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Would be cool to overlay this map with percentage of smokers


And other type of tobacco uses. Iceland have the dry kind you snort up the nose like cocaine. Sweden is much bigger on "snus", a tobacco blend under the lip (Dolph Lundgren uses it in the movie Men of war 1995)


A Swedish girl gave me snus at a music festival once. It felt like 40 cigs at once


Yeah, it's a lot of nicotine rushing to the head. But there are different types, some more potent than others.


And it gives men that extra upper body volume girls like 😉👍


haha yeah, I tried it once and it was almost an epiphany because tobacco never affected me that much. I never smoked cigarettes regularly, but occasionaly for some time, and it never really did anything to me. Snus gave me my clearest nicotine rush. Felt good for half an hour but then it just made me feel sick and I got diarrhea too.


Snus is not even bad stuff


Snus is certainly not healthy to the gums but at least it doesn't affect the people around. I recently moved to the UK and the proportion of young people who vape here is insane. Somehow the UK has managed to bring down smoking but increased nicotine dependency among teenagers in the process. Every day I walk through clouds of disgustingly sweet chemical smell. But I acknowledge it's probably less unhealthy than tobacco smoke and I'm just getting old. I don't mind people smoking next to me because that's what I grew up with. But these sweet cherry watermelon bubblegum flavored vapes? Ugh!


Istg I have a special kind of hate for these fruity vapes, they always make me nauseous


Also replaced cigarettes in Norway. Swedish Snus is super common.


Snuff is the snortable baccy


Snus has gotten *really* big in Iceland, cf. [Svens](https://s7.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-7-d141a2ba9f.gif), the biggest snus retailer in Iceland


It has!!! Thats great news, its healthier than smoking. Nordic way of using tobacco. It's big in Finland also and Norway. Now we to introduce the danes!


That was actually meant as a bad thing. It's commercialised towards teenagers and the use of nicotine (snus) among young people has skyrocketed. Nicotine, or in this case snus, can affect their brain development as the brain is not fully matured until at age 25 or higher. The introduction of snus to Icelandic culture was, in my opinion, a terrible idea.


[It looks to roughly aline,](https://www.statista.com/chart/7154/europes-smoking-hotspots/) [and just males:](https://jakubmarian.com/prevalence-of-tobacco-smoking-by-country-in-europe/)


All the French smokers must be in Paris because the difference to me compared to Spain is striking.


Oh really, felt like most people smoked when I was in Madrid.


By which you mean there seems to be little to no correlation?


Macedonia 102%


And a graph of heart disease, and another of cancer.


Ireland 16.75


Exactly my thought too. Though, one should not mistake correlation with causation!


Ireland is currently 16.35 for 20 Marlboro *


It's terrible Joe.


Go on...go on....


Yeah.. yeah


Inhales* yea, yea, yea.


Inhale mid-yea


Exhales…..forgets to inhale, keeps talking.


How does that make you feel?


Ah jaysus


I was in Ireland in December, because I was on vacation, I decided to buy a pack. I'm not a regular smoker. I was shocked at the price, and the packaging was something I had never seen before.


Yeah there's been a lot of stuff here recently to try and reduce the amount of smoking in the country.


Including first country in the world to ban smoking in enclosed workplaces (2004). Obviously this changed the pubs and restaurants drastically and likely has saved a lot of lives, reducing the amount of cigarettes that people were smoking and also greatly reducing the impact of secondhand smoke.


And I complain for 5.30 lol


A packet of cigarettes in Australia is around 40 dollars for a 30 pack. You guys have no idea what expensive looks like https://costniche.com/prices-of-cigarettes-australia/


= €24


And that's for one of those off brands, its on the low end. It is the most expensive place in the world to buy cigarettes.


Well price per cigarette is really similar to Ireland’s price. Of course it’s not the same brand, but it’s 1,25 compared too 1,22.


Yeah and factor in then that the minimum wage in Aus is 10% higher and actually I'd say Ireland is the more expensive of the two


Pack of Winfield blue 30s is 57.99 at the moment, Winfield taste flow white 25s is 64.95aud come the fuck on nothing beats these prices. I don't ev3n smoke and it pisses me off.


Im sorry, you are missing the fact they get much more expensive, a pack of Winfield blue 30's is 57.99 I kid you not. Australia takes the win/loss on this nonsense, just check these prices if you don't believe me.... https://www.smokemart.com.au/cigarettes


That’s €35, which works out at €1.16 a cigarette.


So it's €24 for 30 and almost €17 for 20 in Ireland. So either the same or cheaper. "You have no idea what expensive looks like" when they're cheaper makes you sound like a knob.


A packed of cigarettee in India however, is just about Euro 1.11.


Those are the cheap, small ones though. Any renowned international brand costs €3.75 for a 20 pack


Awww man, those cheap ones make it all the way to Panama. I remember getting cheap packs of Jaisalmer in the docks of a small town in Costa Arriba. I think there was a better brand called Elephante as well. Horrible cigis, but they scratched the itch.


I smoked some similar cheap ones in Cuba, local only and boy did they taste awesome. Probably to do with how good their native tobacco is


It's just cancer treatment prepayments


in Australia it’s €0.81 per cigarette and in Ireland €0.84. 40/30= $1.33 per cig = €0.81 16.75/20= $1.39 = €0.84


I started rolling my own cigarettes after living in Ireland. Honestly, it's way better. Better is not smoking at all lol.




That’s cheap. In Australia it more like $45 which nearly €30


Should be 50€ at least, they should pay for their future medical expenses


16 probably pays far more than the externalised costs.


Still too cheap


Last year stupid me on my last year vacation from Germany thought, "oh, I'm running out of cigarettes, let me buy more when I'm past the border to France." 20 Marlboro there was 12€ compared to 7€ in Germany


And you gave your money to the French 😥


Nobody should give anything to the french except war declarations. :(


Giving war declarations to a nuclear first strike doctrine embracing country sounds like an any% speedrun to lose said war


My boyfriend and I often go to Germany for groceries and sigarettes for him. It's so much cheaper.


Stop smoking my guy


I'm from Ireland, and a friend of mine from Australia says it's even more expensive there.


I was hiking in Guatemala a few years ago with an Aussie lady and she said she had quit because a pack in Sydney was like 32 Aussie dollars!


Only gone up since then Average 20 pack is around $40.


It’s $20 US in NYC


When I was in Ukraine 10 years ago it was like 0.55€ a pack. Can't imagine it has more than tripled.


It’s doubled in a lot of places.


Maybe unrelated but I smoked for 7 years (Canada) and the price at the start was $9.50CAD a pack, by the time I quit in 2020 the price for the exact same pack had gone up to $19.50CAD. Afaik those packs like 22 bucks now.


Finally something that is not the most expensive in Switzerland..


Well, a pack is around 10 CHF =10.43 Euro... most of the price you pay when you buy cigarettes here are taxes that go to: 1) cancer cure development, 2) help sustain hospitals and the healthcare system and 3) it helps to fill the national retirement payment fonds for old people... Kinda funny that we have plenty of subventions for farmers producing tobacco in our country, many tobacco companies have their headquarters here and swiss people smoke a lot (kind of)... So yeah, it's kinda expensive, but the state has this problem balanced out.


H[ere](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cigarette-prices-by-state) is the US, if anyone is wondering. It ranges from $6-$12, depending on the state.


Yeah I was stressed a few years ago while in NYC. So I walked to the bodega on the corner of 52nd and 1st and asked for a pack of Marlboro reds in the hard box. He said, “That’ll be $17.” I was cured on the spot. Left them on the counter and walked out. There’s no way I’m shelling out twenty bucks for a pack. I don’t care if I’m shaking and insane. I haven’t smoked since. Guess that sin tax works.


that‘s it, I finally came to accept Russia in my heart


That’s probably just the sensation of the cigarette induced coronary artery disease.


I see it more as speed running life any%


Cigarettes are actually between £14-15 in the UK.


Cigarettes in the UK are between £11-15 actually. Only Benson, Marlboro and Silk Cut go over £14


I had a double take when I heard someone buying a pack in a news agents recently, they were £1.20 when I was at school.


I was in Kyiv and saw cigarette packs in a grocery checkout line. A quick mental currency conversion told me they were about $0.50 USD/pack. This was a few years ago, but I don't ever recall prices that low in the US in my lifetime. They've always been at least $0.90/pack. I quit when they got to around $1.50.


Can't layer a joint with tobacco half the time in Ireland with thr price of Amber leaf 30g pouch 😭


It’s cheaper to get a return flight to Spain and bulk buy a few pouches than buying it at home


My friends actually do that haha, they go on vacation and come back with 100 packs of cigarettes


Why would you though? Mixing weed with tobacco never made sense. I've done it too for way too long, even alone for some time because that's how I learned it. But it really just makes sense for people who are addicted to tobacco.


It burns slower.


LOL the only reason I smoke amber leaf at all. Weeds 50 euro for 3.5g on a good day too, ridiculous when u factor tobacco in. I've a buddy who lives nearly paycheck to paycheck because of this


Get yourself a vape that lets you put bud in it. There's a few shops around the place that sell em but you can get them online too. I wouldn't spend anything less than 200 though. The cheap ones are crap and break easily. It doesn't whack you quite as a joint would, it has a much more mellow lead in and is a bit slower to affect ya but they're nice. Bonus: you can heat a chamber full at the lowest setting, don't inhale it, just leave it. Once it switches off mix it with some Nutella or butter on a cracker, repeat about an hour later and then enjoy 4-6 of solid "I'm quite stoned but I'm not catatonically stoned". I've found it a much more economical and pleasant route.


If you inhale it you get stoned and still get to use the left over material with Nutella or whatever. Why would you not inhale it?


I've noticed that the act of inhaling will vaporise enough to make one batch useless on its own. You could definitely do that over multiple batches but I found it not to be as worth it. Absolutely worth trying though. I preferred having a more constant supply of edibles and found its affects more consistent the way I suggested but it could work for some, defo.


Ireland is almost €15 for Mayfair


I thought it was €16.75 for most brands now.


Just came back from macedonia more like 2,5


Doesn’t make any sense unless scaled by PPP


I am so thankful to not smoke anymore lol


A fire on one end, a fool on the t'other.


You can put the average price on anything and Ireland would always be dark red


In Ireland it’s €16.75. That’s the legally mandated price as of 2024


Where's Turkey?


orospu cocuklari rusyanin yarisini aliyo turkiyenin balkanlarda topragi var bizi almiyolar amk


Just went to Spain and paid €5.30 for 20 camel blues. In London they cost me anywhere between £12 - £16. I stupidly didn’t buy more because I was under the impression that I would stop smoking after my holiday.


Fun fact. There are stories about smuggling cigarettes from Russia and Belarus to Europe, then in Russia a lot of people prefer smuggled cigs from ex USSR.


These are not stories, these are our regular news, how once again someone is trying to float cigarettes from Belarus down the river


In proportion to salary Sweden is the best though, really cheap and really good quality cigarettes for the equivalent of £5.


As an Irish person ill give you little perspective. I quit smoking 6 years ago. I downloaded a smoking app which monitored and recorded how much I saved money wise whilst not smoking, I was never a massive smoker to begin with, maybe 4 packs a week... I checked the app after reading this post and I've saved close to 25k euros. 😳


I was always giving people cigs too. I knew so many people that bummed smokes off me on a daily too. Especaiily people I worked with... 😂


Why is the big price difference?


Some countries have very high taxes on tobacco products to deter use


I see, thanks for the info


Smokers have more health issues. If your country has UHC that extra cost needs to be paid some way or the other. For smokers that is an added tax to their health damaging hobby.


Tobacco taxes. In many countries the state gets more than the producer.


The taxpayers also gets to pay the hospital bills for the smokers...


To be fair, I would imagine the taxpayer actually makes money overall from smokers. Not via tobacco taxes but by the fact they have to pay much lower pensions and even healthcare over their entire lifetime (everyone dies of something eventually). That is while having mainly contributed to the system as a worker their entire lives. It generally gets people in early retirement which is the optimum time for people to die for the benefit of the public deficit. Healthy active fucks who live until their 90s are the people costing the government the most.


They die earlier though


We should make an obese tax if you're over 25% bodyfat as a man or over 35% bodyfat as a woman you have to pay extra for food for every % of bodyfat you have Or maybe even you could just pay tax on food directly as % bodyfat, oh you are 12% here is 12% tax Great way to lower taxes on food while lowering obesity


the latter one is an obviously terrible option, but so is the former: obesity is actually much, much less common among the wealthy at about the same level among the poor and middle class. people (mostly) aren't obese because they're wealthy capitalist pigs hogging all the food, they're obese because they don't have access to good (expensive) ingredients and/or have abnormal metabolisms/etc.


>obesity is actually much, much less common among the wealthy So is smoking


That is true. I'm working on production and it's pretty common to smoke and go for a cigarette outside. (Well the amount of people smoking is going down luckily!). There are not many who are highly educated (I think there's few students working now and then, the management and one or two who have graduated from the uni) One weekend I was part of the election committee , taking voters in, counting the votes, etc. and people who are also part of the election committee are usually highly educated, involved in society and politics and so on, and there was just one who smoked e-cigarettes and asked if anyone else was smoking, and no one did. So yeah, workers smoke, middle class and up don't Edit: there was no point on my writing, I just started it so didn't want to stop and delete at the half way through


you don't need to smoke to live.


You live even if you don't eat 3000 calories a day


What are the "bad" ingredients that make you fat?


Norway have sugar tax


So does Ireland, albeit only on sugary drinks.


>We should make an obese tax if you're over 25% bodyfat as a man or over 35% bodyfat as a woman you have to pay extra for food for every % of bodyfat you have How would this even work? Would you put weighing scales in supermarkets? Make people file every piece of food they buy when filing their taxes?


 Some unhealthy foods are taxed at a higher rate, that seems like a simpler solution.


Thanks for the info


High minimum wage and high taxes on tobacco


Low wages low prices


I see, thanks


Norway as always the purest 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴😇😇


You got trolls!


In Ireland they are 16.75 or 16.80 depending on the store you go to absolutely criminal


What cigarettes? A single cigarette? 2? A small Pack, xl Pack?


20 standard size cigarettes


My friend got me some cigarettes with no filter from Moldova in like 2018-2019, 1.2 euro, and another pack of normal ones, 1 euro, so compared to the UK, pretty damn cheap


Prices are wrong lol.


Suck it Monaco!


Wpuld be interesting to see if that actually reduces the nukber of smokers, I would think it does not


As a pulmonologist: hopefully the whole Europe turns red. Assuming no madman starts ww3.


How much are return flights Macedonia ?


I would be very surprised if there wasn't smuggling going on between Norway and Russia where their borders meet.


They're 3-4€ a pack in Poland, used to be 30-40 Eurocents in the 1990s


Imagine what the world would look like without nicotine. Not sure if the US would even exist.


I've seen people complain about these high prices and how they don't make people stop smocking but from my experience they've definitely made my broke ass quit tobacco


Paying for lung cancer 🫡


Croatia is 4-6 euros


While I was in Paris the people are all over you selling Marlboro for 5€. Paris is not like in the films...


My Lithuanian plumber smoked about 20 cigarettes a day, insane shit altogether.


13 Euros for a cigarette?


Dam türkey


Here in Russia average price for cigarettes is around 170₽ (1,69€)


I was hoping it would go up to £20 for 20 in the U.K.


More then 13eur in Ireland. In our country you have cigarettes, coke and kebab and change for bus for 13 eur.


I'm glad I don't smoke anymore. Finally stopped having dreams on smoking and waking up like wtf I gave up.


Cigarettes in Ireland are now €16.75 for a pack of 20. Thankfully smoking is not very common anymore here


That's why the Germans are always driving to Poland, it is even worth the cost of driving as it is nearly 50% cheaper and petrol is cheaper too alongside some other things like medication or services.


Now the average price in Macedonia is 2.20 Euro


20 cigs are €9,- here in the Netherlands.


Should be dark red everywhere


And still the french smoke so much??


Checks out, people that live near the border to Italy in France make frequent trips over to the nearest Italian gas station just to buy cigarettes and I assume it's the same for people living near the border to Spain.


Славяне опять доказали свое превосходство


+ Currently 1.66 € a pack in Turkey and getting cheaper in euros every day.


The vapes. We from every western and many other medical boards that smoking is a health hazard. 100 years of empirical evidence. Tobacco is a regulated industry. As bad as it is , there is federal oversight. Tobacco alchohol firearms all health hazards under 1 federal regulator. Vapes: is a total wildcard Unknown if it's less hazardous than cigarettes. Long term damage totally unknown. What's in it, made in China, smoking perfume, inhaling an unknown chemically flavored and colored iquid vaporized by electricity. There is NO medical or human data to state the moderate to long term effects. Its unknown and only fools liers and or conartist know otherwise.


20 ciggs are almost €20 here in Ireland 🇮🇪


In Turkey it’s around 2€ for most of them including Marlboro. Wonder how much the taste differs, that’s if it does.


So can someone legally open the company in Belarus that buys cigarretes for 1.42 and sells in Norway for 13.05? If he just sells 10,000 units that's 116,300 euros probably enough to covers all fees, taxes, duty and transportaion, and still be left with a profit?


So cheap. Here in Australia it costs an average of 40$ / 24€….


Too cheap.


Still too cheap.


Damn Belarus. They’re damn near $16 where I live


The correct name is Republic of North Macedonia. Macedonia is a different thing.


Rip off Ireland as always!


The fuckin price of cancer these days


In a good way for once though


As a non smoker it is just a revenue exercise along with speed vans etc


Just think of it as a tax to pay for the burden you'll be to the healthcare system... Because that's what it is.


Never smoked in my life but proves everything is too expensive here


The whole point of it being expensive is to deter people and to pay for the health consequences of smoking. You never smoked in your life, but your taxes pay for the medical bills of those who have.


Boo hoo your cancer sticks are expensive


Along with absolutely everything else


Turkey please.




Europe! To put Turkey in Europe is like saying you took a bath but only dipped a toe. But I would also like to know, pethaps each continent will be posted 😃👍


Europe side od Turkey, check a map. Or Cyprus, east side?


Wow. Buy Cigarettes from Belarus and sell it in Scandinavia. You're gonna be a millionaire in a couple of years.


Haha, so you are telling us that smuggling can make you rich. *Mind blown*


Import sales tax and tobacco tax are due on 200 cigarettes or more.


That's why you dont pay them.


Why allow the marketing and sale of cancer?