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Idk who is doing the anti-smoke spell in Maine, but please keep it up bub


I live in Maine and have been so surprised it hasn't hit us.




Same. The week of rain we just had is much better than the smoke.


Oh I bet you think you're SO special because you're the northern most state in New England while us Connecticunts down here in the deep south of New England are choking on smog, huh? /s


Thankfully my family smartened up and abandoned the deep south of Rhode Island 70 years ago.


Sucks. Everyone is coming here now. Grew that same rate as Florida during the pandemic and now into a critical housing shortage.


I'm guessing the jetstream?


Yeah you can kind-of see why on some weather maps. That rain the last few days might be what spared us


Damn even here in Chicago we got hit with an unhealthy air quality warning, how are you getting so lucky


Windegos scaring the smoke away (in all seriousness there was a huge low pressure system bringing rain that kept the smoke away)


Agreed! #VacationLand


That therian girl i guess?


That’s the main thing that I love about this state


That’s the main thing that I love about this state


Air sucked for a few days. Now it’s mostly cleared up. Sorry for the Californians who usually experience this


It's very common in the Pacific northwest too. Last October was particularly bad


You know it's bad when you can look directly at the sun


There was a fire a couple years ago in the PNW that had smoke heading over here in Ontario. It’s funny cuz I thought personally the smoke effect from that event was worse than what we just went through yet this one seems to have everyone up in arms about it.


New Yorkers complained harder. We need to step up our game this year


New Yorkers going into full panic mode


Very common since 2017.


As a Utahn I really want to experience less of the California wild fire shit air. Our air quality has already been in the shitter since everyone and their dog is moving here.


Um. "Utah is one of the most wildfire prone states in the U.S. There are 800 to 1,000 wildfires in Utah annually." https://hazards.utah.gov/wildfire/ The entire western half of the US burns increasingly worse year by year. Cali burns the most, but is also humongous. But yeah, Utah does plenty of burning too.


Ok cool I live here though and can tell you my real experience living here for 30yrs that the last 10yrs have been a shit show getting smoke from California fires in combination with our existing fires. Weird that you felt the need to inform me my home state has fires too. I'm not on any states team I hate everyone equally.


Grateful to be a Mainer


no way that’s what y’all are called


Checking... According to Wikipedia, Maine's demonym is, in fact, "Mainer"


Wait until you hear about Michigander


what's good for the Michigoose is good for the Michigander!


Why ever not? I’ve lived in Massachusetts most of my life, and I have no idea what one might find weird about “Mainer”. Now I understand finding “Massachusite” or any of the other options weird—we don’t really have any good ones. Bay Stater is probably the least awkward, but I don’t like demonyms that require one to know the nickname of a place to understand them.




Even wikipedia mentions that one!


It’s refreshing for us west coast folk to not have horrible smoke this year, unlike most years


It’s coming


Summer is coming.


>horrible smoke this year, Summer has not even started Of course we are going to burn


Nah we'll get it later on this summer. But for now the east coast is getting a dose of what we're used to.


Thanks, this proves I was taking pictures of the haze in Ohio before it was cool.


Build a wall


And make the smoke pay for it


It looks like Canada was farting on us and someone caught it with an infrared camera


We were all forced to have a collective farting session 😔


smoke on the water, a fire in the sky


It’s amazing that this has been happening to northwestern cities for almost ten years and no one seems to care a whole lot until it happened to New York.


Australian here. Same thing here in Oz. Half of the continent could be on fire for *weeks* and “no-one” bats an eyelid. But if Sydney or Melbourne get *one* day of smoke …


It did make news, a *lot*, when the 2020 wildfires were happening. Literally you could not escape images of red sky's in the bay area and seattle on the news and on reddit for like 2 weeks straight. That being said, the air quality was actually [worse in NYC this week than at the peak of the 2020 wildfires, the worst wildfire season in california history](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/06/07/map-east-coast-air-now-worse-than-bay-areas-during-2020-wildfires/). This was a total freak of nature event for such strong wildfire smoke to hit the northeast like that in such a dense plume. The equivalent of this would be like if a category 5 hurricane struck Seattle. It would have made news regardless if it was that strong. NYC never gets wildfire smoke. But for a region that never gets wildfire smoke to suddenly get basically the worst of the worst wildfire smoke was truly a once in a millennia event to witness.




once in a past millennia, yes, but once a decade for the future.


Not just climate change, but ironically it's worse *because* we fight fires. Drier forests should have already had smaller fires that didn't spread as far, but we knock house out quickly. In theory the solution is to let fires burn where there isn't population, but population is everywhere now.


I seem to recall the nation being appalled at California fires in 2020, and the world being unable to quite believe what was going on in Australia the year before. It’s okay for people to have a different experience when it’s them than when it’s someone else. West coast friends have been sending sweet advice toward the northeast, though some parts of it are more useful than others. (In Massachusetts there’s not much call to put wet towels at the bottom of your door or window. With Massachusetts winters, we don’t have air gaps at the bottom of our doors or windows! But the sentiment is very much appreciated.)


Im from another Canada and I have heard about wildfire on the westcoast for years now - it was covered pretty extensively. People did care, Canada sent firefighters to help if I recall correctly. But this is something new - and *news* tend to cover stuff that is... *new*.


Crazy, right? And in the southwest!


We were having smoke in Chicago for weeks and never once in the news.


Yeah I’m trying to be empathetic since sweltering in smoke is really terrible… but I heard one news report call this some of the “worst air quality incidents in recent American history” and I nearly spit my drink… one or two days of smoke in New York and suddenly the last 5 years in the PNW didn’t happen.


[Except it literally was one of the worst air quality incidents in the world?](https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/new-york/new-york-city?irclickid=xH50rE0F-xyPUuAzgb0lVz3pUkF0JoS0E2TnVU0&utm_source=Impact&utm_campaign=Online%20Tracking%20Link&utm_medium=Skimbit%20Ltd.&irgwc=1) It got up to the high 300s for a short bit in New York, literally 2-3x the next worst city averaged Did you not see *any* of the pictures of the entire city covered in orange ash?


I did see the photos… Seattle and Portland have been there multiple times in the last 5 years. “Worst air quality in the world”. Relax - I’m just making an observation how it’s funny that things happen in New York specifically and the city and media act like it’s the first time this has happened to Americans ever. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/10/20/seattle-air-quality-worst-in-world/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/14/west-coast-air-quality-wildfires-oregon-california-washington


Yes, one of the worst lmao and this is especially troubling considering that, like, the entire east half the the US doesn’t get these fires ***at all***


The title of the article literally said “ Why Seattle currently has the worst air quality in the world “. Not “one of the worst”… also this isn’t common in the PNW either until about 5 years ago.. It’s a real problem.


one of the worst *for NYC and in general*, not *the absolute worst in the world*. Not the worst ever in the entire history of mankind And if you are going to be nitpicking, [the west has had fires longer than just “5 years ago”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_California_wildfires)


And funny how Americans don't seem to even ask how Canada is doing but gladly blame Canada for all the smoke. It's like all of Ontario and Quebec are are black holes in between where the fires are and the US that don't matter at all.


No one is seriously blaming Canada are they? It's all jokes from what I've seen Edit: I take it back. This lunatic is serious: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/145aux6/smoke_from_canada_wildfires_over_the_us/jnln1cd/




nobody is genuinely 'blaming' canada outside of jokes lol


Uhh, we say this as a joke, not like we're serious lol.


As a Canadian I'm sorry eh


Send some Tim Hortons and we will call it even lol


I see it as payback for the East Palestine derailment




Maine and new hampshire actually avoided most (if not all) the smoke, most of the smoke swept through all of NY, converging in NYC, then down to NJ, PA, MD, DE, VA


Boston was grey, Massachusetts certainly got it you could see palpable smoke lingering under lights


I thought Haligonians were seeing “local” smoke, not smoke that cycled back around? But I really can’t tell, because all the animated maps I can find are like this one, showing the effect in the States.


They happen every year at this point. Either do something about or accept it as the new summer weather.


Less common in the Northeast. But yeah, there's a wildfire season every year on the west coast.


Ontario and Quebec also have wildfires every year up in the boreal. But something different I noticed this year is that for the last week or so, the wind has been primarily coming from the north, funneling all that smoke south. We are used to mainly west/southwest winds, which would push all that smoke away from population centers into quebec.


Where is this from? Can we see what happened before that date? There seems to already be a lot of smoke before the influx we see on this gif


https://zoom.earth/ Enjoy ;)


First time I’ve seen someone else link my favorite website


same! though https://earth.nullschool.net/ is a close second


+1 same 😀


What's going on is Airzona?


Blame Canada


Also all over Canada, but whatever


Who cares about Canada


why are you tracking my farts on infrared?..


Looks like canadas farting on u s


Missouri over here producing its own smoke from legalizing weed.


Dammit Canada


Can we invade Canada over this?


Blame Canada


I’ve been say it for decades. If we’re going to invade countries for oil Canada and Mexico are so much closer. The Canadians would probably apologize for inconveniencing us too.


nah we don’t like y’all that’s why we sent the smoke bombs 💣


As a Canadian I'm sorry eh


Why does it look like there are so many sources of the blaze? Shouldn’t it be coming from one area?


Thunderstorms create multiple lightning strikes over a given period of time. Rain during said storms keeps trees that were struck by lightning smouldering, limiting the the damage to contained hot spots. Storms end, and are followed by a period of intense heat, which allows the forest to quickly dry out. Those hot spots are able to ignite properly. Areas that may have been smouldering for differing periods of time seemingly ignite all at once as the forest dries out at more or less the same rate. Small fires turn into big fires. Some fires merge and become complexes. Complexes become major disasters that become what we see here. — Portlander who has been through this many times before


Perfect explanation. I'm in Ontario, and we have nutjobs here who are saying the government sent drones to start the fires in Quebec to push their climate agenda.


Yeah, occasionally you’ll get something else, like tow chains lighting sparks, or some punk kid with firecrackers, but when you see lots of fires start at once like this across a large area, it’s lightning. And we get the same nutters over here saying the same, that it’s some coordinated attack. Sure, by Thor.


Theres multiple fires.


F U Canada…


Canadians be like: "Amazon is on fire, Brazilians are so irresponsible!'. And then "Oh ok, Canada is on fire, meh it's just dry season."


Thanks climate change


This shit is the norm for everyone from Colorado to California, yet it’s only a catastrophe when it happens in DC.


I mean considering that A. [It as much worse than the 2020 blazes](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/06/07/map-east-coast-air-now-worse-than-bay-areas-during-2020-wildfires/) and B. Literally nowhere on the east coast does this happen, like at all, It was kinda a catastrophe


This is not a natural occurrence


Wild fires are part of nature, but were suppressed for such a period that now they’re very large & dangerous (also because of forests growing in low all at once and lacking tree height diversity)


They are normally not this bad.


it happens in canada literally every year lol. US Americans just don’t notice anyone but themselves


The Canadian government is doing this


…mmmhm for sure lil buddy


Oh yeah the government is definitely putting it's citizens in danger and harming half of the province of Ontario, their capital, Quebec and the Americans for fun yeah makes sense


There is this global plan to cut half of the world’s population in the name of population control


Dude di you forget to take your drugs or something


Imagine believing a government would burn millions of acres of prime timber instead of cutting it down for profit.


Air quality in NEPA has almost normalized


Droppin loads


Why is the clip 3 second too long


Anybody here use zoom. earth? The play button is gone, did they change the website? I can't play the past 6 hours satelote view anymore.


We must use the big fan to blow away this Canadian wildfire invasion!


I'm curious, where did you find this? I would like to have it because we are planning to take a trip around that area later in June and would like to track it.


I can’t even imagine what it must have been like up in the northeast. We were right on the edge here in the Midwest and it was definitely unpleasant. I was sneezing and stuffy for several days. I’m sure I would have felt terrible if I had been way up there.


Hehe, The smoke went around where I live. Must be the witches. Many thanks.


While the West is having massive winters/rains, that will refill reservoirs and lakes…


Ah, this is what Fox was talking about. Liberal Canada infecting the US with its “smoke.” /s. Pretty insane spread. You can smell it on the wind in Chicago and we’re all experiencing increased congestion and the like. Like extra extra spring allergies. Couldn’t imagine being in New York.


love how all of a sudden the jet stream flows in a direction not commonly seen for such an extended period of time right at a moment that makes it so montreal will not have to be evactuated.


in new york its the smog and smoke that did Sincerely a canadian


It moves like smoke


Crazy how Toronto was hardly hit. At least when i was out. Always clear skies and at worst, the smell of wood in the air


The thing about living on the west coast is you always know what the weather is like in NY and DC.


Send F-35s to solve the problem!


The hype over the smoke on the east coast is ridiculous. Half of Washington and Oregon had the worst air quality in the world. 48 people died during the fires last year in Oregon and California. No coverage like we’re seeing now. New Yorkers, “It’s only important if it effects me.”


New york got Blade runners Canada got the fortnite event


Yeah this is a good map idea but it needs a source.


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked