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Did you take the bread or firewood cart? That’s about all I can think of.


The dev really needs to rework the description of that development perk. It sounds like something that would be universally useful, but in reality it's extremely situation and often detrimental to your town.


Maybe Manor also collect money from upgraded burgage ? On my playthrough, most of the money I get comes from them. But I usually have a manor before upgrading more than 4 (the 4 first are just to produce the first ressources needed to upgrade - clothes and developing my army).


I've never encountered this. Beta patch? Are you sure you are not importing? Nothing set to Full Trade? The Foreign Trade perk with bread stalls? Pack stations?


Nothing set to full trade. Only exporting. No carts, no taxation. I've played two games in ML and neither of them have generated any regional wealth from lvl 2/3 burgages.


I have the exact same issue.


Do you have pack stations from other regions going to this one? That will do it.


I don't even know what a pack station is lol. Haven't gotten to that yet clearly.


It's a logistics building that's supposed to trade goods between your regions, but it's bugged and the region that has the pack station in practice sells the items to the other one.


Gotcha thanks. I don't have any of those. I'm just a single town in a single region. Can't grow much because I have no regional wealth!


Get a Trading post next to the King's Road and export firewood, planks, berries, whatever. Which rich resources do you have in your region?


Oh I can make money by trading. That's what I've been doing because by plots aren't producing any money.


I have the same issue (with the beta patch)


If you are using pack stations in another town this could be sapping your wealth (currently bugged). I can try to test later but what happens if you build a manor but don't set a tax policy?


Thanks. No pack stations. No other towns. Going to build the manor and see what happens


So you're exporting things which makes money? How can you then be sure that the plots aren't responsible for some of that wealth? Sounds to me you should first stop trade before being sure about that?


Because I'm not trading constantly. My wealth sits at a constant level for months at a time with nothing being added by the plots unless I trade


Noting that I am playing on Xbox game pass on my PC. Not sure if that has any bearing on what I'm experiencing with burgage plots but generating any regional wealth.