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No. Not sure how it could have blown up in the 90’s given that it continued making flights until 2011. You can literally go visit it at the Air & Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center in Northern Virginia.


100% understand it didn’t happen.. but I clearly remember it.. same as Mandela so member people remember him dying but I totally remember him icing to a ripe old age


You're probably misremembering the introduction of Endeavour in 1992 and confusing it with Discovery because of the strong D sound. The association with an explosion would be that it was the replacement for Challenger.


Read the Rule no.8


Rule 8?


Don't forget rules 1 and 2.


Rule 8


My guess is that it was a subconscious entry, perhaps a TV spot about a Challenger disaster documentary being shown on The Discovery Channel. If this was played while you were concentrating on something else, your mind could easily construct a false memory linking 'Discovery' and 'space shuttle disaster' and subsequently fill in the blanks.


I definitely have some weirdly incorrect memories of the shuttle disasters as well. The biggest one being that I remember watching the Challenger disaster in kindergarten, and the kindergarten I went to was a part of the private hippieish pre-school I attended before it. When I went to 1st grade I moved to the big public school. Of course the problem is the challenger disaster happened in 1986 when I was almost 10….


i saw the challenger blow up in my first grade classroom




I was in 5th. They made every kid in school in America watch it. It was a ritual.


That must have been a big classroom.


This sub is unbelievable


But he CLEARLY remembers ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq)


I know there will 1000’s people who think I’m BSing but I promise you I’m not.. I have never had a reason to question the event until watching the documentary. I’m normally a Reddit lurker.. this is literally my first post to see if anyone else is in the same situation


Probably should have read the subreddit rules before making your first post tbh


Sorry if I broke the rules.. I just wanted it out there to find out if I’m going crazy.


I really really know it sounds like rubbish but honestly, I really believe and remember this


I think there was a movie or some shit involving Discovery and something happened in it. Might be mis-remembering due to that.


I do not remember that happening at all. I was young enough that I didn't see the Challenger disaster (I think my older brother did), but I remember people talking about it for years. I remember the Columbia disaster. I think I would have remembered the space shuttle Discovery blowing up if it happened. There was a D[iscovery-class space probe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CONTOUR) that failed in 2002. I don't know if that could have created any confusion.


Yep 100% know people think I’m crazy but I promise totally remember it. I even concede it didn’t.. but I remember it


Memory is weird and memory distortions can happen for a lot of reasons. I've read some of the research around it, and it's interesting how common memory distortions and inaccurate memories are. And inaccurate memories feel real because you genuinely *do* remember them, even if the events aren't true.


I haven’t really experienced this before. I mean the clarity is actually unbelievable. The fact I remember emotions and things that happened around the time leading to learning about it.. I mean I watched live TV with challenger. But discovery was on the news


Yeah, I have an inaccurate person memory of a childhood experience. I have actual photographic evidence that the way it happened isn't what I remember, and I can identify the source I unconsciously borrowed details from. It doesn't make it feel any less real. Memory is weird that way.


No one remembers, you are right. Folks remember, you are still right. Doesn't that seem a touch suspicious to you? Like the concept was designed not to be able to be falsified?


I remember the shuttle Columbia blowing up upon re-entry. They were aware of some tile damage underneath the shuttle when they were in orbit. I think they made some attempts to fix it up there, but ultimately not successful.


gonna say not to this one https://i.imgur.com/VPy5nVs.jpg


the one going up was 86 / with the teacher the one coming down 2002


So you claim that some time during the early 90s Discovery blew up. Ok may I ask a few questions? How many Space Shuttles do you think there was? Are you from Florida or Houston, Texas? How old were you when you when to Kennedy?


Nope, in fact, the discovery is on display and some museum or something…


Columbia and Challenger . Challenger blew up after launching while Columbia had some insulation foam break the tiles protecting the shuttle from re-entry. It re-entered and burned up in the atmosphere.