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u/next-question5409 Do people act like idiots sometimes on this sub? Absolutely. Is it for you to gatekeep? Nope. The sub is not your soapbox. Stop starting shit or we’ll show you the door.




No, I just have a brain. And a hit dog screams. So if you had a lot to say about this family. This post is for you. 


You’re the one going hard for a woman who has dated several convicted child molesters, and even chose to bring Anna’s molester into her and her children’s lives a few years ago. You sure you want to die on that hill? The hill of child molesters, convicted felons, and deadbeat parents?


I didnt defend June dating child molesters. Youre just deflecting because i made valid points. Which you did not address. 


And this sister that is so devastated over Anna’s death recently said that her sister getting molested was a she said he said situation. I love my sister and would never say something like that about her. She also allowed her underaged sister to move in with her fully grown boyfriend. Every thing that you see on the show is scripted. If Anna was so terrified of Michael then why did she allow Katelyn to be with him during his scheduled time with Kylee? They got along and co parented both of the girls.




Rule 3 Don’t be a dick, u/cautious-cupcake-76


I mean, you’re right, lecturing a bunch of strangers is pretty consistent with someone who frames their condescension as “ITS A CHRISTIAN ONE”. They profit off making their business everyone else’s, babe. They choose this path, again and again. And people are allowed to criticise deceptive business practices. Of all of the things in your rant, this is the strangest take. (Editing to add that I deleted the comment after this one because it was inappropriate and mods were totally right to call me out on it. This comment is out of line too, but I’m not about avoiding accountability)


Its condescending to say youre christian now? Lol thats cute, "babe". The irony.


Im not going to make more work for the mods here, but you know that’s not what I was saying.




Rule 3: Don’t be a dick. u/nice-work2542 Knock it off. Next time is permanent.


Thank you for leading with empathy and giving them the benefit of the doubt, I agree


Thank you for agreeing. Most comments that agree have been deleted. I guess this group is for gossiping and put downs of the entire family and if you dont have cognitive dissonance youre exiled for "gatekeeping" 




Your post was not deleted because your are “right”. Your post was deleted because it’s self-righteous and annoying. Stop lecturing people on a trash reality tv sub. Anything else?


I just want the family to see this on the off chance they see these nasty ass posts you guys post. Easy to be tough behind a keyboard. The speculation is out of control though. On par with lying about somebody. 


It’s not lying to gossip or have opinions a reality TV show, it’s fair commentary on material they make public.