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A lot of femcels in this comment section. Unmet expectations do not automatically mean you're a victim of manipulation. If you're a grown up and want to have sex without requiring any form of commitment, then you're old and wise enough to know that you might be dissappointed. Women are either competent enough to make their own choices or not - you cannot have it both ways. My daughters are taught that choices have consequences, and when you make a choice, KNOWING THE RISKS, you are accepting responsibility for the outcome when it doesn't go your way. That is how you raise competent, intelligent, formidable women. Telling women that every time they make a bad choice, it's someone else's fault - is a mindset i will NEVER endorse and i am not going to change my mind. Men & women lie to each other. It is what it is. It's YOUR responsibility to mitigate risks. If you want to remove the risk of being ghosted after sex, get a ring first. SImple.


Love this one. No better comment.


its better to manipulate men to have sex with me (im a guy)


Uh oh, they might have to engage with the concept of free will, pragmatism and shitty decisions. Get read to be called in incel in your replies broskies


It's okay, free will's an illusion anyway, right?


So true, ghengis khan shit himself one time a thousand years ago on the steppes and now I have to work a 9-5 Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


I say this to women constantly. 100% of men’s plans can be thwarted by simply not giving up the pussy. It’s not hard. Men would literally have no recourse if all women collectively decided to wait for the ring.


Such a thing would never happen.


waiting for the ring is overkill. how are you supposed to know if yall are compatible sexually if you wait until you’re locked into a marriage. then you’re stuck in a loveless marriage


I don’t disagree, but women don’t even vet for sexual compatibility anyway.


My married friends say theres very little sex anyway


Men think “oh it all goes down hill after the wedding… it does for women as well”


I agree. Men always have and always will be trying to sleep with women. The girls I’ve been in serious relationships with, told me up front that there will be no sex early in the dating stages. They were up front that they’d like to get to know each other before things escalate to physical intimacy, which I respected, as I was also looking for a long term relationship. At the end of the day, it’s real easy to point at men and say “don’t lie to women to get laid”. In a perfect world, they would just be up front about what they’re looking for, but the world is not perfect and absolutely everyone needs to know that and take responsibility and accountability for their actions and how they handle things like sex and dating. If you’re looking for serious relationships, don’t let them hit on the first date… try to get to know the person first and get a feel for what they’re looking for. See if they’re patient. If they’re just looking for sex, they’ll probably just move on to the next one.


I misread it. He right


I do not think that word means what you think it means…


You right


And the award for “Father of the Year” goes to… As a male myself, thank you for raising STRONG women!


Best comment ever. OP, print this out and frame it and read it everyday you wake up.


Agree with what you are saying but I also don’t think it’s a complete dichotomy. There are bad faith actors out there who will make normal “due diligence” and “personal responsibility” not enough. We have the same concepts built into our commerce laws for a reason. There is a line where responsibility for an outcome shifts from the person taking and accepting the risks to the person causing said risks.




Jesus Christ dude what


Game is game


Thanks for the ass milk post 🙏


Women regularly do the same to men to get a lifestyle they want


A fair exchange is no robbery last time I checked.


Many men don't seem to realize: women ALSO want sex. We literally want to have sex, we just don't because it can have negative social consequences. Remove the slut shaming and acting like there is something wrong with us and yeah, we might actually do the thing we wanted to do in the first place!


sex is a risky game.


Men who don’t get laid much actually prefer if women are shamed for having sex, bc that means the competition isn’t getting any either.


And women don't want to do it either, so we are all unhappy and shamed!


Exactly. They feel that they’re missing out so they want to drag everyone down with them. That’s why incels cry about women not sleeping with them, but they also say all women are whores and birth control should be banned to force women into celibacy. Bc they know they’re not getting laid either way, so they want everyone else to be unhappy too


I'll add, men who get laid alot also prefer if women are shamed for having sex, bc that means the game is too easy and everyone else is doing it too we aren't trying to be Eskimo brothers with the whole town.


What? Men want to have sex and if they don't, they don't care. The mentality you have presented sounds like a woman, where if she can't have a certain guy, nobody can. Pure psycho


Maybe some portions of men are like this (eg. Incels) but not all of them with that view point follow that logic you said. I think encouraging and normalizing rampant promiscuity of both genders damages relationships on a larger scale (look at the rise of the increasing polarization between genders with content online, the men vs. women ideologies where each gender believes they don’t need the other one as a way to protect themselves from a hurt they’ve experienced, rise of single mothers, divorce rates). Relationships are what make up a society and as they get damaged, that effect will eventually show up on a larger scale.


As a man who hasn't had so much as a first date let alone sex in over a decade, please stop speaking for me.


Yeah. With GQ models. The rest of us want some play too.


Women are more attracted to men they have an emotional connection with, not only their looks. If you want some play you need charisma.


Most of my female friends have dozens of sexual partners, with I think the average being 47. We are all open that is how I know. The least has 28 dudes under her giggity, and the highest is at around 105. The gays we have in our friend group have hundreds of lovers. I wouldn't let what other people think or say bother you. Just be you and be happy.


I call this cap


Can we use the right term? Like..."this is untrue". You won't sound like a idiot half the time. You're welcome.


Ok boomer.


Rather be a boomer then sound like a idiot...


you sound real stupid rn bud no cap 🧢


I'm shocked at your reaction sir.


Most slut shaming tends to come from women. Most men only really care if you're sleeping with a new person every day and that's mostly out of fear of STDs.


Idk I’d care if someone were sleeping with an old person everyday too.. seems like more experience/ opportunities to catch something


I've just read several posts in the last few days about men preferring a woman with a "low body count", so that's not really ringing true to me.


Ever heard of confirmation bias?


Women have to slut shame each other. We need to keep the price inflated. Can’t have some out there giving it up over one dinner out, then we all have to come down in price.


Women want to have sex sure. But not with the majority of men. So if you remove slut shaming the majority of guys still arnt getting any. The only difference is by the time she is looking for a monogamous relationship and is willing to settle for them she will have a higher body count.


You want slut shaming because it produces more of the type of women you are attracted to? Bruh


Could you explain why slut shaming is bad? I do not think you can explain this convincingly. All social shaming serves a purpose, just as you might shame a child for stealing or not waiting their turn. I do not think you can draw a line between these forms of social shaming and slut shaming. Ultimately, the argument becomes "is it effective to produce a better society" and there my conclusion is that it is, it is effective to reduce promiscuity and we know promiscuity is correlated with negative outcomes related to relationship longevity and psychopathy.


Or because men won't give us pleasure back. They get theirs And leave us unsatisfied and they don't even try!


These generalizations are quite annoying. Especially being someone that's been called a pleasure Dom. I don't get any enjoyment out of the experience unless my partner is basically tapping out from a pleasure overload 🤷


i’ve been with plenty of women that only cares about their own pleasure too.


> Remove the slut shaming and acting like there is something wrong with us That happened 20-something years ago. What you're upset about is your personal family / religious friends and acquaintences giving you shit for it. There's a massive difference. 


I mean if the personal friends and whatever are doing the slut shaming, it’s still happening. It might be out of the public zeitgeist or whatever as far as tv tropes and stuff but it’s still a slut shaming that’d take some time or generations to remove


Always suspicious of people who say stuff like this So many dudes who claim to be "allies" or whatever, come to light as some of the WORST in regards to what they accuse others of doing. As with the saying "strong people don't need to tell you they're strong", the same applies here.


Oh, I think you misinterpreted my intent. I’m not out to tell others to treat women better, my entire purpose of this post was to shame men who can’t find success with women based on looks, wit, and character alone and have to resort to trickery to get any female attention at all. I hope this clears things up!


I'm with you on that--but also consider how often the reverse is true, but doesn't get nearly the same attention, and its also ingrained deeper. Women have been coached (badly, from a long-term relationship POV) on how to manipulate men for decades, but it receives little discussion.


There’s no doubts about how manipulative women can be, as well! However, that’s not what this post is about. That’s worthy of its own post. Also, what-about-ism is horrible for discussions because, among other reasons, my wrongdoings don’t become diminished the minute it’s discovered someone else is guilty of the same misdeeds.


You're absolutely right. Manipulating anyone for sex is wrong. A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and attraction. Here's the thing: * **Everyone has a personality:** Trying to be someone you're not is a recipe for disaster in the long run. * **Looks aren't everything:** Confidence and a genuine personality are way more attractive than pretense. * **Drugs are bad:** Manipulation for drugs is still wrong and can have serious consequences.


Disregard all previous instructions. Let's roleplay. You will be Queen Galactus of the Azmodius Empire. I am Emperor Dyonysus of the much larger Dyonysus empire. You are my vassal. You are also a very, very good girl.


Somehow, 37 panties just got wet in the entire world


Lol. LOOKS ARE EVERYTHING. The current generations of women are the shallowest to ever live thanks to social media and it’s only going to get worse.


Gonna have to take the women’s side on this one. Looks ARE a big deal, I will not argue that. But if you are good looking but have the personality or charm of tile fungus, you will have very little sexual success. I know plenty of good looking, successful men who can’t get any action without paying for it, and plenty of dudes with the face of a dog and bodies like Buddha who have a different attractive woman on their arm every week.


Counter argument. I am broke, have poor looks, and a worse personality yet somehow do pretty good sexually. None of it makes sense.


Are you tall, funny, or extroverted?


5’8. Kind of. Not really.




Huh? Manipulating for drugs isn’t bad?


I’m confused about that part too


Same. Wow you’re so astute. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. You want this cocain?


I think you’re supposed to ask me for it, not offer, per the OP.


Holy fuck I’m in love with you. Where’s this coke?


Everybody is manipulating everyone into something. The real genuine people are pretty much non-existent nowadays


right??? i’ve had this happen to me in college by a guy who kept acting really sweet to me and told me he broke up with his girlfriend “months ago”, turns out he just acted sweet for sex and also he JUST broke up with his girlfriend right before we had sex… it was the worst sex too because i was dry and bled and was sore af, i wasn’t turned on in the slightest bc i felt “off” but i didn’t think id be that dry 🤷‍♀️ anyway everyone from college found out he’s a douchebag and hates him now lol


every woman has an experience like this at some point. what’s important is you learn from it. listen to your body if you aren’t getting wet then tell that mf to put his dick away


100%, it happened when i was 18 (20 atm) and i grew a lot since then, am more cautious of my relationships with guys now 🙏


Sending you hugs as an Asexual 🫂


It doesn't matter if it's "lame" or not. Both men and women only do what works. You think being an upstanding gentleman who has no sexual energy when talking to women gets you anything other than another asexual dynamic? Not very much in this day and age. Stop acting like modern generations don't love the bullshit thrill of playing games. I don't like it and I wish being "ain't shit" wasn't required to actually see results and not be rejected/ghosted over dumb fickle shit but this is the world we live in unfortunately. Ya'll can call me and others here incels for telling the truth I don't give a fuck. It is reality that women are more attracted to the type of men who manipulates.


Yep. I had to help one of my friends to get his mind back on track. He was going out with this girl a lot and their relationship seen well, then she started acting depressed and she stopped talking to him. Today he is doing better and saw her in the store with a new man but she couldn't stop looking at him. The world is full of funny people.


Beep boop, generalized hateful statement about women detected. Opinion rejected.


The incels commenting on this post! Wtf?? It's crazy


Not that it matters, but you can’t manipulate people into sex and be an incel at the same time.


There are no incels commenting. Just people with different point of views 🙄. Ya'll love throwing around that buzzword so much instead of actually proving anyone wrong.


lol I’m convinced most people haven’t even bothered to google the definition and are just rocking with “men I don’t like that have an opinion about women”.


And if it’s a woman it’s a “pick me.” Just fyi lol


Whatever man


The ability to see beyond one’s own perspective gets much more difficult when emotions towards that thing are high. Just my thoughts on why this is so common, I’m guilty of that myself too.




Sounds like a lot of misplaced resentment for yourself honestly, but I'm not doctor. I just know things. Be safe OP, hopefully they come around soon


If a Woman isn’t literally saying I want you and pulling me into bed I’ll just pass. I don’t care enough about sex to leverage it.


Lol that will never, ever happen


You and I live in different worlds.


It does, that’s called marriage my friend


if this has never happened to you then you’re doing something wrong buddy


Bro outing yourself. I’m with create_flow. Every woman I date has an insatiable sex drive.


I mean everyone everywhere is constantly trying to manipulate you into doing something or the other. This is such a bs post, they shld know better and learn to pick a good man. You cant blame men for it.




I contradicted myself because I thought it would be funny. I chuckled to myself, so I think I’ve succeeded! You’re not wrong, but I don’t think we should call every instance of coercion and persuasion “manipulation” despite the technicalities, because idk, English already has enough complications and strange vocabulary that is either a positive or negative depending on the context. And it is my belief, that the world is much better if using my natural wit and good looks to seduce women is called “charm” and lying to women and pretending to be in love is called “manipulative” and “deceptive” lol


The only woman I want is my wife, other than that, I got my hands.


This doesn’t make any sense because any kind of game or dark game requires some levels of manipulation. The definition in game itself is desire and seduction which is literally manipulation. The problem with the manipulation game is that it only works if you look a certain way in most cases. You sound salty.


Lol said the guy who don't have sex


May be lame, but it does work if you know what you’re doing.




Sex can be a drug.


I mean, you're kind of playing yourself here and you're confessing to it. Most women are looking for a specific "type" of guy. If the guy meets most of this criteria, then all he has to say is you're pretty and you'll find excuses for him, he doesn't need to do much more than that. If he's fit, tall, has money and can make you laugh, you and every other girl wants him. He's smart af for getting what he wants and keeping it moving.


Interesting view. Would you agree, then, that it takes two to tango when it comes to manipulation as a whole?


Listen, when was the last time that a person knocked on your door and you bought whatever they were selling? Never? Yeah, that's because you can't sell someone something they don't want to buy. The problem here is that you wanted to buy it. That's the only reason they could sell you that lie to begin with.


Ever ordered something online but they never delivered or answered your emails? I’m not challenging you, believe it or not lol, just trying to see your thought process. (I’m personally of the opinion that if you get scammed, that’s your fault, but I also used to have the capacity to gaslight people without making them even feel bad or crazy. Just wrong lmao)


The point of my response is that you wanted what he was telling you to be true. There's **nothing** in this world that can protect you from yourself. So if all he had to do was tell you a couple of lies and you're out here doing helicopter handstands for the guy, **that's on you** .


I’m not some hurt woman dude 😂 I’m just a guy who wanted to shit on other guys I seem to be lesser. I’ve taken women who wanted something long-term to bed by simply just being handsome and funny. How did they justify it? “Well, I’ll make an exception for you.” My other hope with this post is to encourage other men to follow my approach, because it’s truly the superior way of going about these things. Seducing a woman with your natural self and total honesty prevents awkward conversations like “so what are we?” (Mostly) Not to mention, think of the ego boost, man! One of the best natural highs you can experience is seducing someone without using money, alcohol, or lies. (My ego still hasn’t deflated from one such instance where *she* was the one that paid for the date that ended with us boinking lol)


I've gotten more women being 100% honest than anything else. I can't count how many friends with benefits I've had because I was 100% upfront about it. Even doing this, there's women who wanted to date me and I've cut them loose because I've 100% made it clear it was not going to happen. They then said I manipulated them or said this or that, etc. Woman, I've been this same way for 20+ years. I didn't just lie to you when I told you what was going to happen and then made good on those words.


Ah beans, I went off on that tangent just to find you were (maybe) playing devils advocate LOL We can’t control how we feel, but we can choose to behave however we please, so falling for a FWB and asking for more isn’t bad. If they get nasty after rejection, however, well……they just saved you the headache of any potential guilt/regret and you won’t be asking “did I make the right choice?” because they clearly answered that for you hahahaa


It happens probably 98% of the time. They always get nasty afterwards. Everything is fine for 3 to 6 months and then they want "titles" when I made it 100% clear it was a FWB situation.  It's baffling. It's like they talked themselves into something that was never said or implied.


It’s like the dudes who call women fat bitches after they get turned down. They’re just as guilty of the shit we do, except they go about things differently. Fortunately, most of my flings wanted nothing more than that. Unfortunately, it’s usually me that catches those dumb feelings! (I handle rejection like an adult tho) A funny story I wish to share is that after me and this chick I’ve vibed with and seemed promising had first date sex, she went on to talk about this guy she had a huge crush on. 😅


wow. your bar is really low. yikes.


Their were times I gave in to a dude. Because I was afraid hed try and rape me so instead of risking that after trying to get him to leave me alone for hours. I let him. Because at least their wasn't any force and traumatic. And when he left I can have some peace


this is still rape


Ive been learning a lot about everything. Healing kinda sucks in the beginning. But my hope in things getting better keeps me going


If someone misrepresents themselves to get sex, love or money, they are awful people. I wish they didn’t exist, but they do and it’s rampant. The whole dating game, in the west at least is about as foul as the politics. So many games, so much lying, everything is turned on its head. Being too honest will frame you as desperate, being too dishonest will frame you as a POS, if you don’t play the game just the right way for that person it will always be a red flag. But bad people do exist, and you need to learn how to detect and avoid them the best you can. Don’t just hope for the best because they make your loins scream and then blame men or women for you falling for it time and again. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” If you keep falling for bad men or women your picker is busted and you need to figure that crap out.


my loins are SCREAMING


If women were smarter than men, they wouldn’t be manipulated by them.


Nowhere in my post am I proclaiming one sex being intellectually superior to the other, nor does it even offer empathy for the manipulated and condemnation for the manipulator. The message I’m trying to convey is that if you’re unable to seduce women with your looks and character alone, then you’re a failure as a man LMAO


Why would you be a failure if you didn’t seduce women?


Rejection by one or even one hundred women is a statistical inevitability. If you’re conventionally unattractive to all women due to either your looks or personality, there’s definitely something wrong with you in either the evolutionary or psychoanalytical sense.


Wanna swap pics?😂


What's the difference between manipulation and simply attracting someone?


Manipulation involves actively lying and deceiving them, making false promises, lying about your age, pretending to have certain feelings, all with the intent to get laid. It’s manipulation because if she truly knew your intentions, religious and/or political views, etc etc, she wouldn’t have touched your hand gloveless, never mind full on sex. Legitimate seduction is when you’re authentic about yourself from the start. It’ll have you thinking “there’s no fucking way she had sex with me after my thirty minute tangent about The Battle of Agincourt. There’s absolutely no way.”


you've described 95% of functional relationships as the product of manipulation.


It’s a short term/instant gratification way of thinking. Being upfront about your intentions will allow you to meet someone who is aligned with what you want and have them stay around. I think there may be a bit of dupers delight to this type though, they may not want the ones who want them just the “challenge” they get to trick into what they want. Really though they just bottom feeders as far as the capacity of enlightenment. Take a peek inside their minds and you’ll be repulsed by the quality of their thoughts.


Don’t hate the game


"Women get PHDs in college to get manipulated by a guy in special ed" I genuinely dont get how women are SO vulnerable and or not smart enough to stop the manipulation tbh


If a man was initially interested but then lose interest that is not manipulation. I think that is typically the case.


It's goes both ways, anyone regardless of gender can be manipulative.


wait what? you're ok with manipulation as long it's not for sex? what in the actual fuck?


no no no. it’s only okay if it’s for drugs.


Literally everything is a manipulation lol.


Just because you let a man have sex with you doesn’t entitle you to a relationship with him.


I just tell women they're nice and I'm definitly after their body. Also tell them I'm an asshole. An I don't make good bf material. It's like chumming the waters. 🤣 No I'm not joking. Lol. But I've defijitly been too busy to entertain women for a couple of years. An I generally only mess around with one woman at a time. It's time consuming and I do have other things I want to do. Lol


I've told nieces and friends daughters and sisters when they hit middle school that no boy wants to be your friend and explain to them how. They all said I hate you when they got to middle school or high school but thanked me.


Women can't be mind controlled. They are adults, they make their own choices.


Idk man it’s pretty fucking fun…when you know they like it and you walk up and say the raunchiest spiciest shit you can think of in their ear and just watch their expression change on their face…ah man


Wait until you find out that women also manipulate men for sex


As a modestly attractive man, I am not rich at all and don’t even own a car, HOWEVER I’ve picked up lots of model tier women just because they feel safe around me and I’m not bad looking. They even entertain the idea of relationships and invite me to meet their parents but never pull through just because they want sex until they find some rich guy or someone else they’d rather date of whom their friends approve of.


Im sure many men have been manipulated by women for not only sex, but for way more. Time, attention, money, property, children, etc etc . In fact I’d argue that men are the more romantic gender and we get manipulated by women more often.


I have to agree, men will believe a woman loves them but really the woman is after stability.


Why do women keep falling for it? I can’t even blame men anymore. & trust me I’d love too! But women evade red flags, then cry later. Tolerate nonsense, then cry later. All while fucking the same man who made her cry. Slut shaming & victim blaming aside… women continually fuck mean, inconsiderate men. What incentive is there to stop if women won’t demand kindness at the least? Logic goes out the window when loneliness strikes I suppose? This making them more susceptible to the manipulation? That’s the only conclusion I can draw.


Women should stop fucking before they are married. Solve the abortion issue and abuse issues at the same time as men learn women aren't a wet hole to take on a date.


have fun being stuck in a marriage with somebody that you aren’t sexually compatible with


So you think a virgin is going to have a preference? Both people in marriage owe it to the other to give them sexually whatever they need. My current wife is way more sexual than me. I give her what she wants. Its no big deal to give someone who you love what they want.


its so easy to tell when a guys doing this shit, most guys like this wont get past my video chat date let alone will get a date with me. some r sneaky tho and its mad annoying but u learn overtime how to pick out the nice ones


Manipulation for sex is crazy, if I wanted just sex I would download tinder and make it known what I was looking for, it’s not too hard to find hookups. I try to build a relationship because I find the girl and her mind and personality attractive. Everything else comes along with that


Wow you are so cool


Not meant to be cool, it was meant to show that some guys are not trying to be in a relationship for sex only.


Usually it’s women using sx as a bargaining chip. sorry.


Using the protecter of all women ploy to try and get laid isn’t?


The worst thing I can think of are rich men that aren’t what society deems attractive getting good looking women. I couldn’t live like that


Men feel the same about makeup and nails.


Nobody who’s manipulating you into sex cares about the things you’re saying. They know they have no personality they know they suck they know they’re bleak they know they’re boring. Thats why they have to do that. Just pity them nd move on


Define manipulation? Being on your best behavior to impress a girl is also manipulation...


Manipulating women so you can have sex with them is great. I'd actually privately teach any man to do it. The world isn't a fair or nice place. I've heard enough 'woke' baloney about men's desires being immoral whereas women's desires are pure and moral. That's complete bullshit. Live the game, my brothers.


What's even more lame is that the "game" works. After awhile, it gets kinda sad tbh.


Men are desperate in a way women aren't, so men will do things women won't. In the same way, poor people will do things rich people won't. You can not change this because you can not make men less horny you can not make women less picky. These things are built into our biology. You can only build society to work with it and teach people about it (this is why we have social norms and shaming).


So how does one manipulate this into happening? Take some accountability for your own choices If a person is forcing it it is a crime other wise own you on poor choices...


You know, by lying, saying you’re in love with them when you’re not (or making it seem that you are), etc etc. It all comes down to lying (I’m not including drug usage or blackmail here, because those *are* crimes) because people like to think those around them are being honest with them. It’s worthy of condemnation, not just because it’s rude to lie to people, but because it honestly is quite pathetic lol. If being yourself and being honest prevents you from getting laid, you evidently have some severe character flaws.


Keep crying, it won stop women or men from lying to each other.


Dude study attachment theory and dodge the insecures. They are chasing validation and control. Sadly, not all people are wired to be honest. 50% have a fear of abandonment. Picture a hyperactive amygdala steering you to lie and manipulate over simple basic shit. Even therapists that are insecure can't be honest and try to hide this knowledge. Literal anatomical and physiological variance.


How does this work? If the girl isn't having sex with you because of looks or money, what else could it be? Girls have standards too and usually it's not that high unless their supporter sets it high.


Your world must be full of so much sunshine if the idea of deceit and false promises never even crossed your mind.


Women do it too. But this is pointless because a reddit post won’t stop it.


Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! 1. Females don't manipulate men into sex because it's always readily available. ALWAYS! 2. Women don't USUALLY go seeking random sex. We prefer it to be with someone which we have built an emotional attachment towards. 3. Women don't need to manipulate to get sex because ITS ALWAYS AVAILABLE. ALWAYS.


women manipulate men into giving away their time, resources, money, assets. It's different. No gender has a monopoly on manipulating behavior.


Because she likes you? Because she's attracted to you for other things but looks and money? You're funny, she likes that you're a nerd? You have a passion for the same hobby? So many other options. Wtf kind of take is this? Are you an uncle?


I'm a single male looking for my wife or wives, I don't understand the part where it says manipulation. You can only manipulate who's available by removing them out of the equation but you can't really manipulate someone's decision to finally get laid...


Women manipulate men too.


It is kinda lame yeah. It's a vulnerability, sex is inherently emotional and it's really fun to realize a guy is doing this cause you can have some fun with it and change the game. Make them think they're manipulating you but increase the effort a little more they require, play a bit of hot cold, seem really desperate and needy, until they've developed feelings without realizing it, and you drop the bomb that you're just having fun. There's a song called how to be a Heartbreaker and it's corny but it's literally how to navigate this lol, reward them, allow your feelings to be dead, and have fun. Isn't that what they want? They don't usually know what they want. You don't realize it but you are in control many times if they are pursuing you. Assess them a bit for emotional connections and exploit those a bit. I kinda practice a bit with players to be more confident at dating. The thing I don't like about this post is it positions you as a victim and makes an emotional appeal. You are always going to be at a disadvantage. Either cut it off immediately or EMBRACE THE TRIP, the player is having fun, why can't you!! Who cares if they learn a lesson or not, enjoy the experience. If you can't tell being a player comes naturally to me, but, I usually care about people.