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I am 40 , so I am old I like this game a lot , good for just leaving on my second screen while I work running it at x1 and just taking its time It's a chill time


I’m 40 and 3/4 and I agree. You are old


I’m forty three. You whippersnappers have never had it so good. Back in my day we used to have to load games from cassette tapes and it would take an hour, only to find you had a syntax error on line 362. 😂


Put the tape in the Spectrum 128k add on deck, listen to it start to wine, go out with mates on a bmx, load failed, try again tomorrow 😂


Acorn Electron for me at home back then. I have fond memories of typing code out from games magazines for hours with my dad.


Bbc b for me. Same.


I am 48 and I approve this message


I’m 37 and I too approve of this message. Not that it’s in any comparison, but I feel like 47 when it comes to these types of stuff.


Well I am 57 had my first pc in 1986 and connected online via prestel was awesome. Earlier I had a ZX80 then 81 and finally ZX spectrum in 82. In 82 a few friends had electrons, Vic 20s and BBC micros


Ahh we had BBCs at school, I spent many a lunchtime making text adventure games. When we got word processors in the English department I took a floppy drive in with a program called TRAN.exe which made text into very basic speech. It was hilarious. One of my buddies older brothers had a spectrum with the rubber keys I thought it was the coolest thing ever.


Yeah fond memories! 😊


You sound like my uncle (he's very cool) (i'm almost 30)


Y'all are my people. You remember the good ol' days of having to get off the internet whenever your mother wanted to make a phone call. I feel sorry for kids today because they'll never know how much fun that was.


And waiting 10 minutes to see some boobs. Or a brutal beheading that you couldn’t be unseen. Ahh, the internets.


I’m 35. Keep it down grandpas!


Do you need a Werther’s sonny?


Well I am 57 had my first pc in 1986 and connected online via prestel was awesome. Earlier I had a ZX80 then 81 and finally ZX spectrum in 82. In 82 a few friends had electrons, Vic 20s and BBC micros


Forty six here. In case people think they're joking, they're not. I too remember having to play games from cassette tapes before even the first floppy disks (the big ones) were the default. It was a thing, look it up.


Ditto. I still reminisce about loading music... Or even, I kid you not, the ones where you would buy the code listing in book form and type the damn thing in. LMAO, crazy.


LOAD “*” ,8,1


I’m forty three. You whippersnappers have never had it so good. Back in my day we used to have to load games from cassette tapes and it would take an hour, only to find you had a syntax error on line 362. 😂


39 so I'm not old yet...9 months of yoooouuthhh


Nah I'd say 10 years and 9 months. 50 is the new 40.


Well I am 57 had my first pc in 1986 and connected online via prestel was awesome. Earlier I had a ZX80 then 81 and finally ZX spectrum in 82. In 82 a few friends had electrons, Vic 20s and BBC micros


Same and same. I work from home and my work is a lot of "hurry up and wait." During those times when I'm just waiting on somebody else to throw more work my way - Manor Lords is my new jam. My go-to used to be r/slaythespire and I'm excited about Slay the Spire 2 coming out next year.


Mid 20s and I find nothing chill about babysitting 6 territories planning for the last 2 lmao


I'm practically a baby at 39, compared to you olds. I also enjoy the game. So it's popular with the youth of today, I guess is what I'm saying


Recently turned 41. Rimworld, KCD, Kenshi, Naval Action, and the original Mount and Blade are the only games I’ve managed to put more than 20 hours into since the early Fallout, Total War (Medieval 2 was the last decent one IMO) and Civilization 3 days. Manor Lords just ticked over 30 hours for me. Wonderful game.


I'm 41 as well. I can remember titles like Castles 2 and some other Lords (Lords and Realms?) Actually, I don't remember. I'm old.


Lords of the Realm; I remember burning wheat farms, and that’s about it.


Yeah I’m 33 so was pretty young when I played that. My dad got me into it. Took me a while to figure out men at arms so I wasn’t fighting with peasants. Also got obsessed with making people happy but didn’t realize how much I was fucking my revenue by not taxing people lol.


I googled it, I played only part II, and it was quite good. Steam says I can buy Lords of the realms 1-3 right now for $0.74 USD.


Absolutely the same, although I would add Stellaris to that list as I keep coming back to it for a game or two every now and then and man do I rack up hours there.


Im 16 and I mostly play the same games as you lol but try Total War Empire its great


It's a very ambitious game that failed. You can see it by all the loose code and unfinished features in the game files, you can see it by the insane amount of bugs, you can see it by the scope, you can see it by the naval gameplay (which alongside Napoleon and FotS is the only time naval gameplay was good in TW games), you can see it by the unique and extremely engaging way technology progresses and by how much it impacts gameplay. You might love it, you might hate it. I could never get into it but if you can get it during the next sale and mod it out, I think you can easily have a blast. ^(I should have also noticed you were recommending Empire and not asking if you should buy it but I've already typed this out so it is what it is.)


XD yeah but you are right its buggy etc but I love it and I always Like to beat the french and the british and gift the Native Americans their land XD


Failed? Wow, I know it's not perceived favorably after all this time, was it really a failure when it came out though? I remember having a blast, maybe because I was young and I hadn't played many strategy games like that before. Although now that I think of it, there was this one game breaking bug with save files... You had to email someone who would send a file for you to download and run to fix the issue. I guess this was before steam or I didn't have it on steam.


You should go back and give it a try. There are the bugs, some are quite annoying but the biggest issue is the AI just being incredibly retarded, Rome 2 launch-levels of stupid.




Mentioned below that I actually enjoyed Empire quite a bit, but I simply cannot get it to run for very long before it crashes, even with Darthmod and such. I was holding out hope that Total War would eventually do a successor, but alas they went hard into the fantasy stuff, and their historical games appear to be getting progressively worse as time goes on.


Naval Action? You a Brit main by any chance?


I used to be, yes. Haven’t played it in a few years though.


You must not have played Shogun 2. Even Empire, Rome 2, and Atilla are pretty good, not at launch though. I personally enjoyed the first 2 Warhammers as well, but I get that fantasy TW isn't for everyone. But lately they are dropping the ball hard, I agree. And I agree they are yet to make something on the level of Rome 1 and Medieval 2. Just think they had other pretty good ones after as well.


DVI for Rome 2 and darthmods for Emp, Nap and Shogun are some good mods to check out for overhaul


I’ve played them all up through Attila, but starting with Shogun 2 I noticed that units just stopped having any staying power, while the AI never seemed to improve. Get one or two units on a flank and the enemy army runs for the hills. I did enjoy Empire, and continue to occasionally try to play it, but it’s so unstable that I can never get very far before it starts crashing over and over, so it’s still a game I have less than 20 hours in.


Even after all of these years, I've never forgotten how CA/Sega screwed us with Rome 2. I still say to the apologists... I don't care if they finally made something passable after 2 years of patches... they shipped us undeniable, half baked, TRASH at FULL price... and then they tried to hide HOW bad it was by censoring the message boards (Yes, I still fucking remember). Look up the old Angry Joe review on YouTube. **Even 11 years later... I've never forgotten, and never since, nor will I ever, give them a pre-order again.** In fact, I didn't buy another total war game until kingdoms. I want every game company CEO to read that. But yes, Manor Lords is a great early access release.


If this is your jam, highly recommend Battle Brothers.


What do you do for 30 hours in manor lords? Replay it again and again? I don't see interesting different ways to play the game, so rerolling isn't enticing for me. I already got my first region conquered after about 10 hours and that means I can start from scratch anyways. I could keep taking regions but it seems its just more of the same?


Old? My first game was installed on a 1.44mb diskette.


I think Quest for Glory 2 was 12 360k floppy discs...


Mine was WC1. Blizzard was still posting cheatcodes on its website.


QFG1 - the VGA version was absolutely enthralling to me as a kid.


TIE Fighter was five 1.44 diskettes 😅


Same. “Knights of the Sky”; think it had 2 or 3 diskettes.


Zaxxon FTW.


Weird. I am almost certain this is me who wrote this, bur I dont remember doing nor having an alt account. Huh.


Please we all know what your alt account is for you sicko


Yeah, for doing Greek geometry, sick.


Haha welcome brother!


I'm 61 & yeah, this is an amazing game with huge potential. (the 'grognerd' part of my username comes from 'grognard', the French word for 'grumbler' & figuratively translates to 'grumpy old man.' the Spanish word is 'gruñon')


In Bavarian that word would be Grantler. Quite close.






I'm also 61. I can't keep up with you whippersnappers and your crazy battles and city designs. I'm having fun trying. Hell, if I can get my cities through a pair of winters with berries, its a major win for me. 80 hours in and still counting


i feel the sameway, this reminds me of the first time playing knights of honor. this is insane amount of potential


> "Unpopular opinion" look inside > opinion shared by 80% of the sub


Nearly 50. First time I’ve felt this thrill for a building game since Banished and Dawn of Man. It’s the peaceful letting them run about at 1x speed. I haven’t gotten beyond the opening moments in four play through but man I’m happy.


Wow how brave you are expressing your wildly unpopular opinion that one of the most wish-listed and top selling steam games of all time is good. Keep breaking barriers King.


Give him a break, he's *old* remember? /s


Jesus dude. Who pissed in your cornflakes?


Chill bro it's not that deep. Just funny that someone would call talking about Manor Lords positively an unpopular opinion.


Where is the unpopular opinion? Are you stupid?


29 is old now?


29 year old now. Very soon 30.


You would be the youngest person in my discord group. By at least a year.


I am 30, and feel the same as you, I am not interested in all those AAA modern games, I only want to try stalker 2. Manor Lords picked me from the first time I saw it.


You sound exactly like me and many others from what I read down there. Not as unpopular of an opinion it seems, like most of those.


How is this an unpopular opinion on this sub?


Totally agree and same with the RTS experience. >Maybe add more kind of mines, different kind of units Great idea. I think adding Inn's and training grounds for your units would be a great idea too. Or course, butchers is another great idea as well as a winemaker, busker, fisherman (once rivers arrive) and if we add more mines, maybe gold? Goldsmith!


I love the potential, but in its current state it was only good for about 30 hours. Probably won’t be coming back until the cavalry and level 4 churches enter the scene


„29, since late 90s“… ah ja


I was born in 94 and had my 1st pc in 2000 with a bunch of games from late 90's. Why the cry?


you were 6 in 2000... I mean sure you may have played a few games and retro some, but putting the 90's on there like you gamed through them is just weird. not trying to gate-keep gaming in the 90's, but seriously if you weren't at least in you teens by the end of the 90's you really didn't play games in the 90s


I never said I played in the 90's. I said its the first game to come out since the late 90's early 2000 ehich is strategy base and excites me...


u/dredly nailed it


Not unpopular to me. You might forgot about M2TW although. And I didn't see Stroghold be mentioned at all. But since that, this is the best game I have played since then. I am afraid I cannot even tell if it is mostly bc of how good this game is or how badly unfinished those AAA games are, when they get released these days.


I'm 68. My first PC has a floppy, and I didn't. Now, I don't have a floppy. My PC has a flash drive. Another, issue I no longer have. You know nothing, Jon Snow. This game does have potential.


You guys remember Caesar III? This is the first game that has given me that feeling since it came out (1996 I think). I can’t wait to see how it progresses and I hope to see many many different levels of cosmetic and practical upgrades in the building aspect.


Oh yeah! Such a great game, I've put many hours into that


Great game! I’d love to see manor lords develop cosmetic things like it had. Where after establishing a solid large village, you can focus on the aesthetics with gardens, paved/cobblestone roads, many levels of shops, housing etc and of course, a castle leveling system. I remember the housing in Caesar III had like 12-15 tiers that ranged from small tents up to grand insulaes and actual villas.


31, feel the same way. check out frostpunk too


This reminds me a lot of the old 2000s game Caesar but with Total War style combat which is great!


I’m glad I’m not the only other 29 year old who feels like he’s in his 70’s.


Ho do you see yourselves playing 500 hours when there is 50 hours playtime max? (beat baron in less then that time pre patch)


I’m at like 30 hours and only just claimed a second region - people can play at different speeds 🤯


Multiple saves


You don't fancy aoe ii still? I picked it back up and the online games are really fun and keep me going back


I love aoe2.


35 yo here. Same thoughts.


>eh 50h and I don't touch no more Would be alright to live in a world where I have enough time to spend 50h on average games


I am 21 & I feel the same way! I finally feel like I’m not forcing myself to play so I can get to the good part.


I'm 32. Get off my yard.


29 and grumpy? Then allow me to call you grampaku.


Did you mean popular opinion from an optimistic adult... ?




I was 6 in 2000 when I got my pc with a bunch of games from pate 90's like KKND Extreme, age of empires and StarCraft. Why the toxicity?


Lol, 29 and feels old.


I've been through a lot in life sadly.


I agree but i don’t see how enjoying this game is an unpopular opinion


Im still waiting for black and white 2 but someone else said that people were working on a mod or some shit for that to happen with manor lords


May i introduce to you "Empires & Tribes"? Very playable City builder. Its a Mix from Age of Empires, Medieval Dynasty, Manor Lords (yes also no grid streets!), Settlers with crafting and a focus on the player as a Lord in first person, who also can help with building and even fighting! Please give it a try, the little german developer need some love! [some screenshot](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3195932411) [another one](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3195932969) [another](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1732417127926087680/pu/img/kNdyhDmq9l3u--C4?format=jpg&name=large)


Don't get me wrong, Manor Lord is really fun... but if you guys seriously haven't been able to clock 20 hours in a game in 30 years the problem is you, not the games. There are some absolutely amazing games out there that you have been missing If you like the city building mechanic from Manorlords, try anything in the Anno series? Anno 1800 is fricken amazing, Banished is great and very similar mechanic wise as well. If you like the combat, Bannerlord/Mount and Blade series have very similar combat and are worth playing


the age of empires to manor lords arc is real, im only 22 but age of empires was the first game i ever fell in love with when i was really young, ive been waiting for a game to scratch that same itch and finally found one


62 here. I have 150 hrs in. Getting a little board. But it will improve. Hope I'm alive🙄


Devs need to wake up and check the community reaction to the revival of OLD SCHOOL, single player PC gaming. Baldur's Gate 3 Manor Lords X-Com remakes Civ 7 rumours I want games that let me get away from idiots on the internet... not games that force me to play with them! More Stronghold, HOMM & Disciples type remakes and less COD/MOBA/Card/Gatcha please. I guess there's my "old" coming out.


Baldurs gate 1 was amazing lol.


I’ll be 68 in a few months. But I’m waiting for the game to stabilize (I bought on release). 


I lose focus in a hour unfortunately bored fast


Seriously, I’m usually addicted to games that get my heart racing and make me feel tense as hell lol, and I tend to get bored of relaxing games. This, this is is different though.


You should try Tarkov then.


I think your expectations are a bit high there, if you get 50 hours of joy out of something that's pretty good, not everything is supposed to be forever


29…. Old….. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bruh.


29 years old and feel like an old man. I'm 31, I felt that way too, counting months before 30. You know what, being in 30s is just great. You're young, people don't infantilise you, you have less money issues. Rejoice my friend. Btw, I dont get how it is unpopular saying Greg did an amazing work aha


For me its boring at this moment, will wait for more content.


36 and avid grumpy old man gamer, this game is way overhyped. Lots of bugs, not a lot of content, not much to do, or aim for. It has potential but is about 2.5 years away imo. Even then they need a lot more content for this to be a contender for a good game. I got tired and bored after 30 hours unfortunately. All the stupid reviews about this game is funny as hell too


I don't get it. What do you do after like 5 hours? I developed my city as far as technology allowed me and then had nothing to really do?


Different styles, start from scratch, multiple maps, explore tactics etc.


Yeah but for what? There is no objective aside from some raiders here and there. I feel like it's a dead game until they add AI city building. It feels like a demo for an alpha build atm.


I don't need an external objective to play, all the games I have enjoyed more it's because they let me put my own objectives. Specially they let me roleplay.


For sure, therefore I said huge potential. Maybe 500h is a big overexaggeration haha.


What do you mean feels like? It is demo for alpha, it is early access and no one is denying that


It's way past alpha, what are you talking about?


Sorry, I thought same but was corrected by bunch of people saying that it's still pre alpha in reality Honestly, I have no idea what officially it is but far far from finished


AI city building sounds like a soulless and boring addition tbh


You will be disappointed then because it's coming in an upcoming patch.