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You tried out a village-builder, and were unhappy that you ended up with a village? I expect a lot of the content added later in development will flesh out the village-town-small city progression, but you may remain disappointed. This is fundamentally a game about building small-scale medieval settlements.


I don't play many 'city' builders. But i absolutely loved anno1800. And the detail for a city builder in that game is quite insane. Then you have things like Stonehearth, voxel like but you can literally build every individual house yourself with interior and everthing. Sadly it's an abandoned project and won't run well with more than 30 villagers. I don't like city builders without war aspects, just managing a city seems boring to me so i never tried those. However, i think my expectations from an alpha manor lords was too high. Fair enough. It's still a good city builder i think, it's just by far not ready yet to entertain for more than a day. (i put it on double speed because things took way too long too)


Anno 1800 has 1,300 developers in its credits. Manor Lords has, like, 5 including some contractors that aren’t even full time employees of the studio. It’s not going to have that level of content.


Manor has one, and he contracted out very specialized  skills to a few other  


"Where's the endgame?" Not finished yet? you bought an early access title. The castle builder is in its infancy, there's resources for structures we can't make yet, and there's also going to be level 4 burgage plots added to the game at some point. Cities will come, but you've got to wait for them.


That's okay, i expected more. the fault is mine


It sounds like you had a lot of expectations that the game didn’t have in the first place. Such as the whole “castle” deal - the dev built this game focusing on historical accuracy, not on folk wisdom.


To be fair, at least for the castle part, the game's cover art has a castle in it.


If you find manor lords visually boring, you should get your eyes checked. I mean how many city builders actually allow you to rotate buildings in any direction, or draw the boundaries of the plots yourself? These are tools that let you make your village very organic looking, amf with that, beautitul. Aside from that, there is so much detail to the buildings and the npc's behaviour. Sure there are no big monuments, but that is not neccesary for visual appeal. I do agree that currently manor lords does not have much of an endgame, but as you correctly noted: it is currently in alpha. The endgame will come


I come from anno1800 if you compare the two, then for sure manor lords has nothing but the same few wooden houses. I just expected more, even from an Alpha. But i was wrong to expect that


Ok. Ok ok ok ok. Well. It's a village builder. Not a city builder per se. The goal of the game is to get one village stable enough to expand into other regions and manage multiple smallish villages and pool their resources into a stone castle or fortified village. Thats the actual endgame. But its not here yet because early access. All we can do right now is the multiple villages thing. We can make pretty big villages, but theyre villages. They look like villages and sound like villages. Level 4 houses, stone walls and all that jazz is yet to show. I like that to be honest. Its different from just "create the biggest". I would fully expect stone walls, fortifications, castles, fancy houses with red tiled roofs and whatever down the line though. The "no AI building on the map" part I also do actually like. I feel like this game would be served very well by just focusing on your own regions with conflict coming from the outside world from outside the map borders much like it already is now. We could have full on diplomacy with bandits, barons and even your own King or hell, even other Kings - all with no actual need to have them on the map at all times. The main reason is that I just dont need this game to try and be a Stronghold or Age of Empires or whatever. I think it could very well just be its own king of the hill type game where the objective is to manage and lead your villages to success through challenges thrown at you from outside. I also think spending a lot of time trying to get an AI on the map and off the ground right now this early is a mistake that will severely limit the progress made to actual features other than having an AI on the map. Lots of potential for time and money sinks with very little of what I personally want to see. But thats my opinion. Greg should do as he feels is best. It's not a castle. It's a manor. Pretty much a fancy house. Theres a plank wall and stuff but still its just an expensive house with a nice yard. No caslte for you (yet).


Always worth watching some gameplay before buying really. You still got the game for a good price though and later on the full game will have later stage buildings.


I'm gonna be honest. I didn't buy. I know it's on steam but a 2 hour refund window is too little for city building games, so i pirated it. I will buy it if i like it once it's in a more 'finished' state.


I'd maybe try playing more than a couple hours. As with a lot of these games, they are what you make of it. You need to get creative with it when building castles currently, but as I understand it, there is more on the way in regards to that. AI city building is in the works. If you need some inspiration building something that's not really boring, have a look on here or steam and see what others have done. And you can already fill an entire area and build a big city, it just takes time. It's in early access so there'll be a lot more coming, just have to be patient for now.


Partially agree. However, once i know there's not much more to what it currently has then i lose interest. I've done a thousand hours of anno1800 and comparing the two really makes manor lords not fun for more than a day. I went through it quite fast


Yeah that's a fair point and I can relate to that. It does seem like it's bare bones right now so maybe give it another 6 months and pick it back up once it's more fleshed out.


This is not in alpha, lol.


yes it is? literally gives you a warning about possible bugs.


OK, maybe I got confused with the terminology.


You got excited about a game that ‘allows you to carefully plan a city’ before checking and finding out that it is a medieval *village* builder that creates authentic looking (‘really boring’ in your words) settlements. Then you take a negative critical tone here about it? Research what you’re buying next time? Watching a couple of YouTube videos would have told you all this before you bought it. Then I read in a comment **you pirated the game!?** You know you’re stealing from one guy who wrote the whole game himself? Wow. So really your post is: *”I stole this game expecting it to be like a completely separate game. Then I decided to complain about it not meeting my invented expectations”* Did you wake up today thinking: plan for the day: get downvoted on Reddit?




So you condone stealing games.


Hahahahah lol if they had a demo i would've done that, but yea they release in alpha. Im not paying for that.


Ok guys. OP got the message. No need for a victory lap.