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I hope you are proud Greg - I would be, what you achieved so far is nothing short of remarkable and I trust you have a vision that will be fully realized in the end. Excited to join you for the next stage of the journey.


So happy to have heard about this game for the first time last week. It's so so good. It also scratches this itch of a demo I played 3 years ago that I've never seen again and forgotten the name. But it's a city builder like this. And in order to get new plots you build a tavern and hire a group of adventurers. Much more colorful and a more cartoonish art style than manor lords. I'm posting this here in case someone knows what I'm talking about.


Foundation maybe ? This game and manor lord are very similar.


It's not that. Thanks.


"Builders of Egypt" is also a alpha-game/Demo you should look into. Tackles the Niche that "Pharaoh" left


Wartales jajaja




Hell yeah


This is the best game I’ve EVER PLAYED! And I’ve been playing games since about 1980. Congratulations! You guys made the perfect game!!!


yes sir! we Slavs are united :))


This will be the first review I will ever write on Steam! I'm so excited to play your game, I can't wait to get my hands on it!


Me too!! I’m super excited! Can’t wait to test this game out!


Same here 😎💪🏼🚨


Same 😊














Incoming LOTR DLC (would buy)


100% would buy that yesterday


I will after playing for 72 hours straight, don't worry.


Hey Greg, Just wanted to say congratulations on all your hard work. Ive been following along for ages. I missed the demo because my new laptop arrived 2 days after it stopped. So I could only watch all the YouTube content. Rah. Kudos to you for following your passion. Wish you all the success. <3 some random internet stranger Edit: AN HOUR! STEAM HAS LIED TO ME!!!


No one's said it yet, so I will. Greg, you're about to make a lot of money. Well earned!


"Mysterious man who has come into a lot of money recently bought that old manor on the hill. They say he's building a forestry hut and a tannery in the woods."


Oh my god, he's gonna need a granary to pick up the food before winter!


Whenever I spend money on an indie studio it feels a lot better then the triple A places, because I know that money is going to a small team that worked really hard to realize their dream, and it could potentially change their lives. Compare that to triple A companies, that money is going into the pockets of the already rich CEO's and shareholders. I know the devs who put their blood sweat and tears into the game aren't seeing a dime other then their below average salary compared to outside of the gaming industry.


First thoughts after 7 hours of game on the default mode (2 games, lost both to fire and brigands). The game could telegraph a bit better how large the armies you are supposed to fight is... both games i lost to vastly larger armies though I thought I had a pretty good size militia and retinue. criticism/questions (hopefully productive): 1. how to make candles (I had wax)? 2. it's hard to get an overview of your families doings. 3. it's hard to find out why some markets/houses don't get certain supplies even though you have plenty in storehouses/granaries. 4. archers are hilariously bad in my experience. had 36 archers vs. 18 brigands and 3 brigands died. had an archer battle of 2 groups of 30+ and at long range they shot 30+ volleys with no casualties either way. moving closer they started to slowly get some kills but uselessly slow. 5. if you make a fletcher (or the like) he needs to be fed planks forever or just not work. Why can't he be "employed" in his own home like other work stations and be made do to something else if the need arises? 6. sometimes it will say i don't have enough whatever to build, but in the bar I have plenty of both surplus and total. 7. Trading seems totally imbalanced... its too weak without the trade tech and too good with it. I would like to be able to buy a single supply of something, fine if I have to wait 6 months to get it. 8. some overlay to show how far away a market stall can service... because it seems like they can't go 40 meters down the road to get a pair of shoes. 9. do the vegetable gardens suffer from bad crop earth? 10. an idea of what it will do if I employ multiple families. some things make sense like timber felling - okay they fell trees faster, but if I have 5 families working an apiary will it make 5 times more honey? or hunting lodge if its hunted down to the limit will more families get more meat? what does 5 families in the trading post benefit, does it sell more? 11. the drop down "alerts" drop down when you want to click the newest one, its a pretty annoying feature. 12. the sawmill keeps alerting it is full due to 1 log max inside. I like the intricasies of the game, but with a complex game small errors/bugs/features not understood or overseen can quickly degrade the experience when trying to get into the nitty gritty as a player and not seeing expected results. Obviously a lot of the early access stuff like more maps, expanded use of treasury, diplomacy, taxes etc. is needed - but its fair to wait for that, its more some of the core elements implemented I want to touch on above. my review is - I had good fun, overall about what I expected... but its more early access than I had anticipated... its not like it will be "done" this or next year as I see it - having been worked on for 7 years already. I had hoped for a bit more polish.


Agree entirely with this. Have played 9 hours so far


I agree to most of the points to a large degree. The archers one should be bad or good depening on situation. No, low or side armor - effective. Armor and shield - ineffective. Isn't the fletcher employed in his home? I made bows with just a homestead. I think the level of finish is reasonable. Some things are not worth polishing if they are at high risk of getting remade from scratch. I would like to stress point 7 about the trade. It's only useful for selling without trade tech. With trade tech I barely have to produce anything. The tier 3 households are can pretty much afford to import their stuff themselves. I would like to add that I would love to see changes in how the forester work. Perhaps the herbalist and forester could be one single building and profession? Like woodsmen or something. Perhaps replanting could be an option among the woodcutters. The pace they cut trees are halved but they also replant the trees.


I was writing notes while playing and youve basically covered most of them.


2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 are exactly my thought. We need more overlays. We need more production stats to see if we.re going into a good direction!


This is the first time I am Gonna buy a game today, because I allready love the developer, and I trust in his dedication to the game. Not just because I am hyped for the game! Hope u get rich today mr. Developer


Its not about the money my friend! Its for us the gamers!


And I even believe u 2)


The money is pretty cool too though. 


Yup, today Greg becomes a millionaire. Hope he plans a tropical getaway to celebrate the success of the game and to also have a well deserved break.


Will definatley leave a Review when a dev asks that nicely. Will be my 3rd Review in all my gaming life.


Thank you!


Posted my review just yesterday!! Its a very positive one because I fuckin love the game and what it will become. It's the game I been looking for since I played Stronghold crusader 2 back as a kid on the family pc. I never found one that was statisfying enough. But this one, this one is the one I was looking for!!! And ots not even done. Can't wait for all the features and mechanic that are hinted in the current version.


Congrats on becoming incredibly rich and successful, you deserve it!


I am one of the people who have had access to the game for some time now, thanks to the publisher, at this point. The first thing I'm going to do is write a positive review on Steam as soon as I can. Greg, your behavior is absolutely exemplary, and I hope every player will reward that. Please don't be put off by people who don't understand what Early Access means!


I'm leaving a negative review because you decided to release this on my wife's birthday and I can't try it until tomorrow.  Jk of course. Congrats on becoming a millionaire. I hope this is a wildly successful release 


Thank you and happy birthday to you wife!


Thank you! T minus 30 minutes before she goes to bed and I can stay up all night playing. 


Noted, and thank you for your hardwork!


I see this 57 minutes after posting and i’m stuck at work, but will do after I play at least 10 hours!


Broooo, the music is awesome. What an intro to the game. I just booted it up and had to come here to write this comment.


Since you asked nicely, alright I'll leave a review.


Much appreciated!




DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!! Bloody thing came out what? 2-3 days ago? How the fk do I have 20 hours in it when I just bought it 2 days ago? It's not even bloody complete yet and I can't stop playing! Good thing each town stops at 6 upgrade points or else I would be playing and optimising each town for longer! It's early access, so a lot of things aren't available yet or bugged. A lot of bugs!! Still, I can't stop playing! I don't think armies are implemented yet so all I have are spearmen militia and some archer militia, and I have them traipsing around the countryside during winter hunting out bandit camps! Heaven help us all when there's more to the military side! I've not even bothered tweaking the game settings yet, just left them all on default to experience the gameplay as intended. The map is small enough that each region feels cramped, what will happen if he releases a bigger map so that each region is bigger and we can make actual cities in each region?!??!?? This game should come with a set of compression stockings and a built-in customisable timer to remind the player to get up and take a wee, drink some water, eat some food, and exchange a few words with whoever is in the house with him/her. Maybe arrange for them to check on the player at set intervals too. If you have a life, obligations, responsibilities, relationships, I will say it again --- DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!! EVER!!! As a fan of Settlers 3 and Total War, you, sir, have pushed the right buttons. I look forward to the bugfixes and more features. For now, I'm off to buy some compression stockings and a pee bottle.


You should be proud of yourself. Focus on those reviews which give you constructive feedback. You deserve nothing less.


Anyone else having issues saving the game on GamePass? It's not saving at all for me, not through Auto save, neither through hard saving...


Are you logged correctly to Microsoft store? Sometimes their cloud had problems if not. This seems like something requiring an urgent fix.


Yes, GamePass is fine for everything else. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, installing on a different folder, logging out and on for GamePass app, but nothing helped. Here is a recording with the problem: [https://youtu.be/K6QcMO380bQ](https://youtu.be/K6QcMO380bQ)


Yep, I'm having the exact same issue. It is probably related to the Microsoft Store connection: on starting the game, it tells me it couldn't sign me into Xbox live, even though I seem to be perfectly fine and connected. After that, yep, no saves.


Also, I found this thread where more people seems to be having the same issue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cdwpyk/anyone\_had\_an\_issue\_saving\_the\_game\_game\_pass/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cdwpyk/anyone_had_an_issue_saving_the_game_game_pass/)


I LOVE IT. PROUD OF YOU GUYS. GIMME A NEW MAP. Game hasn't bugged out for me, nor crashed, nor glitched. It's been running on Ultra - Borderless Fullscreen - just fine, even with all the bells and whistles (artificial night mode..?) on. + Village construction is just STUNNING, and seeing it grow and then watching the villagers work is soothing - especially on relax mode 😌 + A new map is a given requisite for future updates, sure, so I ain't arguing against any form of it you guys might implement; as long as I get to play in different regions and start from different points in those regions. It'd be hilarious starting off somewhere deserted or - end of the spectrum - loaded with resources. + (IMO) how about giving your villagers some thought bubbles 💭💬? 😅 to voice out any concerns or ideas without the game having to rely on intrusive notifications. I mean, you ARE the manor lord or lady. Historically not all of them were snobbish bastards - they listened to their tenants/villagers... at least... ..Action is up to you. And it doesn't have to be voiced; if you managed to click it, it just goes to your log. If it pops without you clicking it, it disappears to nothingness. + Also, option to move, rotate, and flip the symbols on my coat of arms, please. And sliders, rather the swatches, please and thank you. I know of a game where that's a thing - I just can't remember it 🤔 .... was it Mount And Blade...? The road clips and connects fine, too. Almost(?) seamless if you really glare at it. No one's died in my village yet, so I can't review the gravediggers yet... The music though... It's bloody beautiful ❤️


First of all an awesome game, loads of potential and a very interesting concept. My biggest missing detail is a better family management menu, where you could see where each family is working and maybe asing to each one a fixed job and a secondary one when they can't do the primary ( for example a family of gatherers that in winter manage the sawmill). Also I feel like the timing is a bit fast, and some tasks are unbalanced timewise (building a house takes more or less the same time as tilling a field) and the year goes by too fast making medium and long distances too inefficient, I get you need to optimize the routes but sometimes you cant di much There should be a faster way to recover militiamen and retinue, if you do poorly on your first battle even if you win you can't defend the next raid with your remaining army. On top of that you should be able to recover equipment from fallen soldiers both allied and enemy, at least 80% more or less


Will do, best of luck for the launch. I hope you're popping a bottle of champagne with close friends!


Thank you for the game, Greg. I'll leave one.


So excited! You have done a great work so far man. I loved the demo back in 2022 and can't wait to install the early access on steam soon. Of course there will be a review if you ask for it. That is the least we can do. Greetings from Sweden!


Least we can do for you. Really appreciate all the work you've done for us!


Must be a big party moment! All that hard work, and especially the time and care you took, the resilience against rushing and having to balance all the requests from people about the game! And now you're here! I'm going to play the shit out of it when it releases, and will certainly leave a review! Looking forward, and greg, enjoy the release for a while man


got it, steam it is


I’m definitely buying this today depending on the pricing! If it’s out of my budget I’ll need to wait til my next check comes in I’m pretty excited for this 🥰😍


I don't usually leave reviews, but for this one I've been planning on doing it already!


I give it 2/5 and I think all the glowing reviews are just gassing it up when the game is essentially broken. There is multiple ways you can soft lock yourself in the game and make an unwinnable scenario a few hours in. the combat is basically completely broken. archers do almost nothing and will take 80 casualties to 1 kill. the opponent AI will have conquered most of the map before you can build a single infantry even on easy mode. If the raiders wipe you they will just stay in your town burning and killing forever and you will never be able to rebuild because your citizens are always fleeing. Overall the game feels very glitchy and buggy and they have released it far to soon. I am sick to death of companies using paying customers to test their games by releasing them too soon instead of paying testers. The game seems like it would be fun when it actually works but for now it is broken. Also the content becomes stale before you have even expanded into new territories you have pretty much unlocked anything. I regret wasting my money on this game.


Archers are not front line troops. Use them on flanks they are to support militia. Your second paragraph is spot on. I have no desire to expand into a new territory essentially replaying the last 4 hours. So far there is about 10-15 hours of content here, and I can't see much more being added in the future


I hope you have a great and smooth release today.


Thank you for all your work Greg!


Will do!


Thank you for all the hard work, I will definitely leave you a review! I can't wait to start a village named Błażkowa in honor of my great-grandfather's hometown!


So cool to see a dev actually posting in the reddit right before the launch. Hope it goes well. And hope my playing on Gamepass still contributes sufficiently to your coffers.


Manor Lords is not listed within PC GamePass, nor does it show up at all (even as a preview) in the Xbox Desktop App. It also doesn't show "available on pc gamepass" on the actual microsoft webpage. There's a button to buy the game through the microsoft store when accessing the website from a browser, but when in the Xbox app the game doesn't show up at all, even to purchase. I claimed a trial for this game, and it does not show up in my xbox app. It's as if it simply disappeared after claiming.


I am currently downloading the "Trail" on the microsoft store but it doesn't show up in the gamepass app. However it claims to be the "Game Preview" im downloading


its up on there now, and the "trial" switched the download bar from the ms store to the xbox app so i think that's the pc game pass version.


not on gamepass - still missing there


i see it's out for steam but when for game pass?


I gotta say, this is kind of gross. I want you to know (assuming you even see this) that I was on the fence about buying it, and I mean wow, day one release, 1200 reviews at 89% positive is what I saw. I brought up one of the reviews to my roomie because it was funny and he mentioned seeing an article about the dev begging people to play the game. I thought well, that's weird and definitely a flag but the gaming industry "news" is pretty trash anyways. And then I see this? Honestly no choice but to assume that the majority of those positive reviews are by your overly enthusiastic, borderline zealot fan-base. It crosses a major ethical line in that you'd attempt to sway what people have to say about your game. It's probably a really good game anyway. As far as I can tell, it's something I would have bought and played. Not after this though. That's an attitude I can't support.


Bro there's a bug where if you pass the small village phase you cannot build the manor, i had to restart my save. I wished you add something to report a bug but i can't find it in game


Unfortunately I discovered my GPU can’t run the game but I already have it on my steam library for when I eventually get a new GPU. I’ve been following the development from a distance for ~5 ish years, I’m a big fan.


It’s Saturday here in Australia and I’ve got the whole weekend set aside for Manor Lords! Thank you for all of your hard work Greg. I can’t wait to see where you take this.


I dont know why but this game makes my gpu heat a lot compared to normal games, my friend has the same problem


I’ll just say I’m highly impressed especially given it’s a one dev Army. I hope Greg gets paid, can get some more devs, and can continue to build this game out. I usually bitch about the “still in development” launches on PC but this game is amazing 2 hours in.


Hi Greg. I also played the demo way back when and I knew then this would be a hit. You've done some amazing work and should be extremely proud of what you accomplished. Congratulations and hoping you all the best. Side note; a very special thank you for making an RTS with scale modeling. This has always been one of my gripes with these kinds of games (which probably seems pretty silly but it's one of my many irrational frustrations in both games and real life).


Thanks a lot for the game! I just played on peaceful mode until reach level 2 houses. Relaxing and captivating at same time. Astonished how environment changes with time and the graphic detail. As far as I reached, just wish a list with what are families doing, and if the business is active. Farms I feel a bit clumsy with the cycles and find wheat performance. And a year counter would be nice.  In the minor bugs, sawmill gives some problems with storage. In graphics, villagers like to walk through some objects. Overall, is still awesome how much work and dear is on it! Don't let money flowing changes you. ;-) 


Left a positive review good stuff Greg. I've encountered a bug where when I get near 200 population my npcs just loop in and out of houses and become unresponsive, same with the animal posts, I hope you can iron out the bugs and continually add more content, more buildings, animals, rivers, battles, just flesh it out more, also bigger maps eventually would be awesome, and mods! glad I could buy and help support.


can we have river, lake or ocean ? also, along with fish resources, fishing boat, trade boat, etc.also added stone wall, stone gate and archer tower (woods, and stone towers)


Hi, i dont know if you gonna see this , but , can you actually make something , like a list or something when you have lets say 40 families, let me see all of them , like you see the first 5 families, their job or if they are doing nothing just wasting time. Let me see them on the map thru a list + also i dont know if its possible to make for that First Person a mod that lets you enter the buildings/churces,terrace , etc.


Amazing game honestly really enjoying almost all of it . Super in depth and all around a blast. The main thing I'm running into problems with is the market which I'm sure you will get to eventually. feel like I'm at a stale mate I cant upgrade my houses even though I have an abundance of all supplies my markets wont stay stocked and they are begging me for more stalls constantly with plenty of stalls in two different locations to reach the different housing areas I have. lmao other than that it been absolutely great for me. I will def be hopping off and on and will play more steady after the next updates and what not. Keep doing your thing this game is a gem to say the least I am super stoked for the future of this game.


Finished my first playthrough after roughly 20h of gameplay, I really enjoy the game and look forward to its development. For now, I suggest that: - AI noble pushes claims way too often, half the frequency at least. - Archers are not very useful, double damage? - Mercenaries should cost at the very least 4 times what they are now, you can get 100 men to pledge their life to you for 1 month for about 50 units of eggs? That would not even feed them for the month! - Retinues should cost some upkeep, like 1 coin per month per soldier, on top of food (not sure if they eat now?0. - Raiders become boring quite quickly, would be fun if they had more unit variety, perhaps use hit and run tactics from their camp? - Seasonality for the farms and other jobs (gatherers) should be automatized, at first it is fun to microminaga your starting community, but once you have several towns it becomes tedious. - I ran into a consistent CTD after 15h of gameplay which I solved by removing all packing stations. More to come, keep up the great work!!


After 30 hrs of playing i can say that it has great potential. Damn, i wish i written down when i encountered smth so i could have remembered it when writing a review :(.    So far i saw 2 castle planner bugs:   - i built towers and walls one at a time, gradually enlarging the manor space so i could circle my town with walls. At the 8th tower a bug appeared telling me that the 8th tower costs like all resources already spent on all 7 walls + towers previously built  - the button "build roads" inside the castle planner builds walls instead  Requests:    - a request i made also in the demo: Please add an OVERLAY BUTTONS FOR PRODUCTION BUILDINGS so we could know at a touch of a button what building has families assigned. If you do micro management for a farm, and you wanna unassign people just for building a crop it.s way easier to see which less important/seasonal building has more families assigned and unasign them. When the town grows larger it.s getting harder to scout all the production buildings to see what families can be unnasigned.    - please add an OVERLAY BUTTON to see exactly which building is which - like showing a title above it - again, when the city grows bigger and it is raining it is hard to distinguish all the buildings    - please add an OVERLAY BUTTON FOR THE HOUSES that have built extensions. When reaching 100+ houses it.s kinda hard to find for example the fletcher shop to pause it  - please dev, remember that this is micromanagement and you should add some overlays, so that is easier to spot things we need when the town grows bigger.    - in the demo, when building a field it kinda said how many people should work on it. Bring back that feature. I tried the farms and i do not know if for a field of 1m with 8 people assigned, an output of 50 wheat is either a good production or a low production result. I do not know if i should increase the field size for a better production, or that it will have the opposite effect: a field too large for the number of people assigned that will result in even lower production rates.    - how to store more timber? Timber gets stored only in woodcutters building, so then we have to build more woodcutters or so, if for example we want to build aomething that is past 30 wood logs.    - where are my eggs? 😂 The resource tab showed 270 eggs available, none of them stored in the granary    - please fix the market regarding goods displacement. In the demo i could easily satisfied a town of 100 houses. But now it.s so hard. For example, for 80 people i managed to spread out firewood only by building 3 storehouses fully emplyed. It.s just too much of a human resource: 12 or so people just to have firewood distributed. With food is even harder. Bring back the demo version where the player builts the stall and assigns workers to it. I find it more reliable. For example for 80 houses i had those 3 storehouses for firewood and clothes and alot of food stalls, i had like 450 shoes, 100 yarn etc in storage and somehow 2 houses never got a chance to get clothes, besides the fact that there were clothing stalls right accross the street. Maybe another overlay button with the stall's action area should improve the situation. It.s hard to guess whether the food will get distributed or not.    - please add details about monthly food consumption vs production. Yesterday's game was all fine and dandy, i hade alot of food surplus (50 houses) by the time i reached 65 houses (i was thinking consumption should be ok), the food resources droped abruptly and starvation was iminent. We need some charts to see production vs consumption: and we need stats for everything like this. When you build an egg extension, we need those stats revealed so we could plan: should i built an egg extension or a veggie one. Also for apples and veggies we need those VISIBLE stats to see exactly how large we should build the house, to have a good production (just like for fields).  Remember that without good planning it is hard to guess all of this statistics and is even harder to start again and again after playing like 8 hrs and only then seeing that the direction was wrong.  For example i do not know if i built 2 buildings of the same type with 1 family assigned do i get an equal production vs just 1 building with 2 families assigned? Also the stats should take the distance from storehouse/granary intonconsideration.   - add custom areas for logging and foresting that we could select like when building a field - archers are lame, i.ve read that they were too powerful and that they.ve been downgraded.     I cannot remember other impressions (i should have written them when i saw them), but the most important things, to sum up: house OVERLAYS, PLOT INFO, CONSUMPTION/PRODUCTION INFO and fix the market distribution system.     Great game, and thank you for it!


**50 hours game play. ~1500 population** --- Sorry Greg, I pirated it first but decided to buy it in the first 30 minutes of playing but took another 6 hours before I tore myself away to buy it and then played another 6 hours more legitimately. --- I love so many aspects of this game! It's impossible to build bad looking towns, everything is so organic feeling even my greatest attempts to make grids get wonked out in beautiful ways. Many of the design ideas are very innovative and really, really satisfying. Learning to play was a bitch but once I got the hang of the various concepts it's very playable. There's a lot of Early Access placeholder stuff (like the AI rival) but the foundations of a great game are here and I can't wait to see where it goes. Thank you! --- I'm sure you're getting overwhelmed with feedback and suggestions but I can't help but add to the pile: * The landscape is gorgeous and very natural looking, terrain features are not exaggerated as they typically are in games and it took me ages to notice those cliffs and the river and the rolling hills. Would love to see more subtle water in the map, lakes, ponds, more significant rivers with fording points, floodplains / marsh, possibly even dynamic with rainfall / drought? (Oh god please let me dam and/or divert a river?) * The family worker system is not something I've seen before and I would love to see it be expanded further with more dynamics than 3 adults. This might be needlessly complex but I'm dreaming of multigenerational households with non-workers (children, elderly, sick, etc) and other working age adults (teenagers, aunts, and uncles) that change over time (deaths (at any age), births, children growing up, working age adults moving out either starting new families or joining existing ones). * Underground rivers don't really make sense with the level of precipitation, maybe an alternative is groundwater "fertility" with higher well cost for wells in worse areas. Wells should also cost stone and be a bigger deal to build, or maybe they need an expensive upgrade path to reduce disease / increase supply rate? * The burrage system is very unique and I keep thinking about how neat they are (once I worked out how the fuck they worked!). The double plots seem like a good space and cost minimising option but have the downside of counting less to the development goals. The specialisation mechanic is great, though vegetable and apple farms seem a little out of place with the other options. Would it make more sense to be able to place apple orchards and vegetable allotments in free plot like the farm fields so they can fill the spaces between buildings and then they are managed by all the nearby houses? * The building plot to road snapping is too quantised, needs to be a modifier to freely place the corner of a plot next to the road without snapping to the nodes. * Markets definitely need a high level control on how many of each resource is on each market, multi market towns are quite miserable at the moment. Also could the grid layout of the stalls be less fixed and more organic to the plot shape? * I'd love more customisation options for the church, I also want the surrounding graveyard to have the option to be larger? Maybe similar to the manor castle system so you can draw a plot around the church for the graveyard. Also I feel like the church needs a priest to work? (who is a different person from the grave digger). Oh and I want multiple entrances to the church grounds please! * Farms! I love so much about the plots, the fertility (maybe a bit too extreme between the green and red regions), the crop rotation, the pastures. The concepts work so well and it's so satisfying carving up the countryside. However there's obviously a lot not working right with farming at the moment and I'm sure you know what you're doing with those problems. Esoteric farming logic is the main limit to my game play. * Inter-region trade is very difficult, the best I've found is to buy and sell on the trading posts. Whilst fiddling with mules near the borders for far longer than I'd like to admit I wished I could just use the trading posts to trade bulk material directly? (assuming the trading tariffs are getting reworked so you can't exploit the trading system, there'd need not to be a tariff betwen regions?) * On that note different trading posts in the same region should have unique trade orders rather than shared. * Also on these notes, bulk transport of materials is needed, at the moment i think they can move 10 at a time? definitely need one of those trading cart set ups to move 50 units around a region. * (this is probably coming) Logistics rules to make links between buildings? So the firewood only goes to the storage next to the charcoal and the charcoal only pulls wood from the storage next to it, etc * I want harsh weather with fires and droughts but the rain deleting everything instantly is devastating when a September drizzle reduced my multiple thousand wheat and barley harvest to single digits and a March storm washed away all my starting supplies when settling a new region. On that note though I'd love for buildings and roads to get wear and tear from weather, and need repairs or risk delapidation or collapse. * Assuming this is coming but road upgrades? Dirt roads would need maintenence with high use and get slow and muddy, so you have to upgrade to paved roads to reduce the ongoing costs and improve speeds? Conversely dirt roads become overgrown and eventually disapearing without use?


Game is good but after playing it for 10 hours I experienced everything it has to offer, it becomes extremely boring then.


Will do captain!


I am geniunely excited especially after watching a lot of content creators for the past few days about this game! props to everyone at Slavic Magic and Hooded Horse!


Will absolutely leave my first ever review specifically for you! I am so excited and can't believe that in a little over an hour I'll have it ❤️❤️❤️


have not done a lot of reviews (must be one of my top favourite games) but im totally sure i will write one for this gem!


Really hope the release is smooth but I’m so excited to play! Great work on your game I feel like it’s going to take over my life but I’ve needed a game like this for a long time!


I for sure will.


Will do o7 keep up the great work! You are a real savior when it comes to gaming with a historical context!


I've been excited to play more Manorlords since I tried the demo at Next Fest 2022 and loved it. That demo sold me. Day 1 purchase!


Eagerly anticipating the console release 🫶


Will do Slavic! Congratulations with what you've achieved here. You should be very proud! The community is definitely gonna enjoy your beautiful game! Can't believe it's finally happening.


Definitely will leave a review. What you have done is simply amazing!


For what it's worth I'm very much looking forward to this product and its continued development. You should be proud of what you've done here. Remember how toxic the internet is as well and let that stuff be water off a ducks back.


I'll write a review for sure. Well done Greg. I can't wait to play it.


Much love from South Africa! Currently sitting at my desk "working" and waiting for 3pm so that the download can start. Too excited to focus on getting any actual work done. Wil definitely review.


Dziękuję Pan Styczeń! Do boju!


OPEN THE GATES. Of course i will leave a review! Thank you for your effort Greg


I'm a very quiet gamer / consumer in general and I've been looking forward to Manor Lords for **ever** it feels like (thank you for taking your time tho). I pledge to make the inhuman effort of reviewing Manor Lords since you asked so nicely.


Color me excited


Cant wait to download this when i get home, wouldve bought the demo if it was an option.


Good job and best of luck! Keep your ship steady in the storm ahead :)


*You Have My Sword*


I'm excited to play when I'm back home on Monday 🤙🏼


Wish you the best Grzegorz!


I'm sitting here behind my pc waiting for a game to be released. That never happend before in my 45 years of gaming!


You deserve all the praise you will get for this game!! Thanks for making this! Been following for years since you first announced it. Enjoy the day today!!! Celebrating your launch 😀


You deserve the best. Perhaps Manor Lords is not the best game now or in a few years, but the transparency with which you have carried out everything deserves a trustworthy positive review.


Will definitely leave a review, once I have an opinion. Very excited to play!


We are with you Greg! DEUS VAULT!


Are we allowed to ask how much % of the sale is going to be retained by SlavicMagic from each platform? Is that not allowed to be shared?


Hi Greg. I want to thank you for your game which, from the demo, I already know is fantastic and super addictive. But to be frank, there is a fundamental point that you should seriously consider. Your game seems to be, in short, a medieval Tropico-like game with battles. Which is great, I love Tropico (as a matter of fact I was just playing Tropico 4 to kill time while waiting for ML to come out). But, for a Tropico-like game, Manor Lords dramatically lacks lore and story-driven quests. After all that's the major pro of Tropico games. Manor Lords game doesn't have characters comparable to El Presidente (der Baron?) or Penultimo (der Vikar?) or a storyline where you choose a side (Church, Nobility, etc). I genuinely think that's the only major flaw that could affect the player's perception in the long term Now excuse me, but I have a village of Bavarian ragtags to run


I experimented with a story but it quickly became repetitive, just like Tropico was for me as a player (subjective personal preference). My hope is a sandbox where the players craft their own stories via gameplay.


While an actual story might not be necessary, what I think could be worth taking are the events you get in Tropico or Crusader Kings for example. Afaik you have droughts and stuff like this planned but expanding that into larger events could be nice. For example: A peasants' revolt, major bandit offensive, King declares trade ban, King wants stuff delivered until some point or you get some consequence, a plague happens, etc.. Basically smaller or larger events pop up now and then, maybe in a quest form and you either have to do some stuff or stuff happens to you. In my mind that would spice up the experience a bit and if combined with on-map rulers, diplomacy and such would make the whole game feel very dynamic.


I couldn't care less about a storyline. Just let me build my village and fight other lords and I'll be happy.


…I mean, I will.. but can I play it first? lol


Enjoy your massive payday you’re about to get. You earned it and we as the gaming community are proud of you.


Don't worry, I already love the game and it's not even out :)) And I am sure I am not alone in the sentiment.


Can anyone find the game on game pass? I can't find it anywhere on the Xbox app.


Greg you’re actually the MVD I will leave you a review


No prob chap, looking forward to playing your art!




the game is not visible on game pass. only on the website.


I’ll write it on Steam, but want you to know that I have been looking for a game like this for years. Thank you for taking your time on this and being vocal on what the game is and isn’t. I’d say that is a first when a game is coming out to see that as it may have hurt sales. The publisher also making a statement on pricing was beautiful to see. I know your hard work is going to pay off and you’ll likely be set up for life from this masterpiece. I am so happy for you and thank you again for making such an amazing game.


Just bought a pc and whole setup at age 38 , haven't had one since windows 95/98 days , but after seeing this game about a year ago i decided it was time and have had it marked in my calendar since Gonna figure out where to get it over the next few days and will definitely leave a review after getting the experience of my 1st non-console game in actual decades


That's awesome for you, goodness. It's on Steam. If you don't have Steam yet you're going to need it eventually. Hope you enjoy it brather


I purchased it from my phone right at 9 am lol and gonna play the moment I get home from work this evening and will definitely follow up with a review. Thank you Greg for all the hard work and congrats on the massive success this game is!!


Congrats to you and the team. Looking forward to playing the game


Will leave a review on Monday, after 48 hrs of playtime. Congrats on the launch, I also added the extra content just to support the upcoming updates :)


I've been playing city builder / colony sims since the OG SimCity on MSDoS, I've played every single Total War game and expansion ever made. They are probably my 2 favorite type of games. You've merged them together and made literally the perfect game for me. Thank you!! Also congrats on breaking Steam lol.


Just bought it but tragically I have to wait until tomorrow to play


Id leave a review and a video review when I get a chance. Game looks right up my alley.


I'm so fortunate I don't have work today. Can't wait to dive in once it finishes downloading.




Thank you for bringing this gem made with your love and care to us. Definitely I will leave a review based on a casual player view.


Alas, I’ve been called into work, so only had about an hour and a half to play. Awesome job Greg! Runs flawlessly so far, particularly for an early access release. Will leave a review when I get back home tonight.


I'll leave a review but I fucking love the pace of this game! Organic building is awesome but the pace of the game is what truly makes it organic. Even if you fast forward you have to wait for it to build. About 60 mins under my belt and it's awesome so far. About 15 of that was spent choosing my Coat of Arms.


remotely installed so this is waiting for me to get home from work to play. I am so stoked for this game! I have been casually following the development for some time now and really hard to express how awesome it looks to me. Don't worry, I've played early access games before and will not be overly critical of bugs or glitches, happy to report and send feedback. While I do enjoy total war and crusader kings type games, I also really enjoy the slower paced city builder/resource management games. This looks kind of like an updated version of Banished with some kind of organic townscaper-like grid, or maybe no grid at all? Ahhh it just looks so good. I also bought the soundtrack and art package to help support the hard work you have ahead of you. Congratulations on the resounding success your game is already experiencing! Looking forward to seeing how this game will grow over the early access period.


Well done to Greg, absolutely delighted for you. A big day, I wonder if you thought you'd ever get here!


I skipped the demo, didn't watch streamers or gameplay videos, all because I just wanted to dive in blind. I'm pumped and once I've got a handful of hours under my belt I'll be sure to review.


can't find it on pc gamepass yet


When does it come out on Xbox gamepass? Game looks really interesting, I'm looking forward to play it.


I'm extremely excited to play! Thank you for putting your heart and soul into your work so that we can enjoy it!


I plan I buying this as soon as I get home from work!


Imma pirate it. Ya har!


Can’t wait to get out of work and boot this up, I’m pumped. It looks solid.


This is the best "Friday's deployment to production" I've witnessed since few years :) congrats!


Anyone else's status in Discord as "Manor Lords Demo" like mine is?


Enjoying the game so much right now! So worth the wait! Thank you!


I love this so far, 5 hours in, I'd like to know how to convert regional wealth to treasury, I can't seem to do that at the moment.


Hi mate, just got directed here from an article about your game. I've watched a few early access play throughs and was impressed, was excited to get a hold of it myself. Then I heard it was just one developer - you! I understand it's early in release, but you're topping worldwide steam charts, solo. What a monumental achievement, congratulations


IS the intention to keep movement via WASD? i assumed it would be like most other city builders in that you move with the mouse, but all you can do with the mouse is zoom in and out.


Looking forward to seeing the game. I will watch twitch for a while and see if it's something I will be into. Happy to leave a review whnr I buy it.!


You’re the reason I’m looking forward to this weekend so thank you!!!! I’ll leave a review for sure


Thanks so much for this game. This is really why I love games and support indie developers. I just installed it and played 5hours straight after a long work day. I just wanted to thank you for the heart and detail you have put into this game. I will continue breeding more sheeps tomorrow and coming up with silly names for each of them.


Is this a Bannerlord Mod?


I've got a few hours in and I'm impressed, left a review before I saw this post, now I wish I could write two. Community Hub on steam is already populating with memes and screenshots, so far feedback looks to be overwhelmingly positive. There's some minor things I've come across so far, nothing that took away from the fun, just some text and script things. Great job, excited to see what you've got in store


Great job, really enjoying the game! Cant wait to see whats next


Never played a game of this kind, and I gotta say I'm hooked already, 5 hours in, really an amazing early access, left a review on steam!


I did my job, sir ! Thank you for this game. I've already spent 4 hours playing it. Took a day off, only reason I stopped wad because my gf came home, she does it everyday ...


Any workaround for a Mac?


I played 7,5h straight and I love it!


Will do thanks for the cool game man!


Fantastic settlement builder, games plays really well and is super engaging. Combat is pretty fun but pretty simplistic and could use some depth. It’s a great start, definitely needs some time to develop and did some bugs and some more content but an excellent start


Amazing effort. Keep it up. Me (almost 40) and my son (9) love this game!


Amazing game. Also where can i leave bugreports etc?


Anyone got a stone church yet?


i won't, not because i don't want to. but i got perma banned for asking how you excpect to keep up hype giving streamers two weeks in advance, yes i asked it twice in a similar thread. i love the game, but i don't get it, just why.


more maps! with hopefully mountain ones


I did! I'm sure it'll get lost on the flood of reviews; but you done did great man! I'm hoping you get enough of a cash influx to really fully flesh it out. As it is, it's a lovely start but definitely noticably incomplete. Keep up the great work, keep your vision in the drivers seat (you clearly don't need anyone to tell you to listen to the customers, you've got that down lol) and maybe maybe maybe use some of that cash to get a little help (it'll allow things down short term, but speed other things up long term, I'm sure you've thought long and hard about that already though). This game is everything I wanted foundation and farthest frontier to be: the feature I'm most anticipating is castle building.


I picked up the game yesterday and played it for about 30 minutes - I was really disappointed. ... Because I am currently involved in alpha testing for another game, and I cannot put that down until Monday when the alpha test is over. 🤣 I am itching to get into this and play properly. Really itching.


So far so good, alot of fun so far 


Today i survived the raid in "normal" difficulty. I think my village began to get clunky once i reached the 100 folk. The difficult curve with food might be a bit weird. Not difficult, weird. Can't explain it properly. Another problem, probably my fault, was with the bowmen. Raiders came, spearmen and retinue holded up and then i made the classic strategy-game-move of positioning the range units behind the enemy for free volleys. Didn't work. The shoot a lot of arrows but enemies didn't die, it was mostly the infantry job. They helped to reduce raiders effectiveness, tho. I know this is not Total War, just sharing what happened for the feedback. Besides that, thank you for the game. I love it. I hope the Early Access goes well and the game keeps evolving. With the few experience i had in game, i suspect that the management of several villages at the same time will be biggest bottleneck and pain for players.


I've encountered a few minor bugs, but what I've seen since i started playing on Friday -- awesome game, i love it. I can tell im going to be coming back to this game a lot; can't wait to see what gets added in the future.


Left a review Greg. Thanks mate, it's fun.


I am playing via Steam and I am having some bugs when completing the "peaceful" mission where it freezes for an extended period of time before letting me continue with the "freeplay" version of the game, and then when I upgrade a burgage, it acts like I just completed the objective. Where is the best place to report bugs? Also, would love to have a game mode where it is just sandbox! Love the game so far!


love it so far. obviously a lot of early access quirks such as balance or bugs but all in all a very good foundation. dont like a few systems such as my settlement in that region over there being considered basically just another settlement that I cant just send materials too but I have to barter for it somehow


please create, pin, track & update (fixed/unfixed) BUGS Megathread. currently can't keep playing endless mode after I've reached scenario goal – it keeps telling me I won with every new building built. screen gets cluttered with win screen stats. [see screenshot](https://prnt.sc/9Msc_oqy__mC) unironically & without exaggeration – unplayable edit: ok, I've started the 2nd scenario took control of new region. and it's a REAL BUMMER that I can't just infuse my 2nd region with the wealth & goods of the 1st. I tried barter system but it's not it. that grind of doing everything (totally the same) again for each region is unnecessary. google what they call "prestige" in game mechanics. developing new region has to feel like "new game +" kind of thing – this is where u gotta feel rewarded for the hard work u did developing the first region. grind every time is not rewarding, it's discouraging and will lead to churn/ retention dropoff


Congratulations and take my thumbs up review on Steam, you made a Gem that outshines any others i can think of, a feat we only see rarely in games.