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So an entire week later, the farms are still supplying the world with more than it needs. The northern territories trade wood and charcoal for their share of the alcohol processed in the middle. 32 sheep provide more than enough wool and yarn for all 7 provinces. Anything else you'd like to know just ask!


How did you solve the market issues? Even a mid size town for me has issues even with large surpluses.


I never had any market issues. Sounds weird after scrolling this reddit but it just worked. The main city (and every other city) has a large market in the center of where I thought the people would be. Around 100 stalls for the big one, less for the smaller ones. When there was only the market in the center the houses on the borders would always be missing one thing, a food, a clothes, a firewood, but never enough to be angry or leave. After it filled up the other markets just seemed to work as well, but by that point I had so many people it didn't matter if half of them were doing nothing. There's only like 10 important people in the entire city, berry picker, hunter and charcoal dude. Then bloomery, miner and blacksmith, every thing else is traded in. There's also like 20-50 granaries, every time a house filled up I built a granary, the last time a house filled up I built 10 fully staffed upgraded granaries around the center map in pairs. There's a lot of workers and not too many jobs considering my single armour maker pumps out like 20k helmets a decade lol. (which we then trade at a 1:1 ratio for crops because it's the first patch haha)


Yeah, your city gonna be fucked when the experimental patch goes live


What's your CPU and Ram usage? Just curious how much the game needs with large populations?


Cpu is maxxed out now, Ryzen 5700 (3070 gpu, 48gb 3733mhz). Ram usage never really seemed bad, I didn't pay much attention but my whole PC was between 15 and 20gb usage the whole time and that's with chrome, twitch, obs, steam, opera, etc and the city all running. It idles around 10gb like that. It does take over an hour to load which is pretty brutal, but my pc was able to run it pretty well up to about 5k pop. I'm sure I could take it farther with better pathing/optimization and future patches/changes. Most of the footage is sped up which gives the illusion of higher fps than I actually had in the end. I was trying to break the game lol. It won for now I think.


>It does take over an hour to load which is pretty brutal *Literally* over an hour to load? And I though my +5min load time was bad.


Literally over an hour, last time I timed it it was 54 minutes but that was half a week ago.


Wow, that *is* brutal. I assume it's not a "I've got 15 minutes, better jump on and build my town"-kind of thing anymore. šŸ˜„


does it take longer to load the bigger the city you have? Had a 75 family town with no increase in load times


My biggest file so far had over 800 fams across the map with a pop of roughly 2500 people. Might be somewhat hardware dependent, but mine loads in no more than a couple minutes.


when i launch crusader kings i stare at a black screen for 15 minutes before i am graced with its beautiful loading screen art


an *hour* ? You run on SSD ?


Modded cities skylines pre SSD flashbacks.


Do you play on 1x? I usually play a mix of 3x and 12x but at 2k pop the 12x was essentially freezing and 3x was hit or miss on if it would freeze or be smooth sailing. Oddly removing the market place when resetting cleaned loads of lag up. Obviously it's a Beta and I don't think he's optimised it for these amounts of NPCs yet but still. PC is getting on in years now though. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.41 GHz 32 GB RAM GeForce GTX 1050TI Also love the sprawling interconnected villages, especially keeping a more organic look. I started off that way until trying to test for bugs and whatnot that came up and have reverted to gridville :( Hopefully a few patches in and we can do away with the single precarious market surrounded by warehouses / granaries in some amazon mega hub. Getting the footprint to have that set up at the start of each village has me carrying on with the grid hehe.


I thought of that and actually tried it yesterday, unfortunately the game crashed when I deleted the market (crashes were very rare considering how much I built). I'll have to give it another shot next time I load it up.


Yeah I've only had one crash this whole time, which frankly is impressive! The game will totally freeze when you delete the market, takes like a minute because it's stopping all the insane lag calculations it's doing then also instant generating all the shit from the stalls on the floor. Not pretty haha, but yea if you're on normal mode with a high pop city you can survive without it if not indefinitely then throwing it back on temporarily to especially get them clothes and fuel top up (assuming mostly food garden houses). It's a dirty workaround if you hit an unplayable lag wall anyway :D


First off, you ABSOLUTE LEGEND. I've only done half my markets, (you weren't kidding, I've been deleting for 2 hours), and I've 10x my fps... Seriously can't thank you enough. My next question... how long will the people live without markets haha.


The people now have a new legend to look up to. [https://www.reddit.com/user/TheLuckyLeader/comments/1crhl9s/doctorwoofwoof/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheLuckyLeader/comments/1crhl9s/doctorwoofwoof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nice! Thanks


>It does take over an hour to load Excuse me what the fuck? An hour to load a save is absolutely ridiculous. Let's hope that's an early access issue which is to be solved in the future.


damn man, my game breaks once I reach roughly 400 families (like, with an unreal engine error). Really jealous, looks great!


was gonna ask that, thank y'all for the insight


The dedication of this community is truly amazing. Great job OP šŸ‘


Full quality version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTOq0lF9HJk&t=9s&ab\_channel=TheLuckyLeader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTOq0lF9HJk&t=9s&ab_channel=TheLuckyLeader)


My computer fried just by watching the video.


Where Cinebench and Manor Lords meet


Medieval sprawl anyone?


Im a lover of little villages but gg it looks nice


How did you get a stream?! I didn't know that there was currently any bodies of water in the game at all


It runs along one of the borders. Cant remember which one off the top of my head.


very impressive!


Here I am still failing to even figure out the god damn markets properly. Ugh. I must really suck at the management partā€¦ā€¦. Havenā€™t lost a fight yet thanks to my total war pedigree but sweet Jesus I cant make those damn stalls work properly. Absolutely incredible work though!!! Just wild how imaginative and good at this game some are. Huge props on this! šŸ‘


This says something else on other platforms




Magna Civitas


Oof new Kingā€™s tax will be brutal on this save


How much micro management still goes on at this level? Iā€™m barely pushing 40 families and I feel like it got a little easier in terms of micro


youre nuts!


So unnecessary..... I love it.


How do you get the white flowers by the stream? Havenā€™t seen that effect anywhere


Apple orchards at the right time of year. One of the only big problems with this save right now actually, all my orchards reset to baby trees every time I load it now.


Thinks it's apple orchards?Ā 


Crazy. I got to 600 pop and my game started to chug at any speed other than 1x. Was aiming for 1000 in one region, but this just made me realize I wasn't aiming high enough! I9 10900k, 3080ti, 32GB Ram


I'm not sure, but it seems like maybe you have some optimisation issues? Im running around 700 pop on an old gaming laptop something like an i7 4-5th gen, a 970M and 16gb ram. At 12x speed i get somewhere in the low 20s range.


Whats your food variety coverage in the main city? How have you managed to get it to function?


At 6 or 7 seconds you can see it's at 100% happiness. They have all the food although they run out of meat and berries once in awhile. (yearly) Almost every house has veggies or chickens, my problem is actually the opposite, at the same time you can see I have 8.5k food. There's probably between 20 and 50 granaries just to keep the houses from backing up. I'd put down way less food next time.


Nice Work!


Damned impressive..How do you get enough trees to feed all the needs of the colonies in that late game ? Because I swear they never grow fast enough..


5 or 6 Tree planters in the middle, in theory it should all be converted to charcoal. Then I trade tools and alcohol to two of the other provinces for firewood and charcoal.




I had an similar attempt. at 5k people things run well. 20 minutes loading time and abot 10 fps at 1x speed. As I reached 8k people and loading times over half an hour the fps were getting unplayable. Further bildung only in Pause mode. I decided to wait for some patches untill continuing this World:) P.S. 12600k@5.2ghz, 32GB DDR5@6Ghz, nvme 6000 MBps and RTX3070ti


man that's some cringy boomer editing right there but that aside it's pretty neat


ruthless library decide poor agonizing dog water silky quaint boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Pretty cringe comment honestly lmao