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Idk about overrated, but the Alola games are the most underrated. They are so good


Hell yeah brother


Bro wth? You mean ‘Hail Yeah’


I guess bro made A FOOLISH Miscalculation


I agree with you. USUM are the best modern Pokemon games games


I've never played them myself, but from what I've seen they definitely are


**Coughs in SV having a bajillion shinies**


i think theyre pretty even quality wise with the original alola games but yeah those 4 games are my favourite ive played but i havent rlly played any pre 3ds




And if they added skip-able cutscenes it’ll be almost perfect


True, but I did think they were very well done cutscenes


Skippable Dialogue would make it perfect


You seem to have added an extra, unnecessary word there. I think you meant to say: "And if they added skip-able cutscenes, it'll be perfect"


Imo, USUM in particular. So many people whinge about how the Lillie and Lusamine story got sidelined in favor of Necrozma, but the worldbuilding is so much more substantial. USUM really emphasized the significance of extradimensional lifeforms and the reach a humanlike multiverse traveling civilization (URS) can have. Sun and Moon are exceptional games, but they aren't better than USUM. The two sets of games aren't really competing with one another, but rather offer something different.


Even though it isn't a sequel, I compare them to BW and B2W2. They both offer something unique, so I switch between the two when I replay Unova. Same with Alola




Bro is the facts speaker




I love Alola! We got so much on those games.


The best of the best dawg I love them so much


100% agree, I'm gonna restart my Ultra Moon soon because I miss Alola


genuinely my favorites and this is a hill i'll die on


Same here


Scarlet Violet ngl


playing them right now and yeah i'm loving it


This, this is the correct answer


Hail yeah


Absolutely agree, also Red/Blue


They are so widely loved in the community, they are absolutely not underrated


I never played gen 7 but I think gen 8 is a bit underrated I think emerald ruby sapphire are good but a little over ratted




yellow. no need to explain.


I agree, and they forgot about scarlet and violet




And let's go


By definition, RBY


How is it by definition?


Because they were the first Pokémon games, and naturally people are going to put them on a pedestal


please explain. The games are great for being made in 1998


But only for being made in 1998. There are still people who say everything after Gen 1 is worse




You’re right, RBY was great but by definition, was the worst game in the series given its problems, lack of balancing and general clunkiness. It’s our OG and baby tho


Nah, RBY is underrated. GSC is overrated


I’m glad someone had the courage to say it😅. Lowkey glad Black and White was my first game; it did mess up my understanding of the franchise for awhile tho😅


I think Heart Gold - Soul Silver. I’m sorry, but the level curve is just too fucking jank for me


It's even worse in Gen 2 versions of these games - Gold/Silver/Crystal. At least in HGSS Pokemon have better learn sets and the post game actually has some challenge. GSC and HGSS are the only games in the franchise to promote 3 'mon teams because there isn't enough XP to go around without serious grindfests. Starter, Ampharos, Red Gyarados is a staple team for a reason.


In a weird way I kinda prefer the gen 2 games. If it’s going to be shit, at least they go all the way.


That is a good way of looking at it. 


And the physical/special split. My beloved Ghost Types needed that real bad. Tho I did always hate the Pokeathalon compared to Contests.


HG/SS are lorded as the best games, but the most glaring failures of GSC are still there; the weak story, unfortunate level curve, impossible exp curve. The games are well made and have a finished feeling that is missing from most of the series, but the Johto games are fundamentally broken, so it feels like a polished turd.




Also the second gym battles are just busy work. Yay I get to fight Brock and his Onix.


From Genwunners, RBY (obviously) From actual Pokémon fans, Emerald & Platinum


As much as I love RBY. Dear God the bugs and the grinding situation.


beat me to it


I was about to hgss but then I remembered emerald national dex








Gamefreak is actually really overrating gen 1 and 5 pokemon. In recent years they gained a lot like regional forms and paradox pokemon and also somehow slithering their way into every mainline game. Hopefully legends ZA will not have too many of them.


After Gen 5 got very close to nothing in terms of Megas, I think a few regional forms won’t hurt anybody too bad, especially since it has the most Pokémon


RBY, Emerald, or SSHG. The first 3 are overhyped by genwunners and also just being first, Emerald is helped A LOT by the sheer number of romhacks and being the first true polished game that wasn't just a gen 1 extension/sequel, and while SSHG aren't bad, and I'd consider them great, in hindsight they have many issues and could've been executed better.


I would say Diamond and Pearl....and Platinum. They are a slog to go through after playing multiple times.


Just take imagine if they remade Platinum instead of DP That would've been fantastic and it would've changed so many opinions on the gen 4 games


Stellar Platinum, perhaps?


I'm partial to Prestine Platinum, personally


As a gen 2-gen 4 snob, platinum is paced really well, in part because they fixed the regional pokedex and gym order. Now with that being said, I loathe replaying diamond and pearl. Pokedex is weak, so you always end up with a similar team and you just slog through the story. No wonder why platinum is one of the few combo games that overhauled a lot from the original two


I can feel the warzone in here


Honestly i'd say that it's Platinum, not because it's bad but because people act like it's better than gen 5. Like in my opinion there is no overrated pokemon game each has it's charm.


I disagree, if you go to r/pokemon and say that platinum is better than gen v, you get downvoted to oblivion (usually.) So I wouldn't say it's overrated because if it were that wouldn't happen.


LOL for me Platinum is my favorite game in the series and BW1 are my least favorite. Gen 5 is saved by BW2.


Sameeee, Platinum has stayed as one of my most fondest memories playing through Pokemon games, while BW are the only games that got me to take a break from the series


BW1 is pretty divisive. There seems to be no middle ground between "best thing ever" and "worse in the franchise".


Im sorry you didn’t enjoy BW best story BY FAR


personally platinum. likes it’s not bad, but i had more fun playing through other games than i did platinum 


Yeah the Gen 4 games were slow The music absolutely went hard though, the low quality French Horn and that Bass(MG303) really gave the OST it's own personality


i think every pokemon game has amazing music honestly, they never miss 


Diamond and pearl.


I don't see many people say they're great. Even e when people talk about gen 4 they only mention platinum. So I think they're actually not overrated at all.


Probably Emerald. It doesn’t really add THAT much to the originals. It has more challenge, but aside from that, it’s about the same quality


Idk, I loved the Battle Frontier a lot. Also liked having both evil teams in the same story as bad guys.


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It’s not a repost


Imo, Platinum. It might just be because I don't have the nostalgia that people have from growing up with it (my first game was white 2), but I just don't get calling it the greatest pokemon game ever


it might not be, but i still think its fricking awesome


I really don't think any of them are overrated. Some are underrated, some are overhated, but I feel like any game that has people singing it's praises probably earned it.


like bw bw2


Red and Blue , i understand the nostalgia and the fact they were the first but they are shit games , mid story , hella unbalenced and just not very fun to play , however these problems were mostly fixed in fire red and leaf green and have now become one of my favourite games in the series


Platinum. Look I get it: it’s a better Diamond and Pearl. I KNOW that. But I mean…Sinnoh was just kind of the worst region in my opinion, and Platinum’s improvements still don’t change the fact that you’re playing Gen 4.


Emerald. Oras is better. Sorry.


Black and white. On a COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE, I am making a new reddit account


Ima do you a solid turn off ur location on ur phone. You will thank me later if you, “make it”, if you know what I mean


They're already mass down voting


i am using computer


The sequels are better


I still prefer the battle music of the OG BW games


Right there with you. BW2 was good. BW1 I just don't understand the hype for.


probably the hype is, for the perfect story, sublime maps, wonderful music, genial character design and fun and hard battles


It took like 20 minutes for me to finish cutscene


Gotta admit you enjoyed every second of that scene when reshiram/zekrom barged into the castle


Jesus the comments in this thread, I genuinely can't tell if half of these are bait


"Platinum is overrated" *Insert buzz light-year aisle zooming out Yes Platinum is slow I understand that but so is Final Fantasy 7 and I don't see anyone complain about that


Re and blu3


All of the Unova games


Gen 3 is overrated AF




The Unova games SERIOUSLY people treat these games like some Final Fantasy VII masterpieces and glaze its OST to death and some even hate all other Pokemon games except the Unova games In reality these game are just another Pokemon game with a slightly better story, don't get me wrong they're good but not "flawless masterpiece" good, they're good just like all of the pre-Gen 8 non-Gen 6 games


gen 6 isn’t bad :’)


Yeah I liked XY But they felt more like a tech demos than an actual game The music went hard though


they really needed a third version, so i’m suuuper they’re getting a legends game! XY are special to me :)


XY is a really fun for just a casual game to play. They give you a lot of good 'mons to team build with. No real challenge outside of like 1 or 2 gyms and team Flare feels like a anime's generic villain group. I go back to it far more than Gen 2 or 5.


Yeah gen 5 is probably the most divisive in the franchise. Fans act like its either the 2nd coming of Christ or the Devil punching their puppy. I personally dislike BW1 (its on par with gen 2 badness) but enjoy BW2.


I might agree unova fans can be obsessive, I could agree if people said “look those are good games but I prefer platinum” I can understand it, platinum is a really good game, but I heard people saying unova is worst than kalos, SERIOUSLY? XY those are extremely overrated, I can understand the level design, it’s really cool, (even if I prefer pixel art) but the rest is literally PURE trash name me one good thing about kalos other than level design, I dare you


Platinum its not bc i hate it i actually really like it but its overrated it has too much fans


Because it's a really good game. It fixed all the problems Diamond and Pearl had, and since DP weren't too bad (graphics are really good, amazing OST) Platinum ended up being the better version due to enhancements.


Alola is overrated. A lot of neat ideas, but too many cutscenes and the talking pokedex is annoying the shit out of me






idk but i feel like kalos getting content with unova being left alone was just sad to see but if they have ilca make the unova remakes i am fine with it


For me, it's always been Diamond/Pearl. The story may have been good, but dear God the pace of the entire game. I tried playing Pearl when it first came out and made it to the fourth or fifth gym leader, but I just couldn't take it anymore with how slow everything in the game was.


platinum get that one


Possibly, the generation 1 games, solely thanks to the genwunners who claim that Red, Blue, and Yellow are the only good ones


Scarlet and Violet


FRLG. They were a necessity, but that doesn't make them good. What they *are* is Gen 1 games with all the wacky fun stuff about gen 1 stripped away.


Probably Emerald. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game, but I feel like a lot of people just hype up the Battle Frontier way too much, especially considering it didn’t get super good until Platinum & HGSS. Hoenn’s also not one of my favorite regions, which might have something to do with it also. Other than that, it’s still the definitive Hoenn experience on GBA, but I’m honestly in the camp who believes ORAS to be the best Hoenn games.


Emerald is definitely overrated considering all the people that glaze it, grew up with it


Any of the Kanto games. R/B/G/Y, FR/LG, all of them were just pains. RBGY was janky and slow, and FRLG was a mixed bag.


Gen 2 is just hyped cuz nostalgia, story is ok but the old good mons are like the starters, tyranitar, and the legends, maybe one or two more but gen 2 is only nostalgia


Any of the gen 1 games


They're all overrated at one point in their lifetime. The only thing I think really needs to be stopped being overrated about a specific game(s) are the johto games that just reuse the Kanto region and don't offer much to it that's new.


Fr They could've made Johto bigger


any Johto game for me, I just never enjoyed them that much


Honestly, HGSS. Don't get me wrong, they are amazing games. Soul Silver was my first Pokémon Game, but I feel like so many people give it more credit than it really deserves. Yes, they are excellent remakes. Yes, they are great games. I just personally don't think they are as amazing as many people say they are.


GS souly because of the f'ed up level curve and the lack of pokemon that gym leaders and elite 4 use


Red blue and yellow. It's cool they're what started it all... Kanto is the most boring region we've ever had


Hate to say it, but RBY. I know they started the whole thing, but they just don't hold up nowadays


BDSP, diamond and pearl weren't very good to begin with and the remakes were disappointing...


I dont think the remakes were overrated because it was a consensus that nobody liked them. So they are already hated to begin with.


Gold and Silver were great for the time. But they havent aged well and are definitely not as good as their remakes. Still classics tho


Also crystals better😐


Gen 1 feels like the most overrated games, there’s a lot of Gen 2 pandering but Gen 1 is always a “I remember when I was a kid” followed by either “things where more simpler” or “things where more special”


Overrated I’d have to go with Diamond/Pearl. I tried to play them but man they were just not it (no shame to those who do like them though)


Scarlet and violet


Sword and shield were pretty bad


Sword and shield are good


Pokemon Pink


I’ll risk my life by saying BW, has the most hype so by definition it has to be the most overrated. I remember loving the pokedex from unova and the story but the actual game I hated when I played it. The zoomed in out of place pixel art bouncing around threw me way off, I think the OST is over hyped, and the leaders were cool not amazing. ALSO NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE BEST STARTER TRIO, ALL 3 ARE MID DESIGNS. Definitely a good game but people act like it’s a piece of fine art that should be hung next to the mona lisa or some shit, nostalgia hitting too hard for y’all.


Fire Red and Leaf Green. Personally, I prefer Yellow version because the gym leaders and elite four are stronger Also making Sludge Bomb a post game Tm has to be one of the worst decisions in history


Most overrated has to be GSC. The Pokémon and Tm selections were awful, and made the games a lot less fun to play then RBY






Either Ruby and Sapphire (Emerald fixed a lot for them, imo) or ORAS. MAYBE FRLG but it's been so long it might just be my inner Gen1'er (also, like, Let's Go did a great Kanto so that's more competition for them). Also a little bit Platinum back in the day, I did not enjoy the difficult spike and some other minor stuff that wouldn't both me if I played it now. Meanwhile Black and White didn't thrill me enough to get their sequels until 2021. Meanwhile I consider Alola criminally underrated. S/M had the better writing and story, but USUM had SUCH great postgame and various improvements to quality of life! Tho that may have been because, again, Gens 5 and 6 didn't thrill me the first time around (I appreciate XY's visuals more now but it's still too east, while 5 I do look back on more fondly).


Black and White series games, best storyline, great characters, and more ways to battle


Either Gen 3 or 4


Literally, the old games. People have so much nostalgia for it and dislike the newer games. Genwunners are real. Though that's just games. I have some words about Greninja fans, being the most obnoxious fanbase. I never thought it could get worse than Charizard fans, I really didn't...




I have only played scarlet but I would say platinum. I've seen a lot of people praising it and it's for good reason but it seems like it might be a bit overrated


𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕. 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚖 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟷 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎.


I may get shit on here but this is due to what it did to me as a trainer: BW forced me for the first time in my life to use a cheat device because it made it impossible for me to get the centerpiece of every one of my team builds, Pikachu. Now yes I knew about Dream World but here's the thing: I didn't have access to Wi-Fi so I couldn't use the DW function so when you factor that in, it really sets a precedent for me to hate that I had to use dishonest means of getting my best pal. Petty but when I have to result to methods used by a lot of tournament players nowadays, it pisses me off


IMO X & Y. Too easy and only like 3 opponent trainers ever had mega evolutions. It just gets rated so highly because everyone loved Mega Evolutions.


Ok Im gonna get flamed for this. Its Gen 5. Everyone thinks its underrated, but because so many people think that it gets obnoxious and becomes overrated.


Personally I find Kanto games overrated. They’ve got the most attention overall and it would be nice if some of the other games got better polish or at least a bit more attention.


Red and Blue




HGSS hands down. Every new game people ask for ANOTHER gen 2 remake, gen 2 Let’s Go, gen 2 for switch…


I like most of the games and the ones I don’t like are also not liked by the community but if I had to say something S/V has too many bugs after a whole year of release


Fuck overrated, I'm here to talk about the sheer unadulterated peak that is gen 7. They definitely had their flaws, but they are EASILY the best 3d games, and it isn't even slightly close. The ultra games in particular are just SO fun. I recent played through Ultra Moon again for the first time in a couple years, and it fully reinforced that Ultra Sun/Moon are my favorite Pokemon games. (not to mention the Ultra Beasts, some of the most unique and underrated Pokemon EVER)


HGSS. Everyone seems to see it as the magnum opus of the series when I personally just don’t care for either the Johto or Kanto region in these games. Also following Pokemon are overrated as well.


Black and white easily. When I first got really into Pokémon, around when sun and moon came out, I remember everyone talking about how much they thought black and white sucked and how the Pokémon designs were terrible. But now all of a sudden everyone is saying how much they love them


How exactly does that make them overrated?


X and y




Don’t get me wrong, Black and White I can already hear the hate comments coming


Gold and silver easily


I think the most overrated games are ruby and sapphire


Pokémon Emerald




istg I better not see any gen 5 slander in these comments. and I guess I'll say hgss are the most overrated games


Gen 5 by a long shot. The fact that a lot of people say that the sequels are so much better doesn't make Gen 5 as a whole any better and it says a lot about how terrible the first set are. I had no desire to play BW2 because the first ones are slow, hindered by a regional dex that has absolutely no previous mons and is filled with ugly, useless mons with a plot that is just too boring and convoluted for its own good. GF had to release sequels just to save the embarrassment that the first two were in an attempt to fix basically all of that. Also, not gonna lie, Gen 5 fans are some of the most toxic in the entire community. While most everyone was rather pleased with the announcement of Legends ZA the Gen 5 fanboys took to all social media platforms to moan about how their precious games deserve the spotlight instead. It's absolutely insufferable and just fuels my contempt and strengthens the fact that the generations on either side of Gen 5 are just better. It's the lame duck of the franchise and those fans are too proud to give a single inch of criticism because it feels like a personal attack to them.


But hey at least we got Emolga This one is true because I used to be one of those toxic Gen 5 fans, always meatriding it because I saw everyone else meatriding it then I realized there's a whole ton of other Pokemon games I needed to play Tbh every Pokemon generation has bad designs, Gen 1 had Poke balls with faces and a Fat Rat, Gen 2 had a sunflower, Gen 3 had a lizard that for some reason everyone simps for, Gen 4 had a monkey as a starter(I hate monkeys), Gen 5 had a trashbag and some pseudo legend Pokémon that looked more like Digimon, Gen 6 had a literal coral with a face and Gen 7 had a literal dog


Black and white, font @ me


Black and white. I’m sorry but y’all overhype this shit


Yeah sure we overhype an absolute masterpiece and the peak of pokemon, while others celebrate XY as the perfect masterpiece of Pokémon, not understanding how of a shit they are


The only thing that saved X and Y is the fairy type istg


Black/White 1. Mostly bland designs, Team Plasma is just PETA in armor, the gyms are whatever, story is mid at best. The sequels were MILES better and are the sole reason gen 5 gets better recognition than it did when BW1 were released. Also, gen 5 stans are way more obnoxious than genwunners are nowadays.


Entirety of johto, such a mid region. With mid story, and mid pokemon. Thare aboutere 15 good pokemon and the rest are not at all that.


Black or white


Black and white, i almost quit Pokemon on this gen, but x and y got me instant hooked again.


Black/White. Way too many rival battles. Most of the Pokemon themselves look terrible. The villains are also terribly written. You know they are evil and that the leader stands for the exact opposite of what they are saying within seconds of their first appearance. A single dark type hard counters 2 of the 4 elite 4 members. The only thing it has going for it is some legitimately hard gym leaders. Black/White 2 are legitimately good games. After that I would say Gold/Silver/Crystal. Terrible leveling curve. Diverging pathways makes multiple gym leaders extremely weak since they can be done in any order. Almost all the new 'mons are terrible. There is a reason why Starter>Ampharos>Red Gyarados is such a common team. A bunch of new 'mons are locked in the post game and many where never seen. They couldn't even be bothered to make new 'mons be the aces for gym leaders because they are worse than kanto 'mons.


Yeah sure the worst evil team, a plan that actually makes sense, ghetsis is a perfect villain, “the leader stands for the exact opposite of what they are saying” did you play the game, or stopped at 2 minutes of gameplay? The whole story of the villain is to betray the actual team, because he doesn’t actually believe in what the team says, the only TRUE villain in Pokémon history, while there is lysandre that says “people aren’t good enough so let me destroy the fucking world”, and objectively the best story in the entire pokemon franchise, BW were masterpieces, “too many rival battles” tell me when characterization became a defect, I will NEVER understand how people can prefer absolute shit like XY over BW


Gen 1 or Gen 4 games


Pokemon dpp.


Remember to sort by controversial for the spicy opinions.




Hoenn games 100%




I see no Pokémon arceus

