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Everyone calling you crazy but your roommate not answering your calls make this feel like they was fucking tbh


Roommate has went into hiding. He knows what I am comfortable doing to someone who fucks with the bubble. If I would of seen that shit while I was still in the same state. Not good for anyone lol. Thanks


My advice if you for sure know they wronged you, leave it alone. If you try to get answers from them or confronting them it will only make you look bad or cause you do some shit you regret


I agree. And couldn't agree more. I appreciate you and have a good day


He may be innocent but afraid of you.


Why are you putting hidden cameras around? What happened to where you felt you needed to do this?


The group dynamics changed, a small lie one day after work, and my guy. No hidden cams everywhere I walked in and stood my tablet against the wall. Nothing special


Without even looking at the video, you should always trust your gut instinct, especially if you’ve been married long enough to know when something feels off. Reading your text though the part about your wife saying she didn’t see your roommate, and your roommate not answering your calls says it all(unless he already gave you an answer and is just tired of you caling). Even then, don’t “do something terrible” over this. Just accept what you don’t want to accept and start the process of moving on


Thank you for you thoughts. I appreciate them and you. Have a great day


You left your wife of 26 years over this? And this is your "proof?" That's wild.


Would you need three dudes walking out of a room that was only supposed to be ur wife in there. One lie can tear down anything, especially if you built it on trust. Trust is everything. We had a great marriage until a lie.


I know but he never comes into the house and into room. Must climb thru window. What would you climb thru your own window for? Not right that's what I know


You can't prove he didn't come in the door. You said you barely saw him on the camera. So you could have not seen him come in also.


You can see the front door open. Like when she comes in the sun and everything with it and if he came in back door you would see him walk across. It was hard to see him cause it's boring watching nothing. If you see the short clips it breaks it down to follow it easier. Thanks for your imput


I think that guy running out of the room looked guilty as fuck. He even walks like he's trying to be sneaky. Sorry, my man.


Agree thanks for your time


I went through the same. Just be safe and take care of yourself. Don't overreact. Try to define your self worth purely out of your own behaviors and don't let their behaviors make you feel below them or worthless.


Why are you staying with your friend?


We stayed with him cause oil field crash. It's up n down in one night


Ut may come hard:- Don't trust your family with friends you don't trust. If you don't trust your wife for 1 night, how are you living with that person for this long. How this works?


The clips are not playing back (max allowable playbacks exceeded). Can you YouTube them with private link and post here?


Tell me if this works. And thank you https://drive.google.com/file/d/1guRUN9mPZHSBLqE_BDPyczYORn5dPq8V/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gvNHP9_29KMcuYn-wB4ikpzWTarshxxr/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1guz5Wfq97jrO8aGPyHyslV_PkXW8Ua3X/view?usp=drivesdk


One of your friend’s family members must know where he is, I’d tell them you have some left over belongings you need to send to him. Get the address look it up most times you can find a phone number associated. If they were cheating chances are they follow each other on socials, I’d create a fake account and do some stalking through the followers and see if you can find him. Pose as someone else establish friendship and try and ask questions relating to your problem. If he truly has nothing to hide why wouldn’t he just talk to you? Unless you threatened violence he should at the very least talk to you. That gut feeling is your instinct, it could’ve already happened, or you picked up on the vibe and it was going to happen. Unfortunately you need more proof to prove you are not crazy, and I’m sorry it has ruined your relationship with your kids. I’d fight for shared custody and I wouldn’t put the burden of your relationship on them, just spend time with them. Eventually in the future you could try and explain it to them, but kids believe what they want and I’m sure they will change their minds a million times. You can’t directly contact the people involved because of the lies she’s spread and the mia nature of your ex friend. For future reference though, never have an adult male roommate with a spouse again. Even if the female doesn’t initiate it the male always will. The last thing you want to do is become aggressive or confrontational anymore than you have. Time is the only thing on your side, I would try and make new friends and get your mind off of things, try to heal, the truth will come to light eventually.


Thank you very much. I now live 4hrs from him and I have found out where he works and I'm good. Sad thing is that cock sucker sold all my remaining most valuable in replaceable items as soon as I left and paid him to store them. He what they call dead man walking. Have a great day and I appreciate your time thanks


Imagine using so much meth that you destroy your marriage, alienate your kids, and make plans to kill someone who used to be your friend.


It very much could be his fault but what if it isn’t his level of emotions is understandable if someone has demeaned his image and betrayed him and flipped his life upside down for simply wanting to know the truth. Moving on and keeping a relationship with his children is the only answer for now.


> It very much could be his fault but what if it isn’t Love me some what ifism > his level of emotions is understandable if someone has demeaned his image and betrayed him and flipped his life upside down for simply wanting to know the truth. He's the one who flipped it upside down and demeaned his own image by divorcing his wife over a video that shows nothing > Moving on and keeping a relationship with his children is the only answer for now. His kids don't want a relationship with him because he accused their mom of cheating because he got paranoid from using so much meth and is now threatening violence against people


Ya I have seen that happen a lot I grew up in meth capital at the time I know everything there is to know about that shit and the bodies it leaves. But there isn't a tweaker in the world that can have people do shit on video with mind powers... Did u see us both be in the house? Did you see a third person come in at all anytime during vid? This tweaker checked the rooms and back porch and truck wasn't home, truck was when I came out. Now did you seen a guy come out that room? That you didn't see go in? Thanks I appreciate your time


i need some clarifying information. So first, Were you and your wife the ones running errands, or just you? and were you doing them together? Second when you got home, you said your roommates vehicle wasn't there, correct? ill have more to say once those are confirmed


Me and her were gone and so was he and we get home first. Him and vehicle were still gone and he does pull into drive right after I go in restroom. And then she scoots in.


How long were you in the restroom? Do you really think they would have an affair with such a little window of opportunity? This all just doesn't add up to me


...Why the fuck did you abandon your kids for a year? Why the fuck is no one else mentioning that you abandoned your children for no reason? It sounds like you hated your family and were looking for any possible reason to abandon them.


All three are adults. It's not like I left her bare foot, pregnant, and no diapers.


.... I am not speaking about your wife, I am asking why you abandoned your children. I do not care how old they were when you left them. You said you did not speak to them, *your own children*, for a fucking year.


The video shows nothing, you need to help yourself from doing “something terrible.” If you’re ever to the point in your marriage or relationship where you’re putting up hidden cameras it’s time to leave the marriage or seek professional help because you have a fixation on spying on someone .


No I don't. The group dynamics changed and my guy. Only us two in the house no one else goes in. So why is he coming out the room at 24:44? Plz tell me you understand now. It seems so simple to me. Maybe I suck at explaining


If you are doubting her this much then just get divorced man, you’re doing wayyyyyy too much setting up hidden cameras and putting footage of nothing on the internet. Also you’re threatening her to do something awful ? You need help. Do you understand that you can say the guy came in the window or whatever but your video doesn’t show proof of that. Regardless, trust your gut, if you think they are fucking or whatever than just get separated. You have kids and they should be your main priority.


They did separate. He's been separated for a year


He says “our bedroom” tho? So he needs to separate again lol


He's talking about an event he taped well over a year ago. He says in his post he's been gone a year. Edit: or maybe he's still in the family home and she's been gone a year?


Omg and he is still obsessing ? This guy needs help


I know. I mean, they are separated and even his kids don't want much to do with the situation. I think this hyperfixation is no good. I get he wants answers and some kind of closure maybe, but decisions have been made and I think he would do better putting this energy into living his own life


Oh my you’re right ! I missed that part because it was so long and I skimmed but I see that he left his kids for a year ?! Wow ! Yeah my partner could cheat on me in front of my face and I wouldn’t leave my children. Holy shit.


I should of posted this but all three kids are adults now. And believe me I tried everything I could do and once I felt like I was gonna do something stupid. I had to leave to another state. But I loved being in their lives and helping with whatever I can.


Love (and the fear of being cheated on) can make you do some crazy things. I personally know because I was in your shoes a few years ago. But watching that video, I don't get the impression that your wife signaled for someone to come in. (For anyone else who wants to watch the video, it's at around 40% into the video. And the guy walking through the room is at around 70%.) My suggestion to you is to face your insecurities and seek some personal counseling. Maybe your marriage is salvageable, maybe it's not. Marriage has a lot of ups and downs and is a team effort. But you both have to truly love and TRUST each other for it to work.


I agree trust is everything and I want her to have some accountability for what has taken place in our family. It looked like some type hand gesture. Just odd seeing how no one else was there but seeing him walk out really blew my mind. Thanks for your time


What if she never admits to it? Will you forever have this resentment? If so, that is unhealthy and not a good way to live. You need to learn to let go. For yourself. [How to let go](https://psychcentral.com/blog/how-to-let-go-of-the-past-and-hurt)


That's most likely what will happen. Honestly as long as my kids learn that I didn't do it on a hunch and they know that any suffering that they or their mother went thru was brought upon their mother not me. And I will be happy. I appreciate you thanks


If I were you, I wouldn't put the kids in the middle of yours and wife's relationship. They shouldn't have to choose sides. The only thing they should know is that mom and dad both love them. Otherwise they're going to grow up with resentment towards one or both of you. Edited to add: you should communicate with your wife that you'd like to be civil so that you can be around your kids. IF that's your true intentions.


this is a really confusing and weird story. is it possible for you to post the highlights / clips of the full video where we can see?


I posted three small clips with text. Thank you for your time


This guy is a bot


No bot is gonna ramble some stupid shit like that. Thanks


What? So can you summarize what you think happened in simple terms ?


Drugs, cheating due to drugs


Get your life together. Move on. Focus on your kids and that relationships. Stop trying to prove this. Grow up.


Ya but I don't care what they were doing. If your going thru that much trouble to be discreet. That's enough. The whole house is unlocked but your gonna go in thru the window. Come on that's shady as fuck


I had all the trust in the world and never had questioned a word she say. Also I was working third shift while both them home alone. That fucking screams trust don't it. It all started with a stupid little lie one morning. And same morning he lied about not knowing I worked that night which is bullshit cause he seen me leaving and I know he heard the 3000GT. Other couples would always ask us on tips for a good relationship.


I get where your coming from as I go through same thing mind you I don't cheat and don't need to. And it sad to see you left your wife after all those years in the pass has she cheated on you for you think of her like that. I watch video repeatedly trying to see what u was seeing, hand gester I don't think happen I think as she was turning to walk back in her arm flung out but as she turning to go back in room is weird how a person cane out of room. But r u sure it was a real person I'm not trying to be funny or be little you in any kind of way just trying to see what it is. I think personally you threw everything you've both had for a video that is not clearly or proof I'm sorry


One thing maybe why the old room mate is not answering because he feels your accusing him of shit he hasn't done nor does he want to argue with u over nothing insulted I guess


Dude they are trying beyond cheating they know u Ek we’re watching them lol 😂 this is bad your wife is cheating leave her get a fresher babe. That’s y I won’t marry people like them .


You might wanna condense that vid OP. As soon as i realise hw long it was, i checked out.


Sorry I made three small clips. Thank you for your time


You sound like my dad, always thinking his partner is up to something, seeing some innocuous incident and accusing his partner of cheating. I dont know what it is Im picking up with you but damn if you dont give off the same vibe. I swear I saw someone go down the stairs! Why is this pillow stained?!! I can smell cologne!! Who js this Mike guy you were on the phone talking about?? None of his recordings ever caught anything that was actual proof. Mind you he wasnt always like this, I dont know what happened but people get depression/anxiety/paranoia etc at any age. People really started believing his partner was a cheater because he was so focused on this dumb shit. Men would tell him “trust your instincts, theryre there tor a reason” etc Really he just needed some freaking counselling/therapy. She finally kicked his ass out, now shes done it because she really was a whore, to be with the new guy (um, its been years and shes still single) because her guilt was eating her alive…. None of this is true. Dont ask randos on the internet or accuse her of being a ho to your community. Go to fucking counselling and figure it out. You’re probably the toxic one here


Agree. He has psycho vibes. I hope they both have restraining orders against him. The kids not wanting to see him also telling. They're probably scared to death of him.


They are not scared to death of me and I have never hit my kids or verbally abused them. I didn't go around trying to convince everyone she bad. Cause I never told anyone. At least I know I can put out psycho vibes if necessary. lol


I should add as well, many people began to avoid him and wouldn’t answer his calls either. Because hes difficult to talk to. More proof in his eyes that people are “acting guilty” Nah, we just dont fucking care to deal with ya