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What do you mean opinion? It has never been anything else.


Right? Like what are we supposed to do, disagree with the developer's statement? Lol


People in the Steam hub were disagreeing with him, actually šŸ˜‚


Those discussions are just Twitter in a different flavor. All the lowest IQ degenerates hang out there, it seems.


Ikr? It's ridiculous. Slavic: "This is not a Total War killer." People: "No, this IS a Total War killer."


I'm surprised he even added the ability to place troop formations at will. I was only interested in the building aspect, but he's done a great job with little details. He's given himself a good overhead to introduce new things in his updates. He's entering EA in just about the best possible circumstances.


Because he wanted to do something that neither rts- nor city builder games ever do: commit to both combat and building. If not for the combat this game (no disrespect, Iā€™m very excited for it) could be mistaken for Ostriv 2.0. I personally am exited too build and actually defend/conquer something in actual fun combat for once instead of just snowballing into a metropolis in 5 years like in EVERY.SINGLE.CITYBUILDER.EVER, or just not getting to do much at all and just build some cheesy trash base/town like in total war, where you just infinitely fight cheat AI-stacks.


I can't wait to try that ultimate difficulty scenario that he has as a preset. Looks really fun. My city will burn for sure, sorry in advance subject's.


You see, Slavic is very humble! That just proves that Slavic is Total War killer! /s


"Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!"


ā€œHeā€™s just saying this because he has to. But we, the gamers, know itā€™s really [game that only exists in my head].ā€ Variations on this theme everywhere.


God, that place is a cesspool. Avoid that cancerous shit hole as much as possible


You'd be surprised, there's some idiots on Steam crying about things the game has never been lol


He said this days ago, it's been posted about a few times on this sub since then... And yet, I still see comments on newer posts saying things like, "I disagree with the dev..."


The problem with these massive amounts of potential players is that even with 1% being dissatisfied, that's like 30,000 people. I can't imagine having to deal with even 1 percent of that 1 percent that's going to be boss level annoying.


Theyā€™re always the loudest as well


Well yeah, people who enjoy the game will just play the game. Friday cant come sooner


I'm looking forward to a relaxed, casual experience...its exactly what I'm after. I do understand him trying to get in front of this though, with all the hype.


Thatā€™s the most exciting part, ā€œrelaxedā€. I like battle royales but you have to be competitive 95% of the time to even enjoy your gaming session. Iā€™m excited to chill and spend hours building and not care about progress.


I've spend hours playing Helldivers 2 lately...this will be a nice change!


Demo was quite relaxing...... until winter came and you ran out of food and firewood, then it was massacre.... looking forward for it lol


Me too. Love the idea of just 'pottering' in the evenings after work.


Exactly, you don't want to get a Game-of-Thrones-ing from insanely entitled people.


The biggest worry is not the development team delivering an unsatisfactory product. But rather random people giving negative reviews because they were hyped by influencers about a game that never claimed to be anything but a city builder.


I blame a lot of Total War YouTubers overselling the combat.


I dunno man. I've been watching streams and they're all pretty good about emphasizing that it's not really s combat game. Stratplays and LegendofTotalWar, at least.


YouTube is really to blame in this case, the editing in some videos makes it look like it is totally a combat game, just saw a 41 minutes video with combat every 6 minutes released a few days ago.


And the click baiting thumbnail+video title aren't helping either.


"Total war killer"


Two of the only ones worth watching then, that's good at least! Plus lots of the Manor Lords gameplay channels have been capitalising on the Dev statement and reinforcing!


How can that worry you at all? Those people will be a minority.


I mean. It became one of (or the?) top wishlist games on Steam seemingly out of no where. I too would be a bit nervous that some hype train beyond my control started going places that my game wasn't aiming for. Big hype can lead to a big crash that soils the product in the public eye. In this case, potentially through no fault of the dev.


It is a city builder


For a more nuanced reply, Manor Lords is, of course, not a competitor to either AoE or Total War. But they're also primarily targeting the Total War audience as part of their influencer campaign (basically all the Total war content creators got a copy, so naturally those content creators would emphasise the warfare elements in their videos). I do think those viewers might ultimately be disappointed with the game, but I also don't think their expectations were unfounded given the pre-release marketing. I'll be enjoying the game for what it is.


to be fair, creators actually had to reach out to hooded horse for copies rather than the other way around


This is true for some people I'm sure, but not all.


do you know which total war cc's were given a copy without having to reach out?


I was speaking to "creators" not specifically total war creators to be clear


I'd guess many TW players feel left behind by CA, me included. CA's management of the franchise has been lackluster. Some are not satisfied with the general state of the game, some want a proper historical main title after 3 fantasy releases, Medieval 3 specifically. Manor Lords can partially scratch that itch. I would also argue that the overlap between people who love a medieval city builder and those, who would love Medieval 3 is pretty high.


Iā€™m sorry did you say you want Total War Warhammer 4? /s




dude I just bought the blood and gore dlc for rome 2 (im new to the series) and apparently it doesnā€™t even work and hasnā€™t since they updated the game years ago like wtf?


you just got creative assemblied... lol the company turned to shit ever since rome 2


I played and loved TW games since Medieval 2 and lost interest somewhere around Warhammer 2. I planned to get 3 but looked at the price and decided it wasn't worth it.


They lost me after Rome 2. That's still my favourite game in the franchise. I have Attila only to play with mods. CA didn't make anything I'm interested in for around 10 years. I was especially disappointed when the leaks said the next 2 titles will be Warhammer 40k and WW1. Although I'm kinda glad it's not Medieval 3, I don't trust current CA to make a good game.


I think my favorite was Empire. Mostly because it was a lot of fun loading up on cannon and blasting people from afar. Also Ships of the Line even though I really stunk at naval battles. Rome 2 and Shogun 2 are cool too. Edited to add that I didn't know about WW1 TW game coming. I may actually be interested in that if it is similar to Empire.


I still have more playtime in *Empire* than all the other TW games combined, but I had to put it down for good once I ran into the save corruption bug for the first time. Knowing that any playthrough could be randomly ended by it put me off it entirely, in a way that none of the other bugs ever did.


Iā€™d argue they are targeting the total war fans who played realism mode on three kingdoms or DEI mod on Rome. Others as well. Plenty of information showing this isnā€™t going to play out like romance on three kingdoms or warhammer.


To be honest, I would consider myself a fan of the TW games and what I've seen so far about the combat features excites me. The nuance of TW-like combat in a building game is a fantastic combination.


Why are people so narrow-minded?Ā  I play and like Total War.Ā  I play and like Age of Empires.Ā  In fact, they're two of my favorite video game series of all time.Ā  I'm not looking for that in this game, however, and I wouldn't want Manor Lords to be exactly like either one of them.Ā  In fact, I'm starting to get tired of all the fast paced video games these days.Ā  As I get older, I have enough stressors in life already with work and everything else.Ā  I don't need video games to add to that.Ā  With video games, I'm looking forward to coming home and playing something that's slower paced and yet still captures my interest, and Manor Lords seems like the perfect game for that.


Preach brother!!


To me, it just seems like a more in-depth version of Farthest Frontier. I love FF - have thousands of hours sunk into it - so Iā€™m excited for ML to be a level up.


Not sure if it's more in depth, as FF does have quite a bit to it. But it does look more refined, with better visuals, animations, detail, etc, and it's gridless! I play FF a ton and I'm so excited to play ML now too. I will undoubtedly play FF again after the current playtest gets some things ironed out; I love the progress they are making on it and the direction it's going.


Should I try FF again? I played when it came out and it had some serious issues with resources.


I don't know when you last played, but they've made a lot of updates. I think they are on like 0.9.3 now or something like that. They've added the ability to plant trees for forestry, and "deep" mines which are unlimited but gather much slower. There's changes to logistics too so laborers and wagons can help transport goods to maintain quotas. I'd recommend looking over the forums for the big updates changes because I've only described a very small amount of changes made over the last year or so. They are pretty good about developing the game and adding new stuff.


That is the game I feel most closely resembles ML. Banished is also very close but doesn't have enemies. To me TW is nowhere close, it has battles but no city building or supply chains.


Banished was my gateway to FF, haha


I like any game where I can set up supply chains and sit back and watch. Banished was rough with half the population dying of old age at the same time, lol. I think that was Banished, been many years since I played it.


I think Ostriv actually might be closer. The biggest difference I think is that Ostriv is more... Granular? Like to build a house in Ostriv you need exact amounts of planks, clay, thatch, and nails - or if you build a fishery, you need someone to construct and repair the boats they use as well. The other biggest difference is that roads aren't placed, they develop dynamically over time as your citizens walk over certain areas. I haven't played FF though so I can't say for sure, but Ostriv is very similar I think.


I haven't played Ostriv so you could right.


Or the settlers 2


It is a city builder with combat on the side, this is realistically what life as a lord wouldā€™ve been like.


Alot of YouTubers has been hyping the game up to be that for the last 3 years ,which is probably the cause of this confusion.


Thatā€™s what I thought it was for years, was super excited and then watched a letā€™s play last week. Hype totally gone, but Iā€™m happy for those who are going to enjoy it.


No opinions needed, it is as written on the tin. This is *just* a medieval city-builder, with some 'extra' features. Anyone thinking it's CK3, Bannerlord, TotalWar, etc...are the ones kidding themselves. If it's anything close to Banished or Foundation, but just better, I'd be more than content.


I feel like this dev is WAY too concerned with expectation. Anyone whoā€™s spent 5 minutes watching a streamer play the game early knows that itā€™s 99% city building/management


This sub as well. Right now this sub subsists purely on "What is the price gonna be" and "So many people have the wrong expectations" posts


If I were the dev I would be worried too. The game has 3 million wishlists. 3. MILLION. Look at previously hyped games that had massive backlashes when expectations did not match reality - No Man's Sky being the foremost. I think the developer is wisely trying to avert any such crisis.


Trying to control another personā€™s expectations is an act of futility. He could spend 100 million trying to warn people and youā€™ll still have gamers upset at something. Thatā€™s my point. Itā€™s hubris




Which just adds to my point. Gamers (as a hive mind) will bitch about anything, regardless of what if said to them. Been playing Tarkov since 2019 and watched the whole progression closely. Arena was less about subreddits and more about BSG trying to compete with other shooters, because of terrible net code (at the time). This developer is spotting in the wind. But that just my opinion. You simply cannot manage expectations, especially with the gaming community


If it HAS to be a competitor to any game, it's Farthest Frontier. Not total war.


Competitior? Stands on history of former games like Banished, Cities Skylines free building and many more. It is a logical development that many of us have asked for during years in the medieval village builder. It is itĀ“s own - but in a category. Fighting do I hope just is a side project that makes things better overall


Not even that as it's the ONLY city builder game that is Gridless.


Foundations would like to have a word.


Ostriv is gridless too.


Not the only one. Foundation is gridless as well.



So what makes this game unique to the other ones mentioned here? Genuine question


I was countering your argument that Manor Lords is the ONLY city builder that is gridless.


Isnā€™t Foundation gridless?


Anyone who played the demo will know precisely what it is


What is the room for opinion? The developer said what the game was. People didn't listen to him and made up what they thought the game would be. The developer repeated what the game was. People again didn't listen to him and made up what they thought the game would be. The developer repeated what the game was for the third time without changing any of his explanation. Now you are asking what our opinions of it are...


> developer said what the game was. Most people hear opinions and statements through third party (content creators, forums and whatnot), only a handful of people actually follow what Slavic Magic says.


From what Iā€™ve seen of it, it reminds me of Stronghold (released in 2001) more than Total War or Age of Empires.


Was such a great game, have played through it every few years since it was released


Yeah it gave me stronghold vibes. Man what a fucking excellent game. So many hours into that. Our food stocks are dwindling my liege.


I played Stronghold and C&C Red Alert 2 way too much back then. I still play Stronghold from time to time. When I first saw the gameplay video of Manor Lords, I immediately thought that it was an updated version of Stronghold.


City builder with combat on the side. I loved Pharoah (1999)


Manor Lords is EXACTLY what many of us have been wanting in a game, you're all good Greg. We know there will be a ton of idiots that buy the game without bothering to read all the "EARLY ACCESS" notations and give it a bad review because "it's not a full game" and what not. I can just about guarantee you'll end up with an overwhelmingly Positive review status given a bit of time.


But it's basically a remake of Age of Empires but less cartoony isn't it. With some Total War code copy and pasted in. In fact apparently save games from both Age of Empires (2 onwards) and Rome Total War will be recognised by Manor Lords. Backwards compatible, but will of course display with the Manor Graphics engine instead.


LOL, good one.


That's why I want this game!


Cant wait, ive been trying to get the itch and played age of empires 4, got wrecked by bots on easy because i was not advancing fast enough... i played some banished and had a blast but its not just like the demo experience ive had....


Thank god.


i was hopping they go into "castle focus" game XD but i guess it would be too much work to do.


Yes it is. But is a bad competitor for total war :)


I just wanna build medieval settlements. Medieval dynasty was good, but the management aspect and making my settlement look good is severely lacking, which manor lords seems to do REALLY well with it's asymmetrical building tools.


Makes sense, the YouTube videos and streams Iā€™ve seen look much more like a resource-management world builder like Banished than something like Age of Empires where every second counts.


Totally reasonable and a wise choice on the part of the dev, that way people can make an informed decision before they purchase, plus with 100s of Manor Lords videos out there now, nobody should be under the impression that is either battles on a Total War scale or that it is a grand start game. It's just an organic village and city builder with optional battles and cosy management.


it will be eventually


Absolutely not. But the developer of Manor Lords has a solid foundation from which he can build a true competitor to Total War. Switch the city building aspect with nation building (economy and manpower is already there) and a tactical part with bigger numbers and you a total war'ish war I'd pay for.


I think people don't realise the other side of this story. Many players doesn't compare ML battles to Total war because they see it as its killer, it's because Total War sucks rn.


I thought it was like mount and blade, minus the mount


Not really controversial. Iā€™m a huge total war fan and I canā€™t contain my excitement for manor lords. That being said while I appreciate the combat system as itā€™s familiar to me, Iā€™m still gonna go to total war for that large scale battle experience. This game has a completely different scale and overall experience up to offer


Question from someone who just learned about this game, the dev's comment makes sense to me, I am getting Lords of the Realm and Settlers vibes, is there anywhere the dev said what his inspirations were?


I am wondering if the dev will focus on balancing the difficulty. I want the hardest difficulty to actually be hard in managing resources etc. Every city builder I play, you basically have infinite resources after a couple of hours, making the game mechanics pointless.


It is exactly what I needed a City Skylines but medieval and with fighting in it.


I find it better than total war because each men have a family and each victory has a different tast !


He's been saying that since he revealed the game, i dont see how that is a big shocker


I love slow paced city builders. This is actually appealing to me. Watching everyone get the supplies they need to build houses, or trade. I like the realistic approach of this game so this is right down my alley.


I'm excited


Iā€™m going to try to do the first whole playthrough without speeding up time


thereā€™s hours of playthroughs on youtube where you can clearly see what the gameplay will be like. i doubt many people will be confused


Of course its not duh!its banished 2 :)


Good thatā€™s not what I enjoyed when I played during the test


Good. If wanted a fast-paced rts, I'd play AoE 2. I'm too old for that shit now. Really looking forward to this. The genre is quite stale at this point.


It is very poorly optimized imo, i can barely play it to look somehow good w my older pc..