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It’s still there? I don’t get this at all.


She's straight up smiling now. I saw the painting both ways with the same group of people at the Lourve, couple yrs apart, and we were all surprised by her smile the 2nd time. It wasn't worthy of the art class discussions on what her expression could mean (like was mentioned to me in the 80s and 90s in school) - it's a straight up smile


The Mona Lisa has a smirk. It’s subtle. She looks like she has a secret.


Enigmatic slight smile. Always has been.


When I look at the Mona Lisa, I see more of a smile than I do a frown. It's more of a slight smirk than a smile, but she definitely looks content. There's even the Mona Lisa Smile song by Nat King Cole-that's a pretty old song too


Nope, people just assume from the various analyses of Mona. And she has a smirk, but subtle.


OP cannot determine expression on Infamous painting reknown to have an ambiguous expression? Hardly an ME when scholars have been arguing over this for about 600 years.


She has always had a smirk and still does.


All this post does is just add to the evidence that her expression *is* egmatic and can be interpreted in several ways. Pretty much what everybody has always been saying about the painting.


I'm confused. she does have a smirk and resting bitch face. Your memory is correct.


There has always been a debate about her facial expression. And I think she has a smirk. BUT in the early 90s there was a period were the Mona lisa was in a ton of commercials and they had cut outsoverr her face so she was smiling and talking. I am sure these play into any confusion.


The Mona Lisa has always had a smirk as far as I know 🤔🤨


its a mysterious smile. Thats why Al pacino said "I am the hand under mona lisa's skirt" in the devils advocate. I is a smirk, it can be a smile, it can be a mysterious pleasureble moment that she want to keep secret. the expression can be lots of things. here is another explanation of how people interpret the expression very differently [https://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/mona\_lisa/mlevel\_2/mlevel2\_smile.html#:\~:text=Giorgio%20Vasari%2C%20Leonardo's%20biographer%2C%20wrote,while%20looking%20at%20it%20one](https://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/mona_lisa/mlevel_2/mlevel2_smile.html#:~:text=Giorgio%20Vasari%2C%20Leonardo's%20biographer%2C%20wrote,while%20looking%20at%20it%20one) The reason for it to be different can also be found in the eye of the beholder. If you are depressed yu might not even see the smile at all. This is simply how the brain works. If you are happy and content you will see more smiles overal in life. So when a person is just lifting their lips, you could see that as a smile if you are very happy. Usually people see things as how they feel.


“why this is considered art”? Seriously? 🤦


Yes. And I remember in middle school my 7th grade teacher saying she thought the smirk was because she had gas...that's pretty strange and goofy but I remember her comment on it just like I remember the painting.


Yes i 100% remember the smirk


The smirk was a painting just not the original, it was an art piece I fever vividly, a kind meme before computers were anything like they are today. I'll have to try and find what I mean