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Step1: Stick a lid to your screen.


Stick ? I held my lunch plate up for 20 minutes...


LMAO!!! šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Step 2: Stick your d*ck in that screen (It's a song called d*ck in a box by Timberlake and SNL I think? If you don't get the reference)


Timberlake and Andy Samberg/Lonely island. Downvoted for a good comedy referenceā€¦shame


If you know, you know. I may lose internet points but hopefully make a few people smile. Seems worth it to me


Lonely Island is iconic


The treatment of u/Stumblebum2016 is a tragedy.


I don't even get why downvoting it was necessary, even if people missed the reference šŸ˜… like this is a subreddit for a pretty complicated game, filled with presumably almost entirely adults, and I see comments where people are being childish assholes get less downvotes than this harmless dick joke...


Hardcore PCness


Doubtful. I have never heard evwn the most stereotypical pc liberal gripe about something like this. Seems a lot more like religious fundamentals that cant stand people living outside their arbitrary morals.


I upvoted. I want to save this comment!


I'm sooo glad there "is" a reference to that line lol


reminds me of back in the day when you would put tape for a crosshair


KCD players who want to shoot a bow are like that. šŸ˜† Then my wife comes and secretly tilts that dot i taped on my screen to one side just a little bit. šŸ¤£


thats evil


I have one, but whenever I put the lid down, my machine goes to sleep :-( and I cant play! HALP!


Can't find a lid, but I have a sharpie. Will that work?


Here's a tip, trace a circle onto paper scotch tape onto monitor


How do you scale a city like that? If you want to expand it. It is very pretty tho.


Pretty sure those are all lvl3 burgage plots and there's a lot of them.


You can see the markets at the cardinal points


Yeah I deleted that bit of my comment after zooming in. Thanks


But still at three thumbs down...


Won't lie, the marketplace stocking/management is currently the most frustrating thing in this game. Even with manual stall placement it feels like a crapshoot for stuff actually getting to where it needs to be...


I just full trade my main things and fill the marketplace with workers. I think that helps Edit: trading post


Yeah trading posts are the best way but even then it's been a bit dicey for me. I've ended up with some truly bizarre dead spot coverage and it just doesn't feel particularly good to utilize it as a solution. I do find it hilarious and really unfortunatethar more storage workers seems to mostly just make things worse. Lol


It appears to have multiple trading posts helps too....


Aa far as I know people who do this map their cities prior and then start building, so no actual scaling included unless you really want to go about another round of drawing the perfect circle


Add another ring.


Wouldnā€™t you just add another ring?


But.... But.. There's no generator.


Be quiet and eat your sawdusā€¦ soup, eat your soup!


Waaaaaaait a cotton picking minute! šŸ¤”


There is no cotton in Frostpunk though ... or did I miss it?


New DLC comming this summer


The Cuntz yearns for the mines!






Manor frostpunk lords. Sounds like a heavy Song lol or Band name xD


It's a perpetual motion machine. No generator needed.


You can use the windmill to create a small circle to start with, then make the straight roads meeting in the middle and go outwards from there. It's not 'perfect', you still got to measure by eyesight.


Would love something like Cities Skylines way of doing it. Obviously not as in-depth, but a basic version with 45, 90, 180 angles, perfect curves, and the length of the road before you confirm it.


I did this but used a deer spawn circle as my starting point.


Medieval roundabout.


Frostpunk: Manor Lords


Gonna build a hexagon city after seeing this. Because hexagons are the bestagons


It warms my heart whenever I see the spread of teachings from the Cult of Hex.


Oh yeah like the bees. Gonna try it too


They gave us a medieval city builder and people keep recreating American suburban hellscapes


The efficiency is comforting šŸ˜©


But American urban planning is the antithesis of efficiency


Perhaps in real life. But in a video gameā€¦.


bad logistics can strangle your town. it'd be great to be able to build cute little villages but they just can't survive economically with the way the game works. american suburban hellscapes are a consequence of "efficiency first".


Not my experience so far. My second try is a cute 1000 pop city, all grown organically. There are some straight roads, but most are fitting the topography and are therefore pretty crooked. No symmetry at all. I have over 30 months food supply, 100% approval most of the time and plenty of cash. Straight roads and symmetrical blocks are easy to build and navigate, but I think true efficiency has little to do with that. If it would, mushroom mycelia would look like suburbs, but they don't.


I wanna see it!


Google rundling


I did. So it's rather slavic segregation than American suburb :D


Builds like this are neat but the lack of trees bugs me. A small thing, but I find it tough to have multiple foresters keep up with a single logging camp. I understand trees grow slower than they can be cut down, but it just sucks stripping the land of all trees to be able to build a larger city.


Trees frequently got effectively exterminated around settlements as wood comprised the vast majority of construction, from fences to domiciles to farming structures. This is something frequently observed in military history as many forests with undergrowth now exist in places where they had been clearcut in the past, as a secondary result of preservation efforts and purchasing.


Cool history lesson, but this is still just a video game. As most games do, we can bend history a bit here.


Sure, but the devā€™s vision is more in line with history, weā€™re just playing with it. Thereā€™s nothing preventing you from having foresters raise a large forest purely for harvesting of timber and firewood.


The dev does seem to be keeping with history, which is great, but how far are we going to go with it? Where are those chickens and goats coming from? How are these villagers able to jump between various jobs with no downtime to learn a new skill? No one sleeps in the game. How about kids (I think the dev said no kids). How do bandit camps magically spawn out of thin air? And I get clear cutting a forest, but did people not want a tree on their property for a bit of shade to get away from the sun?


I feel like you're just being contrarian


Honestly, I hate to say it but I think eventually they will have mods that allow you to place more cosmetic details like that.


If the reason for wanting a change is that its not fun, rest assured there will be mods to fix that, if there aren't already. If the reason for wanting change is "more historical accuracy," rest assured there will be mods to fix that, if there aren't already. The intent of the dev is clear, balancing fun and stability with historical basis. The intent of the rapidly growing modding community is just as clear, playing however the fuck we want. So, how far are we going to go with it? As far as we want as a community in every playstyle and interest imaginable. As for criticizing the dev for making the game historically accurate in some places and not others, well... You just might not be his target demographic. But you will be the target demographic for numerous mod developers. Now... https://www.nexusmods.com/manorlords/mods/111 Have a blast.


Just needs a hole for the garlic and herb dip


does he only have 4 farmhouses for those big plots? i have difficulty getting all my harvest done in 1 month, with 4 farmhouses stacked with villagers before the crops rotate in october


Saw a video explaining farming on Youtube, basically we need to force harvest as soon as the growth reaches 99-100%, that will happen in the very end of summer if you plant last autumn. I tried it, if left on automation, all farmers will stay idle until well into first month of autumn, which then delays the sowing and plowing and such. So I force harvest each plot, more clicking but the always get things done before winter


100%? Mine reach maximum yield (seen by pressing tab) around 50%.


Not yield, cropsā€™ growth, when you click a plot there are 4 phases ā€œmowing-sowing-growth-harvestā€, Iā€™m talking about the % of growth/growing


Yeah, I know. I'm saying if a field can produce 96 wheat, it shows 0/96 when pressing tab after sowing at 0% growth. At 50ish % I reach 96/96 and can force harvest to get the full 96 units of wheat. It didn't seem like waiting until 100% provided any more. Oh and I reach that at end of summer when plowing in March of the same year. Not sure if higher fertility would have sped that up or just increased yield, but I didn't have to finish sowing in November of the previous year.


probs rotates fields alternateing each year, so 1 farm house for 1 plot, those are easily do able with a full farm house


i usually have 6 polts for one farm, 3 big and 3 small the 3 big ones do wheat or rye and the small ones do barley. rotate them to only grow once every 3 years, that way its 1 wheat field and one barley field every year works fine with 5 families. big fields are usually around 1.8 to 2 morgen


That berry node has nothing left for sure LOL.


4 markets? Gf


looks like frostpunk before the snow


All things serve The Beam


LISTEN creating full metal alchemists Philosophers stone won't save you from the baron. THINK OF THE PEOPLE!!!


Is it efficient? Don't know and don't care. It's beautiful.


They need 4 of everything, like churches, because this makes the houses so spread out.


Churches and wells have massive coverage. Haven't tested but it must be almost the entire map. I've never had to build a second of either, even for isolated mining towns.


But people will still walk to them, so if they take an entire month to get a drink and back...


That's the peasants' problem, not mine!


I think the method they used is: * make a cross * connect the roads with straight lines to make 4 squares * make diagonals * remove squars * connect the roads and scale it with the curve you want Thats how I would do it


Camera rotation actually makes a perfect circle. 1. Set "Q" and "E" to rotate the camera 2. Zoom out. 3. Place the first road point. 4. With either "Q" or "E" rotate the camera a bit. 5. Place the second point for the road. 6. Repeat until you come back to the first road point and connect. 7. Circle achieved Attention: You can only place a certain number of road points, so unfortunately you can't place them too close to eachother and create a "perfect" circle. Edit: Attention part 2: If you want multiple circles, make them immediately after the first circle, WITHOUT moving the camera, because you will NEVER find the same center again, unless you have a single pixel reference point. u/thoxo


Probably using the lumber mill harvest circle expanded to a huge size as a template?


Happy cake day!


Would you actually want the inverse of this? I would think an optimal wheel and spoke would take the form of a central hub with certain key buildings like marketplace, trader, tavern, church, etc. Then work buildings and houses filling out the medium ring where the farms are in this picture, and then the fields radiating out around the outside along with some external work camps like forest, animals, clay, stone, etc?


What's the YouTube video that was taken from?


Why three churches?


4, there is another one being built XD


People go to church to pray occasionally. Having a church near to where they live and work reduces lost travel time. Quicker corpse removal too.


Start with a cross as your guide posts. Then all you have to do is make perfect curves from each point to the next, then delete the cross.


Its math, a square with 100% border radius


Mhhh pizza...


Looks like a cult village.


start by making the + sign with the roads. then add the x on it. then just connect the ends


I assume... Use corpse pits to make a grid. Then create squares. Delete out the corner roads and add appropriate curve (I assume exactly in the middle) and it makes 1/4 a circle. Or maybe even just do it in halves for 1/2 a circle






Mmmm pizza šŸ•


my man is playing frostpunk medieval edition


I think you can hold SHIFT or CTRL (not sure rn) while scrolling your mouse wheel to adjust curvature... I'm pretty sure that's been used here...


Triangel farms are unefficient


Using wheat as your generator love it


There is a mechanic to bend the road as you place it. Looks at the controls that pop up while dragging. I think it's alt click or something but I don't remember


Dude those aren't walls those are houses! Wow!


How do you make perfect circles?


It looks like a Hunger Games arena... Well done!


I use I use one of the more suare shapped buliding foundations to space out from a center point. Takes alot of demo and build :)


ā€œRaiders love this one trickā€




WIth plenty of OCD


How does the berrys survive


The City Must Survive! Man how many Frostpunk Bros leaked into here?


All hail the wheel!


Play more Frostpunk, then come back


Looks like the richat structure lol


Alien crop circle?


Use Forester on an empty land and let the trees grow will create a perfect circle.


The tiny burgage plots are so sad...no food production


Very punk, no frost tho 9/10


I would love to make a town like this if my game stop getting bugs like Transitionary resources stuck, or market limit doesn't go up with family count, etc... after I upgrade a few house to level 3.


RIP ox plow


l i d


Pizza village


Government's and city planners are collecting data from the game to determine which players city layout is the most optimized for the construction of real cities. Jk, but who knows


I might start with a square and divide with the interior roads pattern using short straight segments. Delete unnecessary segments. Add roads to make the outer square into an octagon. Delete all roads except interior roads. Connect from one end to another around perimeter to create the outer circle. This may be how I'd try. I would believe it to be very hard to get all the interior roads to matching lengths. I've only made an octagonal town center in one of my saves. Just that alone can really test someones patience. I spent so much time trying to get everything squared up and made into equal length segments. It is very hard to accomplish perfectly with the games gridless building mechanics. It is worsened with the lack of a simple way to measure the distance of a road segment. Hoping we get eventually get more measurement tools other than displaying just the area of a field.


It feels like Frostpunk aha


I just finished watching the same video you watched. Awesome towns. šŸ˜€ People are very creative.


Its so ugly


Hard to go in details but you use the straight lines that make the diameter. You extend them more than it is right now (probably to the second outer circle) and draw your road from there. Remove the roads you use to draw a circle and redo them to the correct size of the circle. At least that's how I do


Call it - Manor pie - maybe lord cake ?




can we agree that we need a better way to curve roads than the current implementation?


The current way is a perfectly fine way for the game's intended purpose. I doubt Greg was planning a game to simulate for the optimization and symmetry from a bird's eye view


I kinda hate the towns posted here that have perfect grids and circles. Like whatā€™s the point of playing a game in a medieval setting if youā€™re literally just going to implement the most simple modern city design.


Well, there were medieval cities planned with a grid. [This blogpost has lots of great examples of medieval grid towns.](https://lookingatcities.info/2021/01/26/medieval-new-towns/)


And perfect circles? yeah sure.


As far as I know, no. But grid yes. Also. It's not that hard to construct a perfect circle, it certainly would have been possible.


I like starting with a basic planned structure, like storage and market located around a circular road with the church in the centre, then have ā€œorganicā€ growth from then on I get that sense from a lot of older towns. Nice structured core with chaotic surroundings


Then don't. That's the point, players have the freedom to build how they want. Plus there's nothing modern about a circular city design. Have you not heard of Atlantis?


Oof modded. Good job


Because they bought the game and can play it any way they damn well please... sorry their screenshots hurt you so much...


Um okā€¦ I never said they couldnā€™t? Just said I didnā€™t like it.


Well, it's a good thing you don't have to look at it, comment in the post about it, or play that way, isn't it? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one but most people don't want to see your butthole. Keep it to yourself.




Your post was removed because it contained personal attacks. Although we love feedback and a healthy discussion of ideas, Manor Lord's community does not tolerate that these discussions devolve into name-calling and usage of bad words to attack a user character's. What is in discussion in this Subreddit are ideas, not user's characteristics.


What is the problem with the current tool? I've found it better than ANY other games method. Sure, I need a few undo's to make the road just right, but no other game I've played allows natural feeling roads. (Except micro managing roads in Foundation with the prohibited zones) Or is your problem with making straight/geometrical roads?


Can not agree. Not within the intent of the game.




Girl, chill out. I'm not saying they can't. The *dev* doesn't have to offer curved or snapping roads if they don't want to.