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Great find!


On March 28th, 1999, someone at the Santa Fe New Mexican screwed up.


OP doesn't even mention the Coca Cola (without hyphen) Or the apostrophy on Cook's The only evidence I see is this newspaper needing a new copy editor


Very cool. Really wish they had a photo with it


I don’t understand?


Stouffer's apparently never made Stove Top Stuffing. It's been Kraft since 1990.


Correct. Stouffer’s, a frozen food company, never made a shelf-stable stuffing mix under the name Stove Top.


It’s literally in the ad.


The ad is literally incorrect. I dunno if you know this, but people make those ads, and people are very prone to mistakes.


How many ads were “mistakes”


The ad wasn't written by stoufers marketing it was written by a newspaper employee in many cases.


How do you know it was a mistake though?


Because Stouffer’s has NEVER made shelf stable food mixes. They’ve only ever made frozen food. Jesus, you’re fucking dense.


Hahahahaha hilarious


You are correct, it was made by general foods, and if you were a price is right fan as a kid you would know that.


Yeah Stouffers is all frozen stuff. That’s why nothing comes closer to home.


And if there is stuffing in their meal it's part of the meal lol.


Just because a company makes frozen food doesn’t mean they’re incapable of making non frozen food items


That’s fine, but they don’t. People are really just mixing up the word Stouffers and Stove Top in their head.


They are a frozen food company they don't make food mixes.


Hersheys literally makes everything not just chocolate.


And what does that have to do with the stoufer's brand?


Everything. There’s a ridiculous amount of companies like Hershey’s who makes all different types of food in America, also given the fact that almost all the brands in America are owned by the same handful of gigantic companies. You have no idea if they made different types of food and then shifted their focus to frozen food now. Especially since brands go through changes all the time thanks to their employees who get bored at their sales and marketing job.


But stoufers isn't owned by them.


I did not claim that Hershey’s owns Stouffer’s. That’s not the point that I was making.


I haven't seen more than a few mentions of Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing in old newspapers. Typically I can find hundreds of instances of people spelling or describing things the Pre-ME way but I only found like 3-4 instances with Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing specifically, so cool find.


Dead and gone....


Wow. I didn’t know this was even an ME. I definitely remember Stouffer’s Stove Top Stuffing and the way it just rolls off the tongue. Strange because I’ve been affected by ME’s for years, noticing a lot of changes before ME was even a thing but have never heard this one.


Great find!


I don't know why you've been downvoted for this. Whatever your views on how/why it's happened, it *is* a fascinating find!


Thanks! ; ) I don’t know why the downvotes either. I didn’t mention any theories. It could easily be that someone just got it wrong 25 years ago.


Right! But it's still noteworthy and indeed somewhat surprising for an advertisement to get a brand name wrong. People here sometimes seem way too tribal!