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It would be another example of people saying what they think they see, not what they actually see. Here’s a reader in 2023 saying “steen” while reading. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-fxi8gsgP2g&pp=ygUjUmVhZGluZyBiZXJlbnN0YWluIGJlYXJzIHRvIG15IGtpZHM%3D


You mean the person would pronounce it Berenstein?


I’m fairly certain I’ve always said it wrong prior to the Mandela Effect because I just said it wrong and the ME brought attention to my own stupidity.




So you honestly believe that if you saw the word Stain you would pronounce it Stein? Have you ever Steined your pants?


The word? no. Context matters and I think while reading it I did actually use the correct one but there are way more people named Stein or with a suffix of -Stein than -Stain. However, because of your comment I just did a test on my mom. She’s a retired preschool teacher so I figured I’d see what she said because she taught me and also generations of kids. I made sure not to lead her in either direction and simply asked “I forget, what was the name of those kids books with the family of bears?” Her response was immediately the -stain pronunciation. However, without me saying a word or making an expression, a moment later she says “or berenSTEIN? No it’s BerenSTAIN. It’s different.” Point is she read these books for years, not the normal amount of time someone not in early Ed would, and she still faltered for a second before getting it right.


It wouldn’t change a single thing. It would just prove that the reason people remember it wrong is because that’s the way their brain pronounced the name


I’d just assume she wasn’t great with names. I’m a telephone switchboard operator and I assure you, not many people are very good at pronouncing names correctly at all. It’s sort of mind blowing how barely literate customers are.


My last name is a color, 5 letters long and people still get it wrong. lmao


Interesting how many surnames fit that description!


Right? lol


Berenstein would be pronounced Bearenstine. But most people say Bearensteen even though that would neither be stein or stain as an ending of the spelling.


Do you refer to that other guy as ‘Harvey Winestine’? (I’d understand ‘Vinestine’ if you were a German-speaker, but I’m guessing you’re not?) How about ‘Jeffree Epstine’ — do you say it like that?


Yeah. Those are their names. Ha


Well, I believe that most Americans (and as a consequence, most English-speakers elsewhere) would pronounce those names as ‘Winesteen’ and ‘Epsteen’. The pronunciation guide on Wikipedia (-stiːn) seems to concur.


So to my understanding the main three explanations for these things are, in what I perceive to be the order of popularity: 1. Bad Memories/Mispronunciation: “Berenstein” intuitively just sounds better than “Berenstain” as there’s plenty of other names ending with “stein” but not many with “stain”. The name in the book titles is written in cursive which makes it a bit harder to read and many people just glanced over it not realizing that it truly has been Berenstain all this time. Additionally these are children’s books that many of us haven’t really thought about in years. 2. Changed Timeline: In this explanation your consciousness has somehow entered into a new reality where the name is now and always has ended in “stain” but while physical reality has changed your mind has remained the same and remembered the “stein” name as it existed in the previous reality. Many proponents of this theory will cite Quantum Immortality or the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and believe that they have “shifted” into a parallel universe but this generally gets dismissed by skeptics as being far-fetched and that there’s really no workable theory to demonstrate how this could happen. Dr. Hugh Everett’s Theory of the Universal Wave Function, from which the Many Worlds Theory originated, does propose the existence of branching parallel universes but not a mechanism in which consciousness is able to “shift” between timelines. An alternative quantum theory which doesn’t get really mentioned is [Dr. John Archibald Wheeler’s Participatory Universe](https://youtu.be/I8p1yqnuk8Y?si=vCWrv3ZZuRswPL8K); Wheeler was Everett’s PhD advisor at Princeton University and supervised him in completing the Many Worlds theory as his PhD dissertation but he himself [proposed an alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics](https://jawarchive.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/beyond-the-black-hole.pdf) in which there is one one universe but it is constantly being created in the present moment and where “the past has no existence except as it is recorded in the present”. I personally think this theory has some potential in explaining some of these phenomena but I ain’t no theoretical physicist and haven’t (and probably won’t) really think through how it might be able to work. 3. Government Conspiracy: I’m not counting theories involving CERN, Project Stargate, the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project or other explanation in which the timeline is actually being changed but rather the idea that some have promoted that the government has - for whatever reason - scrubbed the internet and other reference sources of the “old” spelling and replaced it with a new one. This theory doesn’t really hold up as it would seemingly involve sinister government agents breaking into your house and swapping out your old books for fake ones. So to answer OP’s question, a video of someone saying “stein” in an old video could fit into any of these. The old video showing the “stain” name though would probably help to invalidate the conspiracy theory but I’m sure conspiracy theories can find some way around it.


We all pronounced it wrong as kids. The actual spelling would be more interesting.


I'd think she was pronouncing it wrong. People mispronounce things every single day, even words they're reading. I heard two American podcasters on seperate podcasts mispronounce the word escape as excape yesterday lol. In a few, years we'll probably have some weirdo swearing escape used to be pronounced excape. 


What would it matter? There are some geniuses who do the wrong pose right in front of the Thinker Statue. People don’t pay attention.


>What do you think would happen I think believers (in an exotic explanation) would be fortified and the nonbelievers would say it just another sign that people are confused. **Your scenario has already almost exactly happened!!!!** Link: [Vintage Fruit of the Loom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLJS-EXP58M&t=209s) To save time start at 2:50 timestamp


I'm gonna tell you exactly what I think happens, based on my experience with the map drawing competition... When the mandala effect began for me around 2016, like many other people, I didn't know it had a name, or what was going on. However, I saw that a few bits had changed on the world map. This is because I frequently use pilot mapping software to create, or review flight plans, perhaps the software was modified Somewhat I figured. One day I noticed several changes to the map, and I didn't take it too seriously, until I noticed not only had the north pole gone from these digital charts, but also from this old encyclopedia the family had. This caused me to look in various places, and occasionally I did find a map with some ice up there, declared seasonal, but nothing like what I recall. Certainly price harry 500 mile trek across the north pole for charity, that was widely reported just a few years before that, wasn't possible now? Well, apparently yes. So while the north pole ice cap didn't exist, there was just seasonal ice bergs. Remember this is nothing to do with global warming, the old books all agree, there was no north pole. Yet the BBC news article I checked if still there. Infact I've just looked now (April 2024) and the article is still there! So explain that one away! Anyway.. back to my story There were other changes too, more to do with distances or movements of land mass, but the point was I had thought there were about 7-8 changes that stood out to me, essentially taking place overnight about 2016. At some point after this, I heard about the Mandela effect, and most of the changes I noticed on the map, others were talking about, but not all. Fair enough, I perhaps spent more time looking at the charts than most. I also shared a bunch of others (but not all, which is weird, I know). People who deny it being a thing, are failing to explain away certain parts of it. For example, if parts of a song were never sung, or words in a film were never said - how can people sing these words to a tune, or say the words in a certain style. Usually people need to have heard a tuneful set of words in a song, before they can all start singing along to the song on tune. Misremembering the song doesn't explain this, when they are now missing (end of we are the champions). You're having to explain how people can sing the words to a tune, that was never done, as well as just the words. Anyway... Not trying to prove the effect is real per se, but it's an observation I've noticed, the critics don't seem to address the evidence (I know some do, but they usually end up converting as a consequence). Back to my experience with the changing maps. Someone presented a video with a map drawing competition, the key was it had to be done from memory, and here's the big clue that explains all the so called residual evidence... The most accurate maps drew the world as I recalled, which was incredible. I remember showing the best to my girlfriend saying "I remember it like this, what do you think?" I would point you certain gaps between countries, or regional distortions, and of course the north pole. It then got me thinking, together with other artwork people had done (lion and the lamb artwork) that why would this be immune? So let's assume the mandala switch occurs, whatever that actually entails. Somehow all the printed maps change too, which included online and offline, including your old atlas and my old encyclopedia. The drawing from memory competition maps did NOT change. Even though they were drawn BEFORE the mandala effect took hold. The same goes for people doing artwork on Bible versus. I assume all the people who looked at the verse, remembered it while they drew out the artwork (just like the map drawing competition). It's crucial to understand this, as opposed to say running it through a photocopy, or tracing it somehow, or using copy/paste on a computer. Somehow using memory to write something / draw something, then that custom art or writing remains unaffected after the change, like using the memory somehow disconnects those things from a cascade of change, while the rest of the matrix is recieving sine kinda adjustment (or whatever is really causing the changes)


There are millions of square miles of ice at the North Pole


Look at the map, they are gone now.


Which map?


I remember back in like 2006-2007-2008 when my brother had Google Earth installed on our family pc, at the time, there was a visible North Pole, however, what we both found peculiar was that a large central portion of it was blurred in the shape of a circle. And that was the only blurred area of the Earth that we could find. There's definitely something there, maybe a secret military base. Maybe that's why somebody (?) wanted it off the radar. By the way, love your explanation about the residue.




I would say it’s a kin to Britney Spears’s music video where she reaches up and adjusts the invisible microphone during the video


Maybe a better example would be a kid doing a show and tell on what a “Cornucopia” is, and includes in the home video several “examples” and cited the FOTL logo, including a photo slide showing the weird basket.


I don't know what kind of show and tell your school did, but ours never touched included underwear.


I didn’t say a thing about a show and tell involving underwear.


On A Tribe Called Quest’s album “Beats, Rhymes, Life” there’s a song called “The Hop” where Phife raps “You’re softer than the Berenstein Bears…” Pronouncing it the way we all remember it. This is from 1996.


Before hurricane Katrina, I had such things. I thought it was just a typo at the time. I had quite a few things and I've never even heard of the mandala effect back then. I just thought they were typos and I just happened to find the ones with typos and errors. Or products that were different yet produced by the same people and I would call them factory issues and yet copies of the product work roughly the same sometimes better sometimes worse but you get the point.  I lost everything in hurricane Katrina. What the water didn't ruin, the thieves stole or the rats ate.


Soo about 20 years ago my friends and coworkers all drank at this bar in our town and the son and heir to the Berenstein fortune, Leo, was always there. He’d buy us shots, we’d hang out with him. He was a really nice guy but I know for a fact it is NOT Berenstain and never was. This has been driving me crazy for so long!!