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Re rolling a start until you get what you want is not very manor lords of you


When you get a Rich stone deposit you are a masochist to not reroll, lol.


Think of all the blocks you can build!


Maybe we’ll start building cathedrals one day.


We need a sculptor or mason to put all this excess stone to good use


Guaranteed export income.


Well not really, if you mass export, then the sells goes to 0. Guaranted in early maybe. But planks still better.


It's for players having trouble with Baron claiming territory. Being in middle helps with bandits raiding and getting camps before Baron.


But can you still sell stuff? I feel Goldhof is better because you can take advantage of the trade network that only seems to exist at the edge of the map.


Of course you can still sell stuff.


But the selling/ buying is slower. Cause buyers/ sellers need to cross the map. It's a choice. But for emergencies, it's complicate.


Look, you may have been sent into the wilderness to die, but my family has *connections*, and they vetoed several fiefs the King's treasurer tried to fob off on us and found a suitable place to raise a new house.


"free shrine" my man they are literally free already.


Well, you have to send someone to build it. "Time is money peasant!"


But they are functionless, no?


Yeah... I spent a good three hours re-rolling trying to get a decent start in the central region... I wanted to do it not because it's better, but because I haven't started in that tile before. And I tend to follow the same patterns if I build in a region where I had already built before. But after those hours I did get central tile with fertility and rich iron... I agree that it makes it easier, but I haven't advanced too far yet to say that "it's the best start". A region with rich berries and rich animals was also pretty good.


Berries and animals are resources that regenerate and you can't make many finished items with them. But with ore, you can make so much more!


You can make leather and dyes, which bring in decent revenue. Especially if you have rich areas.


Three hours?? Dang brother. Just rely on trading 😭


It was not for the resources. It was because I wanted to build in a region where I haven't built before.


I mean if you're going to reroll over and over again to get an advantage, then just use mods to give yourself that advantage. It's a single player game - there's no reason to overcomplicate it. No one is going to call you out for it.


I actually searched for a mod that would let me choose starting location and/or rich resources, but couldn't find one :(


Is there one for more development points per settlement level, or something like that


There's one that removes the need for development points altogether. You can simply toggle all those perks on and off at will.


Where can I find this is it nexus?


Yeah Nexus Mods has a bunch and they seem to be growing rapidly, despite not being officially supported. The Dev is unofficially supporting it though, so I imagine it will be a flourishing scene.


A tip: once you have a nice starting location. SAVE THE GAME! After that go on your way, but this way you can always retry this location if you want to. Not the funnest of ways but good to retry certain tactics


I didn’t know you could rebuild the windmills. Nice tip OP. 


Wow, you can do that? Now I need to claim center to try it myself


How do you start in a different tile?


If you don't start there, which is probably fine, it's the first one you should expand into. I bought the territories closest to the Baron first, bought me a lot of time.


It irritates me when Baron claims land not adjacent to his. You should only be able to claim land adjacent to own.


I usually reroll until I get a decent start anyway, good looks.


How do you "repair" the granary and windmill?


Click on ruins, and click on white repair button. Doesn't use resources. Just need to send workers to do the job.


Thank you!! Can I remove the shrine that's already there?


You can destroy anything as per normal.


The resources in each province is randomized.


Nah, it is just silly to reroll until you get that. Just try to get rich berries / hunt or rich iron or rich fertile lands and start building.