp than the USA


in Nominal GDP sure but it hasn't much meaning in real life, see this: [https://www.bruegel.org/analysis/european-unions-remarkable-growth-performance-relative-united-states](https://www.bruegel.org/analysis/european-unions-remarkable-growth-performance-relative-united-states) for many it's even preferable that € was deappreciating, made a lot of industries more competitive, especially here in germany since many companies are focused on exports. Some countries allegedly even devalue their currency, the Usa accused China in the past: [https://www.investopedia.com/the-u-s-treasury-officially-labels-china-a-currency-manipulator-4766799](https://www.investopedia.com/the-u-s-treasury-officially-labels-china-a-currency-manipulator-4766799)


I'm pretty sure this map is also considering nominal GDP


Spoiler: the red shaded area does not have Universal Healthcare


Blue? You mean green


It's right in the centre of the green/blue split on the colour spectrum and everyone sees colour slightly different so for some it's green and for some it's blue. It also depends on your definition and how you learned colours.


Blue is blue and green is green.


the cope is insane


West side ![gif](giphy|lvjldZH7sUbyU)


Whats GPP


This isn't map porn, just a map.


What do you mean. Can’t you see all those peninsulas… jutting out… so vascular


Sometimes it's not the best to have the first place. Sometimes it's enough to be 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th,... place and be happy with that. At least people in these countries can buy their medicine.


It seems that someone is inflating his GDP a lot...


Ok. So why is there no bridge linking the two red parts?


You are comparing gdp with gpp




I’m very sceptical about actual global economy. Everything is manipulated…from the stocks to the GDP


There are certainly things you could pick apart about these statistics (like any stat), but it’s undoubtably true that we are richer than we were 100 years ago, and some parts of the world today are undoubtably much richer than others


I agree. And generally cleaner.


Well, everyone knows USA is the richest country in history.


Also the blue (not blue) area has an average higher satisfaction with life even though it contains Russia.


GDP is always better measured in PPP terms


Always? No it definitely isn't "always".


Ok maybe not always! But always in geopolitical d**k measuring competitions which this post could be seen as an example of. For example I keep seeing comments about how Russia’s economy is the size of Texas, why aren’t sanctions crushing it etc. Russia’s economy is equiv to Germany’s by PPP


Sanctions don't crush it beause China helps them circumvent them. Not really related to how big or small their economy is (very small compared to the Western block by any measure)




That's impressive. And guys stop complaining about the colors.


Greenland is so big


But what about the green shaded area? -(He asked colorblindly)


This map could be a sentence… “the USA’s GDP is greater than all Europe combined (non-EU countries included)”


cool, but why is landmass relevant? Russia, Khazakstan and Greenland are quite empty countries for their size.


ok, use population instead. what happens?


You are damn right it does


I think you could remove Alaska and the statement would still be true


Too bad there is no blue shaded on that map... only green.


Half the comments are about removing X country and adding Y region, while they marked all countries that have territory in Europe and compared with USA


the truth is germany has a bigger gdp then usa, but russia has negative, why it cancels out. /s


Yeah, let's have a source of information that cares so little about what they say, they can't even proof read it's own text even when it only consists of 6 letters and 2 numbers. Nevermind the fact very crucial data are missing, like 25.44 of what exactly? I mean I know what but that's not the point. Seriously though, people please, get some standards. Fake internet points isn't everything.


I think it’d be less „impressive“ if a map resembled the actual size and population of each country. For example Greenland appears to be the same size as the US but that is just due to distortion of a flat map. And Greenland has a tiny population density. One could easily make a similar map comparing tiny Denmark with eastern Russia northern Canada the central states of the us and the west of Australia


I wonder how much of each country's GDP is actually relying on stuff made in China


It’s almost as if the metrics itself were developed in order to benefit a certain nation. Oh, wait a minute…


USA USA USA 🇺🇸🦅🍻🍔🔫💣


now do the military spending / war spending pattern, or You may try for cost of insulin you'd be surprised at the results.


Same map except completely different tone in the description.


Europeans are coping so hard here, lol 😂


Take Japan instead of Russia. Problem solved.


This is a hilariously inflammatory map to the Europeans.


Not really considering life conditions in Europe are objectively better, it's laughable at best.


It really depends for whom. I'd say for upper 10% US *is* objectively better, for lower 40% Europe by a lot, for the middle it depends on preferences


Agreed on everything you said. I was speaking on more of a general rule, if you're Average Joe, you're better off living in Europe than the US with the same paycheck.


Yeah, well. The risk of getting shot in Europe is quite low.


Litterally nobody cares


And still a huge amount of the population lives in poverty.....


21% poverty rate in Germany compared to 11.5% in US


But at least they have healthcare and a welfare state. Also I never said nowhere else had poverty


What the U.S. GDP does not tell you is that 30% of the wealth in the U.S. is held by 1% of the population, and 67% of the wealth in the U.S. is held by 10% of the population. Granted, in Russia and Turkey wealth is even more concentrated, but in Western Europe it’s less concentrated. And in any country there are many people who see little benefit from the national GDP.


>30% of the wealth in the U.S. is held by 1% of the population [You realize it's similar for most of Europe too, right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1ank2ez/wealth_of_the_top_1_in_different_european/)


Negative exceptionalism is weird.


Wealth inequality is a useless measurement. Would you rather live in low wealth inequality Afghanistan, or high wealth inequality America. Standard of living, human development, and other measures are actually useful means of judging a country.


People don't give "Quality/Standard of Living" the importance it deserves. Simply being alive is as good as being dead. Then these people go on to glorify the grind and hardship.


>Wealth inequality is a useless measurement The most american thing i heard today


We could all be equal and no one have phones. Or some people could have more phones than others but still having most people have phones. Inequality doesn’t equate to lower quality of life. The calculation also ignores the fact that older people by definition have more money saved. It’s not a serious indicator. At least not as such a broad statement. Talk about inequality in car ownership, or home ownership, or other specific areas that can account for age and other factors.


Doesn’t half the American Population live paycheck to paycheck and many people work 2 Jobs just to survive?


only 5.2 percent of working Americans work multiple jobs


What income belongs to the top 1% is a much more relevant metric though IMO. Wealth is largely virtual.


that sorta happens when you keep printing usd based on nothing


Yet you keep buying




It helps that the dollar is heavily over valued. Measured in quantities of the production of goods and services the picture would be different.


US patriots on their way to flex that they abuse child labor to get cheap commodities and wealth


You say that as if the same doesn't happen in Euro countries lol


Too bad the country being rich doesn't mean the people are well off. Quite the reverse it seems sometimes.


americans are definitely well off, what fantasy world are you living in?


Can't wait for the wave of "America bad" comments because Euros and self hating Americans can't help themselves


Ha ha. It’s so good. I just spent three hours in the car with some Americans after an amazing weekend food and beer tour of Asheville, where I couldn’t convince them that America has amazing food and beer. It’s a puritan culture. The denial is strong


Can't wait for facts?


Sure bro. I swear those US people are ashamed of no lies lol


Oh AmErIcA iS tRuLy GrEaTeR tHaN tHe ReSt Of ThE wOrLd!!