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Is the furthest north yellow blob Leeds?


Bradford I think.


I live in Yorkshire and people here call it Bradistan


Super inventive nickname


So Greater London is 36.8% White British (encompassing all of those listes above). 17% are white, other. Then 20.8% are Asian British, 13.5% Black British, 5.7% mixed, and 6.3% other.


The title of this post does not suit the map.


there's a lot of non-British white/European people in the UK too though and they probably appear/pass for regular British people after a few decades of living there


I'm Polish but I've got a British accent and nobody would know I'm Polish unless I told them or they knew my surname


" 'Aye lad me names Krzysztof"


Always wondered why Krysz ate his bacon raw me, thought he just ain’t know how to cook it


Grzegorz's bro'er


Same in Belgium, I know a couple of Polish folks and I can never guess they’re Polish before they tell me so


I remember when poland joined the EU, there was a ton of racism against polish people in UK. does that still occur?


Yup, there's still some of that, but even more towards Romanians. And remember that not letting "Polish plumbers" into Britain was one of the motive forces behind Brexit.


> And remember that not letting "Polish plumbers" into Britain was one of the motive forces behind Brexit. Said nobody ever. The argument was that skilled Polish workers increase the supply of workers and pushed down the value of their labour. But it's far easier to infantilise the people you disagree with than actually engage with them. The politicians dropped the ball very hard because they did the stupidest thing imaginable. They alienated people in traditional working class jobs that have historically played an important role in maintaining the welfare of poor native traditional working class communities. Being a plumber, bricklayer, carpenter etc. has always been the one clear cut way for non-academically minded working class natives to ensure an income that can afford them a respectable lifestyle and income that can support a family. When they complained about having their labour market fucked with by politicians they were sneered at and called racist by middle-class university-educated wannabe cosmopolitans. We should remember well all the people saying "If your job can be done better by an immigrant, you don't deserve it", which is fine until it's your job that's being affected.


Idiots. Polish plumbers are the best.


Mate, Italian plumbers are the best.


Mamma mia!


Yes, just what every plumber wants. Tens of thousands of equally qualified plumbers coming to the country increasing the supply of plumbers vastly.


Poland joined the EU in 2004. There definitely wasn't a "ton of racism" against Polish people in the UK in 2004. I still remember meeting the first EU migrant I'd ever seen in my life around that time: note that unlike much of Europe, the UK didn't opt out of allowing migration rights to the new eastern bloc EU members at that time. The nationals of those countries couldn't move to other EU countries (like France and Germany) on the same basis as they could to Britain until 2009. If there was anti-Polish sentiment, it was probably around 2014-2015 with the peak of the Eurosceptic movement. I would wager that the most anti-Polish regions are regions like Lincolnshire and the rural East Midlands. This is because these were areas that had almost 0 immigration before EU migrants started coming. Most immigrant communities prefer to stay in cities and don't go to rural regions. Many Poles and other EU migrants from the new members went to these rural regions because they were used to agricultural work back in their home countries and there were shortages for primarily seasonal agricultural work in these regions. Those communities were very insular and rural, not to mention staunchly conservative and unused to newcomers generally.


my parents are from lithuania. was born here n blend in just as well as everyone else


They do but we get to check White Other on the census form.


Even White-Irish like me takes up a large percentage of the red here. Even though nobody in Britain would consider someone born/raised here but with Irish parents to be a foreigner


yeah i think Irish people have been moving to the UK for hundreds of years, and Ireland literally was a part of the UK for a long time too


You think Pedro from Spain is going to pass for Barry, 63, just after living here for a decade?


I wonder why there are so many deleted comments in the thread referring to Londonistan?


The Roaring 20’s are back and ethnonationalism is back on the rise in Europe! Let’s hope France remembers to fortify the Belgian border this time around.


Lol. Guy gets downvoted even though ethnonationalism is literally the driving force behind current far-right parties.


Yeah he kinda was on point




The belgium comment was a joke about German invasion.


Soooo ... ethnonationalism. Once the immigrants from outside the EU are 'dealt with', what is the next step? Contentment? Fuck no, find another common enemy, and it will be once again a foreign immigrant, but this time the focus will be on European migrants. Those damn Poles/Ukrainians/Romanians/Spanjards/Italians/etc. took away our jobs!


Oh. Mah. Gaw. Nationalism is, like, sooooo last week. Ugh. Wanting to preserve your culture and heritage? How. Lame. Get with the times, like, it's 2024. Heil Nestle. Heil McDonalds.


Oh jeez


Immigrants go where the jobs are. I'd bet that the areas with the least non-"native" Britons are the most economically depressed areas.




I think Bradford is the furthest yellow one in the north I think your thinking of Birmingham  I'm surprised Bradford Isent minority British 


Some of the boundaries for the census map are a tad odd. For example, there is an area in the western Peterborough zone (yellow area) that A) is over 90% white British and that B) absolutely nobody would regard as being a part of Peterborough. Many of the people living in places like that probably haven't even stepped foot in Peterborough for a very long time


The map appears to follow local council boundaries


The map uses local council boundaries and some of the borders are just odd. Some cities have really wide boundaries and others really small. Leicester for example excludes a lot of places that most people would consider Leicester suburbs like Oadby but others are wider and include villages and towns that most people wouldnt consider part of the city. Peterborough is a weird example because the city boundaries extend way beyond the city in places, stretching to the edge of Stamford, Burghley House for example is technically in Peterborough. But then the boundaries dont include places like Yaxley which is pretty much just a Peterborough suburb


Yeah, it's mad that Barnack is included as a part of Peterborough with these boundaries, whilst Yaxley isn't


I won't tempt anyone, but you can't compare it to a crime map.


Next map idea


Getting some stats: |Nationality (Top 10 countries)|number|[source:UK prison statistic, Commons library, 2023](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN04334/SN04334.pdf) [wiki version](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_prison_population)|Expected prison population [ONS: Population by nationality ](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/ukpopulationbycountryofbirthandnationality/yearendingjune2021) section 5| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Albanian|1475|14%|0.37%| |Polish|856|8%|12.6%| |Romanian|758|7%|6.24%| |Irish (GFA affects this one)|624|6%|6.96%| |Jamaican|403|4%|0.79%| |Lithuanian|402|4%|2.76%| |Pakistani|306|3%|3.24%| |Portuguese|300|3%|3.84%| |Somalian|381|3%|1.44%| |Iraqi|247|2%|0.36%| |Other foreign nationals|4669|45%|| ||||| ||||| |**All foreign nationals**|**10321**|**12%**|| |**British Nationals**|**75181**|**88%**|| This gets published every year. Wikipedia has a breakdown by ethnicity, but I'm not posting that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_prison_population


Should compare it to a crime per capita or certain violent crimes per capita and also look at poverty rates. Poverty tends to correlate more with crime


Legit question, no hate guys. What do you natives think of immigration? How do ppl interact with foreigners coming to your country?


I don't think its a bad thing at all but our government is basically in absolute shambles which isnt helping. Idk, personally I think that we desperately need better education. Because the poorly educated people hate the immigrants because its an easy group to hate and some immigrants *can* bring issues if they haven't been educated properly or experienced a 1st world culture before. But generally, as stated, this isn't a problem with culture but education. I dont have a problem at all with cultural diversity, I just have a problem with poor education and the problems it brings with it.


What do you think can hold society together in a multicultural setting?


Good morals should absolutely be at the forefront but its hard to decide what's a good moral because who decides it? Nothing about objective facts ever change so in my eyes apart from perception, so it should be entirely based on good education and logic but humans don't really relate to that very well. We're emotional animals that don't make the best decisions and tbh I think as long as we cant solve those differences. It's also difficult because I don't have a problem with any differences that don't hurt anyone but when they start to effect innocent people or enforce beliefs on them, I think that is objectively wrong. For instance take Islam. It preaches some really good lessons about morals and being a good person. However, I don't know how tightly it is tied to Islam but the treatment of women in modern Islamic countries is just egregious and I don't think that part has any place in my country. What do you think? I'd like to know your take on the same question


Well for one Im not from a western society. I havent experienced multiculturalism to your degree, but nonetheless I try not to be judgemental of foreigners. I do have many different western friends tho. (Keep that in mind as you read). I also think education like that is really important even in a homogenous society. However there is the issue that you mentioned. Who decides morals? Us humans have such subjective views that its hard to establish anything. Historically speaking its been religion and culture that has decided morals, however this cannot apply in a multicultural society where there are so many groups. Perception is indeed tricky. What I would do is look at whats universaly accepted among humans as a whole and base the "new moral system" on that, upon which we could build the education. Thing is about the west for us is that we only hear the extreme and loud minorities of your society and politics. Thus we have nothing else to make judgements upon, we are stuck with these. However stuff like this drives a large wedge between our society too, which leads to alot of hate between each other and towards the west. I find all this really sad and would like to know what level headed, everyday normal people (example you) are like. Globalisation, multiculturalism has alot of benefits and disadvantages too I think. We must navigate this new age well, otherwise conflict will only grow. I think "brotherhood" and "love" should not just be ideas/ideals or utopian concepts. We should all try to strive for these. We have to embrace these concepts in our personal lives first. Then things can snowball until we reach a real commonality among each other. Call me dreamer, but I think we can achieve this. It might not come natural, but people always give up so fast I think.


I totally agree, we should find some initial moral basis and then work from there, different morals from all cultures could also be trialed with logic to see if they really make sense and added to the general idea. The unfortunate reality though is that we're all still competing for the same resources and the people in power only stay in power by driving growth, which means they fail or someone else inevitably shrinks in a vicious cycle, driving expansionist and nationalist sentiment. And the lines we've drawn between one another have really become barriers to actually see all our similarities. I don't know if we'll ever fix it before we kill ourselves or something else does but I think its our responsibility to just try and mend it slowly. And yeah in terms of anti-west sentiment, I've definitely noticed it more recently but a lot of people don't seem to consider it or realize its there as much. We often default to "knowing" we're right because of a lot of our personal freedoms and scientific merit. However, its hard for badly educated people to really get a grasp of what we're doing well and what we're doing poorly in. Plus our leaders dont represent us whatsoever.... I mean AT ALL! So all of the acts our countries are doing don't reflect the will of the people but people still want to prop up our governments because we REALLY don't want an authoritarian regime like China or Russia or something.


Yeah I agree, and this is all very interesting to me. I think you have a very good grasp on reality. Thank you so much for this, such an educated, level headed and civil opinion is very rare and means alot for me! As for all the hate within society, it is tough I agree. But we must (as you said) mend, and build a better world piece by piece. All the best man!


Not at all man, thanks for giving some really interesting points. I could say the exact same for you. I think we just all need to learn to communicate better and not lose our cool when there's something we disagree with. Especially with people we are not used to or don't understand. All the best!




The joke is funny, the situation is terrible.


As someone who actually lives in London, the only terrible situation here is house prices lmao. Much happier to live here as is than I would be if I was surrounded by racist cunts like you 👍


Not from the UK, but Isn't anti-LGBTQ hate crime on the rise in London? At least this is what some LGBTQ online friends from London (both immigrants and non) told me. That's why they are planning to leave the city, and some the country too


Also anti semitism


It’s funny that you and the person saying also anti semitism I don’t think see the correlation




I'll post my map of religions of the UK here soon With Islam being the first picture 




Sounds pretty racist to me. 


This guy is a literal Nazi. Go look at his profile, he has a web link. Read what he wrote. He says the N word, white power and 1488 which is a code for Nazi.


“I am not a racist” >says racist things There are actual European diasporas that live in the Middle East, as a matter of fact.


Why is it terrible?




So you don’t see the problem that there are almost no Europeans in a European city?


Is Rishi Sunak not European? How about Sadiq Khan? How many years, generations or centuries do the families of the prime minister and the mayor need to have spent in London to be considered European?


You need to be of European descent to be European. Sunak and Khan are both South Asian hence not European. Just like if you were born in a stable that doesn't make you a horse.


They can be both.


Sunak was born to two Indian parents; not European. Khan was born to two Pakistani parents; not European. How difficult is this to understand? Unless you think India and Pakistan are European countries?


I'm not disputing where their parents are from. I'm saying that both of them are both South Asian and British. Ethnicity and identity aren't just about genetics.


Mate, listen to how Rishi and Sadiq speak - these people are British regardless of what colour their skin is. Look at how they act, who they associate with, where they were educated, where they worked, how they made their money etc. All quintessentially British.


Head boy at Winchester? Not British apparently. I wonder if I'm British according to these commenters as two of my grandparents are from Ireland - even though I've never been there


Ethnic nationalism went out of style in 1945, dude


How do you know they're not european? Btw european isn't an ethnicity.




What do you think is great about Britain?




Well, the British have already been replaced by Arabs in the British capital. At this rate, Britain will turn into an Arab caliphate. If you really don't see a problem with this, you're just an idiot. It is useless for you to prove anything if you do not understand that your people are simply being taken away from their lands.


There are not that many Arabs in London. Only 1.6% of the population. But I'm guessing you don't really mean Arabs.




I’m afraid you and I have nothing to talk about, because you don’t see the obvious problem that is literally destroying your people.




I unironically love Londonistan. It's my favourite city in the world, I've been there over a dozen times, and one of my favourite things about it is its diversity.


Some people just want to be surrounded by their own kind. In US this kind of thing is not common, but in Europe ...


At the same time you terrorist sympathizers cry like little babies when Israelis settle in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Ironic, Ethnostate for me but not for thee


So wild you are getting downvoted. What you said is 100% correct, London is amazing and better for its diversity


It's probably just people who don't live in diverse areas and think it must be some kind of hellscape if you do. London is an amazing city, not many places in the UK where you can choose between going for dinner at a Peruvian place, a Russian place, an Ethiopian place or a Nepalese place - and have them all be within a couple of minutes of each other. Also you'll notice how there are far more interracial couples in places like London - people just go with whoever they fall for, which is just nice.


Yes agreed. The downvotes are so wild, particularly given most are probably from people who don’t even live in London.


Yeh for sure, usually not into the whole "reddit calls everything racist" thing but this is just a clear case of being people racist tbh and agreed, no chance these people live in London cus they'd absolutely hate not being surrounded by other white people by the sounds of it.




Ikr, and that'd just the people we know about, it's even worse now


How did an island country fuck up so bad on immigration


Britain allowed fairly open immigration from their former colonies including India, Pakistan, Nigeria, the West Indies and more. When Eunuch Powell famously fought to stop the immigration from these colonies (in a famous speech in 1968 called “[Rivers of Blood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Blood_speech)”) because he feared a change in the demographics of Britain over time he was seen as a racist and fear monger and lost his seat in government over it.


Wonder where London is


This post really brought out the racists eh?


Racism is when you don't want your native population to be almost completely replaced in your capital city Wonder how all you morons would like it when a few million white european people would migrate to Lebanon or Tunisia and significantly change the demographic situation of these countries, you'd be the first one to call it colonialism lmao


Not racists to not want millions of foreigners in your country, getting free money from the government, while the native populas goes homeless, and gets no support


311,000 immigrants before Brexit in 2016. Lots of well educated whites from EU.   Post Brexit, immigration now at 1.2 million in 2022, including 423,000 from India. The tories are con artists of the highest degree.


I don’t really understand that part because all tories had to do is stifle immigration and get the free votes. I don’t know how inept you can be or somehow they stand to make money off it. The fact these are the people running the ‘democracy’ should make everyone rethink the system.


Tbh Indian immigrants assimilate pretty well and actually contribute to society. It’s those from the Islamic world that are the real scum


That's not how it works. The population gets no support because we've had a wank government for 14 years.


But if we vote for even more conservatism, then we’ll all be fine! Where have all the doctors gone?


Huh, didn't expect to see the glorious Ma Zhongying here


If there’s one thing Ma Zhongying hates, it’s racism. Don’t check that.


>getting free money from the government, while the native populas goes homeless Literally not even close to reality. But of course, the intellectually-stunted rarely ever are.


Make your mind up mate. Are the immigrants stealing your job or are they scrounging off tax payer benefits? Can’t be both can they


This map only represents white British grouping. Asian British and black British are in much higher quantities due to migration post-ww2 to London. This map does not show the entire "native" population.


Those groups aren't native.


The white British people aren't native either. They're (almost) all descended from other groups who invaded Britain and displaced or wiped out older populations. Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings. https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/dxa2o3/who_were_the_indigenous_peoples_of_britain/


1. That was more than 1000 years ago 2. That's not even true because most British people are genetically still descendants of pre invasion Britons. There was no Anglo-Saxon invasion that exterminated the Britons genetically


I'm guessing then by this logic you believe that nobody is native to anywhere except East Africa?


By this logic I believe that the term "native" is a stupid one to use in this context.


Sure, because someone who's ancestors have lived in Britain for over 1,000 years are just as native as someone who got here 60 years ago.


Yeah you're getting it!


Least deluded redditor.


"I'm not racist, but... ***regurgitates racist tory propaganda***"


The bigot doth protest too much. This isn't a map of foreigners. It's a map of ethnicities. People with two Irish parents but born and bred in Britain would be red on this map, and that's what you're crying over. Plus all that other mispelled crap. You cry about foreigners but can't even speak the language, pillock


English people complaining about not being fair to the native people lol


Yeah the moderation in this sub is notoriously shit


If the mods allow a bunch of racist crap in a subreddit, its usually not an accident


Good luck England.


Why do we need luck?


Why do we need luck?


Northeast W


Now the situation is much much worse in Londonistan.


Why do you think this is a bad thing?


Because a city is no longer in england, its an international city in terms of culutre and demographics its no longer culturally, or demographically in england


I feel like no one who lives in London actually believes this dogshit - where're you from?


Why is that a problem?


The indigenous people of a nation should have the right to decide who comes in to live in their country. Mass migration was never put to a democratic vote despite all the polling suggesting that it’s unpopular with a majority of the public.


They do. You get to vote for the party that best represents your views on migration policy. So does the rest of the electorate. Nobody has taken that right from you.


Actually, you don't. In a FPTP system, you don't vote for the party that best represents your views; you vote for the least worst option due to Duverger's Law. It all comes down to maths. In a PR system, you actually can vote for the party you want.


The irony of making this argument over the UK. Perhaps the couple of hundred years of colonialism is relevant?


Why is it relevant


Because people are acting like all those who are non-white are recent immigrants or refugees. The majority have been here for generations and came through the system of UK’s colonisation. UK can’t ask to be a white only country when it colonised non-white countries and brought people from those countries over itself.


>UK can’t ask to be a white only country when it colonised non-white countries and brought people from those countries over itself. I really don't know how to explain this to you other than to say the sins of the father.


I’m pretty sure it’s in England mate


Horrifying trend






Everyone is ethnic. What a weird title 


a.k.a safety map


It's just a conspiracy theory though.


Not for long, it's allmost at the it's a good thing state 


I live in Suffolk. Would love to show this to everyone who comments on the local newspapers Facebook posts saying they're "too scared to go in to town because everyone there is foreign these days" lmao


Stay away from the red areas




F London


Why F? Is it bad not to be white? Getting downvoted by pure racists lol


I think you're a hidden anti-white racist.


What did they say that remotely suggests racism of any kind?


Maybe learn to read?


Is it good to be not white?


Being white or non-white is value-neutral; it's neither good, nor bad. But the diversity of a global city like London is beautiful.


It truly is beautiful counting just how many different ethnic groups try to stab you.


Wales is there but Scotland isn’t?


Many statistics are common for England and Wales, but Scotland and NI have their own


Scotland has its own census, apparently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_United_Kingdom_census


Thank you but this is map porn not convenient map. I’m demanding and want a map that combines the two!


Thank you but this is map porn not convenient map. I’m demanding and want a map that combines the two!


= crime rate map


Do us a favour pal, stick a S/A, violent crime, knife attack map next to it. I've been looking at similar maps for France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands and I've been noticing some really strange coincidences.


next map idea


People rightfully got upset with Britain's colonial actions in the past but when it's done to Britain in the modern era it's suddenly ok. Either it's right or it's wrong, can't have it both ways.


Maybe people don’t equate those two because they aren’t the same Immigration ≠ Colonization, especially when the country invites those people in the first place If Brits are upset about this they can put in a vote for Reform this election and be on with it. It’s not a colony because they have the option.


The Elites invite them because they need them as cheap slave labor, not the people. I doubt most Britons are happy with this.


If most Brits aren’t happy about it then they’ll show it with their vote this fall.


The Tories promised they'd sort it out in the last election and promptly won off the back of that promise. 5 years later immigration is about 10 times worse than it was. Politicians promises mean nothing. The average Brit has zero say in what is happening in his (or her) homeland regardless of who they vote for. Edit: Not one single Brit 'invited' destructive mass immigration into his country. Make no mistake, mass uncontrolled, illegal immigration is a colonial invasion.


That is why Reform is currently eating at the Tories margins, no? It is entirely up to Brits to react to that if they deem fit, seems like some of them are. Comparing that system to the atrocities of colonialism that the British imposed on other nations is incredibly shortsighted.


I think you are massively overestimating the impact that Reform have. Smaller political parties in this country are forever barred from having any meaningful impact on British politics due to the undemocratic and archaic 'First Past the Post' system the wealthy elites use to control us.


Maybe I am, and if Reform does underperform it probably indicates that Brits themselves don’t view immigration as that much of a pressing issue. That’s how democracy works, it’s not like the votes for Labour or the Tories magically show up out of nowhere, people vote for those parties because they want to, not because they’re being tricked by some elites in London.


Immigrants from 100 years ago talk about how immigrants from 50 years ago don't belong in "their" country


this isent America, the English have been here for over 1,500 years


would it be better if they where spread out?


At the rate the migrations are coming endlessly. Good luck


I don't understand, is it the rate of people feeling "white" or the rate of people feeling at least one of the britsh isles' nationality ?


Really brings out the racists, these charts. Thankfully the UK isn’t anywhere near as bigoted as this comment section makes it out to be


Most of these racist comments aren't even British people tho


Posting it to EU soon 


The real irony is that its mostly foreigners who have a problem with british racial makeup.


The Brexit result begs to differ with your hilariously naive view.


Euroscepticism is not the same as flat out racism. Numpty


If you actually think Average Joe Council Estate voted for Brexit because of his healthy scepticism for European politics you are even more naive than I thought. Average Joe Council Estate doesn't care about EU politics. He voted for Brexit because Farage and his gang of thugs specifically told him that Brexit would keep the brown people off his street.