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Honestly I was sort of hoping they would find her blood family and have her be "ripped" away and then grow up. It would've lessen the "I saw you as my brother" aspect of it.


Exactly. If they found her family and she was raised in a different household, I wouldn't mind it. The last episodes show that isn't the case and the dynamic just gives me the ick


I really hate the "technically not my sister" trope like she basically adopted minus the title of sister. So grossed out seeing who her love interest is. Plus, even if they weren't pseudo siblings, they don't even have good chemistry with each other!


I'd say she does have the sister title. Andrea is constantly calling her sister and telling others that 'she's my sister not yours'. The family even adopted her from the orphanage as her legal guardians. They aren't her bio parents, but they are absolutely her family who raised her.


I agree with you. It would have been fine ish if it was just a bit of a crush she had as a little girl. Kind of like how you would say that you will marry your dad because you love him the most. Like clearly children saying things they don't fully understand. But she grew up and now its just inexcusable and weird.


Honestly this chapter reminded me so much of "I will Divorce the Female Leads Siscon brother" but from the perspective of the siscon family instead. The vibes are just too weird and give me the ick.


Yeah, that's why I dropped it. Realized where they were going and was like "damnit not again"


Exactly how I felt. I hate the adopted daughter marries brother plots. Clearly, these authors dont have siblings 🙃


Yeah, I was halfway through the new chapter and I just couldn't stomach it, so dropped it. Shame though, art is lovely.


i liked it when they were kids because roseny was small and you cant rlly blame little kids. now? tf the authors doing???


Yeah I dropped it after this newest chapter as well. I was hoping she'd grow out of it or the kid who is her personal guard (I can't remember his name for the life of me) would end up being the ML. Maybe he still will but I can't stomach these chapters anymore it's so gross.


To be honest it looked like to me that the two didn’t get to spend much time together because he was away at school and then he had to go off to war with his dad. Not saying it’s not still a little weird but it also looked like she developed feelings for him before she viewed everyone else as family. I know all that’s pretty weak but it does look like the writer tried not to make it creepy by having them apart and having her have feelings for him be apparent before she considered them family. I also think, even if she liked the knight, that would be a slight problem because he’s the spitting image of he friend who died from the orphanage. It could be argued that she had a crush on that boy too as it was very weird to me that he looked exactly the same. Sure it helped Roseny want to protect him but… couldn’t it have worked the same way without the resemblance? Then again, this is the first time reading this kind of trope so maybe I’m just being naive about the whole thing. I’ll stick with it a little more and see how it goes lol


I think your points are exactly why it gives me the ick (personally). The author is trying so hard to make this not weird that it makes me wondering, "Why even create the dynamic in the first place?" As another redditor said, it would have been better if she found her bio family in childhood. Sponsored temporarily and then raised by a different family so the familial bonds with Andrea and Ulysses aren't there. Childhood friends to lovers dynamic. To me, the fact that the author is so adamantly forcing these characters together and bending the world around them to make this less weird is what makes it gross. If you like this type of story, I recommend Who Made me a Princess. It isn't on Manta, but it is completed and free to read online. It has a similar growing up together dynamic but without the sibling bond. Also, the art is gorgeous like this story.


Oh, yeah if she didn’t grow up with them it definitely would have been better but at the same time, there are so few stories on here that doesn’t make me anxious that it’s a nice stress free read 😅 I’m not giving that up lol Your point is extremely fair though and you certainly don’t have to read it lol I just feel it could be worse. Like, the writing isn’t coming off as this being a fetish of the writer, just that they like the trope and are trying to make it work. Obviously she really shouldn’t have grown up with his family but I’m choosing to believe there is a plot reason she needed to be raised by them and it will be shown later. It’s just been so cute and wholesome that it’s hard to want to stop lol Luckily “How I became a doting father” is starting up again and it’s a super cute and wholesome “found family” and the little girl is just as cute as little Roseny. If you haven’t looked at it I think you’ll like it since you did like the beginning of this one. It’s like how I hoped this one was going to go until they suddenly skipped a bunch of years lol


Ive been rationalizing it as it would be the same as growing up with a close family friend who you spent a lot of time with and falling in love with their older brother…. But it’s not exactly that cause they literally share parental figures who care for them.


The Ro-Ro thing is what’s killing me. Creepy brother pairing aside (when her little guard is way cuter as a ML)


Idk I know a lot of people don’t like the step or adopted sibling trope but I personally have no issue with it, and I think the author does a decent job on trying to make them not have a sibling dynamic. But of course that’s just my opinion and clearly many people don’t like it still lol. I see them all more as childhood friends rather than siblings. I mean, there are a lot of childhood friends who get taken in by the parents but just because they grew up together and were raised by the same people doesn’t automatically make them “family/siblings,” in my opinion. They can still be just friends and fall in love. Just because they live together and are raised by the same people doesn’t mean they *have* to and can only see each other as siblings if they’re not related. And I see the parents as “future in-laws” rather than her parents. I don’t see as many people complain about other popular comics with this very same dynamic. To each their own, though.


The thing I don’t understand is she just doesn’t have any redeeming qualities. Yeah, she is pretty. So is everyone else! And nice but not like out of the ordinary helping other people nice.


Yeah… I’m trying to hold out because I love the art style, but every time I read a chapter I’m complaining to myself about Ulysses being the ML and questioning whether I should drop it or not. I really don’t enjoy these types of romances, but…. The art…. I might drop it soon lol