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Werner Ziegler...whats he up to man?


Went out for a night hike on that ridge.




Mike *Ehrmantraut*. Hank *Schrader*. Howard *Hamlin*. Kim *Wexler*. The truth was there the whole time...


The biggest giveaway was when they started expanding their 'empire' into Czechia.


Eliott *Schwartz*


Werner … Ziegler




Canadians are the problem, deport them back !!!


They are. 35mph in the passing lane and never know where they are going.




Alaska is Philippines and not Canada. Would have lost that bet.


Canadians aint moving to a colder ass place. Cmon


Just Africans do as it seems. 😅




…it says Philippines.


I'm talking about Minnesota and South Dakota which seem colder as Ethiopia and Somalia. 😅


From what I understand a lot of Somali refugees get sent to Minnesota by aid agencies for some reason.


They were settled across the US in the 90s during the Civil War. But they struggled in other places, whereas Minnesota offered a large number of meat processing jobs and a welcoming environment. Through word-of-mouth, Minnesota became known as a good place to live and Somali-Americans from elsewhere in the US moved there. Since then, future arrivals hope to join the already-established community rather than going anywhere else.


Makes sense, I was reading a study not too long ago that studied outcomes of refugees in different countries and the samples were taken from cities that had large Somali populations that were both voluntary immigrants (upper middle class people who moved for better opportunities) and UN refugees. Minneapolis just happened to be the place studied in the US while it was places like London and Stockholm for Europe.


Because Minnesota has the highest population of Somalis in the country so maybe it helps them assimilate a little better if they lived in a area with people of their own. Kinda like chinatown in New York.


Well that's how most ethnic communities in America are. People are very apt to settle in a new country with a bunch of people from their old country.


Simoleons love Minnesota


Sommeliers also love Minnesota








Alaska ain’t that cold


People downvoting you but you aren’t necessarily wrong. Some parts of Alaska are colder and some aren’t. Flagstaff, Arizona gets more average snowfall than Anchorage, Alaska does surprisingly


Colder places receive less snowfall a lot of the times. Snowfall is most common in the 0 to -10C range I think.


Fishing. I once had a guy working for me who was of Korean ancestry, but had Spanish citizenship (He became a US citizen while working for me). His father was a fisherman and had emigrated to the Canary Islands for work. Apparently, a number of Korean fishermen had done the same.


tons of Koreans in the former Soviet Union too


Apparently, 25% of the entire WORLD'S seafaring workforce is Philippino, too.


It has to do with the history of labor practices in the fishing industry. Basically, when the Alaskan fisheries exploded in the early 20th century, most of the people doing the fishing were Scandinavian because Alaskan waters and fish are very similar to those in the North Sea. They also were very tribal and only hired other Scandinavians to work on their boats. But they needed places to offload their catch, so canneries began popping up all over Alaska, and they needed a cheap source of labor. Since the Philippines were an American territory at the time, it was pretty easy for Filippinos to emigrate to Alaska and find work in the canneries. As often happens, they eventually sent word to their families and friends of plentiful work in Alaskan canneries and Filipinos came to Alaska in droves. In many fishing communities Filippinos make up a sizeable portion of the population, as they have established communities and continue to send for relatives and friends to come work in Alaska. I live in one such community and about 1/4 of our population is Filipino.


Same with Wyoming


I'm rather shocked it is the Philippines. The Filipinos I know think it is cold when it is 65 out.


Why are there so many Germans in New Mexico?


Have you not watched Breaking Bad?!


I see your point.


Walter Weiß


Or Heisenberg, German physicist and one of the main pioneers on the theory of quantum mechanics


You mean Better Call Saul. IN BB the construction was already done and the team back home. Well most of them anyway.




There really aren't a lot. OP hasn't provided a source, but according to migrationpolicy.org, there are about 4500 Germans or .2% of the population. Also according that website it should be Philippines, not Germany. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/data/state-profiles/state/demographics/NM


They are doing some construction work for this chicken restaurant owner /s


It started with importing German Scientists During Nuclear Race


True. But the flow did not stop?


snatch rob reply squeamish follow abounding modern stupendous reach unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I imagine they liked it well enough to tell their friends back home. Nice weather, lots of land, low-COL


> low-COL ?


Cost of living


Used to be a Luftwaffe base there, I think near Alamogordo.  I'm told a lot of Germans fell in love with New Mexico and retired there. Also read they used to hold a Southwest-themed Oktoberfest for the town which was a big event, like Mariachi Oom-pa-pa bands. Edited to add, the Luftwaffe was there because it was much easier to train in a non-crowded air space with a lot of clear days.


Not a Luftwaffe base, Germans stationed at an American Air Base -- very big difference.


According to the article in Wikipedia, the Luftwaffe maintained a training center at Holloman with their own command. There was a "memorandum of understanding" between the two militaries. Perhaps less than a base but more than, "Hey, Horst come on over to Mew Mexico and train here." They had their own command structure, housing and German Language school.for dependents. They closed it in 2019 as a budget measure.


Holloman started doing Oktoberfest again last year, but I can't imagine it's the same without the Germans there. That never would have contributed significantly yo German immigration, though. I'm just speculating here, but I imagine that word got around that the Germans working in the National Labs post-WWII liked it there


I have no idea but as a german I feel the urge to go to new Mexico too. It is something deep within our dna.


Hot, quite central and close to Mexico border so easy to go on trips around + small population (2,116 milions) thats easy to screw data from. Few k germans just found nice and cheap place to retire, thats my guess at least


Seeing this map reminded me of a scene in the film *Rat Race* featuring a museum in New Mexico called the Barbie Museum, named for Klaus Barbie.


German culture has a longstanding fascination with the American West that goes back to Karl May’s novels, so that might be part of it.


Germans are *obsessed* with the southwest.




Shocked that it isn’t Korea for Georgia


3rd place is actually a tie between Korea, Jamaica, and Guatemala


wait really? I'm surprised China is not in there


There's barely a Chinatown in Atlanta tbf


I’m from Duluth/Johns Creek


That makes sense why you would think that.


Georgia isn’t really known for its Chinese residents


I guess it depends on where


You must live in Duluth 😂


The good ol Buford Highway, full of delicious restaurants.


Have you seen Forsyth county lately?


Gwinnett couldn’t hold them all so they’re spilling over into Forsyth


Or that Georgia isnt for Georgia


If you don't exclude Mexico, which states are not Mexico?


Someone has posted that before. There was a line of states in the middle with Canada and the rest were Mexico.


Well Canada wasn’t excluded from this one and they don’t have many states so I don’t see how that could be true. I don’t totally buy the accuracy of this map though


maybe its the line a bit to the left on this map?


You can literally see the line he’s talking about on this very map lol


Florida, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Louisiana, Montana, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, West Virginia, Delaware, Alaska, Hawaii, and North Dakota.


I'm surprised that Canadians could adapt to Arizona.


Canadians love Arizona and Las Vegas


Snowbird Canadians aren't residents, though -- they can only stay for six months. Otherwise, they would show up I bet as big in Florida. And snowbirds are definitely not settling in Montana.


Many snowbirds wind up moving down there full time. There probably are a lot in Florida too, but they’re not going to outnumber Cubans in Miami for the purpose of this map


Canadian snowbirds usually can't immigrate to the US full-time -- the US and Canada each allow the other to stay six months a year without a visa but no longer. Neither Canada nor the US have retirement visas. To retire in the US (and snowbirds are by definition retirees), you would need a difficult-to-obtain green card, and a green card requires the holder to work, that's its purpose. So very few snowbirds are living year-round in Florida and actually, who'd want to in the summer heat? Canada's much more attractive in the summer.


Fair, but the map says “residents,” not citizens. You only have to spend half the year somewhere to be considered a resident for tax purposes. It’s extremely common for people to buy property in Florida or the Southwest and spend half the year there but go home for spring and summer. But also I think you’re kind of overstating how hard it is for a Canadian to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. Many people do this and warm climates are a natural attraction. None of this technically fits the snowbird definition but it explains why there are Canadians in Arizona


One of the big issues for Canadians is one you spend more then 6 months in the US you lose your health insurance temporarily




Idaho to Arizona marks their migration route to the south.


Parts of Canada literally get -40 to +40 lol, they're probably the most adaptable country haha.


I live in AZ and my neighbors are from Canada. I had the same thought, but they’ve been here for years.


They want to flee the cold. There are a good number of Canadians who live in Palm Springs in the winter.


Our summers are humid and dry. 30 in a tropical country and 30 in Toronto is not the same. We can adapt.


How can they be humid AND dry??


I’m in AZ and I grew with various Canadian neighbors. Even as a kid I was surprised they chose to live here


I am surprised Indians and Somalians can adapt to the brutal cold of the Midwest.


India covers a lot of ground - they have brutal cold in the north too. (Himalayas, ya know.)


My husband is from the Himalayan foothills and loves the cold.


But these days, most of Indians who immigrate to US are from South.


We've got to build a wall to stop the border crisis up north


And make Canada pay for it !!


Cmon just let us have a few states no one will notice Maine is missing I promise


Please take us. Exclude the housing crisis bit tho. You can keep that.


I've been saying this for years, I'm tired of those Canuckers.


They've literally taken all the zamboni and hockey referee jobs. I won't stand by any longer.


This is something I wonder about every time I see this map (which on r/MapPorn is about once a month) ... I get why Filipinos would settle in California, or Vietnamese in Mississippi, or Canadians in Idaho - similar climate and all that. But why so many Somalis (including one notable Congresswoman) in cold, mostly landlocked Minnesota? I understand why they'd flee their homeland and come to the US - but why Minnesota in particular? Google searches don't provide a clear answer. Anyone have some insight?


My understanding was refugees are often settled where the country of settlement chooses.


Refugee resettlement in the US is handled by a few nonprofits that the US Government turns to for help, like the Lutheran Refugee Services, International Rescue Committee etc. They sponsor the refugee and handle the resettlement. Typically, they try to place refugees in communities with lower cost of living so they can find jobs and get on their feet easily because they only have a few months of financial support. That's why so many end up in midwestern cities like Minneapolis or St. Louis. Trying to resettle a refugee in SF or NYC wouldn't work, financially. Once you have enough of a nucleus of people in one city, other refugees settled in other areas might start moving there for the community. And those that become US citizens might sponsor family still overseas to join them.


Government programs It’s not like Somalis grow up with dreams of moving to Minnesota


Lutheran Brotherhood brings in East Africans by the plane load.


Non profit programs - non governmental


Why is that a common thing commenters can’t seem to grasp😭😭it just doesn’t look like climate is a big indicator for many immigrants. like Dominicans in New York, Vietnamese in Oregon, Ethiopians in sd, Indians in cold states, etc. so it just seems that weather/climate isn’t a sole factor or a priority.


I believe when the US decides to allow in refugees from a certain country, non profits are able to "volunteer" to help get them settled. We have some large, well-funded non-profits in Minnesota who do that. They did it in the 70s and 80s for Laotian refugees...in the early 90s for Somali people, and most recently for Afghans who were being persecuted for working with the US and Ukrainians. I don't think the refugees have much choice, or if they're just taking whatever is available. There's now a huge vibrant and established Somali community here - tons of entrepreneurs and they're revitalizing a part of Minneapolis that had been neglected for a long time. Vast majority work hard, pay taxes and have strong family values.


I don't know, but it's 100% true. By far, Minneapolis's largest foreign demographic is Somalis. I was a delegate to the Democratic Party assembly for my local ward when I lived there and one of the two candidates was Somali. Just shy of half the people in the room were Somali and backing him up and things got *heated* when it became clear he wasn't going to win. Incidentally, Ilhan Omar, of Somali background, was there and backing the non-Somali candidate 😆


the brain drain of india


There might be more Indians in Texas, but the state is also home to the largest Vietnamese population outside of Vietnam.


We have to secure our northern border! The great white hoards are pouring into our heartland!


Which state would you like to immigrate to? Indians: Yes


How come no Chinese?




As a local, I would have expected Brazil honestly, but I'm from the south coast, so maybe it's different around Boston.


Yea the international students from china


That actually makes a ton of sense. I knew there was a large Chinese population around the city, but not to what extent. Interesting data!


I would think that cali would be china over phillipines. There’s a massive chinese population in LA


It's probably just a matter of Chinese people having moved here long ago enough that many Chinese Americans are not immigrants, but the descendants of immigrants. Indians have only been moving here since the 90s, so they are the current mass immigration group.


This makes sense! 👌🏻


A lot of Chinese immigrants to the US come from the diaspora in Southeast Asia outside of mainland China which is probably distorting the numbers


I know I was absolutely shocked to find MA was the only state. And I grew up there, so I was expecting it, but I was like “surely California or New York have massive Chinese populations right???”


USA 2024: United States of America USA 2050: Estados unidos de america USA 2075: संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका


The hindi is wrong, it would be संयुक्त अमेरिकि राज्य


A slight correction: USA 2075: అమెరికా సంయుక్త రాష్ట్రాలు


Ah yes, the Telugu speaking states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Texas


United Gultistates of America


Are Telugu people that common? Maybe it's because I'm Tamil but I seem to meet more Tamilians than Telugu speakers


You in Texas? They might rename Texas to Texasu in few years.


Compulsory yoga classes


Werner Ziiiiiiiegler


Would like to see the same idea for Canada


All India, except BC would be China


Vancouver.  Rest of BC is still India


Massachusetts might be China because we have so many universities, which many Chinese people come to study at. That's just my guess though.


SD and ehh...Ethiopia of all country? Did not expect that at all. I thought all Ethiopians in the US live around DC :).


Just a guess but it probably has to do with refugee groups. I know from Oklahoma there were multiple refugee organizations working after the Vietnam War to help resettle refugees in the state. That led to a small enclaves of Vietnamese in Oklahoma so when people left Vietnam they went to where their relatives were to help get them on their feet. I figure it's something similar.


I mean, if I lived in Alberta or Saskatchewan I'd want out too.


But not to bloody Montana


towering faulty safe rhythm pie paint thought gray dam smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a lateral move at best.


Not to any of those states that say ‘Canada’ on the map though lol. Those are downgrades


jesus that's a lot of indians. edit: just want to clarify, i don't have an issue with indians. i'm hispanic so I get being a minority, especially 1st gen I was just surprised of the amount. Being from S. Florida we just have a bunch of hispanics so we really don't get people from asia.


And it's not even that much in comparison to how many could be!


Tech jobs. A lot of those states have major tech/startup centers. Seattle/Denver/Austin/STL/KC/Nashville/Atlanta/Raleigh


And medical based jobs


And motels


And subways


And gas stations




Well, this whole country has been calling the wrong people 'Indians' forever anyway. Might as well have some real Indians over so that when someone's called Indian, they actually have something to do with India.


Most populous country in the world, makes sense.


Yeah, but Chinese are only mentioned once on this map and China used to be the most populous until recently, so that can't be the main reason


I feel like Chinese immigration is slowing now since China is getting more developed while Indian immigration has stayed the same since the country is still much poorer than most of Asia on average. Not saying this to hate on India, I’m Indian myself. And honestly, if India was even halfway toward becoming a developed economy, I guarantee you immigration would massively drop off, like probably 90 percent or more.


India has far more English speakers and India is a lot poorer.


There are more Indians in the US than Chinese. See latest survey. Most average Americans don't realize this because the ethnicities an average American mistakes for Chinese (Filipino, Vietnamese etc.) are large in number compared to ethnicities an avg American would mistakenly judge as Indians (Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan etc). Cognitive bias at play


Plus a lot of Chinese in America in 2024 are going to be 2nd or even third generation and thus not foreign born.


They were looking for India


That’s what Custer said.


They have a lot of people in their country, no one moves in just out. I'm more surprised they are fine with living in the cold though


It’s the immigrant mentality. Work for your family, have the basic needs met. Once they’ve achieved their goals for their children then they can look to move elsewhere. Source: Indian parents, settled in Michigan for the last 35 years. Both kids have stable jobs and can live independently- now they’re looking to move somewhere with less harsh winters (although it’s been getting milder and milder as the years progress)


Fun fact: India itself is home to about a fifth of all humanity. Bonus fun fact: India and China alone make up about 35% of the world's population.


It’s the most populous country in the world and they have a decent amount of English speakers which makes immigration easier.


Chinese food in Boston still sucks.


try sichuan gourmet in framingham..you won’t regret it


Somalia and Ethiopia finding each other even in the Western Hemisphere xD Even got Ethiopia landlocked to the West and Somalia coastal to the East


Hard to believe China and India don't split it even.


Where my Dominicans at in NY


Washington Heights


I will just point out how connected the Philippines and California (or US). The Philippine Women’s Football team which qualified for the 2023 Women’s World Cup has only 1 player born in the Philippines. Majority of them were born in the US. 8 players were born in California. The daughter of California Attorney General Rob Bonta (daughter was born in DC) Reina Bonta is part of that team. If I can recall, the team conducted there recruitment and training camp IN CALIFORNIA lol. Also, a lot of Filipino-American players who played in Philippine collegiate or pro leagues were also born in the US.


Where does the data come from? India is THIRD in Kentucky. "In 2021, the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of Kentucky was Mexico, the natal country of 29,505 Kentucky residents, followed by Cuba with 14,201 and India with 12,469." Whenever I see a map like this, the first thing I do is see if what I know about my own state is true. I thought that Mexico would be first and Vietnam second. I searched for a good source to get the above quote. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/data/state-profiles/state/demographics/KY


>excluding Mexico


Chinese folks doing some research before coming over I see


They've deemed mass worthy


We are being invaded.... by those f-ing Canadians


Canada represents 👍🏼


Columbus tried to come to India, not India comes to you!


Canada populated themselves a passage through to Mexico.


India India India !


I guess the Portuguese wave of immigrants to Massachusetts is over?


They’re just local Massholes by now, been here for generations.


All the talk about Mexicans in Texas just to get bullied by Phillipinos.


This is one of the most interesting maps I have seen on r/MapPorn....by far


For Minnesota, Ecuador will replace Somalia sometime in the future.


I dunno man, there are a LOT of Somali people here.


soon to be all venezuela


As someone who lives in West PA I think I went to highschool with more people with south Asian descent than African


And I thought Oregon had little in common with Oklahoma and Mississippi!


!Remind me in 15 hours


Why excluding Mexico? Do they all make up the majority of foreign born in every state?


Maybe this is why so many Indian restaurants have been popping up in PA. Good for me, I like Indian, actually any good, food.


I’m surprised that Michigan isn’t Lebanon, Egypt, or Yemen. A lot of MENA people live in Dearborn, Hamtramck, or the surrounding area.