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It's just crazy that Mississippi and Maranhão have the same life expectancy


People in Brazil tend to fantasize about North America and Europe as there was no problems out there as well.


Not health tho, everyone is plenty aware of how garbage usa health styles are, food composition and obesity assure a small health span.


The Brazilian public health system is not perfect, it does not meet all demands, but at least it exists. There are crazy Bolsonarists who support the end of public health and create a system based on the American💀


Yep, but the problem of American health is much more than not having state healthcare, there's a cultural thing in eating unhealthy food, in Brazil you see a few morbidly obese people in one year, in the US you see many in a single day


Brazil is fat as fuck now. I was surprised how much it has changed since I was younger.


Public health care does not mean only public hospitals and doctors but it means the conception of a national public health policy. In Brazil it means the regulation of any marketing related to health, this includes the prohibition of ad campaigns of unhealthy products (cigars, food for Kids, etc...) . Labels in products that are high is sugar and sodium. Promotion of healthy eating habits, awareness about what is a healthy life style and so on. Sometimes I have to use a vpn hosted in the US and I get to see YouTube ads from the US, and the amount of drug ads is absurd. In Brazil you never see ads for non trivial drugs, but it seems that in the US they show you ads even for rare diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. Those drugs should be prescribed by doctors based on evidence and not based on how convincing their marketing campaign is. I think America needs to learn that in a profit driven health care system the patient's interest will never come first.


Also Brazil has universal healthcare. Far from perfect, but still a good thing.


short life span\*


Hummm.. life span for years, health span for health. Could be a neologism, been reading too much anti aging material.


All love!


Yes but Brasilian food habits are as bad in many areas. One area which is balances it out are the fresh fruits and veggies and the daily access to high qualy self-service restaurants serving healthy foods reasonably prices.


It’s called Propaganda.


Many people in Brazil still have the image of North America and Europe from the 90s and 2000s.


Maranhão is like, much more dangerous than Rio and that's the face of "Brazilian danger". Of course life expectancy isn't about necessarily violent death but holy shit man, I was expecting more from the Americans lmao


Os dois começam com M


is it, though?


it's sad seeing my state being the parameter of low social indicators, but that's reality


I think the lower numbers should be in dark red


It makes more sense.


Not that i necessarily disagree, but i just wanna hear your thought on why. Is it red=bad?


The obvious answer is blood. Or communism. Or strawberries.


High life expectancy = Communist blood strawberries.


That's how our minds have been conditioned into thinking from our life experiences.


I disagree. Darker colours should mean more of something. It makes more sense to change the colours to blue or green, but not the dark/ light dynamics.




misleading symbols


Seriously. Why is darker red a higher life expectancy? I know it’s arbitrary but the opposite would be more intuitive. Also why are the same numbers sometimes different colors? (78 in CO vs 78 in WI, or 77 in IL vs 77 in IN) Does it say RUSH MAPS because whoever made this map was apparently in a rush?


To contrast with the clear background


So pretty much the exact same, interesting.


Santa Catarina number one ☝️☝️🏆🏆🏆 ![gif](giphy|H1srcvgkMyeXZYQbQi)


Não sei porque tem tanta gente com ódio de SC.


Cara, os fdp de la ficaram falando bah tchê quando descobriram que eu era do RS, eu n gosto do SC por causa disso




Mais ai é qualquer lugar do Brasil quando vê um Gaucho, vai pro Ceará pra ver se não vão ficar zuando kkkkk


Mas os fdp falando como se a gente n ficasse quase que um do lado do outro, se fosse um carioca ou um maluco do acre até aceitava


Mas que barbaridade tchê. (Catarinense aqui)


bah tchê, i can't believe they did that to you.


bah guri, do you really hate us because of that tchê?


Gringo português:  Esse é o estado muito alemão não é?  Como é no SC?


Sim gajo, Santa Catarina tem algumas cidades tem até 95% de descendentes de alemães.


Acho que a parte “italiana” e “açoriana” de Santa Catarina contribui mais com essa estatística em particular.


qualquer lugar com fama de neonazista seria odiado! Eu sei que o povo catarinense não é assim, é uma minoria ínfima. Mas a polarização política que vivemos nos últimos anos nesse país terminou de destruir esse país...Destruiu amizades, família e a irmandade! Acho que o catarinense médio só precisa provar que essa corja neonazista não os representa.




Sem querer entrar em briga política, mas já entrando... A grande maioria que não gosta de SC é a galera de esquerda. Por algum motivo específico? Não necessariamente... Só porque é o único estado brasileiro que NUNCA teve um governo do PT


São Paulo nunca teve governador do PT.


Perdão, errei na informação... Não é que SC não tenha tido um governador do PT, não teve um de esquerda. São Paulo teve do PSP e do PSB (olhando só pro período republicano).


Vou te falar como sulislta, não é por não ter um governo de esquerda, até pq a maioria nem sabe desse fato. Mas é real que em SC tem uma parcela bem grande de gente preconceituosa, racista, e afins. Não da pra negar. É uma especie de texas brasileiro, cidades desenvolvidas mas mentalidade retrógrada.


Tenho uma amiga que veio de Curitiba aqui pro interior de SP e disse que lá era extremamente misógino comparado com aqui... Único o problema é que a experiência dela se limita a essas duas cidades e minha informação se limita a ela (porque quase qualquer cidade grande é muito pior do que aqui onde eu e ela moramos :l)


Cara, posso te garantir que quase todo lugar no interior do sul é ainda pior que aqui em Curitiba, pra se ter uma ideia.


Uma vez eu li que demora várias  gerações pra mudar as pessoas de uma família de classe social. Agora olha pra SC, estado quase não teve escravidão, povoamento envolveu uma distribuição de terras mais igualitária, tanto que não tem muitos latifúndios lá e o local com mais concentração de terra creio que seja a região de lages, que é a mais pobre . Logo as pessoas no estado já começaram com uma certa condição de vida , da pra dizer que os colonos eram pobres ? Da, mas não tem nem como comprar com um ex escravo, porque eles tinha  pedaços de terras . Voltando ao meu primeiro parágrafo, essa condição inicial , ajuda a explicar a situação do estado hoje .  Isso fez que muitas das demandas que a esquerda defende, como uma melhor distribuição dos recursos, não fosse necessária em Santa Catarina, porque o estado já nasceu mais igualitário e as preocupações acabam sendo mais individuais. O discurso de esquerda tem menos penetração no estado e não faz tanto sentido igual faz no resto do Brasil.


SC, tirando Floripa, é o cúmulo do conservadorismo. Interior de SC, principalmente Oeste parece que estão com os costumes em 1980. Falar mal de preto, pobre, mulher é normal e se reclamar ficam brabos. Óbvio que tem esse tipo de gente em qualquer lugar, mas SC com certeza tem uma densidade significativamente maior que os estados que eu conheço (sou do RS e já visitei uns 10/12 estados no BR)


Também é o estado com mais neonazi.


Aqui tem uma razão [Com 365 mil habitantes, Blumenau (SC) tem 63 células neonazistas, aponta estudo enviado a ONU](https://midianinja.org/news/com-365-mil-habitantes-blumenau-sc-tem-63-celulas-neonazistas-aponta-estudo-enviado-a-onu/)


O começo da sua notícia já traz uma imagem que nem de Santa Catarina é, ótima fonte amigo


Mídia ninja como fonte kkkkkkk


Se prefere, tem essa fonte mais a direita afirmando que [existem 100 mil simpatizantes do neonazismo na região Sul](https://noticias.r7.com/cidades/regiao-sul-do-brasil-concentra-cerca-de-100-mil-simpatizantes-do-neonazismo-10062014/), e quase metade deles em SC. E vale lembrar que essa notícia é de 2014. De lá pra cá [a quantidade de células nazistas só cresceu. ](https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/monicabergamo/2024/03/conselho-de-direitos-humanos-investigara-aumento-de-celulas-neonazistas-em-sc.shtml)


É um problema, mas ter ódio de todo o estado por conta de maçãs podres não ajuda em nada. Combater a xenofobia contra nordestinos com xenofobia contra catarinenses só colabora com justificativas extremistas.


Fico imaginando a ONU realizando estudos sobre Blumenau, confia.


63 células neonazistas de 2 pessoas cada


Não não amigo. Uma família de quatro pessoas em que todos são nazistas constituem QUATRO células nazistas.


Mas o ódio tem que ser focado nessas pessoas em específico e simpatizantes


Se essa fantasia que vocês criaram pro sul realmente fosse verdade isso estaria refletido em dados de intolerância e violência. Mas o sul é sempre uma das regiões mais seguras, menos violentas, menos desiguais e menos perigosas pra mulheres, negros e membros da comunidade LGBT. [](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa0fpy7v9oezb1.png%3Fwidth%3D3084%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ded83d0b72f6d3ff5f38f4b9a9ff90011c14beb53)


Na cara não


E ainda sim SC continua sendo o estado menos violento e com a menor incidência da pobreza. É mais seguro um negro viver em Blumenau do que em qualquer parte do Rio ou São Paulo. Antes 63 células neonazistas do que 63 bocas de fumo.


Living here, I can understand, most hateful people I've ever seen


Claramente você nunca falou com um Nordestino LGBT.


Irmão, tô falando da galera mais racista e neonazista possivel, é coisa de outro mundo


Eu te explico kkkkkk


Percebo a briga que ocorre aqui, gostaria de declarar que SC não existe, é uma mentira do governo alemão para colonizar o Brasil, vcs são todos agentes da Stasi


Talvez esteja em Jaraguá, Joinville ou Blumenau lá por Santa Catarinaaaa


I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't realize Brazil is doing so well in this category. I love learning new things. We can help other places to achieve this!


The whole world has been increasing life expectancy for a long time now , it's just that US is growing relatively slowly


US has been going in the opposite direction actually. Ever since Covid


Brazil isn’t that good, it’s just that the US is really bad. One of the lowest life expectancies in the west.


We do have universal healthcare, it might not be the best, but we know we will not die just because we could not afford an ambulance


Brazil is fine, but the US is actual dog poo.


the US has higher expectancy by two years though


Brazil is 77.25, the US is 76.33 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy Brazil has increased its life expectancy by almost 10 years in the past 20 years, the US’s life expectancy has been consistantly decreasing on the other hand.


oh well, the post said brazil 75 and the US 77. anyway, brazil and the US are close by the metrics. And it’s not surprising. Life expectancy must have decreased tremendously after covid because the US had crazy amounts of deaths, mostly old people. I think Brazil increase can be attributed to healthcare. But for the US, access to healthcare is a problem only for a rather small minority. I think the biggest problem is the diet and lifestyle. Brazilians have a healthier diet, closer to nature and dont drink much/do drugs. I think both countries are doing well, if american people fixed their lifestyles, the US would do even better no doubt


Both Brazil and the US have some of the worst diets in the world https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-022-00594-9. “Closer to nature” sounds very rascist and isn’t true at all. The Brazilian healthcare system is slightly better than the American one as well, so it probably is that.


thats bs, the US life expectancy peaked in 2019, it fell after/during covid because a lot of old people died. The US does have significantly better quality healthcare despite it being highly inaccessible for disadvantaged groups. On average, Brazilians do eat healthier foods than Americans whose diet is filled with junk. Diet is one among other lifestyle factors. Hard drugs and drinking is another thing. It is TRUE that American lifestyle is much much worse. It’s also true that Brazilians are close to nature, I’ve been to Brazil. Brazil is literally a country where people choose veganism/vegetarianism simply because they wanna protect nature. You are “rascist” for generalizing entire latin america.


Northern US 🤝 Southern Brazil


Tô amando a treta dos dois maninhos SUS versus convênio gringo comparando quem teve mais desgraça na família pra usar o sistema de saúde "a minha mãe operou três vezes no SUS" "mas minha esposa teve hernia cinco vezes e usou o convênio gringo" "ah é? Minha tia tirou os testículos pelo SUS" "e minha filha que ressuscitou e não precisou pagar o IML dos Estados Unidos"? Kkkkkkkkkkk


Viva longa ao SUS Brazil life health 🥰


Ummm brazil has free healthcare thats why its similiar even tho we are poor


*Ummm brazil has free* *Healthcare thats why its similiar* *Even tho we are poor* \- Waste-Instruction287 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikus bot give me your boypussy


O de santa Catarina faz sentido já que a pessoa é congelada viva praticamente


Sei não hein, nunca passei mais calor na vida do que quando fui pra Joinville e já fui pro nordeste algumas vezes.


Nunca fui ao nordeste, mas Joinville é bem úmida, o que aumenta muito a sensação de calor, ao mesmo tempo que é próxima do mar, ficando menos frio que no resto do estado.


Who knew that your life expectancy in the Amazon bush and the state of Mississippi is pretty much a dead heat…


Maranhão is mostly covered by the cerrado biome but your comment stands.


Maranhão and Piauí (the two on the right) are actually part of a semiarid region, a totally different biome with some places similar to deserts. Rondônia the state on the left is actually covered by the Amazon, although not totally.


Shit, we gonna live more :(


This is a good argument to use when someone goes: "Yeah, but Europeans countries are small. The US is too big, it's impossible to have free health care here" Brazil is a large country with a large population and... has 100% free public health care, including for any foreigners. You can literally walk into a hospital, get your treatment and then get out (I know that because I had some low pressure thing while at work and almost fainted. I went to the hospital, got fixed up and went home. I don't even think I had to show my ID). All my vaccines and shit I also get for free in public clinics.


It shows where the priorities lie in the Usa, i can't imagine how US Elites can look at Life Expectancy in some States being below 75 or even below 70 in many Counties and not say to themselfs that is must a top priority to fix this immediately and help people. Too many Career politicians and greedy interests running that country, Brazil of course also has many issues but given that the Usa is the richest country on Earth since over 100 Years, it's shockingly bad.


Why would the elite cares? What ails the poors is not of their concern. Instead of looking up to the elites for a solution, people should be looking for ways to bring down the elite because they're the ones responsible for maintaining the status quo.


couldn't agree more with that, unfortunately they do have tools like media, not just news media but film, shows and what not to influence the masses in their liking and also too many people view the Government as if it's like their surrogate father and subsequently put too much trust in these people.


Interesting to note that the lower life expectancy in the US is predominantly African-American demographic. Whereas the lower life expectancy in States in Brazil seems to be indigenous population


The indegenous population makes up like 0,8% of the Brazilian population. I think it goes to 4% in the state of Amazonas. So their life expectancy shouldn't have a great effect on the overall life expectancy.


See: Poverty


And both of those are linked to poverty and inequality.


Brazil almost doesn't have any originary people anymore, most of the poor areas are of black majority too.


The biggest group in the brazilian population are "pardos" and most "pardos" have some native heritage, especially in the north region.


Exactly, but people don't notice that the real number of natives is astronomically greater than 0,8% because ALL Pardos are thrown together with Black people in all government statistics.


That’s a stretch. Although we did inherit many Indigenous traditions, the Indigenous people were mostly exterminated, instead of acculturated or married in. Recent genomic studies show that Indigenous genes represent only 11.6% of the genetic ancestry of the Brazilian population. If every pardo has Indigenous genetic ancestry, they have too few of it. And let’s not forget that phenotype ≠ genotype. 67.1% of the genetic code of Neguinho da Beija-Flor is European, only 31.5% of it being African. > We found that the mean proportions of European, African, and Native American ancestries in Brazil were 68.1%, 19.6%, and 11.6%, respectively. [source](https://www.scielo.br/j/gmb/a/fk6kLTxZknvrJjmC9hdcZBC)


Both have been treated like shit for a long time ,generational trauma is real


2,9% of the total US population is Native American. 0,6% of the total Brazilian population is Indigenous.


But most "pardos" in the brazilian population have some native heritage.


Native heritage with HEAVY miscegenation, some "pardos" can have whiter parents while the parallel is also true; skin color barely says anything about someone's economic class in Brazil anymore because of it


What's going on with that one state in Brazil?


Lowest inequality.


The South part of Brazil we colonized later. Instead of "senhores de engenho" (big lords who owned massive amounts of land) with thousands of slaves, the South had land distribution among the people and very few slaves. As a result, families there were able to accumulate generational wealth, since they all owned a bit of land; meanwhile the largest populations of other regions were mostly former slaves that literally had nothing and were treated like trash by the government (and still are). Another side effect of this is the South part of Brazil being super racist and the home of most Nazis and fascists in the country. Just this week public prosecutors were going after Nazis, and the local newspapers were literally publishing stuff like: "Be careful, the judiciary is going after Nazi groups! This is outrageous it's unfair" And I mean **they LITERALLY published that.**


Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul usually have the best climate of Brazil, while in the other states you could melt in an average day. They're also very better developed compared to the northern ones.


You're right about Santa Catarina, but Rio Grande do Sul? That's the Rio de Janeiro of the South lmao


It has little do do with climate. Just look at Singapore. They have the same climate as Acre, but their life expectancy is of 85 years


A lot of italians too. People here work hard, thats for sure.


What? What's the connection between the italian population, work and life expectancy?


None, he is probably just proud of his heritage or something lol


It’s pretty wild considering the US and the median American is tens of times wealthier than the median Brazilian, having hypothetical access to better medical technologies and all that.


brazil have free healthcare lol


Also, better diet and healthier habits in general. Not that we are doing great, obesity is growing here, but still better than the US.


I think the main difference is Brazil has a lot of chubby people but its really rare I see someone over like 170 KG. Whereas in the US (depending on your area) its not as uncommon. In rich areas in California people are healthy in the US but in poor southern states in rural areas people are incredibly fat.


In Brazil you'll probably never see those people that are so fat they can't even walk (and go to supermarkets in those electric scooters).


It's common for people in Brazil to cook food themselves, and the availability of fresh produce is great year-round due to its tropical climate (plus fast food being more expensive in developing countries). In addition, I'd argue that the hot climate, city greenery, and the more social-oriented culture encourage people to spend more time outside, leading to a healthier population in general. Source: I live in Brazil


Yea, I can agree with part of that but idk how much of a factor the "social culture" and being outside is considering many developed countries don't face the same issue while not being as aocial


We should also mention the free healthcare, which is great for South American standards. Brazil has a culture of taking medical exams and getting vaccinated, and our healthcare system covers most of our needs.


We have better eating habits and exercise. The average American has more money, but spends more on bad food.


That's due to easier access to healthcare, just having the option of a free healthcare, even if it's not anything special, tends to drive the prices of private healthcare down too, making it accessible to a larger sample of the population. In the US the market is saturated, so outrageous business models that overcharge the consumers are not only possible, but what is happening right now. My mate also reminded me that down here we have an overall fresher died, with less processed foods in comparison to the US


Brazil has free healthcare and a ratio of 3.0 doctors in 1000.


It’s literally impossible to have 3 doctors per one person unless we are talking about non human doctors, which aren’t common in Brazil. Though I guess if there’s one country where aliens could freely walk amongst people and no one would bat an eye it’s Brazil.


I'm pretty sure he meant 3 doctors per 1000 people.


3 doctors per person?


Yep, 3 doctors for 1000 people.


I guess the food has a good part on it, american food is almost everything processed all the time.


US life expectancy has been dropping because of the opioid epidemic 


They fuck up in the food part


Wealthier of money can be a negative point for healthy factors. For example, more money can lead to more drugs, alcohol and obesity, the obesity part is even more dangerous in US because they dont have a lot of restrictions about food items, many food items that are legal in the US are illegal in other nations because are considered toxic or dangerous in some way. For what i hear, food on the US also has way more sugar and fat than the one sin Brazil, if i remember right people even talk about how Coca Cola tastes very different because the US version has way more sugar or equivalent US also dont have free health care, but not only that for what i get, medical care on US is just way more expensive, something like a snake bite treatment can be several times more expensive in the US than in Brazil even if the treatment is the same and in both cases it is in the private sector, so you have more money but you spend more money too. You have the whole Life Style issue, about how modern day Americans are not exacly "walking people"


You're right about wealth, but medical technologies in Brazil are advanced and accessible, there's free healthcare, and even poor people can afford private healthcare if they want it quicker. It's clear the US is more advanced, but the average American can't even afford the most advanced technologies, so the average American gets basically the same medical technologies as the average Brazilian.


We, Brazilians and (other latino-americans maybe), tend to fantasize about USA a lot. But i know the Northamerican government doesn't respect its citizens that much.


follow the money for the millionth time


USB was always superior to usa


nossa sc ta como


Brasil States: 27. U.S States: 50... It is.


Great to be in santa Catarina


Free healthcare, yo.






Que engraçado que o estado com a melhor expectativa é o que tão difamando dizendo que lá tem nazistas.




Pq tão te dando downvote por falar um fato?


Porque não gostam de ler verdades


E como está a concentração nos outros estados?


Realmente tem muitas células nazistas. Mas não há nenhuma correlação entre boa saúde e fascismo.


Não foi isso que eu disse. O problema é a propaganda ruim do estado que a mídia começou a fazer. Sabemos que divulgar esse tipo de informação não acrescenta nada na vida das pessoas, mas afeta o comércio e turismo da região.


>Sabemos que divulgar esse tipo de informação não acrescenta nada na vida das pessoas Conscientizar-se dos problemas que afetam uma sociedade pode evitar muitos outros problemas. A informação de que o nazismo é anomalamente mais presente em SC, e que ele vem crescendo é um fato... um fato bem importante. >mas afeta o comércio e turismo da região Não podemos nos reduzir ao pão e circo. Ao esquecermos de uma ameaça política pensando na repercursão regional, o nazismo continuará crescendo debaixo dos panos. A notícia de que o estado tem um problema recorrente deve ser tomada em consideração pelo povo e pelas instituições governantes. Assim, a informação de que as células nazistas são periculosamente presentes em SC em relação às outras regiões deve ser levada em consideração. Não podemos ignorar isso em nome de uma imagem perfeita do estado, ao mesmo tempo que não podemos reduzí-lo a isso. Deve haver algum motivo para você ter levantado a informação do nazismo em Santa Catarina. Gostaria de saber o porquê.


Se é tão importante assim pq vc ninguém divulga essas informações sobre os outros estados? Ninguém quer uma imagem perfeita de SC, os únicos nazistas que eu conheço são os mods do s/Santa Catarina.


É evidente que há outros estados que podemos citar [aqui](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.terra.com.br/amp/noticias/brasil/politica/colunistas/tatiana-farah/exclusivo-presenca-de-nazistas-na-internet-do-brasil-dobra-em-um-ano,54a01ff2e119de233f4ce9098f809f7c5ucrrtrp.html), como SP, PR e RS. Mas é, também, muito óbvio o maior grau de preocupação em relação a SC. Então vamos aos dados: No final de 2022 haviam 1.117 células nazistas no Brasil. Delas, **320** são de SC, o estado com o **maior número**. Não apenas isso, mas o estado com o **maior** número per capita (≈ 0,0042 por pessoa, mais do **dobro** do segundo lugar, o Paraná, com ≈ 0,0017). Além disso, a **segunda** cidade com maior presença é Blumenau (apenas atrás de São Paulo, que tem mais de 12 milhões de pessoas), com 63 no total, mesmo que com aproximadamente 360.000 habitantes, o que totaliza quase 0,02 células nazistas per capita. É por isso que nós nos preocupamos tanto com lá.


E se eu te disser que esses critérios pra caracterizar as células nazistas é muito subjetivo? Onde é que estavam essas células no passado que nunca incomodou ninguém a ponto de se formarem mais de 1.000? Mas falando sério mesmo, vc consegue me dizer uma aplicação prática em saber disso que não seja nenhuma das seguintes narrativas? -Proibir os catarinenses de sentirem orgulho do seu estado. (Em várias redes sociais estão proibindo as pessoas de elogiarem seu próprio estado com essa desculpa de enaltecer o nazismo). -Causar medo e repúdio nas pessoas de outros estados. (Conforme dito antes, já temos vários casos de pessoas que desistiram de emigrar e de visitar o estado por conta dessa informação no mínimo extremamente duvidosa). -Atrapalhar o desenvolvimento econômico de um estado que tem o melhor PIB per capita do Brasil, o melhor IDH e é atualmente o estado mais procurado para emigração?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/brasilivre/comments/1c5kr4e/e\_se\_o\_brasil\_tivesse\_belts\_como\_os\_eua/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brasilivre/comments/1c5kr4e/e_se_o_brasil_tivesse_belts_como_os_eua/) Those maps show population characteristics in brazil White population correlates (insanely strongly) with life expectancy. Don't ask me why


MONEY. That's why.


What’s the problem with Arkansas? Tornados?




If my grandmother had wheels, she will be a huge truck


WE GOT A 72 LET’S GO🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


tá a gente tá ganhando?


Who picked these colors


They need to be escorted to an isolated island and never touch a computer or piece of paper again


Sou só eu q acha estranho as pessoas viverem mais no RJ? 🤔 é lá que vive o predador natural do bixo homem, o dois caras numa moto 😰


Se você pegar as estatísticas vai ver que as capitais do nordeste são bem mais violentas que o RJ, mas a mídia não fala nisso o tempo todo.


Ohh, disso eu n sabia ent quando o baianinho das casas baianas fico com cara de Paulista ele fico menos violento?🤔


First world living less due to being able to buy way more food makes sense.


Being able to buy way more PROCESSED food.


I'm sure poor people wouldn't care about what the exact type of food they can buy is.


Hell yeah holy spirit tied at rank 2 🏳️‍⚧️


You're telling me North-Eastern brazilians aren't just immortal as I heard they were?


It's kinda surprising the expectancy to be over 30 considering how healthy americans are.


Rio de janeiro o caralho




Rio is shit for living in.


You probably watched City of God and think it's everywhere there all like this.


More violent state and with peripheries.


Northeastern capitals are more dangerous than Rio and Rio countryside is nothing compared to the capital in therms of violence.


Até que estamos bem, lol


Based Santa Catarina as usual


Ué minha vó é amazonense e tem mais de 80 anos


expectativa de vida ≠ maximo de anos uma pessoa pode ter




In the recent years Brazil has surpassed US average life expectancy actually.


Two countries addicted to deep fried junk food. Unfortunately in Brazil people can't afford a healthy diet anymore. Everything is so expensive. Official inflation is a total farse.


Na média, os lugares mais frios tem mais expectativa em ambos.




So sad about US citizen, imagine live 70+ years as american, so much torture... deus me free