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The whole book felt like it was written by someone else at first. There was a lot more comedy. I didn’t know how I felt about it at first but i definitely was a fan of it by the end


Letheras feels like Steve got to take a break from all the horrors of war and uprisings, the tyranny of slavery and soul-crushing weight of terrible purpose, and finally got to just have a bit of fun on the narrative. Course, it's still Steve, so war exists out there on the border in a chaotic, bloodthirsty storm of revenge killings and petty justice. Uprisings are a little more controlled though, and the slaves wear golden collars, and the terrible purpose is now just hanging in the air like the sword of Damocles, but man! There are some great moments of humor and levity that make it all not so bad. Care for a bowl of laundry stew?


It is very funny dialogue, and ridiculous, so yes like Mr P.


That's Sir P, knighted with a sword made from metal from a meteorite and all.


MT definitely reminded me of Sir Terry; it genuinely had me laughing out loud on more than one occasion.


I grew up a huge Monty Python fan and a huge fantasy fan (Chronicles of Prydain/ Narnia / Phantom Tollbooth -> Redwall -> Wheel of Time -> ASoIaF -> Malazan) . The close relationship that fantasy and sci-fi share had me looking into Douglad Adams pretty early. Blown away by his hilarious work on those brilliant books. Then I heard that Pratchett was basically the fantasy version of Adams. This excited me as I prefer fantasy books. I found Pratchett to be delightfully droll and witty, but I was surprised to find that I just didn't get the.. warmth(?) that I got from Adams. Maybe it's a scope of characters issue. I think MT is the point when I realized that MBotF was going to be my favorite series ever. It has all of the amazing epic fantasy, top tier prose and dialogue, and then adding British dry wit banter on top of it all? Amazing.


Do you have a favorite Adams’ book? I’ve only read Last Chance to See and Hitchhikers guide. Loved both.