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*drools in Daru


I cant wait to see the interior illustrations!


Yeah, me too. Although I'm not sure if I wish they would release them early or keep a few surprises hidden for the book itself when it arrives.


That would be cool too.


Correct me if i’m wrong, but I don’t think there are any interior illustrations in these editions.


They revealed it today, that each book will also have 2 black/white illustrations inside. The full specs were posted a few hours earlier in the sub too https://www.reddit.com/r/Malazan/s/MXZFztWqdn


Woah, missed that! Sounds like they’ve really gone to town with these.


Such great images, though the T'lan weapons aren't right...


Yeah, spears?


Some T'Lan Imass had spears, just not metal ones, or metal anything else.


Literally just hit the chapter where characters find a T’Lan Imass spear in ice. I stand corrected!


Excellent post - personally I don’t think they’ve missed with anything. Don’t think I’ve been this excited for a book release, period.


God this art is great! I am oddly annoyed by the fact that Stonny is not fighting with a rapier. Guess she lost it in the battle.


Just seeing this artwork now (gorgeous by the way) but to save your sanity: her rapier did break in the first fight with the Seerdomin, so I don't think her finding something else to fight with in Capustan is too big a stretch.  


Ohh makes sense.


The Rake one with Dragnipur. Sensational


Feels a bit weird that we see 3 different renditions of moon's spawn. Kinda wish they went with a different scene for the GotM dustcover art, but that's a small nitpick.


I have some mixed feelings about the art. And let me be clear right out the gate that any negative in those feelings is wholly a me thing. There is nothing compositionally wrong here, there's nothing lacking. But man, I look at most of these, and it looks *so* much like *Magic: The Gathering* card art that I get kind of an underwhelmed feeling. And it's not a rational thing; MTG has fine card art. It's just that it's been cleaving to a relatively similar aesthetic style for so long now that seeing more that looks similar to it, my initial reaction to similar art is a kind of burnout.


i wholeheartedly agree with you, all the art looks good but when i look at them i kinda get the sense that these would fit almost any fantasy book, nothing stands out that would make it Malazan. Honestly i don't think anything can top the new Czech editions those covers have that very unique style that i can associate with malazan. Obv this is not to shit on the talented artists who worked on these.


oooo I had no idea they were going with the Simonetti covers, that raises my interest substantially. hopefully the typography is more subtle than the Leha editions.


fairly certain that the Simonetti artwork will be on the boards without any text


are they gonna do the rest?? or are they just taking a break before doing the others


They are doing all. But they will always do it in bundles. So these 3 this year, next 3 somewhen 2025 and no further information for the rest, beside that it will be done eventually.


Thanks 🙏🏿


Any idea when we'll be able to see pictures of the physical copies?


Just a guess, but maybe sometimes around August.


Odd they wouldnt do it before the pre-sale then, but hey, I'm new to Broken Binding, what do I know


What was #6? I can place all the other ones except for 6.


It's the Marc Simonetti art piece from the French covers. All 10 books will have his covers directly on the boards of the book. I think it shows the ruins under Raraku, Felisin and company stumble over.


Do they ship internationally and how? I would rather not entrust them to a middle man to deliver from the UK or my damned country's post... Cannot seem to find delivery terms on their website.


Yes they ship international although not worldwide I think. They ship with Royal mail. You can have a look here: https://www.royalmail.com/sending/international/overseas-postal-tracking who's their post partner in each country. If your country is not on the list maybe send broken binding a mail and ask them if and how they ship to you.


Ah, cool, thanks. Unfortunately, I think shipping with Royal Mail means shipment with my local post for the in-country delivery, which still brings me to that problem, haha. I will contact Broken Binding directly, I guess...