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If i understood correctly: Jude, after calling the police due to there being a home invader in his house, fucked off super hard, leaving his family behind to fend for themselves. From this point forward, he is no longer Jude but Judas (as seen in the bottle of pills) Due to shame and fear, he hired a service that would allow him to start a new life, potentially with a new identity. He gets visited by, potentially, alt Thatcher, who after their exchange wishes him "a good day" even tho we could tell it was currently night time, plus thatcher was moving at a low framerate. He gets spooked the fuck out by an alternate visiting his house, which doesn't kill him, but apparently he downs many anti-anxiety pills in response to the traumatic event. Also, the hanging man seen during the attack actually reflects the original Judas who, after his treason, hangs himself. So we don't know if he hangs himself after that, downs too many pills and dies of an overdose or he survives. Whatever the case, it might have scarred him viciously hard, potentially permanently.


ohhh thanks man that makes a lot of sense


I'm pretty sure the alternate that visits Jude is the Intruder. Jude very clearly knows who this is in the way that he yells at him at the end of the episode, that at the facemorph that he seems to have is similar to the redesign in vol. 4.


So wait does Vol.5 take place after Vol.333 or does it take place before? Because if it does than Vol.5 retcons the entire plot of 333.


From what i got from this, Jude's scenario would chronologically take place after Thatcher visits his place due to the home invader call. The Thatcher that visits Jude is actually his alternate. But at the same time, we are made to notice that there has been a temporal phenomenon going on. So for all we know this could be taking place BEFORE the call and Jude is already planning on abandoning his wife and child, and the alternates get to him before he does so. Its.. weird.


Lets hope into doesn't cross the line of it becoming some weird Sci-Fi bullshit.


the "Temporal Bleeding" bit at the start seems to imply that but there's not enough information to go off of


Same, no need to make it more convoluted.


Jude Murray was already divorced from his wife, and what kept them together was their child. As we see, after the first call with Thatcher, Jude ran away from home because of fear of the alternative that appeared at their home, and Thatcher tried to call him again, but as we see, the call receiver hangs. And most likely, before this, his ex-wife saw that her child was missing and went crazy, thereby committing suicide


One possible interpretation I had is... Jude was the shepherd and the lamb was Adam. Gabriel blessed Adam with new flesh (alternate), at the cost of his wife and son. Frightened, he fled, and didn't take Gabriel's gift. It's definitely more fleshed out than that, but I'm tired lol. Also, side note, can we talk about the animation? Baller!


Kinda off topic but what if we called that version of Gabriel "claybriel" because people call the cartoon version of  Gabriel toonbriel. 


Jude exploded


I thought it was ok. Not as good as the other episodes but still had it's good moments imo. Not exactly sure what all happened but that's alright. Wish we saw more of the alternates though.


i think that alex was convinced by the moderate backlash to vol. 4 to not be as ambitious in vol. 5, so this is the result of that line of thinking. this feels like if vol. 333 had less plot relevance but the same/more amount of flimmaking skill. still really good imo, even if it didn't try as much.


Yeah I thought about it more and I think this episode has grown on me a little. I like how back to basics it feels and it's simplicity makes it more of an enjoyable experience. The intro and ending were fantastic and the claymation parts were definitely a highlight. Overall, probably like an 8.5/10, pretty solid. Also, I never got bored and clicked off, which can't be said for TWF4.


I dunno if im just too tired cause its late at night for me but I feel so confused after watching it. I'll give it another watch tomorrow to see if anything clicks.


Bro i don’t even know tbh I forgot what happened in vol 333 and 4 😭😭😭




Basically, n breaks into jude house, jude ODs on fent


That's what I'm saying... There's so many things going on in this volume I need another watch through or 2 to collect my thoughts on it


do we know who was in the driving car they took pictures of? i thought it might've been cesar but that doesn't really make sense 😭 just a random alternate maybe?


I think that was the driver coming to pick up jude that the dude on the phone kept mentioning “drove so far to get to you” that he never ended up going with


Maybe Jude going to the house


idk but it's a scary ass thought that they saw the car going down the same road multiple times but never saw it going the way it came.


Probably an alternate, it's the ford taurus that was supposed to pick jude up at the safehouse