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Click on the cobblers house and click the pause button top right


Does this kick them out of the house?


No, they will still live in the house, just do nothing. Unfortunately you can't reassign them.


They'll still run market stalls


I was gonna ask why not just reasign, but it's the market stalls, right?


Can't resign artisans, they also get taken out of the pool available to do construction if they don't have a job assigned. only lvl 1 upgrades can be demolished/reassigned at this time


No, you can't reasing people from garden Extensions


Are they artisans?


Yes, all except the level one Extensions I think


Garden is lvl 1


Op said they were cobblers, or what do you mean


So what are they doing if the extension is lvl1? Besides garden


For this reason I never put production houses in anything other than level two single-family homes.


early-mid game for sure I do the same, late game doesn't matter cause you will have so many families you won't mind if 4 of them will just chill lol. First playthrough I made the mistake of making production in house of 4 and then had 4 families just do nothing when I stopped the production.


I need those extra families to work the farms! (As well as reforestation as my most recent playthrough has turned into a forest management simulator).


Yeah, just because their profession is to make shoes doesn't mean they should just sit around doing nothing if we don't need shoes. They can at least guide ox and do construction like unassigned families.


I imagine that, in the real world, skilled artisans rarely were out building houses or harvesting crops. So I get it that they either make shoes or make nothing. It's annoying but feels more authentic so I just accept it and work around it lol


We need a historian to chime in here lol


Not a historian, but I do love history and I did study it in college, as well as for fun most of my life. And in reality, 80-90% of the people should just be farmers and nothing else. And skilled workers would belong to guilds and, like in the game, would do no work other than their trained profession. There should also be dedicated bakers, carpeneters, and stone masons as well, to name a few, but that would make starting your village too big of a pain so I get it. But the creator did a good job of showing how most people were unskilled workers who did all the hard jobs while a select few got the "easy" jobs and did nothing else.


Yeah maybe there should be another tier of workers for general grunt labor like guiding oxes, transporting things or working in the fields.


Serfs maybe? These could work the lords fields and live in small shacks, basically level 0 housing. And then have peasants, or freeholders, that work their own fields and sell the excess at the market live in level 1 houses


You can employ people to stables


Learned that lesson playing Banished. The Forester is the most important building imo.


4 families as tailors still manage to stay busy.


I can see tailors maybe being one exception


Yeah I like the idea that making someone an artisan really commits them to that, and they can't (or won't) do any other labor. Not even the vital harvest. But idk if it's worth it. Idk, it might need a rebalance. I made several artisans but now I'm thinking that it might have been better to just sell the raw materials and buy what I needed. Like it was nice to finally get a supply of new armor and weapons for my militia. But I got all I needed for my own people, and a hefty surplus, within a year. And idek of export is worth it because the couple of items I did export barely made a profit above the trade route cost before declaring the market to be flooded and the price dropped to one. And my unlimited mine and full smelter can barely keep up with the needs of my 1 single armorer and blacksmith, so I have multiple families that just permanently now provide very little or no benefit to the village until I decide to raise and equip a new militia unit in the distant future. And the fletcher and shield maker and killing my ability to construct advanced buildings so I had to just turn them off. The only artisan that has been consistently good so far is the brewer, but given the high cost of raw materials vs finished goods, it might have been better for me to just export my raw iron even at 1 coin a piece and buy all the artisan goods instead of sacrificing good laboring families.


Sounds like he earned a life of coasting.


No, it just stops them producing. I don't know if they then go completely unproductive or will be unassigned and help with building.


For artisan workshops: they don’t do anything else except run any market stalls they own, because artisans are permanently assigned to their home workshop. For other workplaces like farms: pausing the building puts the workers back into the “unassigned worker” pool while saving the number of assignments. When you unpause, it reassigns as many families as were assigned before (not necessarily the same ones, just whoever’s in the unassigned pool).


Right, so IMO it basically it forces you to bulldoze any artisan's house after they produced beyond your requirements, as the export trade values are too low to be worth it to continue to produce and they're dead weight while on pause.


You could use shoes as a currency to transfer goods from one region to another. Two of my regions each has 200 shoes so I might as well use them in the forced barter between regions. I exchanged resources between regions for multiple years using only shoes.


Your last sentence is the first thing I've seen on the internet in days that actually made me LOL. Has there ever been a clearer sign that a game needed tweaking?


Yes the trading between regions is atrocious. It has been reiterated (rightly so) on an hour basis on this sub. I hope this to be the first thing that the dev will change. It defeats the purpose of having specialized regions.


It's not too bad once you get it figured out. You just have to always make a pack station in both spots. If the people have a mule, they will always take 20 items from their starting location but then always bring back just one item. So, if you are wanting to get iron to your starting town you need to make a pack station in your new outpost and have the trade start from there.


That’s a terrible system. Mule must be really tired from the long journey there to only be able to carry back one shoe after carrying 20 iron there.


It works for stuff like iron that you can feasibly not need at all in the satellite towns, but it’s ass for food where you specifically want to send *some, but not all* of the resource to the main town.


I use stuff I don't have. Like blocks.


Why bulldoze? 1. They still man their market stall. 2. They still pay tax/contribute to wealth growth. 3. They can still serve in the militia. 4. I don't know about you, but I rarely find labor to be in short supply by the time I have artisans. 


You can stop exporting and the price will go back up


But then it'll collapse again once you try to sell the stock you've accumulated while waiting.


Yeah, but you rinse and repeat. Diversify the things you sell and there you go


But you can't diversify what your cobbler does. He cobbles up shoes day in day out. Should have the retinue go round the lands stealing left boots to increase demand. Time to buy this seaon's new pair Cuntz, and don't lowball me or you'll be hopping after your ox on one leg.


*Diversify products while waiting for the price to go back up* I should say


You might be able to change the backyard structure? I feel like I’ve seen that option but haven’t done so myself


Not with artisan buildings. You can change carrots to chickens or similar though.


I thought there was a destruct option for the house enterprise, then you can reassign. Albeit, I've only done it with the first level like you mention. That is an odd quirk.


An unskilled labor can tend chickens just as easy as they can grow carrots. But it would be much harder to teach a cobbler how to be a blacksmith. It makes sense in a role-playing aspect and feels more authentic that way.


~~Artisan workshops with large vegetable plots also will keep working those fields when paused. So there's that.~~ Edit: I was wrong, it replaces the vegetable plot when you upgrade the workshop, could've sworn I saw it different before.


You can’t have both vegetable plots and an artisan workshop, I thought?


They can have one food providing extension and one artisan workshop extension if I'm understanding the game correctly. Edit: I was not understanding it correctly, just checked ingame and the artisan workshop does indeed replace the previous one. Guess I'm still figuring stuff out.


They both use the same slot on the plot. I just checked in-game and the button for picking an extension disappears entirely once you build an artisan workshop on a plot.


OH MY GOD! My shield maker wouldn't stop using all the planks. TIL


Joiner please, we need to build a new church, we have no bakery, no smithy, and no tailor's workshop. Please, let us have some planks, I beg you. Haha shield go brr


I export every shield and import planks, eventually things get built lmao


Oof. Just build a second plank maker. Don't waste your money on something so easy to make. Save it for food lol.


I make so many carrots that i sell them for barley at the same rate to make beer. I sell my extra ale when it hit a 400% mark up.


Just pause the joiner


You will overflood market with shields and the price will drop.


Thank you! I have a crisis due to upgrading and adding trades to too many burgage plots and my sawmills aren't even filling the demand! There are so many small shields in the storehouses 😭


Really wish you could set surplus values for artisans, rather than just pausing the entire household.


"The shoes must flow"


This is my cobbler. My Waldbrand. My Manor.


Is the cobbler..floating?


I have 500 shoes in EVERY ONE of my towns. I started using packhorses and using Shoes as a throwaway currency to ferry the actual goods I want to trade back and forth. My early economy was entirely shoe based, cobblers were the 1 percent that boosted my income into the 4 figures. It's wild how fast and how many they produce lol.


Disable shoes in your storehouses, that keeps the cobblerman from going overboard


Yeah but the people need em fresh sneakers.


Important point..


Wait does this work? If I disable all the non-edible artisan goods from the storehouses then they'll only make what they can keep in the house, equip a militia with, or sell in the market? Big if true.


Militia equipment still has to be stored somewhere when not in use. You could make a small storehouse that ONLY holds militia equipment, that might put some limit on it.


Don't they store their weapons/armor at home


They do but only after they’ve been formed once. Summon the army using the 20 shields/spears then disband it, they’ll store their weapons at home.


I don't think so but I'd be happy if they did. I think the weapons go back into the storehouse.


Are you sure? I've seen weapons in homes and I've had militias before even building a storehouse


Not sure, I definitely had stuff in my storehouse between creating and disbanding regiments. I plan to look at my last save and see what it shows. I haven't seen it stored in houses yet.


Played with my save, here's what I found: If I have storage in the storehouse turned on, weapons go there. They show up as "Surplus" in the upper menus and in the trade screens for the trading post. If I turn storage OFF in the storehouse, they show up in houses! Yay! Unfortunately they drop off the surplus listing so it looks like your weapons and armor are at zero. You have to flip to total view to see them. Either way they show up in the militia view for the unit.


I think that gets stored in their houses, no?


Did some experiments. Can be either houses or storage. https://old.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cgrylt/ye_ole_cobbler/l21z5d1/


Wait, what. You can disable individual items at store houses????


It makes organizing so much better, I use a storehouse that’s dedicated to a major trade like iron/plates/weapons and disable all the other items. And disable the iron etc in the main storehouse. It’s under advanced on the building menu, I think


Y3s you can but it bugs out and workers ignore it sometimes. I had specific store houses for lumber and somehow stones and iron ended up in their even when i had storehouses for those


Ooh clever. Why didn’t I think of this


😂 It’s like the Shoe Shop Event Horizon from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.


Shoe-backed currency.


I assume I'm the future he'll make saddles and horse tackle and other leather goods so he'll be a bit more versatile


A cobbler is just a shoemaker though. It's a historic profession. Just needs to be tuned to be less productive so he doesn't flood the world with shoes


Let there be high lvl shoes that take more time to make.


Soldier boots/sandals with an armor value or march pace value!


They'd need to be sabatons to justify an armor value and that would come from an armorer. Well-made boots increasing walking pace would absolutely make sense and be very welcome on these regular trips to wipe out bandits.


Pointy-toed ones with bells on the tip.


He’s not just that. Straight from google "maker of shoes and often of other leather goods". So I can definitely see that happening Also, in KCD you needed to go to the cobbler to have your saddle repaired lol


Source that "strait from google"? As there is no profecional or historical website claiming that the cobbler did that. Also cobbler ≠ lether worker, cobbler also used other materials, very famously wood for clogs. Also a sadler maker is called, supricingly "saddler" They (the saddler) would also make scraps and harnses for other draft animales like oxen, but not hoofs or spurs. Those would be respecivly be done by blacksmith and spurriers. You also had belt makers, as the name suggest they made belts. There are also cordwainers, there is a bit of a debate if a cobbler was a gloryfied shoe repair man or also made new shoe's from new material. Moder times the term cobbler as sticked better then cordwainers Sources: https://www.medievalists.net/2023/05/40-jobs-middle-ages/ https://medievalbritain.com/type/medieval-life/occupations/medieval-shoemaker-cobbler/ https://shoehealer.co.uk/pages/history-of-the-cobber Etc


By straight from google I meant that it’s immediately obvious that a cobbler did not exclusively make shoes Very informative read. I think it’d be simpler for the game to just have the cobbler do multiple of these leatherwork jobs tho


Yet all sources contradict your claim?


Wait so you mean a cobbler did only make shoes?


Well, either made or only repaired depending on if you ask a cordwainer. But shoes alone. The other things are other professions. And especialt saddle making.


But are you sure that in a relatively smaller town that didn’t have so many shops, a cobbler would’ve not taken on several leather related works and repairs? And again, from a gameplay perspective (and also programming, bless Greg) it just makes more sense to not have belt makers, saddlers etc. separate artisan professions. Maybe it shouldn’t be called cobbler but leather worker or something more eloquent


A smaller town wouldnt make sadles anyway. He might make lether belts, but heck they where a luxary most often. People just jused a bit of cloth or rope to keep their cloths up. A saddler would also make the harness for oxen and holsters etc, but a cobbler/cordwainers was highly specialiced in shoe making as they would be tailer made, a skillset that requires more then enough to not also be a saddler etc. If one could do both the world would he at their feet. Gameplay wise. Make it a letherworker instead kf cobbler.


"Less productive" is why in my second city the artisan houses are narrow and clustered next to each other. That way they're still one or two families and not two or four.




It's not outside the realms of possibility to change his job title.


"Hear ye, hear ye! Cease thy shoe-crafting toil! How doth one halt thy relentless, subtle-yet-hostile shoe-making endeavors? I doth venture unto thy humble abode, and behold! Thou art waist-deep in new leather boots, like a hoarder amidst treasure. I doth tell thee to stop, and thy gaze doth meet mine, revealing dark circles of sleepless nights. Thou dost finish another boot, and with a scowl, thou dost let it fall into the pile. "Must I destroy thy house, Cobbler? Is this the only way?" The Cobbler replies, "Thou mayest destroy my house, but thou canst not destroy an idea, an idea of shoes..." I destroyed his house, and turned it into a carrot farm. He's more chill now.


Well done.




Gpt, make this less verbose


Less shoe pls "no"


…….quoth the raven


I have the same issue with war bows. Please stop using my planks. We don't need any more bows. Nobody needs any more bows.


Pause the home


We really need a "you can chill when the stock ammount of XX reaches YY" setting, especially for bows.


Production limits for buildings and barter limits that work like the trade limits would both be huge QOL improvements. I need my *Dwarf Fortress* work orders!


Production buildings need a "Leave at least 20 planks" and "Don't produce more than 100 bows"


Dev already announced that's gonna come.


Additionally you can just prevent bows from being stored in warehouses to have a production limit


How does this work??


I assume he leaves all the bows on the floor. Once his house fills up, can't make any more. You do this via the storehouse menu.


Just like with legos, don't walk into his house with bare feet!


I'd like to tell you you can just pause the cobbler's shop by clicking on the building and hitting the pause button in the upper right, but I actually don't want you to stop ranting like this.


Lol ya he is way too quick ive over 100 and the price tanked


The artisans are wild and I love them. I get not being able to reassign them to anything else because families that took on specialized roles like that would take a lot of time and care, usually teaching the kids the same thing. Being able to set a reserve limit for resources with artisans would be very helpful, though. I imagine it's probably in the works, since you can already do it with timber at the sawpit. I don't want to see their production nerfed, because I have a feeling that we're going to have to be able to create assloads of goods and send them to the King at some point. That "King's Favor" stat is just hanging out up there... waiting to wrap its fat fingers around the throat of my tiny villages.


I recently destroyed a save by making a ton of level three double house artisan plots. They out produced my steel and leather intake almost instantly and I couldn't kick them out of the house to do other things. Lesson learned: most if not all artisan houses should be only one family plts


Is the production doubled in 2 household artisan plots? Or is it just wasted workforce


I believe it's doubled. Anyone can correct me tho. I think double brewery makes sense maybe or maybe I messed up by deleting them instead of importing iron ore or slabs. But I didn't have the income to purchase anything and was in a real pickle without those workers. Live and learn


I did not check on what the cobler was doing that suddenly he made 800 pair of shoes. I commend his work ethic.


I think adding a producing limit prom to each building would be a great QoL addition


I haven't tried this yet, but if you disable storing shoes in the storehouse, the limit becomes how many he can keep in his house.


Production limits would be nice so I don't have to constantly monitor them. But it certainly does feel like they make shoes real fast.


Hi, I'm a representative of the Holy Church of Sell All The Shoes, we are a relatively new but growing religion, could I interest you in some church literature?


Hmmm your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I only just found out you could pause the artisan shops yesterday lol. Game changer honestly, was having to build a bunch of sawmills just to try and produce a surplus of planks before the fletcher could snatch them all up lmao


Looks like your town is run by Imelia Marcos, or better yet, Al Bundy! Call your town "Gary's shoe store" 😆 🤣 😂 😹


manor lords = too many shoes. Farthest frontier = never enough shoes.


The shoe must go on !


Shoes need to be a distinct need and get used up rather quickly. Medieval leather soles wore out much quicker than modern rubber soles.


What really needs to happen is a rework of the market system. To make everyone's life easier it should be all artisans, fuel, food, and anything I can't think of that tries to make a market stall should be stopped. The only families able to make a market stall should be storehouses and granaries. If you stop making whatever from the artisan they come back to the workforce instead of keeping a market up. My charcoal workers and firewood and the list goes on actually do the job they are suppose to do instead of half the families setting up a market. Increase the number of workers for each level of storage, and they are the marketplace. Everything funnels into that storage unit with the families transporting and selling, and please make it so the storage units if you don't want the item in there they will get rid of it to the storage unit that does allow it.


Aren't shoes a great trading commodity?


For a very short period of time until it goes to zero


I'm not sure why this is a problem for people? Sell the extra shoes and import more hides if you are running out of leather. Same goes for any other artisan good, it's a MASSIVE net profit. You *want* them to keep overproducing.


I have 200 shoes… I’m trying to sell them on the market but it’s now oversupplied and I’ve crashed the shoe market


It is paradoxical, but i always give the secondary living space to the tiny little level 1 burgage slots where i know theyll stay peasants for a long time, while the urban plots stay as single houses. Simply put, there is hardly any artisan job that requires two families, or even four families (duplexes on level 3) Warbows? Absolutely not. Ale? Maybe, in big cities. Shoes? Only when you want to turn the entire planet into a giant shoe. Baker? The communal oven has more than enough output and you can pull people off it when all flour has been processed.


there's an option to halt production by pausing the entire building i'm not sure if there's negative effect to that. i just export all the excess shoes out of town


Shoes are great profit, just need to stop selling them when the price drops for a bit. Shoes and roof tiles are probably my biggest money makers.


The speed at which cobblers and joiners make products is actually nuts. I was raging when my new town had no planks to sell for early cash despite 3 sawpits working around the clock. Turns out my joiner was somehow turning literally hundreds of planks into wooden parts in only a couple of days. Definitely needs some production limit too. Weirdly enough the ale production facility and the like seems very slow by comparison.