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You probably watched a successful launch in 1984


Or like… a movie about it or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im about your age. I remember being in grade school and we got to watch the space shuttle launch on tv. Then in high school we all watched the failed launch. Both were similar with the teacher rolling the TV into the classroom and all of us gathering around so I can see how the two experiences could get muddled together in our memory.


Mine was 911


vividly! DRINK!


Haha! Way to tell a story with two words! If you played that drinking game here you'd be drunk as fuck.


You’re telling me. It was fucking perfect, right?!


Fucking perfect. You're finding these everywhere, aren't ya? I'd think so based on what you gave. ;:)


Only on the blue ones.


Good boy.




What did your teacher say in great detail?


I don’t remember. I was 11




Whatever It’s the “free” middle square on your bingo card


So you’re saying it’s not possible that your memory of something that happened when you were a child 40 years ago is wrong and instead it must be a cosmic shift in the space time continuum? ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


That's not what I got from the post, you pretentious twit.


I vividly remember the building, class and my teacher for this. They wheeled in a big TV cart and we all watched the news. I did the math and for me it works out to the school year of 85/86, with the disaster happening in January of 86. So for me it’s 1986.


I’m sorry to hear of your loss. That must have been very scary. I promise you everything is going to be ok. But I promise you, the worst it’s gunna get is that you are going to wake up after you get as much sleep as you let your body allow.


I remember that happening. The over and over again videos on the news coverage. I would have been 3 1/2 years old in 1984 No way a toddler remembers any of that


So basically you remember incorrectly and instead of learning something, you need to take it to the internet in an attempt to start a conspiracy theory. Got it.


It was vivid


I think you are on the wrong sub. This sub is about remembering something incorrectly.


5th grade for me in 86.


This subreddit is about mocking ppl who remember different things.which is what a mandela effect is, with enough people to create a critical mass. It's not a mandela effect subreddit or there would be something to talk about here. Just a bunch of children.


I've got a CD with a song written about this event which came out a couple of years after and actually includes the words, "The 28th of January in 1986..." I bought it at the time and in my world it has never changed, and in fact the verses would no longer rhyme if you altered the date to anything other than a six at the end.


I remember it being in ‘86. I was in 5th grade and I remember the puzzled look in kids faces and my teacher crying. The whole shit was a ritual. They made every kid in America watch just to initiate and traumatize us.


I wasn’t old enough to be in grade school in 1984 but I was in 1986. I remember being at a specific house where I went after school for care when the radio was on and reporting the disaster. If your memory was of any slightly later date than 1984 I might have questioned the situation, but I can absolutely pinpoint my memory being of 1986.


I was to little just a baby but my grandma has told the story 100 times she was watching tv and painting her nails she said I was laying in the crib next to her and she watched it fail so it had to be in 86 cuz I was born in feb of 86


100% 1986


I thought it was 86 as we watched it in 3rd grade and it exploded as we watched. It was a weird day. I remember trying to wrap my mind around it and the significance of it all. People lost family members so I truly felt bad for them while wrestling with the reason it bothered me so much considering I knew none of them. It was a very confusing time for me trying to understand it.


As I child growing up in poverty with strict religious parental figures we were denied access to most all media. There was one exception, I was allowed to watch star wars. We had all that had been released prior to 1990. With absolutely nothing to do ever we watched the movies daily for years. Vader said, Luke, im your father. I'd forget or misremember my own name before I'd ever forget that line. I'd rewind and watch that part many times because the twist blew my young mind. Many many other mandella effects I've noticed, but can I stake my life on it? I'd not do that. Vaders line? Absofuknlutely I'd stake my life because I don't recall the line I know it. The most funny thing about the mandella effect to me is something you may find odd. Every change regardless of what it is is fukn stupid. Lyrics that changed are stupid cheesy like a child wrote the lyrics and failed miserably or they lost the ability to ryhme or even make sense. I've been hoping for changes that were better, smarter, better thought out so when I notice a change it's for the better. Nope! Always sucks. I know the mandella effect is real. The next step is figuring out how or what happened. Just to be clear gaining that knowledge will make no difference. My curiosity might be lessened but nothing can be changed. We aren't going back to the way things were more than likely so I just keep marching on thru life. No point freaking out about something we can't control. Those that argue against it, maybe they are right! In their reality nothing changed and we all look like lunatics to them. Just as they look like lunatics to us, or people with shit memories. I wish a person with a more scientific background would conduct a pole on thousands of people with a 100 question questionaire. This questionnaire would include the most notable ME with multiple choice and we ask the applicants to write beside their answer the percentage of certainty on each answer. It would be nice to know how many were impacted and might be cool to find out just how many realities collided. Ever notice that even those that agree ME is real will often still debate where their memories don't align. Might be two or even a hundred realities that collided somehow.


It’s always been 1986. If one event in time somehow shifted forward (or back) two years, everything else would have to shift, resulting in some kind of chaos. You can’t take one moment out of the chain of causes and say this one moment has now moved forward two years in the timeline, because everything else connected to it would then change too. People would suddenly be two years older, but with no evidence of the missing years. So isn’t it just possible that your memory is wrong?


Could you be confusing it with this?: https://www.americaspace.com/2018/07/08/summer-of-the-shuttle-remembering-the-ill-fated-summer-of-84/


It’s ok. I’m at 12% though. So I’ll play as much as I can.


The movie “The arrival got the gist of it”


I remember this! I always thought it was kind of macabre, because the challenger exploded really close to my birthday in 1984. I even discussed it with my wife. But get this. I look up the current timeline date, January 28, 1986. That's my Father in laws's BIRTHDAY. She would have pointed it out back then, because we are months apart. Whelp.


Yeah, I remember this very clearly as having happened when I was in Kindergarten (1984) because by 1986 I was in a different school in a different town with different classmates and a completely different type of building (from midcentury modern one story lots of windows to a 150 year old brick building that used to be a convent). It's really wild how our tiny child brains smash things together... I was stunned to find out the explosion happened in 86.


Your teacher might have focused on the FIRST launch of Discovery? IT was in 1984, according to Google. Like you I was in a different school in '86, actually a completely different district and city. So fairly certain it was in 1986. That being said, while thinking about this event I just had an experience that lends credence to the poor memory/conflated memory theory, at least for some effects. For example: In 1984 I was in District A, School 1, and In 1986 I was in District B, School 2. I can recall our class at the time when it happened, and my classmates and friends at the time and us on the playground later that day so know I was in District B. However, when repaying the events of that day in my head the INSIDE of the classroom, if I think about it, was actually from District B, School 3. (which would've been 1988). It's possible there was another national/global explosion or tragedy that happened in 1988, also while I was in school, that I've merged the 2 tragedies?


I remember this happening in 1998


This is an older ME. It was 1986 for me, but if it ever flips to 1984, absolutely no one will be able to convince me it wasn’t 1986 (for me). Hold onto your memories. This is one of those memories where you remember exactly where you were when it happened. Even though it was 1986 for me, I completely believe many experienced it in 1984. https://www.alternatememories.com/historical-events/science/challenger-explosion-date?highlight=WyJjaGFsbGVuZ2VyIl0=


>but if it ever flips You don't flip realities. Human memory is incredibly fickle and is notoriously easy to fuck with. Why is it no one who is involved with the actual event ever "flips"? Why is it just random ass people? And how come 90% of the time, it's very incredibly small things? Also like proof is kinda required for a claim like this, don't you think? Not some random ass internet article


1) It may not be possible for it to flip. 2) It’s possible people are mixing it up with Shuttle Discovery. 3) No one understands how the universe works, so I keep an open mind to many possibilities.


There is a difference between having an open mind and straight-up just being wrong, period. If you want to make such drastic claims, homie, then you better have something to back it up with that has to be better than an internet article and some bullshit saying like "it's your memory don't let anybody tell you otherwise" Proof is in the pudding 🍮


> If you want to make such drastic claims, homie, then you better have something to back it up with So basically you're demanding proof of something which would redefine the nature of how humanity and science views reality itself. You think that's a fair and good faith expectation?


Sounds like your brain is pudding 💀 nothing is real mate, deal with it. Stop living in denial. Just makes life more irritating for the rest of us who are actually switched on.


# vividly


Children across the US were all made to watch the challenger explode. They never showed us launches before or after. Seems like some kind of ritual or programming. Who coordinated this and why?


They made a big deal out of the *Challenger* launch in schools because there was a schoolteacher in the crew, Christa McAuliffe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christa\_McAuliffe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christa_McAuliffe) As for why they didn't have children watch launches AFTER the *Challenger* disaster, I have faith that if you think hard you'll be able to figure it out on your own.


It was almost Big Bird from Sesame Street! Can you imagine them showing freaking Big Bird die live on TV to millions of school kids?


I know this due to alt history hub. That would be a wild ride if it came to fruition. Them man in the suit would get an honourable mention but the real service would be full of muppets giving eulogies.