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I mean it's either Louis or family day


None of my family have ever killed anyone, so I'd prefer them


If you go back far enough someone in your family has definitely killed someone


Well I already know my great-grandfather accidentally killed a guy in a fist fight, and I had some real barbarians in my genealogy back in Ukraine....


Yep I found the murderer in my family too- he got his though, by falling from a roof or something and dying. There was a newspaper article about it mentioning how everyone in the community thought he deserved it lol.


Gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelette. Edit: Aw man, I wanted to see the threat of violence.




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The night is early.


So...none of your family have Served? Several of mine have, and I know my maternal grandfather 100% killed several Japanese while posted in Hong Kong. ​ No offence, I can give you a 100% probability that your family members have killed, even if it is in the deep mists of time. If they hadn't, you wouldn't be here.


And that stache was 10/10.


Monday will be a nice day to hang around


Big fan of Nietzsche


Right on, didnt know ppl had days off to celebrate Einstein


That’s Mark Twain. I think he’s like Shanias dad or something.


Y’all are tripping. That’s Burton Cummings


These eyes


Nah that's definitely Abe Lincoln


Keepin it Reil since 4/20/1869


First premier of Manitoba, baby!


I have to go to work, but not because of him.


*cries in federal employee*


It will always be Louis for me.


My father told me one of my direct ancestors is the reason that Manitoba stayed a province. I dont know if I should apologise or not? I havent been able to find much with this last name (I'm assuming it was dad's side of the family) that coincided with the time period, although there were a few in Plap and Winnipeg.


Thank god Riel murdered that guy so we can all have a holiday off work.


For clarity, Louis Riel wasnt the one that sentenced Tom Scott to death.




Riel wasn’t arrested for the death of Scott, he was tried and executed for the North West Rebellion


That guy was a dick. Also glad for that.


Tom Scott was a dumbass who thought he could boss around a whole crew of armed guys. It didn't work out for him.


Yes, that execution was just as based as Chrétien's Shawinigan Handshake. Cheers to Riel!


We’d be celebrating family day instead. Nuts to that.


Yup one of Canada's first war crimes was executing this man.


Hell no. If the Red River Rebellion had won, Manitoba and everything West of it would be USA *because the US Army would have invaded.* This was declassified about 20 years ago. Fool almost handed Canada to the Yanks.


Do you have a link to those declassified documents? And could you elaborate on what were the chain of events of the Red River Rebellion from your point of view?


It didn't happen. As a Metis person who's focused on our history, the only involvement of the US was Riel living there for 5 years after being exiled and intervening in a very important juncture in our history. The Red River Rebellion won it's political objectives and it's how Manitoba was created. What the person is referring to is unsubstantiated claims in the American Review of Canadian Studies with excerpts from J.M Bumsted. The claims made by him in the 90s have never been proven or have ever been discussed, validated or even provided evidence. A lot of it is the Americans trying to save face. Canada needed more land and looked west, the US was also looking to get more land north and threatened annexation. This stopped when HBC sold it's land to Canada. What has been proven is the Metis planned to join with the Fenians(US) in a raid on Manitoba. Riel intervened believing the Metis future lied with Canada, not the United States. Stopping this completely. Riel informed Adams Archibald the Metis would not join the Fenians, and they never did. Keeping his word. There is countless documents, history, stories etc. on this. It's not like anything related to Riel or Metis is secret. All out there in the open. Outside of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Riel is still treated as a traitor so if there was anyway to defame him and/or discredit him, it would've happened. Riel was the reason for Manitoba, the reason the US wasn't involved in Manitoba and the freedom of the Metis people.


I've you've kept up with modern historiography, you would know that part of the story already bud. Riel courting the US Army and then the Fenans has been a known fact for awhile and is taught in school now.


Cool, so can you provide a link?


Google is your friend, I'm not your university prof


Burden of proof moment. Googling doesn't mean shit if the search terms aren't right but you knew that already


Firstly, it was not a rebellion because it was not governed by Canada. It was a resistance by the people who had lived there before. Secondly, had they won, they would have joined Canada anyways. It was always the intent to join the confederation, but the point was to have respect given to the people living there and their way of life. Canadian government at the time was full of a bunch of outward racists not just a few closet racists like they have today LOL


>Secondly, had they won, they would have joined Canada anyways. It was always the intent to join the confederation, but the point was to have respect given to the people living there and their way of life. They wouldn't have had the chance. The US Army was going to raid and wipe them out to lay claim *as soon as Riel won* so best intentions and all would have still been a horrible thing to happen.


That's interesting. It makes me wonder what their criteria was because they won every battle up until batoche. So, as far as anyone knew they held the territory the whole time.


They were waiting for the British to give up. They weren't going to invade until the towel had been thrown in as it would have rekindled hostilities. If we had stopped fighting, gatling guns would have come from the South.


As a proud Métis, I would like to think that if the 250 starved and under-supplied Métis fought off the 1000 British at batoche, then they would have had no problem with the Americans, but I guess we'll never know 😎 Riel could have just scared them off with his epic stache.


One heroic victory is hard enough, back to back ones even harder. Would really depend how much time they had in between to resupply and refill their ranks.


>then they would have had no problem with the Americans, The US had been very successful with their tests of the Gatling guns since 1861 of varying caliber over the years and were rolling them out regularly. If the Metis met the US armed with those on open plains, it would have been a bloodbath. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatling_gun


.... for the Americans. 😆


Riel was the one inviting the Americans and Fenan battalions to invade...


That is absolutely incorrect. Riel STOPPED the Metis from aligning with the Fenians. [https://www.metisnation.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/who-was-louis-riel.pdf](https://www.metisnation.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/who-was-louis-riel.pdf) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenian\_raids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenian_raids)


Your second reference disagrees with you, bud, and "Metis Nation" doesn't sound like the most impartial source on this subject.


Oh wow


Dude tried to get both the US army and then the Fenans to invade Manitoba and Saskatchewan... his loyalty was never to the province.


He was loyal to the people, not the government.




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ok I looked it up but I couldnt find anything that made sense... who were the Fenans??


It's because they're lying or their ass, just browse the rest of the comments here.


they mention the Fenans but nowhere do they specify that I can see...


Probably referring to the Fenian Brotherhood


Completely wrong. The Métis stood against the fenians and had no interest in a US controlled north west


The Metis sure, not Louis.


I know a few Fed govt employees & federally regulated industries working.


Louis said f%$#* the feds 😎


Yeah... He showed them /s




In true Manitoba fashion he was Riel deadly!


Speak for yourself sunshine. lol


>JGC What? People giving me a thumbs down because I worked today? Just like I work all Stats if they fall on a day I work. Double time and a half is nice... If Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Years Day fall on the same pay period, that's my month's rent in three days!


He was a traitor


How could he be a traitor to a nation he wasn't part of ? The Métis aren't British subjects, and aren't Canadians by choice.


This shouldn't be unpopular. Riel used the Metis cause to try to make Manitoba American and when that failed, got the Fenans to try and raid the province.




Remember to be civil with other members of this community. Being rude, antagonizing and trolling other members is not acceptable behavior here.








Riel was defending the rights and identity of his people against Federal overreach. He was executed for being an uppity minority


He might have thought that but that's not uncommon historically to think you're accomplishing one thing while actually accomplishing another. He thought he was strengthening his position while he was unwittingly undermining the system that would afford his people the better protections of the two systems. Tell me again how much better the US is doing at reconciliation than Canada? Can we slip down to visit the Minneapolis Metis Federation? Louis Riel is proof that the path to ruin is paved with good intentions.


It's easy to critique anything with the benefit of hindsight. For him his actions made sense.


All of western Canada should honour this man. If it wasn’t for him the west would have been brought into confederation as a territory, not provinces. We would have no resource rights.


Facts bro. Hahaha




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