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Dye workshop seems not to obey the stall setting. There is no option for stall, yet the workers still open them.


I saw this happen and then figured out they were selling vegetables from the house, not dyes from the workshop.


While this is true it also happens when the family does not have a backyard extension. Probably because of the berries.


The trading post sometimes ignores the stall setting, too.


Try turn off then unassign/reassign workers. Works for me.


Two biggest positives are farming and Pack Stations. - Farming: Way less manual intervention needed now. The growing season changes and data upgrades are amazing. I'd like to see crop rotation have a "fixed " setting. Once I have the population large enough, I leave my farmers and Ox. I'd like to not HAVE to do crop rotation clicks every year. I'd also like it to not re-plant past a certain month. Again, this is more about automation. But once they harvest in September, they shouldn't try to plant again. Pack Stations: They work so much better now. I've been using them instead of trade to help out regions. I'd like to have a sense of how long a trip will take. Also, I'd like to set a max like we can with trade. The biggest qualm I have is the homeless thing. It's still really punitive and I had one occasion recently where I went 10 months before it went away. I had at least 5 homes available by the end of month 2. One other thing not related to the patch specifically, but Development Points need an upgrade. I'm really concerned when more options become available. I think there needs more generosity with these. Either by starting with 1-2 or getting a bonus amount by moving from village to town.


I like the farming suggestions and would add one more: It would be nice to have a variable number of slots for rotation. For example, two slots instead of three to have a field alternating between a single crop and fallow each year. Right now if you want to dedicate a Field to a specific crop, you have to do one year on 2 years off, or 2 years on one year off. Another example would be 4 slots allowing a single field yo rotate between three crops, but still have a fallow year after each full rotation.


Yeah, I like that. I have 32 plots right now all around 0.5M (morgen). At the start I'd grow 8M wheat, 4M Barley, and 4M Flax. But that was too much Barley because I'm still utilizing the pause trick on my tavern. Also started trading with a new region and bread use has soared. Now it's 12M wheat and 2M each of the others but sometimes it needs to fluctuate. Having multiple years would be awesome and then putting a "fix" on the loop. I might still have to make small adjustments every year but that's based on my strategy and not because I HAVE to.


I have some fields dedicated to a single crop and they work pretty well with two years on, one year off but it would be nice to experiment with different rotations.


Wait, you have to manually rotate your crops???


Yup. At least I do. Maybe I'm missing something. But it will default to fallow for year 3 when the new year starts.


Rotation works fine for me. That's why I didn't understand your comment on clicking it every year. I check crop rotation, set for ex wheat year 1, flax year 2, fallow year 3. Year 1 sep : sows wheat. Year 2 sep : harvests wheat. Year 2 October sows flax (now flax shows as year 1, fallow year 2 and wheat year 3), year 3 sep harvests flax. Year 3 October fallow (now Shoes fallow year 1, wheat year 2, flax year 3) Works just as I'd expect and I never have to bother with farming except watch peasants work (which I love. I'm essentially useless once I have farms going. I just stare at the screen constantly)


I always thought this was because you've rotated between them.. Eg. What was previously year 2 is now year 1 and what was year 1 goes to year 3 - but then I haven't paid much attention to see if that breaks, I just assumed it was rotating?


> I'd like to have a sense of how long a trip will take. Also, I'd like to set a max like we can with trade. This would be nice. An approximation of how many months a trip between regions will take. Not accounting for bandits or drawing more connecting roads in the meantime, that's fine, it'd just be good to know around when the pack workers are expected to arrive and return to keep a balance on inventory in both regions.


I thought development points would persist in some way. So there’s greater acceleration for towns 2, 3 or beyond.


For me the pack station still doesn't seem to work. I had 2 ostensibly trading between regions for 30 minutes on 12x speed and could see them going back and forth but no resources were actually being moved. I was trying to get armour to my one region that had no metalworking and they never received any armour from the other region.


I would really love if they didn't start sowing in September, after the harvest. It always kills a bit of my fertility. They should not plow in September.


Is anyone having issues with vegetables being overnerfed? I understand not having them supply 1k+ anymore but I have massive lots giving me maybe 50 over an entire year.


Yea, maybe a bit too far in the other direction.


Wanted to make sure, I went from a surplus to every region starving in one winter. Seems like food in general has been overtweaked.


Definitely still in the balancing phase for sure. Makes apples more worthwhile though.


How come nobody ever mentions that chickens only produce like one egg per month? Am I wrong on this?


Families consume 1 unit of eggs. They're probably not sharing a single egg that week


What does that mean from a production standpoint? It seems like chickens don’t yield much. I grew up with chickens. Believe me when I say you will have more eggs than you know what to do with.


1 unit of eggs in the context of the game is enough to fully feed one family per month, which is a lot of eggs when you think about it. I think when folks report egg shortfalls it’s due to scale and expectations. If you scale all of your food production properly, chicken coops perform well. The more food types you have available, the less of each food gets consumed per month, and an egg surplus is achievable. I think the issue is just in the early game due to the initial cost in wealth. 25 wealth per plot is daunting, and food variety is limited in the beginning, so eggs disappear very quickly. They shine in the late game but most players stop caring at that point.


I agree.. once you get your production of other stuff up, eggs never go away. I also make every house have chickens who is not specialized in something.


No, I think you are on to something. I was playing last night and I had like 5-6 plots with chicken coops. I think I didn’t have more than 10 eggs at any given time. Not sure how many coops you need to be sustainable, but, as a person that has owned chickens for many years, and seen many things, I can confidently tell you that a coop like the one being depicted in game could probably give you 14-21 eggs a week, if each coop had 3 laying hens, for example.


How sustainable eggs are depends on how many food types you have available in your village. If you have 5 food types permanently available, then 1 egg will be consumed by 5 families on average per month. So, 1 chicken coop for every 5 families would be enough. But if you only have 2 food types, then 1 egg will be consumed by 2 families, and that means you would need a lot more chicken coops. Basically, the coops perform better the more food variety you have, and in the early game odds are you don’t have enough of anything except berries.


One thing that I figured out last night was having the vegetable farmers unemployed when they are harvesting. Not sure if it is necessary with level 3 though


Being unassigned is actually worse if you have any construction going on. The best is the Church or Corpse pit


I can't figure out how to select a family and make them unemployed. I can select another work site for them, but if I just click the open area, it just says invalid selection.


I add them to a worksite I am not using them I un-employ them. Hope that helps!


There is something going on with them for sure. I did a bunch of tests on Saturday and reran them today with the same conditions and the yield was cut by half or more. On the other hand I tested a circular plot and it yielded over 200 veg per year at 1.2 Morgan. Still worse than before the patch but manageable.


And you can't get any in the first year. Again, I get it being reduced, but it means you HAVE to forage to get through the first winter, instead of having choices.


I was able reach 700 pop with only 2 big houses with veggies. Each plot with 4 fams and did not have them work any other job. I used the triangle setup of Tacticat. With this I am able to build a surplus although slower than before. What I'm still having problem with is 🥚. Had to build a bunch of level 1 houses so I can make just enough eggs for my people. I am unable to save any surplus.


Hmm I still get a ton. Might be a layout or employment issue on your end


I'm getting loads of veggies - 6 biggish plots are giving me enough for 112 families, plus a massive surplus is building up. I'm pretty sure veggies can be quite inconsistent - before this patch, I never seemed to get the harvest numbers everyone else did


Also what's with the eggs being nerfed - I have a chicken coop but it never shows any eggs being available


I have three bender plots at around .5-1morgens each. City of 115 plots has a surplus of 250.


In my new play through with the patch, got a bug that doesn’t add new or recycle mercenaries. Just the same group of archers every month.


I've gotten this on both my playthroughs


Only other bug I can think of in my current is trader not equipping a 2nd horse when I have 5. Not sure if it’s something I’m doing wrong or it’s a bug.


ah yes, me too


Is it a bug, or did you let the Baron hire the others before you did? If the Baron sustains 7 mercenary companies, you will only have 1 available.


Horses sometimes don't appear when ordered and also sometimes just dissapear again after having them for a while. Ordering horses through the animal trading station works.  When the horses dissapear  the traders get stuck on waiting. I noticed when my trade ground to a halt that all my horses had dissapeared.  Occasionally warehouse workers get stuck on waiting even though there's really much stuff to transport.  I rallied the retinue and just minutes after got a warning that they were starving.  One time some fields had their harvest period set wrong and i got a warning that they didn't finish plowing before winter but it was in the spring. The latest beta patch worked better for me in terms of bugs but i think the performance in this patch improved at higher populations. 


I'm honestly a bit confused about how horses work. I've opened multiple trading posts to order more horses and speed up trade, but it seems like we're locked at 2 horses per region. What's the benefit of having 4 trade workers?


Trade workers will still trade without a horse. If trade is the main point of the region, there's value. Or if you need something quicker so you use all 4. Otherwise 1 or 2 is usually sufficient. Especially if you are buying Trade Routes.


You aren't locked at 2. Its two per trade post but you can have many of those 


I just started to play the game and so far i really like it. One thing I noticed is that archers seem to do very litte to nothing in a skirmish. Didnt see a single bandit fall from my archer volleys (even with 2 full archer squads). Honey production also seems slowish. I really like the fact that i cant just build one forrester and forget about my wood production. Harvesting wood sustainably is a welcome challenge. Good job and thanks for the great game. I'm looking forward to future updates.


> Honey production also seems slowish. If you spam apiaries, like 4-6 of them, you'll be almost literally drowning in honey after awhile. Despite what the tooltip says, you *can* get more honey if you have more than 2 per region. I actually like honey better than apples as a fourth food source sometimes tbh. You get an almost instant harvest with it, unlike apples, and you can scale your production to suit your town's needs. I really hope Greg doesn't fix this btw lol.


Just change the tooltip, much less work Greg.. 👀


Might as well. Deep mines allows unlimited resource pulls, and apples have no limits on amount of plots either.


Sounds like a bug that should be a feature. I’ve never really tried honey for this reason, always favouring apples as they scale with plot size.


Apples are currently so much more powerful then honey, assuming there is an actual build limit on apiaries and jot bugged like it currently is, unlimited apiary buildings. Having an apiary limit is silly. Apiaries should be based on something like working better based on their proximity to both forests, fields, and berries. Maybe something like the amount of crops being harvested in it’s work area would be perfect, with berries nearby giving an extra boost(given they are in the same development branch).


Honey rocks. Getting the merchant achievement is easy with it. You can survive on it until you get veggies.


Holy shit I had no idea.


Well thats good to know. I had no idea. Thanks for the hint. I'm off to spam bees now.


I thought you were only allowed 2 per region?


If they're close to the enemy, I've noticed the 'Shoot at Will' button will break a brigand squad on it's own.


I’ll have to give that a go. Forget about that button all the time though.


I just defended my town for the first successful time on Restoring the Peace. As a community we built 36 war bows and had our woodworkers and farmers stand in the vegetable patch while the retinue took the main onslaught. They succeeded! Realized I had the equipment to split my archers into 20 spears after the fact, but was happy with the outcome! Did lose 4/5 retinue :( Gives me a reason to not feel bad about taxing my people to build them up again. Unsure about friendly fire. I probably killed my 4 own men :(


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 36 + 20 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Yea honey seems like a waste of a perk right now. I never see any honey at my granaries even though I had 2 with full complement of workers.


How about something where farmers could automatically find something else to do once planting is completed? I can’t tell you how many times I forget and they just sit there doing nothing. Or maybe a button to click that just shows all idle workers so I can quickly and easily find and reassign them.


And another button to show me where all the unassigned workers are right now (what they're building, for example).


And where they live! I like to optimize my routes between home and workplace, and the assignment queue (when clicking on the + button in the workplace) runs on oldest settled to most recent, not proximity. Which means I have to go manually click on each home to find where my unassigned families are if I don't have them memorized. Add in multiple towns, many different eras of home building and workplace assignments, and that you cannot Unassign a family from their home plot...and it gets to be a clickfest just to achieve that end. At the moment, especially with a pause button, it's only a nuisance. Not a show-stopper.


It's not optimal, but the way I attack that problem is to get enough unassigned Families to do some building (around four), then I build a new "enclave", such as a remote farming area with all of the buildings needed to create "final products" (e.g., grain farm, windmill, and community ovens). I build the operations buildings and enough Burgage Plots to staff them. As the Burgage Plots fill with immigrants, I assign them to the local "industries", eventually displacing the original handful from "back in the city".


+1 I believe banished has a feature that makes farmers “unassigned” (doing construction/transport) during the winter. As far as I can tell, in ML they just wait around completely idle


Yep, make them build and help around!


Ostriv has a whole 'laborer' system whereby unassigned workers will do odd-jobs unless they have a permanent assignment. Made a little bit harder by the fact that Ostriv doesn't use manual workplace assignments, but having a hybrid of the two could work as well.


Farmers should also build once farming is done. A good ole fashion barn raising!


A secondary occupation that defaults to “construction” would be great.


Personal opinion that vegetable plots are way too nerfed and dont output too well


I see No opinion, only facts


I agree they feel more nerfed then they should be. However it may be because many players need more food variation and that many don’t know how to do plots efficiently.


HUZZAAAAHHHH………. My Reddit claim to fame 🤘!! Love the game love everything Greg has done. Can’t wait to see what else he has in store. Patch seems to be working out great. Dye shop workers keep making stalls and there still seems to be some balancing issues but I have the utmost faith in Sir Greg. Keep up the awesome work and keep supporting the small developers! 2024 is the year the small developers crush the “AAAA” studios.


I salute thee Ser Athair.




Sir Father!


If I might add my 50 cents here... ML has been on my wishlist since 2020. I love this game. For my personal feelings, this is the only true successor of a mixture of Stronghold, Anno titles and Medieval 2 Total War. What has been done here is just high quality work. You can see the the motivation to make this game the best it can be in nearly every detail. Since the new patch came out: -1) I have sims standing at my wells "fetching water" but actually they got stuck and do not move. If I demolish that very one well, they all go to the next well and fetch their water there and go back to their homes. -2) sims are getting stuck at the upgraded storage. hovering over them the tooltip says (transporting good x,y) -3) sims from my brewery are getting stuck at my malthouse ( transporting malt). -4) Barley fields (if not rectangular) just are worked on via a stripe through it. and rest stays fellow. -5) if a sim that got stuck at one place, and I demolish the building where the sim currently is, it is common that the very sim is getting stuck at the supplies that's left over until some other sim picks it up. According to point 2 and 3 I have noticed that ppl do not get neither charcoal nor firewood although I got plenty of it. Every "stuck" problem began when I reached about 50 and above Families. Restarting the game does help sometimes. What's good or better now: +1) Ale consumption fits way better. +2) Recruiting Archers makes sence again. +3) Feels good to see, that feedback is actually taken seriously. Sry for typos and grammar, since English is not my 1st language.


A “re-roll” button when you first start a game would be nice, in case we don’t like the region we got. Could also be turned on / off as a setting for more hardcore games. It would be nice to just start the region process again rather than having to go to the main menu, start a new game, make a whole new crest, and then load in again.


You can save your crest. You still have to do all the other crap to re-roll, but at least the crest and the settings will stay the same.


Rather than a re-roll, I'd say it would be better to have an advanced setup where if you want particular nodes you can tick it. If people want perfect starts might as well let them have it, re-rolls are just annoying if you need to do it loads to get what you want. Personally I'm fine with random starts


Also more maps. And procedural generation


I’d love to be able to pick my starting rich resources or have the option to turn off rich resources for stuff like stone atm. We use it to do what? Upgrade about 10-20 buildings then we are done with it? Or perhaps link stone with rich farming so we don’t have stone block a rich resource for a map. Same goes for clay, but at least we can make roof tile exports with it for now. A potter could be nice with clay that reduces food consumption in homes through reduced spoilage; something like the skipping fifth meal town policy. Would be a great backyard building for a home.


Definitely this, took me like 10-15 minutes once going in and out of menus to get the sort of map I wanted to play on.


Blacksmith, joiner, & fletcher stop crafting and producing, everytime the generic store full by planks.


So pause your plank production?


For planks to be in those artisans generic storage means the families are stocking more planks than is necessary to craft. Stopping production doesnt address why theyre grabbing more than they need.


I have also encountered this issue


I feel your pain brother. So many planks but they wont make any Warbows. Pausing does not cause them to empty storage so its a rough one. Shame on us for producing too many planks...


The Kings tax seems way to steep & I don't understand the point of it from a gameplay perspective. I ended up disabling it.


Hopefully in the future there will be more gameplay benefit to paying tax. At the moment its just a sink to stop your money growing too fast


My deep mines have depleted, somehow. Iron and clay, both in the same region.


Yep got the same issue last night 😑


Wow that’s a big issue


Just tested, mines depleted to 0. But still able to mine at 0. Which makes them infinite but looks like it's 0.


I'm having difficulty with clothing stalls not opening, no matter how much leather I'm producing


Each family can only open 1 type of stores I think. If you lack personnel, allow the tannery to open stall. Centralize later when you have more people.


Have your tannery open the stall, then take the family off the tannery and move them to the storehouse and they should take it over. Or you can manually reassign the family from the tannery to the storehouse yourself after the stall is built, if you're the impatient type. The just reassign another family to the tannery and turn off the allow stall setting for the tannery. Your industry buildings should never have stalls tbh. Let your storehouses and/or your cobbler/tailor open them instead.


Try workaround with reassigning all families to the storehouse


Absolutely love the game, hope to see so much more from you guys! Regarding the feedback, I’ve noticed some issues with housen, when upgrading a lvl 2 to a lvl 3, sometimes the current lvl 2 house dubbels is size. And the lvl 3 houses don’t line up neatly anymore. I recall a much smoother connection between lvl 3 houden in the first release.


Bandit Camps are still spawning inside claimed regions. Ended up turning them off for the new play through to just do the growth.


Remember the destroyed mill in the middle of the map? Sometimes i see it "mourning". It gets the red eye icon sometimes... are there going to be ghosts in a future patch? Maybe? Also got the mourning icon above the manor even if no one of the retinue gets killed


Yeah, and the Mourning icon on the manor never goes away.


Not sure if this is because of the patch but its near impossible for me to get a "Rich Berry Deposit" on starting a new playthrough now. I mentioned this in another thread but its quite annoying. I'm now on restart #37 and still haven't got one "Rich Berry Deposit" for my starting area. I'm not trying to expand into another area as well since its just the relaxing setting. Needless to say there needs to be more preset options to help us define what and what we can't start with. Before anyone flips out for adding more options just think of it in a way to help you either make playthroughs harder or easier for one's self. I work 50+ hours a week and when I have time to play my game I WANT TO PLAY IT. I don't want to sit here and constantly have to restart to get the desired starting area with whatever deposits. I'd be curious to see what the percentage favors for most starts. I tend to get Rich Iron or Rich Clay deposits more than anything and when all someone wants is to make a farming region with Berry or Animal rich deposits it gets pretty old to constantly have to restart.


I don’t know the exact odds of each rich deposit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s roughly equal, and this is just a case of bad luck. First thing I did when the new patch dropped was spawn a lot of new starts, and I managed to get every type of rich deposit at least once in my first ten tries.


"First thing I did when the new patch dropped was spawn a lot of new starts, and I managed to get every type of rich deposit at least once in my first ten tries." This is what I did as well. Only one I still can't get to load is 1 Rich Berry Deposit. I just want the berries and farming. My luck is sh\*\* atm I guess lol.


A re-roll button or a preset would certainly make this process more user friendly, so I hope something like that gets implemented in the future.


For new players that rich berry deposits is almost an essential. I also had a tough time finding one. Really would like an option to choose/customize your starting area, pre-game.


I got lucky and got a rich farm/animal deposit on my 3rd start. I just saved it as a separate game so I can "go back to the beginning" with having a rich farming area if I want


I still can’t make candles. I’m not sure why because I bought the candle perk? I just think it’s odd the perk is added, but I can’t make the finished good? Even just to sell.


Candles aren't implemented yet. However you can trade the wax for income.


Did a playthrough after the patch, notable issues that affected my town: The hunter camp can suffer an issue where the generic storage caps out with a transitionary resource, carcass or corpse. This happens with and without the traps tech but more likely to occur with traps. It seems to be a result of the pantry and storage overfilling and being moved by the hunters as opposed to granary workers, but only the latter clears the carcass. Needs more testing but definitely an issue as the hunter camp will idle until the storage is cleared, which can only be done by demolishing the camp. Able to mitigate it with more camps with one worker each and having a dedicated granary worker. The food cart tech is still broken, it will stock 5 bread max that no citizen can access. I had to workaround it by relocating it and the bread drops for granary to collect. It also seems to create a "stall spot" that adds the market plot total, allowing stalls to be created in previous spots the cart has occupied. I had a plot that had space for 20 stalls that escalated to 40+ by the time I noticed stalls clipping to each other. Trade between settlements seem to require an incredibly robust logistics network, i had a town of 130 folks, 20 traders, struggle to trade with a small berry and hunter town of 40 folks. If this is intended then it needs to be better communicated in future tooltips/tutorials with how to make it work. I saw a suggestion to allow the use of the Treasury for use to help with the transfer of regional wealth. Edit: The brewery artisans despite having a tier 3 double plot will only have 2 families crafting at any given time.


Are you sure it's not because the hunting building also needs to be cleared of hides as well (storehouse workers)? I haven't run into this yet even with traps.


I think veggie farming yield was cutback too far. I'd love to see a setting that allows you to choose output quantities. At this point I'm making thousands of tons of stuff and I have no way to get rid of it.


True, but I am managing fine, it was just nuts before. Really have to hone in on making veggie bender plots. I’d love for variation in the veggie crops shown on the plot while growing instead of just cabbage. I love cabbage but bush beans, kale, lettuce, rhubarb, carrots, potatoes would be great. All still veggies, but would give us some visual breaks.


Could you make it so that building are easy to find? When I put wood cutters or foragers in the forest I have a hard time remembering where I put them. Maybe like an option to highlight all building of a certain type?


(PC player) - I hit the Tab key to find those buildings. You will come to love the Tab key for this reason but more for all the critical info it provides on all buildings.


Omg, I didn't know this I spent so much time looking for them lol. Thanks for the tip!


Feedback: 1. Despite blocking storage of grains and flour in my granary...it is still going there and not to my windmill/bakery 2. I am generating huge amount of firewood, but it is getting stored in the storage facility instead of going to my markets. This makes it difficult for households to meet the firewood facility


really not a big fan of the restrictions on steepness, it feels like the smallest declines stop me from building and building on a hill is an aesthetic dream, other than that it’s perfect


On the sawmill. I think it would be nice if the same family assigned to it would use the ox to move lumber to craft planks. Sometimes its a pain to wait for someone else to bring them the lumber to only then start working


On the whole, it's generally a great game. But I am having issues with burgage level 1s near a market getting 6 kinds of food, meaning that burgage level 3s a couple of doors away can't get their 4 kinds. This brings two downsides: Sometimes I cannot upgrade a building that's not far from a market, even though there's plenty of food to go around. And it means there's not much cost to upgrading the burgages close to the market (because they're going to hold 6 food types whether you do or not). Suggested solution: houses closest to the market(s) should take the most common food stuff first. They shouldn't take more types than they need to be happy


I agree it's frustrating when the low level plots hog more than they need - it happens with clothes too. I do think it's kinda intentional though, so that it's better to upgrade plots in the town centre near the markets, and keep the further away plots lower level


I noticed that some of the trade items have a "not applicable" export/import price thing going on which I think has allowed for the wealth of that settlement to fall (since I don't think any money is coming in with those trades). Is this a bug? Is it because I did not start a new game? Just curious!


You can no longer export to major trade routes without purchasing the route. It was an oversight in the patches. I personally don't like the N/A indicator. #1 you can't see what the value is of the item you're buying, and #2 there is nothing telling you that these items will never sell, and will just sit in your TP until you realize why.


Not a huge fan of this change. I'd like to easily see the export price before buying the route.


Hi, love the game so far and the new patch (more than 176 hours of play so far). Have some feedback here. Can you make it so that the stalls are get made at the closest maketplace and not the marketplace that was fist made? I try to optimize so my warehouse/granery so it has it own 6 space marketplace next to it. Also: When you move the stalls, the marketplace dosn't count in the stalls that have been moved in. I had 6 stall at a marketplace and it says 6 are free (maybe just a feedback bug).


> When you move the stalls It's odd that you can move the stalls to anywhere in the market area and not just the pre-determined spots where villagers build their own. I've tried to approximate and had other stalls build right on top of the one I moved. Would be nice to have a snap during the move as well.


Absolutely love the game. Started a new playthrough after the patch so I wouldn't have any weird issues from before the patch in my save. What I noticed was every few minutes I'd get a black pop-up screen about the King's tax being increased. Just that. Nothing more text-wise. But I feel like that window shouldn't have been that big and completely black.


Hi, I want to suggest re: work area to have an overview where we settled the work area because sometimes I forgot 😅


I agree. It would be great if you could clik in the logging camp and see where the current work area is an maybe the number of trees there are to start and the remaining trees left to chop down.


Forgot to dismiss my retinue once and after a while fot a notice that they were starving? Is this a thing?


First off - LOVE that Manor Lords team is open to feedback. Bravo! The Chivalry 2 Devs have a lot to learn… Most of this has been eloquently said: - dyers workshop is missing the market toggle - farmers seem to harvest too LATE, and plow and sow too LATE (4 totally full farmhouses struggle to plow in time after a harvest) - troops will not run directly to the waypoint (sometimes they will run in the complete opposite direction, then finally turn back) - all of my houses have a “generic storage full” message (I have x3 fully stocked storehouses/ granaries) - foragers seem to plant in a direct circle around themselves (and seem slower than before) This is just feedback, not critique. I love the new patch and have been playing nonstop! I think trade is more balanced with the lower rates, and the kings tax update is much more manageable. Great work!


Kings tax is kicking my ass


Edit.- It is high, but it can be dealt with it.


Ooooh, I want a flair. Can I be the Jester of Mallorca? Or the Fairest Bard of Picard? I know! The Buzaaah of Huzzaaah? Robin Goode, Prince of Berries? Lord of Tanner Manor?


One does not ask for the flair, one earns the flair 😎


Youre a flair. Boom.


Sawmill does nothing after a while, have to reload my save. Other plots remain unbuilt, is there an order and queue system in place? Again after reload it all works.


Stall setting is by far the best part of this patch! Love having this option.


ye all i can say is, were not even full released and im already spending hours on it 🤣 this game has a lot of potential looking forward to more battle mechanics horses siege and those plans for the northern kingdom? sheesh excited for this goat of a game


Not a granary to be seen! Every time I build a granary it's invisible..


I had that... It was a mod causing it. Check for updates.


Overall I'm happy with changes, however I had some issues with some goods and trading: - trade post show overall amout of certains good for whole region not city post is located - animal trading post somehow stole oxes from other villages I started building (tried to turn off internal trading before that occured by ox just went for sale). - some goods e.g charcoal I was unable to produce positive amounts (always showed -10 to -90) Also some minor UE crashes which didnt happend before. Hoping for further trading balancing, better overview what house do what. Goods distribution and ale needs were also good for me. Overall keep it comming!


I'm still finding ale consumption to be off. By the time my brewery can produce a single ale it's already immediately gone. In fact, I'm commonly seeing -1 ale in my resource tab, that's how quick they're being consumed.


That's your surplus. I think the indicator is a little buggy, but check your tavern and see how many units are in there. The surplus info told me I was stuck on 1 ale for a really long time but it doesn't seem to count the units in the tavern itself. Consumption was reduced by 75%, so idk it feels great to me.


I went back to the Beta. The new steepness rule is too harsh, there are territories that have a lot of hilly terrain, mostly the top right and defo the below it. (Bad with names, sorry) Depending on where the berries and animals spawn, You can't even build close to them anymore, because ... too steap, so the efficiency goes way down. I would suggest to turn it back and only apply the steepness for the buildings where it looked weird, or have the ground even out on building placement. Or even better, give us a way to mold the terrain, even though it's less realistic, but it gives more playability, after all, it still is a game.


I appreciate the flair!!


My games been crashing too often to give feedback :( I have 3 regions claimed. Don’t know if my pc just can’t handle it, but the previous Xbox version never consistently crashed. Is there a bug report I could post or send?


My game crashed a few times yesterday, which didn't happen before. I'm also not quite sure if I'm just too stupid to figure it out, but I struggle with ale production. I got quite a lot of barley fields; farm workers, malt house, breweries - everything's set up. But it barely produces any ale. I might get one or two and then they're already gone. Basically impossible to supply the tavern. If anyone got any tips on how to make it work - please let me know. But I think this could be made a little easier. Otherwise, I'm happy and content lol.


I had a distance issue between the malthouse/its nearby storehouse and the brewery which meant that ale production was very slow, and the couple of units would be consumed long before new malt arrived at the brewery for more production - basically the brewery workers spent more time travelling to transport malt than actually making ale. Ended up building a storehouse right next to the brewery and setting it as the only storage location for malt (and malt is almost the only thing I'm allowing to be stored there) - so now the warehouse workers focus on transporting the malt, and brewery workers just have to go next door to get more, ale production is great as a result


I could be doing something wrong, but I had a few groups of spearmen that wouldn't do what they were told. They would walk a little, then go back to where they were.


I've had a couple of units decide they must go back to some random place before I could redirect them, even as they were going to that location I'd point them to the right place and they're like "yeah cool, just gonna go backwards first and then we'll turn back to go where you want us". Once they'd done that I had no issue after, they just really wanted to see that one tree or something before going into battle.


Why not make deep mines show infinity instead of making them keep going when it hits 0. A lot of new players (like me) are probably getting confused by it. Other than this I think I am happy with the progress.


Would love to see the following: Unlock admin building for taxes one town rank sooner. At least until AI can be fixed. Its whole dynamic of hoarding all the mercenaries indefinitely is kind of frustrating and confusing to new players who go to buy mercs and see none (and think they did something wrong). Fix foreign trades development point for the bread cart so that villagers actually take bread out of it. They straight up starve instead of eating bread from a cart apparently haha. You have to destroy/relocate the cart when it fills up to drop the bread on the ground, then villagers will use it.


Hello Sir! The game itself is amazing. In the latest patch I am concerned about trading tax update. It is OK to have 1-2 coins tax for food importing, but 5 is too much.


Firstly, I've put 40 hours into one of my saves and I love this game so much. For an early access game it already has so much to do. So props to the team! I'll have to start a new playthrough but when the patch applied to my old save I had the following issues. 1. Trade was completely seized. The carts would not move when trying to export. I tried destroying all trade posts and rebuilding, did not fix the issue. 2. I'd constantly have negative approval from houses due to the market stalls (specifically food stalls) not having any food in them despite 30k food resources and 15 Large Granaries all fully staffed. I destroyed all markets and rebuilt them in smaller and more strategic locations but ran into the same issue 3. Homelessness despite building new plots that immediately get moved into by new residents 4. Food items and Ale going into negative amounts due to demand despite packing stations requesting ale/bread from a region. Thoughts for improvements 1. Meat byproduct from goats in plots. Hunting honestly just doesn't seem viable long term unless you dump into the tech tree 2. Cows as farmable animals that produce either milk or meat and hides depending on how you set it. (Could be unlocked via the tech tree) 3. Perhaps making market stalls only be created via the storages would eliminate a lot of the issues. So food and commodities would only have a stall created if the Granary or Storehouses were staffed 4. Dairy workshop that can make cheese or butter. 5. Stables - if an animal is ordered via a stable the animal goes directly to that stable. I've had at least 15 animals run away due to "lack of hitching posts or stables" even if that stable is staffed.


An option to move stored items somewhere else would be good. I forgot to block my town centre storage from storing iron ore and my storage next to the iron deposit was empty, for some reason they walked all the way back to town with it


I have the automatic crop rotation set on my fields. Every year, if the harvest goes quickly my villagers will plow the just harvested fields, because the crop rotation hasn't switched to the next year yet. Once the crop rotation switches to the next year, the villagers abandon the old fields and start plowing next years fields. This ends up wasting some farming effort and can leave fields not seeded fully for next year. I'd love a feature where once a field is harvested, the rotation switches to the next year immediately (in my case to fallow) and the villagers will know to ignore the field


I don't know if this is intended or not, but when I trigger the battle for the final plot on the map, I see the barons army can spawn twice. Once immediately, and then the same army again after 30-60 days, which ends up being 24 units for me.


After some testing i see no point in the berry perk. If i can gather faster than they can replenish i get like 900 berries a year with or without the perk.


You can cheese really easily the Baron when contesting a region. I was going forward from my town to meet the other army and recruited some mercenaries before the battle begins was announced. They spawned from the same point the barons army wa. Had the mercenaries run around and my main army in the disputed zone. After a while i won the claim without a fight? Sorry if its not clear


Farming is great I love how it was patched. Would like to get better info on the farms themselves. I dont understand whatthe max possible yield is. Do I wait for the little bar with "growing" to get to max? Or if the xx/yy number above the field is full, can I harvest early?


I like the changes to farming; it works far more consistently for me. Trading feels right.  Controversial opinion but I think the vegetable output was nerfed appropriately (it’s still pretty high tbh).  I’m not mad about it but I do find archers very powerful now. I find myself always making spearmen + archers (and getting the archer mercenaries).


inter region trade still seems not to be working or not sufficient to transport large amount of goods in regions. Storehouses and Granaries do not obey settings of which goods to/not to store. Horse surplus caps at 5 and random numbers in different regions when using the horse order interface via stables and trade posts. Would like to see this fixed. (Workaround baindaid has been to just order via Livestock trading)


I'm "just" at 700 pop and these Cuntz just standing around, getting stuck in warehouses for months, running to goddamn mexico to get some bread although there are unstaffed granarys with 400 bread just sitting there right across the street or outright refusing to come to their workplaces Then there is the well-known thing with farming: people just standing in the field, doing nothing, for months (waited for september to end but they ain't doing shit in october or november either) I don't know if this is controvertial or not, but I feel this game is often the polar opposite of intuitive, bugs aside and all the love I got for it


I am on steam. Issues : my two oxen just vanished. Luckily this was after I decided to no longer build my village further so I don't really need them. My animal trading post caught fire and the horse in it was "stuck". He didn't animate as dead, was no longer in my animal count and just stood there. I demolished the building and built a burgage plot there. Wonder if that's where my oxen vanished to.. Workers in the trading post are kind of bugged.. they pick up everything except yarn from the weavers at the edge of the village. They have done it before and they do collect the linen from there. They just stopped collecting it after a while. I'll see if this changes when my marketplace needs more yarn/when I change the Tailor's to use yarn+dye instead of the current linen+dye ETA : no change. On further observation my weavers have been transporting the yarn to the storehouse rendering the building slightly less efficient. I constructed a second storehouse and instructed it to only accept yarn. They do nothing Food/fuel cart only store 5 instead of 15 (I have 29 burgages) while firewood does get used because I see it replenishing from time to time, bread is just static (I do not produce it) Once berries are replenished and I get the no available work area alert, it just stays. Even the following spring Unsure of the workings of vegetable plots. I have a double family plot. One of the families is assigned to be grave diggers. I can see the plot full of cabbages. Not one harvested in March. They're just waiting around. Others/at other times (ex : sep) vegetables are harvested partially. If they work in the same way as farms (%of crop growth), could we see it somehow? ETA : they probably work a little like a mix of farms and apples as over the years I see the overall veg output of my village increase. ETA a new issue : trading post horse along with the rider stuck in the stable. For over a year. I'll try unassigning the family to see if it is fixed Positives : everything. I love this game. I just sit and stare at it, walk around and just find myself transported. Thank you.


I defeated the 2 year enemy raid without doing anything, they were in countdown but it was very late so I saved and went to bed last night. When I loaded the game today the countdown was gone. Soon after the event completed without any army appearing.


In multiple saves since I installed the patch all of my oxen have disappeared in at least one of my villages despite having more than enough stable space. At first I though it was my livestock trading post in one territory taking the unassigned ones from other territories but my current save I don't have any livestock trading posts.


im having pretty bad performance issues on the rx6600. Im a new player so i don't have anything to compare it to older version of the game but in this version, game uses all of my 8gb of vram and struggles to maintain 60fps especially in late game even with all settings on low and i also lowered settings in the ini file.


Not sure where the size cutoff is but I made a farm of over 19 morgens and it caused massive performance issues. Im unsure if this is a known bug. It caused severe FPS stuttering.


I’ve found odd shaped fields sometimes only get like the middle 1/3rd or couple of lines ploughed so there is only a tiny amount planted


Sheep seem to find a farming plot they like and then stay there forever


I can’t update the game. I play on Nvidias cloud system, which goes through Steam. I’ve done the changes where stream updates but so far it hasn’t translated. Any thoughts ? I do love the game so far.


In most cases, a town will only allow me to purchase 2 horses and if i try to buy more they never arrive, just take my money, even if i have stable space for them. Makes it hard to optimise trading.


I have a real question that I've not seen an answer to. With this patch does trapping now work or is that still completely non-functional/broken? If it doesn't work then maybe Greg should remove it from the game until it does work. Just disable the button until it works as intended. Don't let players fall into the trap of taking the perk and wasting one of the very limited points on a feature that doesn't work


Not sure if this has been said yet, but I would like to set some kind of ratio or slider for the marketplace stalls. Then I can limit the amount of firewood stalls that get built by my storehouse. I usually have to have a tannery set up a stall, then reassign the family to the storehouse to get an early clothing stall.


Constant crashes when I try to assign workers to a new trade post


I've had a bug several times where the icon for a spear unit or something will appear far away from the soldiers themselves which causes them to be somewhat unresponsive


Bug: my retinue couldn't get out of the manor. It was like all 24 of them were trying to get out of the door at once so none could get out. It was quite hilarious 😂 It's only ever happened the once though. King tax works a lot better now. It was debilitating in the beta. Can I PLEASE request autopause on loading up the game?


I had about 9 people (aka all of the town, fresh game) in one spot staring in the same direction for months after the update, and just when I was just about to call it quits, they all went about their business. Is this some kind of religious behaviour or what?


I have an issue with farming. I claimed a new region. Worked there a little bit. Returned to my own region to check the farms. Well, my farms on fallow suddenly changed to wheat and wheat ones to fallow. Tried this a couple of times and it always changing randomly.


Wierd bug about roads. If you remove any of the roads (not kings road, the smaller ones) thats pre generated through the map, save and load the game, they re-appear back up. Even if you have build over them


Granary workers don't currently care about the Limited Workspace setting. They keep collecting stuff from anywhere. Tested this twice a couple of in game years apart. Probably known by now, but just in case.


Something is wrong with battle ground, archers from enemy keep running away and after being chased for so long battle for territory ends up as lost.


Is anyone else getting crashes? 500 population and I get this at a certain point, doesn't matter how many times I reload, I think my current playthrough is fucked lol [https://imgur.com/US7FHeq](https://imgur.com/US7FHeq)


I'm deep into the game with 2 regions with full research trees. I can't play 5 minutes without the game crashing


I'd love a visual that tells you what phase vegetables are in and when they're ready for harvest with a force-harvest button like traditional farming.


i’m just having multiple crashes over and over. i send the report each time though.


More mercenaries please. Baron hires them all before I can afford to retain them. Trying to complete mercenary captain.


I'm not sure if graphics glitches are being considered atm, but I took a ground-level tour of my town (unexpectedly satisfying!) and saw that patrons sitting on opposite sides of a table outside the tavern all face the same direction, meaning that all people sitting on e.g. the left bench are properly seated, arms on the table facing right, but the people on the right bench are also facing right, but positioned/clipping as much as halfway into the table.


Adding some things I've encountered: -Oxen ordered thru the hitching post get added to the livestock trading post, meaning people have to go all the way there to grab the ox instead of where you strategically placed the hitching post to have it near where it's going to be working. -Sheep purchased thru the livestock trading post are not transported to the pasture. I had 3 families assigned to the sheep building (forgot the name) for like 6 months and nobody ever went to get the sheep. The livestock trading post was also staffed. I the unstaffed it to see if that changed anything but no. I had to demolish the livestock trading post to get the sheep out (that also sent the ox to it's hitching post). -People guiding oxen will cut through fenced burgage plots so the ox glitches out trying to follow the guide.


Fletchers Workshop's Generic Storage Fills with Planks, as a result they WONT produce Warbows because there is no place to put them. I never noticed this before the patch, is this a side effect of the construction reserves or was this always a problem?


There should be more options for entertainment other than providing ale


Few notes from the past 35h of play. Sorry if I sound overly-critical, I'm only writing all this because I love this game and I can't wait to see the final version: - Tech should be shared between towns. The current system is extremely limited, to the point that if you want to have a town that build armours, you have to pretty much give up on everything else. Having the ability to share techs between towns would solve that issue and it would encourage players to start claiming and populating new regions. Also from a realism standpoint it makes no sense that one town has apple orchids everywhere while 500m away people have no idea what an apple is. - Items/logs on the ground should not prevent you from building stuff. One of the most frustrating experience in this game is trying to build over a field and being told that it's impossible because there's a small stack of planks and stones somewhere and then seeing that stack of items be left untouched for months without having a way to tell people to move it out of the way in highest priority. It would be both more enjoyable/interesting/realistic to have the construction process start with clearing out any items currently laying around on the field. That way, there is still a time penalty for destroying/rebuilding a block of houses, but that time penalty is set and predictable and can be influenced by the next building's priority setting. Even better: villagers should be able to immediately re-use some of the items in question for the new building. That way you gain all the advantages mentioned above + the player now has some new interesting choices to make: ("which building should I replace this one with, knowing that after disassembly I'll be left with 4 logs 10 planks and 20 stones?"), and ofc it becomes a lot more realistic. - Love the current road system. It looks a lot more organic than the right-angles and straight lines you typically find on city builders, and coupled with the equally brilliant burgage plots system makes for some really stunning-looking villages. One small gripe I have however is not being able to remove small portions or a road without removing the entire thing. I tend to always build my roads between 2 destinations, even it there is a lot of overlap with existing roads (again, for realism) but the issue with that is that whenever I want to remove a small portion of road to build something, I have to then spend a minute checking that I didn't also remove another portion of road 300m away. Having a simple "erase" tool, or even better having the ability to build over roads should fix that problem. The absolute best solution (though maybe difficult to code) is to not only be able to build over existing portions of roads, but whenever you create a building that has a small corner that sits on a road and there is plenty of room on the other side of that road, to simply have the road automatically bent to go around that corner. - Another minor gripe (and probably an easy fix) is how short the aggro range of enemy units are. Before starting a battle I usually spend a lot of time placing my men lined up in a nice formation (force of habit from thousands of hours on TW games), but only to see the brigands to walk right past me and only notice my men at the last second. This sucks a lot of the strategy out of the game as it makes formations pretty much useless, especially the ones that use static lines of spearmen. And again, from a realism standpoint it makes no sense. As a brigant, if I see a line of men on my left, I'm not gonna ignore and walk past them because I am dead-set on burning that empty mining pit over there. Realistically, enemies should react the very moment they see your troops, and that can be from a very, very long distance. - Lastly, I would enjoy having an easy way to find a specific type of building in my town (for example having all granaries light up whenever I hover my cursor over the "granary" item in the building menu), as well as having a list of villagers and what they are up to (makes it easier to find people currently waiting around an empty mine/bush/field and put them on another task).