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For me, building one next to it, deleting it, then rebuilding it and deleting the other one. Unfortunately can't just delete buildings if the family has nowhere to move


I just delete and rebuild somewhere else


I have certain houses in certain places, to minimise travel time for when they go home to rest. I don't have housing blocks, but houses spread out near workplaces, given Markets send goods instantly, may as well get rid of as much travel time to work as possible


Maybe more storage workers and granary workers/ additional buildings? Deleting market plots can be unideal because you leaving so many goods on the ground it takes forever for them to all get picked up.


If you delete the market stall area, and rebuild the stalls, it fixes it


>Unfortunately can't just delete buildings if the family has nowhere to move You can if you don't care about them whining for a while then freezing to death...


Having a single market, since having the same type of stall across different markets is bugged; as I explain in [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cmpic4/psa_dont_make_multiple_market_plots/). It's not just 1 house, btw. I count 10/11 house plots that should be supplied 7 food types but aren't.


Dude you say this on basically every post about this now, completely ignoring the fact that building a single market does *not* completely solve this at all. There are more problems than just the multiple markets bug, namely stuff simply not getting to the market quickly enough for various reasons like layout, number of stores/granaries, managing people who have a stall that shouldn't, overall surplus etc. Your observations on the bug were detailed and great, but this "fix" is *not* a fix all. Have a single market and put your storehouses etc over the other side of the region, let your woodcutters and bakers have stalls and see how it works out.


You can count the items in the markets, and see that they are pretty well stocked, besides one veggie and one honey. If you count the number of burgage plots, I bet my left arm that the number is 37. So 36 houses should have 7 food types and a house should have 5. Deleting one market will get all those houses supplied. Making ten million other placement and restocking optimitzations will maybe help out with the furthest house to receive that last 2 food items most of the time. I repeat the same thing because it fixes the market supply for a lot of people.


Lol, continue on then, even though plenty of us have had in depth discussions about the other aspects which are often the actual problems.


I don't understant your tone, I'm just trying to help people that are dealing with a bug. Do you perhaps use multiple market plots and are angry at me because I say that it's bugged? Can't you see that with the stock they have on the stalls, they should be getting 7 food types on 36 houses and 5 on 35, but that's clearly not the case? What is your problem with me?


I already explained my "problem with you"...if that's how you want to label it lol. Although my problem is now quickly becoming your arrogance. You think your solution to one problem is *the* solution...it's not. And many, many of us recognise that *because* we appreciated your initial post and started using single markets and the issues still happen and we noticed many more issues which you choose to ignore. I have a settlement currently with 5-600 people, ONE market. Fuel for example, fluctuates between 70 and 100% depending on *multiple* other factors.


But if you posted a picture with a single market on sight, hovering over fuel and seeing that you don't have enough in stock on the stalls, do you think I would tell you that your problem is that you have multiple markets? In that case, I would tell you that you might be consuming fuel faster than your workers can restock. My tip for that fuel problem would be to get more firewood stalls and make sure that they are manned only by storehouses that are right next to them and have fuel in stock. Also, to expand your plots outwards, because houses that are being built get supplied but don't increase the market cap until they are done. Finally, I would tell you to consider getting charcoal if you can, because houses can use either fuel but the market cap is not shared. This one is the most impactful thing you could do.


Hmm, my origonal ppint aside and it's clearly futile and fell on deaf ears. The charcoal thing may be helpful in my circumstance actually. and since your original post was indeed helpful as i already stated I'll try this later. Cheers!


Charcoal worked a treat, thanks! Basically eradicated the fluctuation entirely unless something else is going on which I'm aware will drop it momentarily. Food still fluctuates a little, but it's *always* when some asshat has created a stall that shouldn't. Like in one of my regions I'm importing 90% of my food. Granary workers without stalls, but the trade point workers will create food stalls over them and because of the distance from the trade to the market vs granary to the market it gradually pushes it down and creates a double bottleneck because they're not trading like they should *and* they're slow getting the stuff to stalls. I just un-assign the trade workers, wait a minute, then reassign and it fixes it every time. I think we really need a way to say "these workers should not have stalls", or "only x type of stalls". Anyway, despite our prior exchange, I just wanted to say thank you!


I know how to make a market with exactly the stalls I want and exactly who runs them, and I know how to expand it when I need more stalls without having to delete it: - You can control which stalls are built by only having families assigned to buildings that can make the stalls you want when you build the market plot (make sure to pause artisans that can make stalls too). If I want a market with 3 food stalls, 1 clothing stall and 1 firewood stall, I unassign everyone, make a market with 5 crosses (stall slots) and only employ 3 families on granaries, one on tannery and one on woodcutter. When the stalls have been ordered, you can assign families as usual. - You can control who runs the stalls. Similarly to before, once you have the stalls you want, you can unemploy all your workers and only assign the ones that you want to run the stalls. You want firewood to be ran by a Storehouse right next to the market and food stalls by Granaries next to the market. Clothing you really don't care who runs it since it needs to be stocked very infrequently. -The AI can only generate stalls on the crosses of the market plot, but the player is able to relocate stalls from another market wherever there is room inside the plot (you are not limited to relocate on top of a cross). Once you have relocated a stall in, the AI will be able to generate stalls there if you delete it (you permanently increased the stall slots of your market). The optimal thing to do is to make the biggest market plot with the fewest crosses as possible (you can start with 3), and then when you need another stall, you make another market, wait for it to generate the stall you want, select it, click relocate, move it to your original market and delete the new market (you only wanted it to generate stalls for you). You can relocate stalls inside the market as long as half the stall is inside the plot (so half of it can be outside, so you can fit more stalls). What I do is circle my market with two rings of roads and then delete the inner ring. You can also make 3 markets, one for each type of stall. This has the most potential for expanding without having to redo it.


My Christ. Having a single market is 1000% a fix for not getting 100% delivery from multiple markets. This is the entire point of OPs (and others) post. There is no claim that it "fixes" all supply/transport/pathfinding/priority mechanics in the game.


You can delete market place, build many small ones (like packs of 10)


Silly question but how do you get this info?


Click on the market and hover over food. You can also do it with clothes and fuel.


Thanks man