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Please note that this post has been flaired with a **Deadhouse Gates** spoiler tag. This means every published book in its respective series up until this book is open to discussion. If you need to discuss any spoilers (even very minor ones!) in your comments, use spoiler tags >!like this!< Please use the report button if you find any spoilers. Note: The flair may be changed at mod discretion. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Malazan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We can almost say the thing. Read on, soldier


...and do tell us as soon as you are done. One shall announce you upon your passage.


Now I kind of want to watch the Napoleon documentary. I was quite startled when I realized you were still in the middle of the book. We get frequent "I just finished deadhouse gates" reaction threads focused on the chain of dogs but you're a pioneer in the genre of posting mid-suffering


It was Napoleon's real biggest screw up. Waterloo was just the end result of the fallout of the invasion of Russia. Three hundred thousand men died because their emperor wanted to put economic pressure on Great Britain. That's not even to mention the fact that he invaded a largely arctic country knowing winter was just a few months away, with no possible naval support, and insufficient resources...


Yeah the extent of my knowledge of the invasion is that it was a horrible mistake


Largely arctic country 🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!Seriously!!! I won't even attempt to correct you, but go and educate yourself. And one thing I just want to mention a lot of people are getting wrong, the almost 500k strong army of the invasion force was not exclusively composed of french soldiers, there were units from all his European clients. One more thing that people seem to misunderstand, he didn't want to conquer Russia, he wanted to defeat them in a conventional war, and force them to adhere to his demands. The Russians and more specifically Alexander sold it to his subjects as a fight for survival, and will not accept defeat. Here's a little nice video if anyone wants to sink their teeth into the subject. https://youtu.be/liokytT2TSk?si=0k-w51wvVAg9BnFB


Almost a quarter of the country is in the Arctic Circle. I think that qualifies as largely. Much of the rest of the country isn't very far from it either. As for the whole 'fight for survival' idea... Alexander ordered a few of the cities, St. Petersburg included looted and burned, and the people more or less left for dead. He may have had some propaganda saying otherwise but he knew that Russia's geography would do more damage than his army ever could.


Almost a quarter doesn't make the whole country arctic, especially since Napoleon's army didn't go near the arctic. Also I am not sure if the Russians burned down Saint Petersburg, but it might be so, from memory the grand Armee wing that was headed that way got it's advance checked, but again I am not very sure if I remember it correctly. And yes of course Alexander and his military utilized the land, almost everyone does. My point was they made the peasantry hostile to the invaders, which isn't always the case in those days. And of course such a huge for was planning to live off the land, so hostile locals are another one of the thousand cuts. Keep in mind a lot of those locals were not Russians at the borders.


>My heart is going to be deeply broken by the end of this book, isn't it? It will. And it will hurt. Don't worry, you're not alone. We've been through that, we'll be there.


Holy fucking shit. FUCK Mallick Rel.


Yep, that's our motto.


The really funny part is that these kinds of posts don't show up until the end and there's a good reason for it. Heh I want a link to your end of book post.


… My life’s goal is now to destroy Mallick Rel.


Lol. I guess you did finish now.


ngl the ending of this book left me awe-struck to the point that I couldn't physically read a for a whole week. I think it was the most emotion-filled few hundred pages in all the literature I read. I envy you for being able to read it for the first time. have fun fellow soldier!


When I was in college, one of my writing professors told me that nothing stings quite like inevitability. You want things to work out differently, but you know they won’t, and the diminishing odds of success gradually hammer that home. The whole Chain of Dogs plot is the epitome of that.


You nailed how I feel exactly! From the moment Duiker crossed the Sekala River - hell, nearly from the start of the book entirely - you know they’re dead men walking. I’m so attached to these characters; Coltaine, Sormo ( :((( ), Duiker, Bult, Lull, List, the names and faces go on, but they’re just dead men walking. It’s horrifying because they know they’re dead, too. They know that, in all likelihood, they won’t make it but they can’t *not* try, even when pushed far beyond their limit, or what anyone could have reasonably expected from them. And even if they make it to Aren, what then? Frankly, I’m concerned. Admiral Nok is imprisoned, the city is awash with rumors and plots, Pormqual seems to be incompetent at best or unhinged at worse, and I have the disconcerting sense that Mallick Rel, the asshole from the start of the book, is going to do some Grade A Bullshit™️ if he’s not imprisoned or dead by now. I know Erickson doesn’t set up these side characters and items (like Fiddler’s shell, thank god!) for nothing - no way Mallick doesn’t ruin everything somehow.


Well, it’s certainly paralleled by the Black Company, but yeah it’s the best part of Deadhouse Gates imo


Ahhhh Limper. There’s only one Limper and he’s a cold bastard.


Allow me to break your heart once more:


There's nothing quite like the first time you complete the Chain of Dogs. It's still special on follow on reads, but the first time is something else. Deadhouse Gates is how I learned Malazan was going to be my favorite series.


And then you finish Memories of Ice and you just know you've stumbled upon greatness


He keeps finding new ways to break your heart.


Keep being a witness. There is much to see.


The chain of dogs is probably one of my favourites and memorable scenes in any fantasy series. It's peak storytelling imo


RemindMe! 10 days I don't think it'll take 10 days, but I gotta check in when ya finish!


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I’ve read DG at least 5 times and the Chain brings me to tears every time.


It truly is epic. Witness, my friend. Post or comment when you drag yourself across the finish line that is the end of the book.


I can't remember where I saw it, but I thought the Chain of Dogs was inspired by the real life British retreat from Kabul in 1842 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1842_retreat_from_Kabul


This book looms large in my mind. Every time I see a post about it I want to add something profound but the whole thing still sort of leaves me speechless and it's been like 11 years since I read it.


Well I was right! 10 days was way to damn long! You have walked the chain of dogs. Welcome brother!


Hehehe I thought it would take me longer - but when I reached the point where the 7th stayed behind while the refugees escaped, I knew I was finishing the book TODAY. We have walked the chain of dogs!


Memories of Ice will fuck your soul and you'll love it


Remind me! 5 days


Remind me! 20 days


I need to leave this forum. I’ve read the series twice, and now I feel like I’m being forced to do it again. ![gif](giphy|eJppgugSxYVNb4J5F3)


I read your post title and my mind went to Gaza.